M.SC-SLP - 2023 - A

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AIISH Entrance Exam 2023

Participant ID(App Seq No) A0528

Roll Number S2308090006
Participant Name R MAYURI RAO
Test Center Name iON Digital Zone iDZ Hebbal
Test Date 25/06/2023
Test Time 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Subject M.Sc SLP
Marks Obtained 67

Note – Answer Keys provided in the candidate response sheet are provisional.

Section : Part - A


Ans A. Internal Validity

B. External Validity

C. Ecological Validity

D. Predictive Validity

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742516
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1


Ans A. Instrumental Communication

B. Heuristic Communication

C. Personal Communication

D. Regulatory Communication

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742503
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Ans A. Factual and Abstract

B. Attitudes

C. Judgment of Emotions

D. Sarcasm

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742501
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --
Marks : 0




B. Randomized Blocks Design

C. Completely Randomized Factorial Design


Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742518
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1


Ans A. Assessment

B. Prognosis

C. Diagnosis

D. Treatment

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742515
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1
Q.6 The degree of kurtosis of a distribution is measured relative to the peakedness of a
Ans A. Negatively Skewed Curve

B. Normal Curve

C. Leptokurtic Curve

D. Positively Skewed Curve

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742519
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.7 A method where the Speech Language Pathologists follows the clients lead but teaches
along the way is referred to as ______________
Ans A. Incidental Teaching

B. Shaping

C. Prompting

D. Modelling

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742514
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Q.8 A healthy new born should have an APGAR score of ______________ at one minute after birth
Ans A.

B. Less than 4


D. Less than 2

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742505
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Q.9 The tests that focus on group similarity is _____________

Ans A. Domain referenced

B. Criterion referenced

C. Norm referenced

D. Objectives referenced

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742511
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25
Q.10 The resonance frequencies of the vocal tract are called _____________
Ans A. Harmonics

B. Overtones

C. Fundamental Frequency

D. Formants

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742504
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1


Ans A. External Intercostals

B. Internal Intercostals

C. Diaphragm

D. Subclavius

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742506
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Q.12 The tracts that connect homologous areas in the two cerebral hemispheres are called as
Ans A. Projection Tracts

B. Commissural Tracts

C. Association Tracts

D. Longitudinal Tracts

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742510
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. Denial

B. Displacement

C. Intellectualisation

D. Altruism

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742513
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Ans A. Jargon

B. Neologism

C. Holophrase

D. Protoword

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742502
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1


Ans A. CN IX




Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742508
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Q.16 The abscissa of the highest point of the frequency curve is ______________
Ans A. Standard deviation

B. Third quartile

C. Mode

D. Range

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742520
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Q.17 Clinician designed measures that provide multiple opportunities for a client todemonstrate
a given communicative behaviour are called _________
Ans A. Baselines

B. Tests

C. Targets

D. Goals

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742512
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1
Q.18 The proportion of breadth to length of the skull is measured as ____________
Ans A. Cranial Contour

B. Facial angle

C. Cephalic Index

D. Skull vault

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742507
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Q.19 The volume of air remaining in the body after a passive exhalation is______________
Ans A. Total Lung capacity

B. Vital capacity

C. Functional Residual capacity

D. Tidal volume

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742509
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1


Ans A. Order effect only

B. Ceiling and floor effects only



Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742517
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : -0.25

Section : Part - B
Q.1 Bleeding from the blood vessels beneath the dura mater produces a ________________
Ans A. Extradural Haematoma

B. Subdural Haematoma

C. Haematoma

D. Sub Arachnoid Haematoma

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742527
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.2 The most common type of malignant tumour is ___________________

Ans A. Neurofibromatosis

B. Glioma

C. Meningioma

D. Secondary Neoplasms

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742528
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. Inflectional morphemes

B. Derivational morphemes

C. Explicator morphemes

D. Idiomorphs

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742521
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.4 There are _________________ Thematic Apperception Test cards including the blank card
Ans A. 31

B. 21

C. 11

D. 10

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742525
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : -0.25
Q.5 The energy gap between valence band and conduction band in semiconductor material is
nearly ______________
Ans A. 15eV

B. 1eV

C. 5eV

D. 20eV

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742523
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --
Marks : 0

Q.6 Laryngocoel is an air filled dilatation of saccules and cystic mass lateral to the __________
Ans A. Thyrohyoid

B. Cricothyroid

C. Cricotracheal

D. Cricosternal

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742529
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25






Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742526
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Ans A. Progressive Assimilation

B. Regressive Assimilation

C. Recursive Dissimilation

D. Generative Dissimilation

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742522
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1






Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742524
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. Stenosis

B. Web

C. Scleroma

D. Laryngocoel

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742530
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Section : part - C
Q.1 The tendency for speakers to stutter on the same words when reading a passage several
times is referred as ____________
Ans A. Adaptation

B. Consistency

C. Anticipation

D. Perception

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742547
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.2 Lateral crossbite is often seen in the ___________

Ans A. Unilateral CLP

B. Bilateral CLP

C. Unilateral Cleft Lip

D. Bilateral Cleft Lip

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742566
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. Spastic Dysarthria

B. Flaccid Dysarthria

C. Conduction Aphasia

D. Apraxia of Speech

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742584
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Q.4 Excessive tension of the intrinsic and extrinsic laryngeal muscles affects phonation
adversely and relaxing these muscles using dexterity allows better laryngeal position and
posture is the rationale for _______________
Ans A. Chant Talk

B. Manual Voice Therapy

C. Chewing Voice Therapy technique

D. Push Pull Technique

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742534
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1
Q.5 A slow growing nodular protuberance of bone that can occur in midline of hard palate is
Ans A. Palatal Torus

B. Palatal Fistula

C. Palatine Tonsils

D. Palatine Cleft

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742560
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Q.6 A method that mimics natural communication and provides generalisation of responses is
Ans A. Semantic Feature Based Therapy


C. Visual Action Therapy

D. Response Elaboration Training

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742590
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1


Ans A. Perceptual Method

B. Physiologic Method

C. Acoustic Method

D. Instrumental Method

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742578
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Ans A. Periodic

B. Quasiperiodic

C. Aperiodic

D. Non-periodic

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742549
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. Syntactic Bootstrapping

B. Linguistic Chauvinism

C. Pragmatic Bootstrapping

D. Prosodic Bootstrapping

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742595
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. Anomic

B. Conduction

C. Sensory Transcortical

D. Motor Transcortical

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742580
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Ans A. Quick Aphasia Battery

B. Mini mental status examination

C. Kentucky Aphasia Test

D. Progressive Aphasia Severity Scale

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742587
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.12 A child with complex communication needs failed to use AAC when taught using structured
didactic approach. Suggest an AAC intervention approach that would encourage the use of
AAC device within realistic spoken communication where the communication partner
should encourage the child to use symbols by teaching symbol use.




Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742596
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : -0.25

Q.13 The neural and neuromuscular transmission and subsequent muscle contractions and
movements of speech structures are collectively referred to as _____________
Ans A. Motor Planning

B. Programming

C. Neuromuscular Execution

D. Neural Selection

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742576
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Ans A. CHARGE Syndrome

B. Trisomy 13

C. Van der Woude Syndrome

D. Pierre Robin Sequence

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742564
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Q.15 An example for an indirect access method under AAC symbol selection is _______________
Ans A. Pointing

B. Eye gaze

C. Scanning

D. Touching

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742568
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1


Ans A. Internal Carotid

B. Vertebral

C. Posterior Communicating

D. Anterior Communicating

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742585
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1
Q.17 The domains of adaptive behaviors considered to characterize intellectual disability include
limitation in ____________
Ans A. Conceptual and Social Skills




Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742600
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Q.18 The ribs are relatively perpendicular to the spine and do not contribute to thoracic
movement until baby is able to assume _________________ posture
Ans A. Supine

B. Upright

C. Horizontal

D. Prone

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742532
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.19 Stuttering to a degree which is not acceptable to one self for at least a period of one week is
defined as __________
Ans A. Recovery

B. Regression

C. Relapse

D. Reduction

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742541
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --
Marks : 0
Q.20 Cells of the __________________ are joined together by tight junctions that serve to isolate
general extracellular fluid of body from extracellular fluid of CNS
Ans A. Arachnoid Mater

B. Dura Mater

C. Pia Mater

D. Meninges

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742591
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. 5

B. 2

C. 3

D. 1.5

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742551
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. Aware of stimulable nature of phoneme

B. Aware of contrastive nature of phoneme

C. Aware of similar nature of phoneme

D. Aware of frequent phoneme

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742556
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. Multiple Opposition

B. Maximal Opposition

C. Minimal Opposition

D. Complexity Approach

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742573
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25
Q.24 The correct formula for the calculation of nasalance score is _________ where N is acoustic
energy in nasal cavity and O is acoustic energy in oral cavity




Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742561
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. Ideomotor Apraxia

B. Ideational Apraxia

C. Limb Apraxia

D. Apraxia of Speech

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742583
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25

Q.26 The most common laryngeal type manifestation as an irregular epithelial thickening is
Ans A. Adenocarcinoma

B. Squamous Cell Carcinoma

C. Fibrosarcoma

D. Chondrosarcoma

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742562
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1
Q.27 A Communication attitude test intended for preschool and kindergarten children who stutter
is ______________
Ans A. CAT

B. Kiddy CAT


D. Kiddy CWS

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742543
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1




B. Nouns are linguistically more predictable

C. Clear parental labelling of nouns within context

D. Nouns serve as a relational function

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742597
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Q.29 Delayed Auditory feedback involves a technology that returns the speech signal to the ears
of a speaker with a predetermined delay setting in a range of __________




Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742545
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Ans A. Progressive Bulbar Palsy

B. Resting Temor

C. Punch Drunk Encephalopathy

D. Tardive Dyskinesia

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742582
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1


Ans A. Diuretics

B. Beta blockers

C. Analgesics

D. Inhalers

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742538
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742589
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : -0.25

Q.33 Due to minimal tactile and proprioceptive sensations during phonation most patients rely on
______________ for feedback in voice therapy
Ans A. Vision

B. Kinesthetic

C. Audition

D. Gustatory

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742537
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1
Q.34 The process of fading treatment while continuing to support the child and family so that
fluency achieved in treatment does not diminish is termed as _____________
Ans A. Follow up

B. Maintenance

C. Counselling

D. Modelling

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742546
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.35 Damage to the left upper motor neuron of the Hypoglossal nerve produces ________________.
Ans A. Weakness in the Left Side of the Tongue

B. Weakness in the Right Side of the Tongue

C. Weakness at the Root of the Tongue

D. Weakness in the Center of the Tongue

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742571
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.36 The two major branches of facial nerve are _______________

Ans A. Cervicofacial and Buccofacial

B. Linguofacial and Labiofacial

C. Cervicofacial and Temporofacial

D. Temporofacial and Buccofacial

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742567
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Q.37 The air reservoir available for esophageal speakers is ______________

Ans A. <100 cc

B. 500 cc

C. 1000 cc

D. 5000 cc

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742565
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Ans A. Habituation

B. Imitation



Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742539
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Q.39 An instructional approach that capitalizes on preserved implicit memory processes through
errorless learning and high amounts of practice is an example of ___________
Ans A. Spaced Retrieval

B. Direct Instruction

C. Metacognitive Instruction

D. Creative Positive Routines

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742586
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. Earlier developing Phoneme

B. Later Developing Phoneme

C. Back Consonants and Vowels

D. Frequently Occurring Phoneme

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742553
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25
Q.41 The ballooned neurons are also called as ___________________
Ans A. Pyramidal Cells

B. Pick Cells


D. Inter Neurons

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742588
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. Spastic Dysarthria

B. Ataxic Dysarthria

C. Hypokinetic Dysarthria

D. Flaccid Dysarthria

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742574
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. Spastic Dysarthria

B. Flaccid Cerebral Palsy

C. Ataxic Dysarthria

D. Athetoid Cerebral Palsy

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742570
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Ans A. Hierarchical

B. Convergent

C. Divergent

D. Linear

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742592
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. Physiologic Methods

B. Perceptual Methods

C. Acoustic Methods

D. Instrumental Methods

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742577
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1


Ans A. Experiential

B. Parallel

C. Solo

D. Coordinated

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742557
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1
Q.47 Flaccid Dysarthria is caused by damage to ________________
Ans A. Pyramidal System

B. Upper Motor Neurons

C. Lower Motor Neurons

D. Extrapyramidal System

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742581
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1


Ans A. Front Vowel

B. Back Vowel

C. Central Vowel

D. Schwa Vowel

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742555
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1
Q.49 The five important parameters evaluated during the motoric examination of the cranial
nerves are _____________





Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742575
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1

Q.50 A moment of stuttering that is an inappropriate stoppage of the flow of air or voice and
often the movement of articulators as well is termed as __________
Ans A. Block

B. Repetition

C. Prolongation

D. Revision

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742548
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Ans A. Respiratory Control

B. Relaxation

C. Yawn-Sigh

D. Accent Method

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742535
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Q.52 An unexpected raised speaking fundamental frequency as vocal fold tension increases with
increased hyper function is a _______________ feature of a voice disorder
Ans A. Secondary

B. Primary

C. Chief

D. Major

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742531
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25

Q.53 The indirect method of reducing challenging behaviors in which a child is taught a more
socially acceptable way of expressing the communicative intent of an undesirable behavior
is referred to as_____________
Ans A. Differential reinforcement of other behavior

B. Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior

C. Differential reinforcement of low rates of responding

D. Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742598
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : -0.25

Ans A. Modelling


C. Priming

D. Parallel Talk

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742594
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. Age of onset of stuttering

B. Culture


D. Imitation of stuttering

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742544
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : -0.25

Q.56 The embryological formation of primary and secondary palate is complete by ______ and
______ weeks after conception respectively
Ans A. 6 and 8

B. 4 and 11

C. 4 and 10

D. 6 and 12

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742563
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Ans A. Laser Surgery

B. Thyroplasty


D. Trial Voice Therapy

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742533
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1

Q.58 Cluttering is a fluency disorder characterized by a rate that is perceived to be abnormally

___________ for the speaker

B. Slow


D. Rapid

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742542
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

Ans A.




Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742550
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : -0.25

Q.60 The most useful donor nerve in laryngeal paralysis is _____________

Ans A. Ansa Cervicalis

B. Auxiliary Nerve

C. Sciatic Nerve

D. Brachial Plexus

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742536
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Ans A. Efferent Motor Aphasia

B. Afferent Motor Aphasia

C. Sensory Aphasia

D. Conduction Aphasia

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742579
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1

Q.62 The organizational strategy in which a symbol forms a link to some information thereby
facilitating recall of an event through an image is referred to as ________________
Ans A. Associative Strategy

B. Transfer Strategy

C. Mediational Strategy

D. Parsing Strategy

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742599
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : -0.25

Q.63 Stimulability testing or probing is performed during ______________

Ans A. Speech Evaluation

B. Speech Therapy

C. Therapy Discharge

D. Counselling

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742559
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1





Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742540
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : 1


Ans A. Babies begin to coo and babble shortly after birth

B. Produce identifiable words by 12 months

C. Short sentences by 24 months

D. Acquire vocabulary of about 5000 words by 5 years

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742552
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : A
Marks : -0.25


Ans A. Whistled

B. hoarse

C. falsetto

D. silent

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742554
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : -0.25
Q.67 All except ____________ are alaryngeal speech methods
Ans A. Tracheoesophageal Speech

B. Confidential Voice

C. Esophageal Speech

D. Electronic Speech Aid

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742558
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : B
Marks : 1


Ans A. Basal Ganglia

B. Supplementary Motor Cortex

C. Thalamus

D. Cerebellum

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742572
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : D
Marks : 1


Ans A. Specific Language Impairment

B. Intellectual Disability

C. Autism


Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742593
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1


Ans A. Ataxic Dyarthria

B. Hypokinetic Dysarthria

C. Spastic Dysarthria

D. Hyperkinetic Dysarthria

Question Type : Multiple Choice Question

Question ID : 5616742569
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : C
Marks : 1

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