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Reynald C.

Episode 2_Reflection

“Setting a Healthy Learning Environment is a Must”

The success of the learning process is greatly influenced by the learning environment.
The environment that the instructor has created for the students plays a major role in how well a
lesson is delivered to the class. To help students deal with their learning disabilities, the
majority of teachers are being innovative with how they present their lessons. However, as
aspiring teachers, we must always take into consideration a number of best practices to ensure
inclusivity and efficient instruction when working with a variety of students.
Diversity among students includes more than simply skin tone or cultural background; it
also includes distinctive personal traits. It encompasses a wide range of elements, including
learning styles, skills, and experiences. In order to cope with these, we must consider the
following when teaching. First, we must utilize the peer tutoring. Peer tutoring does not only
constitute collaborative learning but also, it promotes social relationships among learners.
Through peer tutoring, we are enabling students to learn from one another’s experiences.
Second, we must learn in the evolving world. We all know that as time goes by, trends are
everywhere. We need to keep in mind that societal norms evolve. Therefore, it is essential to stay
updated and execute our approach in teaching on ways that our students can relate. Third,
Encouraging our learners in active learning. Active learning refers to the active participation of
the students during the learning process. We cannot deny the fact that most students are shy to
participate during discussions because they are afraid to be judged by their fellows. If we can
encourage them to showcase who they are and what they’re capacities are, we can create a safe
environment where they can be who they are. Fourh, teaching in many ways. Most of us know
that some students can learn through visuals, auditory and etc. This means that as teachers, we
must conduct be creative in delivering our lessons and assess how our learners can learn from
us. In making a diverse learning environment, knowing one’s weaknesses is essential. Last, we
must be gender, culture and religion sensitive. Before we conduct our class, we must do a simple
background check to our students to avoid unnecessary words examples during discussions. We
need to become sensitive at all times in terms of one’s differences because we don’t know what
they’re going through or the reasons behind their actions. We must show to our students that the
classroom they’re in is safe and they can be who they want to be regardless of their differences.
Diverse learning is a crucial aspect in education. It involves how a teacher can make a
remedy to enable students with different strengths and weaknesses learn in a distinct manner.
However, as teachers, we have our own ways to make learning possible. I have mentioned some
of the strategies that I will be implementing in the field therefore, I shall make it possible and

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