Vitamin K

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A natural remedy for congealing the blood, the K vitamin has

multitude of health benefits including alleviating the vitamin
k deficiency syndromes, improving cognitive and bone health
and lowering heart ailments.
The most essential role of vitamin K is healing of wounds and
reversing the harmful effects of blood thinning medicines. It
is also used in preventing bleeding disorders in the newborns
exhibiting haemorrhagic disease caused due to absence of
vitamin K.

Vitamin K plays an integral part in promoting bone health.

Along with the D vitamin, it ensures calcium-binding action
required for the healthy functioning of the bones and gums. It
strengthens the skeletal structure, increases bone density
and reduces the risk of fracture in older women. It also
successfully treats osteoporosis and bone loss.
Several scientific researches also conclude reduced risk of
peripheral arterial disease in people taking vitamin K. It
prevents mineralization in the arterial walls and keeps the
blood pressure under control thus allowing the heart to pump
blood smoothly throughout the body by promoting overall
cardiac health.
Vitamin K has also been known to be highly essential in
improving dental health. It activates the produc tion of
osteocalcin, the protein required for triggeri ng the growth of
new dentin, which is the calcined tissue below the teeth
enamel. It also strengthens the teeth from the root and

prevents loss or decay.

It is also used to preven t bleeding problems during
overdosage caused by warfarin, salicylates, sulphonamides ,
other antibiotics and poisoning due to coumarins.
Some cases also show the use of vitamin K to improve the
memor y and cognitive health in older individuals.
It is used to relieve itching, experienced due to biliary
cirrhosis and also has been known to reduce the blood
cholesterol in people on dialysis.
Topical use of vitamin K hold high significance in removing
bruises, scars, stretch marks and spider veins. It also treats a
host of skin conditions including redness, pimples and
rosacea and actively participates in speeding up the healing
process in skin.
Several studies suggest regular consum ption of this vitamin
reduce the chances of liver and breast cancer.

Food Sources

The ample numbe r of dietary sources provided by Mother

Nature is adequate enough to fulfil one 1s requirement of the
K vitamin. Vitamin K1 is widely found in most greeneries
whereas most animal-based food items are rich sources of
the K2 vitamin.
Given below are the food sources which are loaded with

vitamin K:

Green Vegetables:

Kale, spinach, green turnip, parsley, lettuce, cauliflower,

broccoli , cabbage, brussels etc.


Kiwi, avocado, blueberry, etc.

Dairy Sources:

cheese, milk and yogurt.

Other Sources:

Fermented foods like natto, miso, sauerkraut, eggs and meat.

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