Lesson Review 3rd Grade

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Lesson Review

Lesson 1
The English Class
a. Peta = ……
Rak buku = ……
Papan tulis hitam = ……
Jam dinding = ……

b. What is your name? My name …. ………………

How old are you? I am ……….. years old.
Are you a boy or a girl? I am a …..
What do you like? I like …….
Lesson 2
Public places and Preposition
a. Masjid = ……
Gereja = ……
Kuil = ……
Vihara = ……
Apotek = ……
Pasar = ……
Rumah sakit = ……
b. The park is next to (di samping) the bakery.

The bank is ……………….. (di belakang) the library.

Lesson 3
a. Anak anjing = ……
Anak kucing = ……
Ikan emas = ……
Burung = ……

b. Have or Has?

I ……….. a rabbit.

Cliff …..….. a kitten.

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