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How To Read/Study Divisional Charts?

 Treat all divisional charts as a normal birth chart and apply all standard rules
of astrology on them including aspects, yoga, raja yoga and dhanyoga. The
Greater number of Raja Yoga or other kinds of auspicious yoga like
Gajakesari Yoga etc will make that particular divisional chart strong and
good results related to that divisional chart will come to pass. For example,
rajyoga in D-12 indicates wealthy parents whereas Dhanyoga there shows
loving and caring parents.
 The key rule of unafflicted ascendant Lord is also applicable here and for
good results, ascendant lord of any Divisional chart should not be afflicted.
Ideally, it should be placed in Trine or Kendra houses then only good results
concerning that divisional chart will be realized. For example, a strong and
unafflicted ascendant of navamsa (d-9) assures happy married life.
 This rule is about the exception to rule no.2 where planet Mercury in 8th in
any divisional chart is considered as good same way Mars in 6th house of
any divisional chart whereas Venus in 12th house of navamsa and Saturn in
8th house of D-8 is considered as good.
 The effects and results of yoags present in divisional charts operate
throughout life but strong results will be felt during dasha of planets
involved in such yogas. For example, Gajakesari Yoga in navamsa indicates
a wealthy and spiritual spouse but its results will be more pronounced during
dasha of either Moon or Jupiter.
 A planet placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house in natal chart and again remains in
dusthana houses in the divisional chart will not gives auspicious results for
that divisional chart.
 A planet placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house of either natal birth chart (D-1) or
navamsa chart(D-9) when becomes ascendant lord of any divisional chart
will lead to bad effects concerning that divisional chart.
 Vargottama lagana for any divisional charts gives very auspicious results.
For example Vargottama lagana of D-10 will make native very work
oriented and success will come to him easily.
 A combust planet or a planet defeated in planetary war will not give
auspicious results in any divisional chart.
 A planet in its debilitation in any divisional chart will give good results only
when cancel of debilitation is achieved by that planet.
 Exaltation of ascendant lord of D-1, D-3, D-9 and D-12 will make native
long live, same results will come to pass if they are placed in own or friends
 Planets in 3rd and 8th house of any divisional chart does not perform well
for that divisional chart. For example Dasha of planet placed in 3rd house of
dashamsa(D-10) will lead to retirement from job.
 Placement of the karaka(significator) of a divisional chart in ascendant of the
divisional chart will work like karaka bhava nasho and bad results of that
divisional chart will be felt. For example, Mercury in ascendant of D-24 will
spoil education, Venus in ascendant of D-9 will spoil the marriage. Same
way Sun or Moon in ascendant of D-12 will not prove good for parents and
Jupiter in ascendant of D-7 will prove bad for progeny.
 Stress will be caused in matters related to that divisional chart when Rahu-
Ketu or 8th house lord from the natal birth chart(D-1) is placed in ascendant
of that divisional chart.
 For timings of events, sub period of well-placed planet in a divisional chart
should be selected. For example, exalted Moon in 4th house of D-4 will lead
to the construction of house during Dasha of planet Moon.
 As per B.P.H.S “the division falling in signs owned by the lord of the angles
from the arudha will be considered as good divisions”
 When the ascendant lord of any divisional chart is combust in the natal birth
chart (D-1), then the good results if that divisional chart will not happen in
native life.

The above-mentioned rules are very important and work all the time and from my
own experiences, I have felt that people get scared to use divisional charts which
lead to wrong predictions in astrology.

You should never hesitate to use divisional charts and try to find new ways to
utilize them properly.

But there are certain errors which comes into play while using divisional charts
which I will discuss now.

Common Mistakes In Application Of Divisional Charts

This particular topic has to be covered here because in the excitement you may
start using divisional charts and due to errors confusions will bound to happen.

1. Birth Time Error: this is the main and most prominent factor which will
lead to failure of usages of divisional charts. Divisional Charts by nature are
very time sensitive and most of the time ascendant sign can change within
few minutes and which will lead to complete different analysis. To avoid
such mistakes you need to rectify birth time which comes with practice.
2. Bending of astrology rules: this is also very common because people tend
to change the standard rules of astrology as per their convenience. It should
be avoided at all cost and best is to stick with principals laid in the classic of
astrology like B.P.H.S, Phaladeepika etc.

Conclusions: Divisional charts are worth giving time

Divisional charts are the soul of astrology, they allow us to dissect a horoscope at a
very minute level and brings wonderful results which are not possible by using
natal chart alone. If not all, at least divisional charts like drekkana(d-3),
navamsa(d-9) and dashamsa(d-10) should be analyzed and mastered properly
because they deal with important life affairs, have higher Vimposhak bala and have
a major say in results of dasha, without them astrology is incomplete.

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