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Grade: 7 Date: April 18, 2024
Section: Time: 1:00-2:00

A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to
the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the
prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards
The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts
using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent
expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in
various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies
Express appreciation for sensory images used. (EN7LT-I-c-2.2.1)
D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. explain the sensory images;
b. perform differentiated tasks to show understanding of the lesson; and,
c. express literary appreciation for sensory images.

Learning Resources
A. References
English 7 Learner’s Material(new) 2017-First Edition, pp. 228-230

B. Other Learning Resources

De Guzman, K. (2021, May 30). What is Imagery? Definition And Examples In Literature And Poetry.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Daily Routines

a. Prayer
Let us ask the guidance of our Lord for today’s
lesson. Everybody, kindly stand for a short prayer. Lord, we thank you for this love and kindness.
(The teacher will call a student to lead the prayer.) Please help us to focus our hearts and minds on

what we are about to learn. Amen.

Good afternoon, Ma’am!

b. Greetings
Good afternoon class!

I’m so glad to see all of you. Another day to have

meaningful and fun learning with you!
(The students will follow.)
c. Classroom Management
Before you take your seats, kindly arrange your chairs Thank you, Ma’am.
properly and pick the pieces of trash that you see
(The teacher will roam around to check the
orderliness of the classroom.)

You may now take your seat.

d. Checking of Attendance
To check your attendance, may I have the class
secretary to report it?
If everyone is present, clap to the chant “Hey, hey! We “Hey, hey! We are all present today!
are all present today!”. Otherwise, clap to the chant
“Oh no! there were (number of absent) who cannot

Very good! I am glad you are all eager to learn! Yes, Ma’am!
(The students will pass their assignment.)
e. Checking of Assignment
Did you have any assignments last meeting?
Okay, please pass it forward.

BEFORE THE LESSON Ma’am our topic last meeting is about the
A. Review of the past lesson Elements of short story.
Can you still remember our topic last meeting? Yes,
Ms. Solomon. None, Ma’am.

Are there any questions regarding your past lesson?


B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Okay so, before we go deeper with our discussion, we
have here our learning objectives, please read Ms. a. explain the sensory images;
Acosta. b. perform differentiated tasks to show
understanding of the lesson; and,
c. express literary appreciation for
sensory images.

Thank you, these are the objectives I am looking Yes Ma’am!

forward for you to attain today. Please pay attention
and participate actively in our discussions and
Can I expect that from you, class?

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new Yes, Ma’am! Tell us a story.


Before we proceed to our discussion, do you want to

hear a story first?

In a distant village, there were five unique individuals

who lived their lives happily by sharing good stories
to one another, but then a witch came and cursed
them. Each of them missing a different sense. Amelia
couldn't see, Samuel couldn't hear, Maya couldn't feel
touch, Leo couldn't taste, and Ethan couldn't smell.
They will be needing help of those people with wit Yes, Ma’am! We’d love to.
and good hearts to have the senses they lacked. They
spend their days looking for those people. And so they
came here today!
Are you willing to help them?

If that is so, let us have a group activity entitled “I

making lots of moves today. 1. The class will be group into two.
For the instructions, kindly read, Ms. Cueto. 2. Each group will have a representative who
will spell out the words given to them

using their hips.

3. The first group to guess all words assigned
to them will have to shout “we like to
move it, move it” and is the winner for the
4. This activity will be good for 2 minutes.

Yes, Ma’am.

Are you ready?

For your group, refer to this list. (The students will do the activity)
Proceed to your group. Each representative, come here (End of activity)
in front.
Timer starts now!

We encountered visual, gustatory, auditory,

olfactory, and tactile.
Thank you everyone for your hundred percent
participation. What are the words you encountered in
the activity? Yes, Ms. Dayot?

Excellent job everyone! Thank you for your active



D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Sensory images

skills #1 Sensory images, often referred to as mental
To start this lesson, kindly read and explain what is imagery or sensory imagery, are vivid and detailed
written on the scroll our five new friends have brought descriptions that engage the five senses: sight,
to us today, Ms. Balabbo. sound, taste, touch, and smell. Through language,
imagery does not only paint a picture, but aims to
portray the sensational and emotional experience
within text.
Sensory images are descriptive details which help
readers to experience what they are reading.

That is correct! Through sensory images, our senses

are evoked making us immersed to what we are
reading. It uses qualities of how something looks visually to
Under your chairs are the words: visual, gustatory, best create an image in the reader’s head. These
auditory, olfactory, and tactile. Here in front are five qualities can be shapes, color, light, shadow, or
definitions. Those who found words will have to even patterns.
determine to which definition it belongs and explain it.
Visual, Ma’am. Visual imagery includes
For the first definition, kindly read, Ms. Dela Rosa. descriptions of qualities that you can see.

What type of sensory imagery is this definition

referring to? Yes, Ms. Dela Luna.

Very good! It is one of the most common types of

imagery as it allows readers to better describe the
world and characters of a novel or poem. Visual
imagery is often used in screenplays when first It engages the reader’s sense of hearing. One way
introducing characters. to do this is to describe the sounds (or lack of
Kindly paste the word Visual here in front, Ms. Dela sounds) of a certain place, person, or object.
Auditory, Ma’am. Auditory imagery appeals to a
For the second definition, kindly read, Ms. Acosta. reader’s sense of hearing through sounds. Example
is the usage of onomatopoeia.

What type of sensory imagery is this definition

referring to? Yes, Ms. Garcia.

Very good! Creating an auditory experience through

text can be difficult. But it can also be necessary for a It aims at a reader’s sense of taste. This would
story or plot. For example, the sound of war can be most commonly be used to describe food as a
necessary to immerse the reader into a war novel. character eats it.
Kindly paste the word Auditory here in front, Ms.
For the third definition, kindly read, Ms. Garan. Gustatory, Ma’am. Gustatory imagery focuses on
describing how food tastes. For example, salty,

sweet, bitter and many more.

What type of sensory imagery is this definition

referring to? Yes, Ms. Gutierrez.

Very good! Describing food as sweet, salty, or even

spicy can immerse a reader further into a character’s
simple action of eating. Gustatory imagery can be It appeals to a reader’s sense of smell. It uses of
incredibly effective when describing unpleasant tastes smells or odors to create mental images for the
as well. reader.
Kindly paste the word Auditory here in front, Ms.
Olfactory, Ma’am. Olfactory imagery uses
For the fourth definition, kindly read, Ms. Mampusti. description that stimulates the nose through
describing a smell.

What type of sensory imagery is this definition

referring to? Yes, Ms. Fatallo.

Very good! Olfactory imagery is a great way to better

describe both what a character is experiencing as well
as the world of the novel, poem, or other writing. The
smell of fresh rain, smoke from a fire, or gasoline can This type of imagery can be used to describe how
be described through olfactory imagery. something feels such as texture, temperature,
wetness, dryness, etc.
Kindly paste the word Auditory here in front, Ms.

Tactile, Ma’am. Tactile imagery creates the

For the fifth definition, kindly read, Ms. Fadrilan. sensory experience of touch through texts. This
imagery makes reader feel.

What type of sensory imagery is this definition

referring to? Yes, Ms. Aguila.

Very good! Tactile imagery appeals to the sense of

touch and creates a mental image of texture,

temperature, and other somatic sensations.

(The students will do clap)
Kindly paste the word Tactile here in front, Ms.

Give yourselves a good job clap for successfully

matching and explaining sensory image and its types!

1. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing

New Skills #2
To continue our journey of helping, we will read the
summary of the story “How My Brother Leon
Brought Home a Wife” by Manuel Arguilla and
look for the sensory images used.
(The teacher will distribute printed copy)

(The students will read the summary)

At this point, I have here a chart of sensory images.

Kindly read the instructions for the activity “You
Belong With Me”, Ms. Mojica.

Fill in the sensory images used in the story you

have read.

Is that clear? Yes, Ma’am.

You may start now.

1. She was lovely.

2. She was tall.

3. Her nails were long, but they were not
1. The sound of his insides was like a drum.
2. His mouth came a call so loud and vibrant
that the earth seemed to tremble underfoot.
3. A cow lowed softly in answer.
1. And I thought of the food being made
ready at home and my mouth watered.
1. She was fragrant like a morning when
papayas are in bloom.
1. placed her hand lightly on my shoulder
2. tickled with my fingers the rump of

(The students will do clap)

Good job, class! You have identified the sensory

images and categorized them correctly. Give yourself
a Very Good Clap!
E. Developing Mastery

Now let’s have another activity entitled “Imageries


Find a partner.

Please read the instructions, Mr. Macatangay. Each pair will receive a Imageries Everywhere
Sheet where students should write the visual,
auditory, gustatory, olfactory, and tactile imageries
they can form from the given places.
The teacher will then call on two pairs to share
their work.
Students will have 3 minutes to do this activity.

Yes Ma’am.

Are the instructions clear?

This will be your rubric for this activity.

(The students will do the activity.)

(The teacher will call two pairs that will present their
output in front of the class.)
G. Finding practical applications of concepts
& skills in daily living

To further test your mastery of sensory images, let us

have another activity. This will be called “Sense-
sational Performance”.

Please read the instruction, Mr. Regacho. Using the same two group.
Group 1. Perform a skit about sensory images.
Group 2. Perform a rap about sensory images.

Students will have 3 minutes to do the task and 2

minutes for the presentation.

You will be graded using these criteria.

(The students will do the activity.)

H. Making generalizations & abstractions

about the lesson

Did you have fun in the activity?

Yes Ma’am.
Our friends are happy as well because you are getting
closer to being able to bring back their missing senses.
Good job! Just few more challenges to take to get

Can you still do it?

Yes Ma’am.
To test your understanding, our friends have two
boxes here: one box contains your names, and the
other one, the five types of sensory imagery. I will
pick a name and a sensory imagery. Whoever was
picked will share his/her experience in today’s lesson
by using the imagery I have picked from the other

Are you ready? Let’s start.

(The teacher will pick a name and imagery from the


Okay, Lairen, please share your experience in today’s

lesson by using the visual imagery .

Today’s class was a kaleidoscope.

Very good. For Lairen, today’s class has been

colorful. Let’s pick another one.

((The teacher will pick a name and imagery from the


Okay, Bernadeth, please share your experience in

today’s lesson by using the tactile imagery .

Ma’am today’s discussion is silky smooth.

Very good. Thank you.

For bonus question.

(The teacher will pick a name from the box)

Okay, Bezalel, do you think sensory images are

important? Why or why not? Sensory images are important, especially as an
element of stories because it enable the writer to be
creative and the reader to be immersed with what
he or she is reading. Sensory images make a story
relatable for the readers.

Excellent idea, Bezalel!

I. Evaluating Learning

For the last challenge, you will have to answer the


following questions to be able to give our friends their

missing senses.

This is the last challenge so break a leg!

Part I.

Instructions: Read the sentences carefully. Identify

whether the statement is True or False. Write the
answer on the space before each number.

1. Visual imagery uses qualities of how

something looks visually to best create an
image in the reader’s head.
2. Gustatory imagery appeals to a reader’s
sense of hearing.
3. Olfactory Imagery most commonly
describes food as a character eats it.
4. To create the sensory experience of touch
through text, writers utilize tactile
5. The smell of fresh rain, smoke from a fire,
or gasoline can be described through
Auditory imagery.

Part II.
Instructions: In 2 sentences, explain sensory
imagery and its importance.

Part I
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False

Part II

Pass your paper, class. (Answers may vary)

After doing all the challenges to help our friends, you

have proven yourselves as people with wit and good

Thanks to your help, we now have the box containing

the missing senses of our friends. Kindly, give them
their senses back by pasting it to them.

Excellent work! Give yourselves a round of applause.

( The students will paste the senses back)

( The students will clap)

J. Additional activities for application or


Discuss the importance of sensory image in a story.

Are there still any questions, clarifications or concerns

you would like to raise?
None at all.

If there is none, let’s call it a day.

Goodbye, Ma’am. Thank you for teaching us.

Goodbye, class.

A. No. of learners who earned 80p% in the evaluation: ________
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who score below 80%: ________
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who caught up with the lesson: ______
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ________
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Joena Mae P. De Claro

Checked by:

Marinel D. Liwanag

Noted by:

Asst. Prof. Lannie L. Enriquez

Principal, Laboratory High School

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