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Прошедшее продолжительное

Past Continuous Урок 6

Past Continuous. When to use?

Действие происходило в прошлом

в определенный момент

I was reading a book of Sigmund Freud

«A General Introduction to
Psychoanalysis» yesterday from 5 to 7.
Past Continuous. Formation

+ __ ?
Positive Negative Question

😎 + was / were + V ing 😎 + was / were + not + V ing Was / Were + 😎 + V ing?

I was dancing. I was not dancing. Was I dancing?

She was dancing. She was not dancing. Was she dancing?
They were dancing. They were not dancing. Were they dancing?
To be и его сокращения (Past)

Positive Negative

I was I was not = wasn’t

You were You were not = weren’t

He, she, it was He, she, it was not = wasn’t

We were We were not = weren’t

They were They’re not = weren’t

Слова-маркеры для Past Continuous

❖ Yesterday at 5 o’clock
❖ At that moment last week
❖ From 8 to 11 the day before yesterday
Past Continuous. Упражнения (+, -, ?)

1. Michael (watch) a movie from 7 to 9.

2. They (buy) some milk at that moment yesterday.

3. We (read) an amazing story on Friday at 10 p.m.

4. I (listen to) a French podcast right the day before yesterday from 10 to 11.

5. The economic situation (change) those months.

6. The business of the company (develop) extremely fast that date.

Сравнение времен Past:
Simple VS Continuous

Past Simple Past Continuous

1. регулярность в прошлом

2. последовательность в прошлом

3. факты в прошлом Действие происходило в прошлом

в определенный момент
4. инструкции в прошлом

В общем — любое действие, которое

произошло в прошлом и не имеет
связи с настоящим
Упражнение на сравнение
Past Simple и Continuous

1. It rarely (rained / was raining) there in April.

2. It (rained / was raining) at that moment yesterday.

3. Every morning father (made / was making) breakfast for us. But now he’s
working in another city.

4. It was 7 o’clock. Father (made / was making) breakfast.

5. Every day we (came / were coming) home at 5 o’clock. But now we come
home at 6.30.

6. It was 5 o’clock yesterday. We (came/ were coming) home.

Назовите слова-маркеры
для Past Simple и Past Continuous

❖ Yesterday
❖ Yesterday at 7 o’clock
❖ Last week
❖ The day before yesterday from 8 to 10
❖ In 2010
❖ 2 years ago
Past Continuous

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