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Endangered Species Internet Activity
Name:__________________________________________________ Date:__________ Period:_____
1. Go to the website at the top of the page.
2. Click on the each of the 6 tabs at the top of the page that represent causes of endangerment. Write the causes below and provide a short description of
how it impacts organisms.
Cause of Endangerment Description

1. Habitat loss The destruction of an animal's natural habitat.

2. Fishing Industry The endangerment of many fish due to fishing, and the destruction of coral reefs.

3. Pollution Pollution

4. Wildlife Trade Taking and selling dead or living plants and animals and the products from them.

5. Climate Change A change in normal climate patterns which causes animals to be in temperatures they aren’t
used to.

6. Agriculture They use pesticide which can be fatal to some animals.

1. Go to the left hand side and scroll over the globe. You will pick two animals from each section of the globe to fill in the chart below.
Animal Two Interesting Facts What is the Cause of What is the current effect on the
Endangerment? animal from the cause?

Jaguar 1. They are excellent swimmers Habitat Loss Jaguar populations become isolated leading
2. They have the most powerful to reduced genetic diversity
bite force of all the big cats

California Condor 1. They have a wingspan up to 10 Habitat loss The loss of habitat paired with the small
feet condor population limits the recovery of the
2. They are scavengers and clean population
up carcasses which helps
prevent the spread of disease

African Elephant 1. They are the largest land Poaching The population is declining due to them
animals on Earth being poached for ivory
2. They have strong family bonds
with one another

Mountain Gorilla 1. They are herbivores Habitat loss Habitat loss is increasing the risk of diseases
2. They are highly intelligent as humans are getting closer to them.

Tiger 1. They can leap up to 10 meters in Poaching They are being hunted to be used for their
pursuit of prey body parts to be made for clothes
2. The stripe patterns of a tiger are
unique to each individual such
as human fingerprints

Orangutan 1. They are the only great apes Habitat loss The habitat loss leads to the orangutan
found outside of Africa populations being isolated leading to
2. They are highly intelligent reduced diversity and increased competition
for resources.

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