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Current Scenario of the Dengue

Virus (2024)
Overview of Dengue Virus
Dengue virus (DENV) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that poses significant health
challenges in tropical and subtropical regions. Transmitted primarily by Aedes
aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, dengue infection can lead to severe flu-
like symptoms, and in severe cases, progress to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or
dengue shock syndrome (DSS), which are potentially fatal.

Global Situation in 2024

Increasing Incidence

In 2024, dengue continues to be a major public health issue. Many countries,

particularly in Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific region, are experiencing high
incidences of dengue outbreaks. Factors such as urbanization, climate change, and
increased international travel have contributed to the spread and intensity of

Key Affected Regions

1. Asia: Countries like India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and the Philippines report significant
increases in dengue cases. Urban areas with high population densities and
inadequate sanitation are particularly hard hit.
2. Latin America: Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia are among the countries with the
highest number of reported cases. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
has issued alerts regarding severe outbreaks.
3. Africa: Although less affected compared to Asia and Latin America, African nations
are seeing a rise in cases, particularly in East African countries like Kenya and

Emerging Challenges

 Climate Change: Warmer temperatures and altered rainfall patterns have expanded
the habitat range of Aedes mosquitoes, leading to more frequent and widespread
 Urbanization: Rapid urban growth in many tropical cities has created ideal breeding
conditions for mosquitoes due to poor waste management and water storage
 Vaccine Hesitancy and Accessibility: While the Dengvaxia vaccine (developed by
Sanofi Pasteur) is available, its uptake is limited due to concerns about safety, cost,
and logistical challenges in distribution.

Current Responses and Strategies

Vector Control

Efforts to control mosquito populations remain the cornerstone of dengue

prevention. Strategies include:

 Environmental Management: Eliminating standing water where mosquitoes breed.

 Chemical Control: Using insecticides and larvicides, though resistance is a growing
 Biological Control: Introducing natural predators or using genetically modified
mosquitoes to reduce populations.


Dengvaxia is the only licensed dengue vaccine, recommended primarily for

individuals who have had a previous dengue infection. Research is ongoing for new
vaccines that could provide broader and safer protection.

Public Health Campaigns

Awareness campaigns are crucial for educating the public about preventive
measures. These campaigns focus on:

 Personal Protection: Encouraging the use of mosquito nets, repellents, and wearing
long-sleeved clothing.
 Community Participation: Promoting community efforts to reduce mosquito
breeding sites.

Research and Development

Ongoing research aims to improve understanding of the dengue virus, its

transmission dynamics, and the development of effective treatments and vaccines.
The use of big data and AI in predicting outbreaks and improving response strategies
is also being explored.
The dengue virus remains a significant global health threat in 2024. Effective
management requires a multifaceted approach, including vector control, vaccination,
public education, and robust healthcare responses. International cooperation and
sustained investment in research are critical to mitigate the impact of dengue and
improve outcomes for affected populations.

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