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Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 181-197, December 2023

E-ISSN 2528-746X

The Effectiveness of Using Situational Language Teaching in Teaching

Speaking Skills for Junior High School

Nabila Luqyana*1, Nurul Inayah1, Burhansyah1

1Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh

*Corresponding author:

This research intends to analyze the effectiveness of using situational language
teaching methods in teaching speaking skills to junior high schools. The
situational language teaching method has a function as a main variable and
speaking skill as a sequent variable. The situational language teaching method
is a method underlying behaviorist theory that has a function to help students
to improve their speaking skill aspects; fluency, accuracy, clarity, intonation,
volume, and content by involving in certain situations and conditions that
teachers have made class. SLT also has a big role to help students to increase
their confidence in class. The researcher focuses on the difficulty of students
in speaking and trying to find effective solutions to improve their speaking. All
the sources in this study were conducted from previous research by others and
also some works of literature such as books, journals, theses, and proceedings.
The data analysis technique includes the process of relevant data
identification, recording the data from the newest to the oldest data, data
analysis, and combining the data with the research. The results of this research
show that students’ speaking skills aspects were mostly improved after they
got a treatment by using a situational language teaching method that
researchers and teachers applied in class. The results were proven by
students' pre-test and post-test scores and also teachers' and students’
interview results. In conclusion, the situational language teaching method is a
helpful and effective method to help students to improve their speaking skills
and increase their confidence.

Key Words : Situational Language Teaching Method, English Speaking Skill.

Speaking plays an important role in communication. There is a growing
body of literature that recognizes the importance of speaking. Speaking is one
of the productive skills in using the language. Bahadorfar and Omidvar (2014)

The Effectiveness of Using Situational Language Teaching in Teaching Speaking Skills for Junior
High School by Nabila Luqyana, Nurul Inayah, Burhansyah

also stated that the speaker has excellent speaking skills if the listeners can
comprehend what they’re saying. Speaking English is a basic problem in
English language classrooms in Indonesia. Even though English is taught from
the junior high school level, students still cannot speak English fluently. It is
shown by the fact that there are still many students who cannot use English
actively in communication and they tend to be passive when talking in English.
There are 6 aspects of speaking English, those are fluency, accuracy, clarity,
intonation, volume, and content. Among the 6 aspects, most junior high school
students still have difficulty with fluency, accuracy, clarity, and intonation. The
preliminary study was conducted by the researcher, and the speaking test
score was low.
In order to find the solution to those problems, the researcher tried to
find appropriate techniques, methods, or strategies that can be used to
improve students’ speaking ability. Recent pieces of evidence suggest that
speaking problems, particularly in fluency, clarity, accuracy, and intonation
aspect can be treated using situational language teaching (Triyani, 2008,
Husniati, 2010, Ariani, 2013 Martapuri, 2020). This method emerged and
thrived in England from the 1930s to the 1960s. It was developed by British
applied linguists (Richard and Rodgers, 1986; Junying, 2018). Wang (2000, as
cited in Du, J., 2017) stated that the situational language teaching method is
essential in developing students’ basic skills which include receptive skills
such as listening and reading, as well as productive skills such as speaking and
writing. Hussein and Sajjid (2015) explained that in the situational language
teaching method, students are expected to be able to listen and repeat what
the teacher teaches and actively apply the words learned in the classroom to
certain situations.

2.1 Definition of Speaking
Richard and Renandya (2002, p. 201) as cited in Herlina & Holandyah,
2015) stated that “Speaking is one of the central elements of communication
and used for many different purposes; (1) it can be used as a casual
conversation; (2) Engage in discussion”. Richard (2008, p.2, as cited in Herlina
& Holandyah, 2015) also added that “In traditional methodologies, speaking is
usually meant repeating after the teacher, memorizing a dialog, or responding
to drill, all of which reflect the sentence based view of proficiency prevailing in
the audio-lingual and other drill-based or repetition-based methodology.
Herlina and Hollandyah (2015) argue that speaking also can be used as
instructions or to get things done, to describe things, to complain about
people's behaviors, to make a polite request, or to entertain people with jokes
and anecdotes.
2.2 Speaking Skill Aspects
Mehta, et al. (2005) state that there are five aspects to the process of
reading, suchas phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, reading
comprehension and fluency. According to McWhorter (2012) there are five
aspects which help the students to comprehend the English text. It is
clarifying to concern with reading comprehension, they are:

Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 181-197, December 2023

1. Main idea (topic)

Main idea is called topic sentence. It tells the content of paragraph. In
other words, the main idea is the important ideas that are developed by the
writer throughout the paragraph and sometimes are available key words
and explicit or implicit message.
2. Specific Information
Specific information or supporting idea is develop from the main idea
by giving the specific definitions such as example, facts, comparison, cause
and effect that is related to the topic sentence.
3. Reference
Reference is the words or phrases that are used either before or
after the reference in the reading a text. They are used to avoid unnecessary
repetition of words or phrases. It means that such words are used to be a
signal to the reader to find the meaning elsewhere in text or sometimes is
called pronoun.
4. Inference
When a reader adds information that he or she already knows to what
is stated, the reader is making inference. In other words, the reader can make
conclusion after reading the text.
5. Vocabulary
Stock of words are used by person, class of people, profession is called
vocabulary. Concerning with the statements indeed vocabulary is
fundamental for everyone who wants to speak or to produce utterance for
2.3 Definition of Situational Language Teaching Method
According to Richard and Rodgers (2001), situational language teaching is an
approach developed by British applied linguists such as Harold Palmer, A.S,
Hornby who was concerned with grammar control, and Michael West who was
concerned with vocabulary control in the 1930s to the 1960s, and which had
an impact on language courses which survive and some still being used today.
Pittman (1963) describes the situational method as a teaching method that
creates a situation that will be controlled to teach the new language material
in such a way that there can be no doubt in the learners’ mind of the meaning
of what he hears.
Rhalmi (2009) explained that the purpose of the situational language
teaching method is to teach practical instructions involving accurate use of
vocabulary items and grammar rules to achieve a practical mastery of four
basic language skills (speaking, reading, listening, and writing). From Rhalmi's
statement, the researcher agreed that the situational language teaching
method is perfectly used for all four skills in the English language. Rhalmi
(2009) also said that the situational language teaching method is a lesson that
starts with stress and intonation practice followed by a revision and a
presentation of new materials ( mainly structures or vocabulary). In this
article, Rhalmi is focused on speaking skills which are known for their practice
in the learning process. The more students can present the material especially
in stress and intonation, as well as structures and vocabulary, the more this
method is effectively implemented.

The Effectiveness of Using Situational Language Teaching in Teaching Speaking Skills for Junior
High School by Nabila Luqyana, Nurul Inayah, Burhansyah

However, the situational language teaching method is not the newest in

the teaching and learning field. But the researcher believes that this method
would be effective if the teachers combine it with another new method. This
statement also supported by Naila (2023). She said that even though this
approach does not exist anymore in the 21st century, most teachers still use it
and combine it with another newest method.
2.4 Teaching Procedures Using Situational Language Teaching
Davies et al (1975) stated that there are 9 steps in learning procedures
by using situational language teaching. Those are:
1. Listening practice
This section is the first step in the learning process by using situational
language teaching. In this step, the teacher should attract students’ attention
and students should repeat an example of a pattern or words that taught by
the teacher in isolation clearly, several times, and probably teachers can say
it slowly at least once to help students understand the pronunciation of the
words clearly.
2. Choral Imitation
In this section, teachers can give a command to students to create 2-3
groups and repeat what the teacher has said several times and this method
would help teachers to check their students understanding more easily.
3. Individual imitation
In this section, the teacher can ask several individual students to come in
front of the class and repeat the model of words or patterns that he has given
in order to check their pronunciation.
4. Isolation
In this part, the teacher should isolate some sounds, words, and patterns
that cause trouble for students to understand and go back through
techniques 1-3 again before replacing them in context.
5. Building up to a new model
After the material has been given by the teacher, in this section the
teacher may ask students to ask and answer some questions that have similar
patterns to bring about the information necessary to introduce the new
model of patterns.
6. Elicitation
The teacher can use mime, prompts words, gestures, and other
instruments to support the learning process. And in this section, the teacher
can also ask students to ask questions, make statements, or give another
example of patterns to increase their creativity and get to know how much
they understand the learning materials.
7. Substitution drilling
In this section, the teacher can use some cue words (words, pictures,
numbers, names, etc.) to get individual students to mix the example of the
new patterns.
8. Question-answer drillin
Different from the fifth point, in this section, the teacher should ask
students to ask questions and other students should answer the questions by

Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 181-197, December 2023

using similar patterns that have been taught until most students in the class
have practiced asking and answering the new question from similar patterns.
9. Correction
The last step is correction, in this step, the teacher and students work
together to check some errors and correct them together. The teacher
indicates by shaking his head, repeating the error, etc., if there are some
mistakes and let another student correct it. Sometimes there is possible that
the teacher does not simply correct the mistakes by himself that teacher can
also get students to correct themselves so they will be encouraged to listen to
each other carefully.

In this study, the researcher used library research as the method of the
study. According to Rasmuson (2020), Library Research is one of the study
methods that involves the step-by-step process used to gather information to
write a paper, create a presentation, or complete a project. Based on
Rasmuson’s statement, the researcher concluded that library research is one
of the research methods that collect information for a research study that is all
taken from reading materials. The data could be from statements of experts,
theory’s explanation, or the result of previous research which are collected
from various literature sources such as books, journals, articles, presentations,
and papers. In this study, the researcher was required to find several relevant
sources about situational language teaching methods.
In this research, the researcher found fifteen sources that discussed
situational language teaching in several aspects of the English teaching and
learning process. From the fifteen sources, the researcher found 6 sources that
discuss situational language teaching in general, 4 sources that discuss the use
of SLT in a speaking context, 3 sources that discuss the use of SLT in a
vocabulary context, and 2 sources that discuss the use of SLT in grammar


4.1 Results
In this research, the researcher found fifteen previous studies that
discussed situational language teaching in teaching speaking skills. These
previous studies are written in the form of books, journals and also
proceeding. In order to make it easier for the teachers and next researchers to
get the point of this research, the researcher stated all the studies that have
been examined from the newest study to the oldest study in the following

The Effectiveness of Using Situational Language Teaching in Teaching Speaking Skills for Junior
High School by Nabila Luqyana, Nurul Inayah, Burhansyah

Table 4.1 The List of Sources in This Study (English Learning)


2023 Naila, K. (2023). Application The researchers assumed that by
of oral approach or using this approach in class, both the
situational language students and teachers would get an
teaching in EFL classes. active role which mean the teaching
Research Retrieval and and learning process become
AcademicLetters, 2, 81-83 successful.

2022 Widiarini. (2022). Framing The researcher concludes that in

behaviorist theory toward applying certain method in teaching
situational language practice based on behaviorist theory,
teaching (SLT). Proceeding teachers should consider about who
of The Changing Role of the learners are, what their current
Knowledge and Living level of language proviciency, what
Sustainability in ASEAN their goals and what sort of
Community. The 1st communicative need they have.
International Seminar:
August 2022.

2018 Hu, Y. (2018). The According to the result, it is clear that

application of situational under of situational language
language teaching method teaching, students learning interest
to English teaching in and learning ability are much higher
primary schools. Advences than those who are under traditional
in Social Science, Education teaching method. It shows that most
and Humanities Research, of students in experimental class
232, 1043-1047. color four until five stars from 5 stars
that provided inquestionnaire sheet.
Therefore, in control class, students
only color one until two stars from 5
stars that provided.

2018 Simiyu, M. (2018). A brief In conclusion, the data result shows

study of applying the that the score of experimental class is
situational teaching higher than control class after the
approach into English experiment is done which suggest the
classes for rural primary fact that situational language
students [Blog post]. teaching method is more conductive
Retrieved from to development of students’ positive emotional attitudes

2017 Juan, D. (2017). On the According to the result, Du (2017)

application of situational concluded that there were three
language teaching method obstacles in applying the method
to Mongolian English among Mongolian English Majors,
majors. English Language those are: first, passive participation
and Literature Studies due to improper text parsing. Second,
Journal, 7(4), 1-6. weakening role of teachers. Third is
ineffective transfer among language,
image and meaning.

Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 181-197, December 2023

2013 Amarasinghe, D. (2013). The In conclusion, the researcher believes

Significance of situational that by combining situational syllabus
languageteaching method at the with other syllabus would be more
tertiary level ESL classroom. 1- effective since the use of situational
15 method in English learning would
enhance the communicative ability.

Table 4.2 The List of Sources in This Study (Speaking Context)


2018 Junying, z. (2018). The researcher stated in the result
Situational language that here are 4 aspects that teachers
teaching approach to oral should consider in the English class of
theEnglish teaching in primary school: avoid the situation
primary schools. that the formis far away from the
InternationalJournal for teaching content,avoid the situation
InnovationEducation and that is not balanced between creation
Research,6(09), 84-90. and presentation, avoid the disorder
between preparation and reflection,
avoid the fuzzy relationshipbetween
preparation and reflection of theclass.

2016 Nisa, K. (2016). The The result of this study is the mean
Effectiveness of Using score in pre-test of experimental
Situational Language classis 52.06 increases become 64
Method in Teaching on post test. The students’
Speaking AT The Seventh speaking increasedup to 11.94
Grade Students of SMP point after the researcher did a
Negeri 4 Purworejo in The series of treatment by using
Academic Year of situational language teaching
2015/2016. Bachelor method
Universityof Purwerejo.

2015 Vladimir, Y., & Maria, G., In conclusion, the researcher stated
(2015). Situational that there are 4 stages in learning by
approach in teaching SLT: Familiarization with situation,
speaking. The Kazakh- settingtargets, dramatization and
American FreeUniversity conclusion. The most familiar method
AcademicJournal, 7(1). that often usedin this approach is

2013 Riani, S, L. (2013). The first cycle showed that from

Improving The First Year indicator successful of students’
Students’ Speaking Ability fluency which was categorized
Through Oral Approach success was 50% succeed and 50%
andSituational Language not succeed while at the second cycle
Teaching (A Classroom the categorized ofsuccess was 80%
Action Research of Class and only 20% not succeed.
VII.C of SMP Negeri 1

Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 206-214, December 2023

Bajeng Barat). Bachelor Thesis.

Alauddin StateIslamic

Table 4.3 The List of Sources in This Study (Vocabulary Context)


2021 Uleng, B, P. (2021). The result of this study is divided into
Teaching prepositions two different points. First, theeffective
through oral situational use of situational language teaching
language teaching method methods in teaching prepositions.
atthe first year students of Second, the kind of prepositions that
SMP Negeri 33 Makassar. are most difficult to master by the
Jurnal Andi Djemma, 4(1), students through SLT indicates that
1-7. the t- test score is higher than the t-

2020 Masna, Y., Dahliana, S., & The researchers of the study stated
Martaputri, N. A. (2020). twopoints in the result which are the
Exploring English teachers’ use of SLT in increase students’
perceptions on using motivation and The challenges of
situational language using SLT that consists of teachers
teachingmethod in preparation and how the teachers
teaching vocabulary. deal with students behaviour.
Getsempena English
Education Journal,7(2),

2010 Husniati. (2010). Improving The The result of this study reveals that the
Second Year Student’ vocabulary use of situational language teaching
Through Situational Language method in English noun improve
Teaching Method at MTsS Ujung student’s achievement until 83.3%, in
Jampea Pasi’ English verb until 84.2% and in
English adjective into 94%. From this
data result, the researcher concludes
that the use of situational language
teaching method in improving
students’ vocabulary is successful.

An Analysis of Moral Values in the Movie “A Man Called Otto (2022)” by Cut Feby Putri Uzira, Chairina
Nasir, Nira Erdiana

Table 4.4The List of Sources in This Study (Grammar Context)


2020 Yunus, M., & Abdollah. According to the final result, the use of
(2020). Development of situational language teaching method
basic English grammar is giving a higher average score of
teaching materials based improvement in teaching grammar
on situational approach ratherthan teacher center learning.
inEnglish language
educationstudy program
of universitasmuslim
Indonesia. ELT
Worldwide, 7(2), 1-10.

2018 Wenrong, L. (2018). The The result of this study have been
application of situational divided into two categories, first result
teaching method to was explained in table 1 (students
English grammar attitudes toward English), table 2
teaching in senior high (Students’ answer) and table 3
school. Proceeding of (students’ attitude toward the
International Workshop application of SLT). The second result
on Advances in Social is from the interview that the
Sciences (IWASS 2018). researcher did to the teachers, and the
results are: most of teachers agreed
that English grammar plays anessential
role in English learning as asystem.

As stated in the table above, the researcher analyzed fifteen sources from written
media such as books, journals, and theses and also proceeding to get detailed
information about the use of situational language teaching methods in teaching
speaking skills. Further explanation will be stated in the discussions section.
4.2 Discussion
The first study is from Naila (2023) The focus of this study is on the application
of the oral approach or situational language teaching in EFL classes. As stated in the
title, the researcher in this study believed that situational language teaching was an
approach, especially an oral approach. The researchers agreed that the oral approach
or situational language teaching is based on the repetition of words and grammatical
structures. Naila argue that even though this method or approach does not exist
anymore in the 21st century, most teachers still use it and combine it with another
newest method. She stated that the procedures of the use of SLT in English teaching
and learning class by 9 steps: listening practice, coral imitations, single imitations,
isolation, building a new structure, elicitation, replacement drilling, question-answer
drilling, and error correction. In conclusion, the researchers assumed that by using
this approach in class, both the students and teachers would get an active role which
means the teaching and learning process become successful. However, in this study,
the researcher did not describe whether she conducted experiments or not in this
study. So, it is difficult to recognize whether this study was successful or not.
The second study is from Widiarini (2022). In this proceeding, the author
focused on framing behaviorist theory toward situational language teaching (SLT).
Situational language teaching is also known as one of the behaviorist theories. The
Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 206-214, December 2023

research method in this study is also library research where the author used books,
journals, and articles as sources of the study. The researcher also stated that there are
5 applications of behaviorism theory in English learning as a foreign language: (1) the
organism (2) the behavior (3) the stimulus (4) the response (5) the reinforcement.
The researcher also believes that behaviorism theory is related to conditioned
behavior, as stated in the previous paragraph, situational language teaching has a
huge relation with the use of situations or conditions which may help students to get
the knowledge more efficiently. Even though the method seems easier than other
methods but teachers also need to pay more attention to several aspects such as
described in this proceeding. The researcher also mentioned that in applying certain
methods in teaching practice based on behaviorist theory, teachers should consider
who the learners are, what their current level of language proficiency is, what their
goals and what sort of communicative need they have. According to the result of the
study, it can be concluded that this study has more complex information rather than
the previous study above.
The third study is by Hu (2018), this study focuses on primary school English
teaching. This study aims to explore how to create effective situational language
teaching methods in primary school English learning by creating effective situations,
such as the intuitive teaching method, the descriptions method, the use of multimedia,
the play method, and the song method. This study is conducted by using experimental
research (control group and experimental group) which be held for 2 months, once a
week, and 90 minutes for each meeting. The participants of this study are primary
students who are 10-11 years old with similar English levels. To get the data, the
researcher asked students to color the stars provided in the questionnaire sheet to
show their answers after the experiments. According to the result, it is clear that
under situational language teaching, students learning interests and learning abilities
are much higher than those who are under the traditional teaching method. It shows
that most of the students in the experimental class color four to five stars from the 5
stars provided in the questionnaire sheet. Therefore, in the control class, students
only color one to two stars from the 5 stars that were provided.
The fourth study is by Simiyu (2018), in this study, the researcher focused to
analyze how situational language teaching methods can impact students’ learning
with the intent of recommending it as a better approach. This study is conducted by
using a quantitative approach which consists control group and an experimental
group. The samples of this study are 3 primary teachers from 3 different primary
schools in Xingtai and 30 students from several classes of grade 5th in each school.
Therefore, the total number of participants was 93 participants. All the participants
were divided into a control class and an experimental class, 60 students (38 male and
22 female) and 2 teachers (1 male and 1 female) gathered into the experimental class
and 30 students (18 male and 12 female) and 1 female teacher gathered to control
class. The results of this study are explained in several tables. In conclusion, the data
result shows that the score of the experimental class is higher than the control class
after the experiment is done which suggests the fact that the situational language
teaching method is more conducive to the development of students’ positive
emotional attitudes. The students in the control class did not find any change in their
interest and attitude toward learning English after the experiment. However,
students in the experimental class think that their interests and attitudes change
obviously before and after the experiment. They also agreed that through situational
An Analysis of Moral Values in the Movie “A Man Called Otto (2022)” by Cut Feby Putri Uzira, Chairina
Nasir, Nira Erdiana

language teaching, they have more positive learning attitudes and become more
interested and confident in learning English.
Simiyu (2018) & Hu (2018) also added that situational language teaching is
not only effective to teach four effective skills but this method also can help to
increase students’ interest in learning English so that their attitudes toward English
were changed to positive attitudes. Students also added that their confidence was
increased after the treatment by using the situational language method has done. By
doing repetition more than once, putting their focus only on one situation, and
practicing it directly are so helpful for them to understand English learning.
The fifth study is from Du (2017), where the researcher focuses on finding out
the obstacles for Mongolian English major students. According to the study, most
Mongolian students were not even familiar with basic knowledge of the English
language, they also use Chinese as their second language and also as the bridge to
learning English which is complicated because they did not use their first language as
the bridge to learn English. This happens because the Mongolian language as their
first language has its strict pronunciation system, writing format, and grammar
system which are not equivalent between Mongolian and English languages. This fact
affects the learning process because they would fail to set up situations. The focus of
this study is on the application of situational language teaching methods especially to
Mongolian English majors. This study was conducted by using a statistical survey
method which is the researcher tried to find the answer to the research questions
about what are the obstacles during the application of situational language teaching
methods to teaching Mongolian English majors. And what are the relevant strategies?
By setting demographic questions for both students (series 1) and teachers (series 2)
and a three-point scale (none/some/a lot).
There were a total number of 72 Mongolian English majors from batches 2014,
2015, and 2016 and also 16 teachers who became samples of this study. As stated in
the previous paragraph, there are two series of questionnaires. For series 1 which is
for students, there are six questions provided and for series 2 which is for teachers,
there are seven questions provided. According to the result, Du (2017) concluded that
there were three obstacles in applying the method among Mongolian English Majors,
those are first, passive participation due to improper text parsing. Among 72
students, there are 47 students are from rural farm districts where they never
received any professional training in basic language skills. In the learning process, ten
percent of students felt that English learning is more difficult, and five percent of
students only grasp a little. Therefore, it can be concluded that in the daily English
teaching of Mongolian class, a large part of the students was not familiar with the
basicknowledge. Second, the weakening role of the teacher, according to the question
about did they organize students to do team work as in their teaching plan, the data
shows that 68.3% of teachers still focus on classroom discussion as they assigned so
that they did not realize how important classroom interaction in the learning process.
Third is ineffective transfer among language, image, and meaning. Mongolian people
used Chinese; their second language as their bridge to learn English, in processing
English words, they subconsciously turn them into Mongolian first. Because the
Mongolian language has a strict pronunciation system, writing format, and grammar
system, there is no exact equivalent between Mongolian and English. It means that
they would fail to set up an appropriate situation. However, the image turns vague
and the meaning is unclear. The aim of linking the students’ real life with the students
Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 206-214, December 2023

to understand the content better is not fulfilled.

The sixth study comes from Amarasinghe (2013). In this study, the researcher
focuses on learning English as a second language, not as a foreign language this study
is conducted in India which is most of their people already learned multiple native
languages. According to that fact, the researcher used this method in the linguistics
aspect which has a huge relation with the speaking skill. In this study, the researcher
trying to conduct a new situational syllabus that is combined with another syllabus.
The participants of this study were 60 ESL learners from the University of Sri Lanka.
The test instruments were a test paper that consist of 10 comprehension questions
about linguistics. According to the test, the result showed that the test that was given
after students learned by using the direct method get a high score in terms of
frequency of accuracy. And in the second test, the outcomes of the test instruments
were provided to the participants at two phases of the study by using the situational
method and the result is experiencing changes. In conclusion, the researcher believes
that combining situational syllabi with other syllabi would be more effective since the
use of situational methods in English learning would enhance communicative ability.
The seventh study is from Junying (2018). This study is about the situational
language teaching approach to oral English teaching in primary school. The data
sources of this method are from books, other articles, and journals which means this
study is conducted by using a library research method. According to this study, the
researcher has a similar perception to the previous researcher (Kazimova Naila), both
of them claimed that situational language teaching is an approach that is related to an
oral approach. In this journal, the researcher gave substantial information about how
to teach English by using situational language teaching in detail. The researcher also
stated that the use of multimedia technology, visual teaching aids, role-play, and
games are examples of good activities and material that can support the
implementation of this approach in the class. Junying as the researcher also restates
that there are 4 aspects that teachers should consider in the English class in primary
school: avoid the situation that the form is far away from the teaching content, avoid
the situation that is not balanced between creation, and presentation, avoid the
disorder between preparation and reflection, avoid the fuzzy relationship between
preparation and reflection of the class.
The eighth study is by Nisa (2016), the focus of the study is on the effectiveness
of using situational language teaching methods in teaching speaking to the seventh
grade of junior high school. The researcher used quantitative research as the method
of collecting the data. There are three steps in collecting the data those are pre-test,
treatment, and post-test. For the sample, the researcher used a purposive sampling
technique to choose the participants of this study, there are 64 students who became
the participants. After that, the participants were divided into two classes
(experimental class and control class) which contain 32 students each. The result of
this study is the mean score in the pre-test of the experimental class is 52.06 increases
become 64 on the post-test. The students’ speaking increased up to 11.94 points after
the researcher did a series of treatments by using the situational language teaching
method. The researcher agreed that using situational language teaching methods in
speaking is effective. the researcher also used T-table and SPSS to analyze the data
result, from the computation of the t-test formula, the t-value is higher than the t-table
(12.64 > 1.99), and by using SPSS = t-test lower than the t- value (0.00 < 0.05). and
the result of the data also supported all the hypotheses. Therefore, according to the
An Analysis of Moral Values in the Movie “A Man Called Otto (2022)” by Cut Feby Putri Uzira, Chairina
Nasir, Nira Erdiana

data result, the researcher concludes that the use of situational language teaching
methods in teaching speaking is efficient.
The ninth study is by Maria, G., & Vladimir, Y. (2015). In this research, the
researcher focuses on the use of situational language teaching methods in speaking
skills. The researchers stated that teachers of foreign languages should understand
that they have a big responsibility in teaching all their students in a practical use of
foreign language especially in communication. The researcher also believed that not
only practical communication but also repetition is needed in the teaching and
learning process. In conclusion, the researcher stated that there are 4 stages in
learning by SLT: Familiarization with the situation, setting targets, dramatization, and
conclusion. The most familiar method that is often used in this approach is Role- play.
The tenth study is by Riani (2013), in this research, the researcher focused on
the use of situational language teaching in improving students speaking skills,
especially in two aspects (accuracy and fluency). This study is conducted using class
action research (CAR) by using Lewin’s model. There are 3 cycles in Lewin’s model
which has four steps (planning, action, observation, and reflection) in each cycle. The
participants of this study are 20 students from class VII C in the academic year
2012/2013 of SMP N 1 Bajeng Barat. In this study, the researcher reveals that the
result of this study is divided into two categories. The first result is the researcher
agreed that the situational language teaching method can improve the students’
speaking accuracy in the first year’s students of SMP N 1 Bajeng Barat. This statement
is also supported by the data result that is shown from the first cycle, the student’s
achievement was too low where only 35% of students got succeeded and 75% of
students not succeed. However, in the second cycle, the result shows some
improvement where 80% of students succeed and only 20% of students who were
failed. The second result is the researcher agreed that was a significant improvement
in students’ fluency (smoothness). The first cycle showed that from the indicator
successful of students’ fluency which was categorized success was 50% succeed and
50% not succeed while in the second cycle, the category of success was 80% and only
20% not succeed.
The eleventh research is by Uleng (2021). There are two focuses in this
research. First, to explain the effectiveness of the use of situational language teaching
in teaching prepositions. The second is to find out about the most difficult preposition
to be mastered by the 1st year students of SMP N 3 Makassar. The researcher used a
pre-experimental method to conduct this research. The participants of this research
were 36 students of class I/A SMP N 33 Makassar. The result of this study is divided
into two different points. First, the effective use of situational language teaching
methods in teaching prepositions, especially for place and time. According to the data,
36 students who have been taken as a sample of this research get a score of pre-test
5.19 or (45.97%) on the preposition of place and 6.1 or (54.03%) on the preposition
of time. The score of the pre-test is getting 11.29 and the total score of the pre-test
after dividing the kinds of prepositions which are place and time is get 5.645 or
(50%). After giving treatments by using the situational language teaching method, in
the post-test, the students get a score on the preposition of place 6.3 or (46.32%) and
a score of time 7.3 or (53.68%). The score of the post-test is getting 13.6 and the total
score of the post-test after dividing the kinds of prepositions of time and place is get
6.8 or (50%). This means that the students' mean score in the post-test was greater
than in the post-test. Second, the kind of prepositions that are most difficult to master
Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 206-214, December 2023

by the students through situational language teaching method. The data analysis post-
test of place that there are 7 (1.94%) who are still in poor classifications and 16
(4.44%) who gain very good classifications. The classification is proven by the mean
score of the pre-test (5.625) and the mean score of the post-test (6.8). This means that
the mean score in the post-test is higher and better than in the post-test. The result
was also proven by t-test analysis where the result of the t-test (6.52) is greater than
the t-table value (2.045) with N=36, degree of freedom (df) N-1=35 in the level of
significant 0.05 (95%). It indicates the t-test value is higher than the t-table value.
According to the result of this research, the researcher concluded that this study is
The twelfth study focuses on exploring teachers’ perceptions of SLT use in
teaching vocabulary. According to (Masna, Dahliana & Martaputri, 2020) vocabulary
is one of the first things to learn in the English learning process. In this study, the
researchers are using a qualitative approach to conduct the research. The sample of
this study is all the teachers who teach English lessons in Elementary schools in Johan
Pahlawan sub-district Aceh Barat. In detail, the researcher used an interview to
obtain the information by asking them ten questions for 30 minutes. The result of this
study is interpreted in thematic analysis. The study's researchers stated two points
in the result: the use of SLT in increasing students’ motivation and the challenges of
using SLT that consists of teachers’ preparation and how the teachers deal with
students' behavior. They agreed that creating a situation and doing repetition
vocabulary with the right intonation more than once will be very helpful for students
to increase their vocabulary knowledge. The use of multimedia such as flashcards,
photos, posters, or any learning instruments is also necessary to support the learning
process by using this method. Other than that, grammar is the second thing to learn
in the English learning process. Some teachers agreed that grammar plays an
essential role in the learning process as a system.
The thirteenth research is by Husniati (2010), in this research, the
researcher's focus of this research is on the use of situational language teaching
methods in improving second-year students’ vocabulary knowledge, especially on
English nouns, English verbs, and English adjectives. In this research, the researcher
used the pre-experimental method as a method of study which used pre-test and post-
test to collect the data. The researcher also used a purposive sample technique to
select the participants. The participants of this research were 35 students of MTsS
Ujung Jampea Pasi’ Masunggu Timur, Kab. Kepulauan Selayar. The result of this study
reveals that the use of situational language teaching method in English noun improve
students’ achievement by 83.3%, in English verb by 84.2%, and in English adjective
by 94%. From this data result, the researcher concludes that using situational
language teaching methods to improve student’s vocabulary is successful.
The fourteenth study is by Yunus & Abdollah, (2020) with the title that is
Development of Basic English grammar teaching materials based on the situational
approach in the English language education study program of Universitas Muslim
Indonesia. In this study, the researchers used the pseudo-experiment method (quasi-
experimental research) where the researcher should give a pre-test first and follow
with the treatment and post-test for the last step. There were 50 students divided into
two groups of subjects, the first one is an experimental class and the second one is a
control class. According to the final result, the use of the situational language teaching
method is giving a higher average score of improvement in teaching grammar rather
An Analysis of Moral Values in the Movie “A Man Called Otto (2022)” by Cut Feby Putri Uzira, Chairina
Nasir, Nira Erdiana

than teacher center learning. Even the students’ enthusiasm for English grammar
learning is affected by teachers, but their improvement in English grammar learning
is made by their own efforts. Students who became participants in this study also
stated that their teacher often create some situations to help them to understand the
materials, they also said that learning by using the situational language teaching
method is also beneficial for them to memorize the grammar quickly and it would be
very helpful for them in examinations. The researchers also stated that the teacher's
role in this method is only as a facilitator. According to the final result, it can be
concluded that this study is successful.
The fifteenth research is by Wenrong (2018), in this study, the researcher
focused to investigate the current situation of the application of situational language
teaching to English grammar teaching in the senior high school by analyzing the
questionnaire for the students and also the interview of English teachers. This study
was conducted using a qualitative approach. The researcher prepared a
questionnaire for students and some interviews with teachers as the instruments of
the study. The participants of this research were 475 students from grade 1 and grade
2 senior high school (6 classes of students from grade 1, 3 classes of art students from
grade 2, and 3 classes of science students from grade 2) and 6 teachers who have
teaching experiences vary from 5-25 years.
The result of this has been divided into two categories, first result was
explained in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3. In Table 1 the researchers discussed
students’ attitudes towards English learning and English grammar learning. In Table
2, the researcher focused to elaborate on all students’ answers about teachers’
teaching methods implemented in English grammar classes in students’ minds. In
Table 3, the researcher focused on student’s attitudes toward the application of
situational language teaching in grammar class. From the questionnaire result, there
are pros and cons among students regarding the application of situational language
teaching methods in English grammar class. Some students who pros the application
of this method expect that situational language teaching can bring more interest and
help them to master the learning points and some students who are cons of this
method think that situational language teaching method may cost much more time.
The second result is from the interview that the researcher did with the teachers, and
the results are: most of the teachers agreed that English grammar plays an essential
role in English learning as a system. In grade 1, most of the teachers spend almost half
a lesson hour focusing on teaching grammar, and for grade 2, teachers spend more
than half an hour teaching grammar. Teachers also agreed that grammar is usually
introduced in reading materials so that the grammar learning points are often led in
by situations given by reading materials so that teachers should create an interesting
situation in grammar class to help them to understand grammar easily. One of the
teachers said that in all types of classes, she likes creating situations by giving an
example relating to students while some teachers create situations occasionally. All
the teachers believe that grammar would be easy to understand if the students
practice it directly in situations and they also claim that the grammar rules
instructions and exercises should be the main part of the class due to their efficiency.


From all the fifteenth sources, there are three sources that provide detailed
information about how to implement the situational language teaching method in
Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (4), 206-214, December 2023

English learning class, only one previous study which indicates an unsuccessful
experiment, and eleven previous studies which indicate successful research. From all
the sources, the researcher considers that the situational language teaching method
is effective to improve student's English in terms of speaking skills. Not only for all
six speaking aspects but also for students’ confidence, students’ interest, and the last
one is for students’ creativity.

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