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Design Thinking Masterclass

What did we cover in this lecture? SUMMARY

Learned about the concept of design thinking

and how it forms it an integral part of
any digital transformation.

• Great design is inspiring. When things are

designed well, it touches us very deeply – in
short we feel engaged. Taught by:
Rian Chapman
• What is the product manager’s blindspot? It’s
assumption. Assumptions around what
customers and employees want.

• Design thinking is an iterative process, that

encourages anyone who has a customer or
employee problem to solve it systematically by
using human centred design methods

• Organizations like Disney, Apple and Coca-

Cola are able to generate 228% returns from
using design thinking.

• A definition for design thinking: An iterative

process, that follows the test & learn mindset
that we practice in agile.

See you next lecture!

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