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Lands in Shadow for

Shadow of the Demon Lord ~Credits~

Writing, Design, and Art Direction:
The Northern Reach offers much to see and to explore,
but of all the features found in the province, the Fall Robert J. Schwalb
commands attention. An enormous cliff that extends Editing and Proofreading: Jay Spight
some five hundred miles, from the Iron Peaks on the
edges of the Desolation, south, where it curves around Graphic Design and Layout: Kara Hamilton
Sixton and vanishes into the Tumbledowns. At a mile Illustrations: Cagdas Demiralp
high in many places, it’s no wonder people include the Northern Reach Part III is ©2023 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.
Fall as one of the great geographical wonders of the All rights reserved.
world. Live within sight of the fantastic long enough, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Lands in Shadow, Northern Reach Part III,
and even the most extraordinary becomes ordinary, Schwalb Entertainment, and their associated logos
yet somehow, people still look upon the Fall with awe are trademarks of Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.
and amazement. Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
The importance of the Fall and how it divides the
east from the west makes it an obvious stop on the
tour through the Northern Reach. In the following
pages, descriptions of the people, places, and events
that inhabit the narrow strip of land in the middle of PO Box #12548, Murfreesboro, TN 37129
the Empire’s northernmost province take center stage.
You can use the information as a mini-setting or as
part of the greater exploration of the Northern Reach

kobolds, who resent intrusions into their respective
Lands of the Fall
The region known as the Lands of the Fall
domains. Skirmishes threatened to become all-
out war several times and dwarfs still bitterly
recall such conflicts as Broken Cliff, the Seven-Day
encompasses the territory out to a few miles on Siege, and War of Dark Waters, an especially nasty
either side of the great cliff. The country here rises conflict that saw the gnomes flood mines with a
and falls, an uneven expanse that gradually climbs subterranean lake, drowning hundreds of miners.
as it nears the foothills of the Iron Peaks in the The earthquake brought a sudden end to the
north and the Tumbledowns in the south. Not much fighting in the mines. While the dwarfs claim to
adorns the landscape; necessity saw the forest cut have had nothing to do with the catastrophe, the
until not even the stumps remained. Open country earthquake did put an end to years of skirmishes
prevails, prairies in the south, badlands in the north, between the miners and the people who live under
with scrub brush, cacti, and dusty, rubble-strewn the mountains. Of the gnomes, the survivors of
plains. Yet to the east, about a mile down from the the collapse came bobbing up out of the depths of
cliffs’ top, stretch green fields and country. West, Mirror Lake, leaving them a problem for the east to
the lands gain elevation, bit by bit as they approach handle now.
the distant mountains bounding the province. Even though dwarfs run the operations into the
Temperatures are as hot as elsewhere in the Reach, mountains, most of the miners belong to the human
though the climate is humid in the south, and dry in and orc ancestries. The mines offer reasonable
the north, as one nears the desert. pay, although that pay often comes in the form of
company scrip, and housing. The dwarfs serve as

Iron Peaks foremen, directing the workers and solving the

engineering problems.
The miners have been content for the most part,
The Fall terminates at rugged mountains that block
the Desolation’s spread southward, here at least. but now that the gnomes have stopped giving them
Brown, gray, and rust red peaks stand in a row, their trouble, the miners have begun to look toward their
appearance broken, cracked, and rubble-strewn. future. The scrip they receive for their work has
The south-facing side drops away into boulder fields value only in the trade depots and in some places in
that form a skirt around the mountains’ base. From Foundry. Workers have begun to meet in secret and
and through them streams form the sluggish Blood plot to take control over their working conditions
River, red from the ubiquitous iron in these peaks and compensation. The Lampers, as they’ve come to
and valleys. be called, plan to strike until the dwarf bosses meet
Smokestacks rising from Foundry’s smelters and their demands.
forges feed the haze that hangs over the mountains
lower slopes, cinders and soot cover everything in
greasy ash. Chemical waste turns bright green and
Unintended Consequences
Ogres live in tribal groups all over the Iron Peaks
queer blue the nearby pools of standing water, none
and have done so since the faeries broke the trolls
of which is safe for consumption. The pollution
and sent them fleeing for the western mountains.
comes from Foundry’s forges and laboratories, as
A people boorish, brutish, and disgusting, their
well as from the waste byproducts of mining efforts,
mere presence has been enough to keep outsiders
making the region anathematic to flora and fauna.
from trespassing into their territory in the high
valleys and deeper caves. But food becomes scarce
The Mines and water unsafe to drink, even for these voracious
Even if the rest of the Empire no longer had need for monsters. So, following their appetites, the ogres
steel, Foundry’s consumption of the material would have begun descending from their camps to take
be enough to keep the mines open for generations
to come. Iron has become a crucial commodity and
thus prospectors scour the lands, searching for ore.
So far, no place has yielded more iron ore than has
the Iron Peaks and along with that metal, miners
find copper, tin, silver, some gold, and precious
stones, which keeps Foundry’s mining bosses
focused on gutting these mountains.
Dwarfs have been mining the Iron Peaks for
centuries and they have never, not once had an easy
time of it. In the mountains’ roots live gnomes and

what they need by force from farms, small towns, floorplans, riddled with traps, both magical and
caravans, herds, and anything else that comes across otherwise, while the décor tends toward the
their paths. macabre, feature trolls in positions of authority,
While many such attacks appear random, driven lording over their smaller, weaker subjects.
by ogre appetites, reports to Foundry’s leadership
mention some organization uncommon to ogres
and a name, Goombak, has begun to circulate. It’s
Death Troll
believed that Goombak is a cunning warrior who Most records concerning troll magic speak of their
named himself chief-of-chiefs and has been forcing skill at transformation, how they bred giants and
other ogres to follow him, earning their loyalty with terrible things to fight on their behalf. In addition
regular feeding. to their monster-making abilities, trolls also knew
a bit about Death magic and Necromancy. The
Boggart Invasion death trolls survived the fall of their civilization by
imbuing in themselves necromantic energies that
The practice of hunting boggarts for sport and extended their existence long after death should
taking boggart noses as trophies goes back to have claimed them. Few exist and the ones who do
Foundry’s earliest days, before there was really dwell in the ruins scattered across the Iron Peaks.
much of a settlement at all. Not long after arriving, Death trolls resemble other trolls, but they have
the dwarfs found themselves beset by the hairy, thin, emaciated bodies. Their black rubbery skin
multilimbed monstrosities, and were nearly resists blows, and repairs itself when cut. They
overwhelmed by them. After throwing back the have glowing white eyes set in faces so warped they
initial attack, the dwarfs went on the offensive, appear lopsided.
tracking the boggarts and putting them to death.
Rather than drag the carcasses back to stink up the DEATH TROLL DIFFICULTY 250
place, the dwarfs took the noses and left the bodies
to rot where they laid. Size 2 frightening undead
A combination of declining interest in boggart Perception 13 (+3); darksight
Defense 12; Health 140; Insanity 5; Corruption 6
hunting, likely due to their diminished numbers, Strength 18 (+8), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect 7 (–3), Will 12 (+2)
and the influx of hungry, angry ogres drawing all the Speed 10
Death Field A death troll emanates a field of death magic
attention has allowed the boggart population of the that drains life to sustain the troll. The field extends out
Iron Peaks to rebound. Breeding rates and the short to short range from the troll. Whenever a living creature
in the field takes damage, the troll heals half as much
time it takes to reach maturity result in a boggart damage.
population boom. Foundry has ignored the problem Death Burst When a death troll becomes incapacitated,
it petrifies until it becomes a stone statue. At the end
for months, but hunger and hate make the boggarts of the round, the statue explodes, dealing 4d6 damage
more aggressive, leading to several attacks within to each creature and object within short range of it. A
creature can make an Agility challenge roll and takes half
Foundry’s walls. the damage on a success.
Foundry’s leaders offer a bounty for boggart
noses, paying 2 cp per pound of nose. So far, all the ATTACK OPTIONS
bounty has accomplished is the deaths of several Claws and Teeth (melee) +8 with 3 boons (6d6)
unready adventuring bands. Rumors swirl about a SPECIAL ATTACKS
raising of the bounty and thus more sellswords and Frenzied Attack The death troll makes three attacks,
freelancers descend on the region to start collecting. choosing a different target for each.

Troll Ruins Foundry

There were twenty troll strongholds once, but The second largest town in the Northern Reach rises
nearly all have collapsed into ruins, and most are from the polluted badlands south of the Iron Peaks.
now little more than rubble piles and old bones. Smoke belching from the forest of smokestacks
From time to time, mountaineers stumble across rising from the town’s north side casts a pall over
a ruin and, if they’re lucky, come up with a few the lands for miles around and stains the slopes of
trinkets and treasures. If they’re not lucky, and few the mountains themselves.
are, they vanish, victims of old, dark magic, traps, About a thousand years ago, dwarfs spread out
and the undead trolls that lurk in these places. from High Stone to establish new strongholds
Troll ruins share certain qualities. Being sized throughout the region. Foundry was the last
for trolls, every door, window, and ceiling looms established and also the last to survive. The
large, sometimes twice the size of what a typical community outgrew the walls of the stronghold and
human would expect. The places have labyrinthine this fortress commands the center of a larger urban

center with five walled wards that extend out
from the center like spokes of a wheel.
Other peoples have settled in Foundry, drawn by
the promise of wealth, work, and shelter. Humans
outnumber the dwarfs, but not by much, and
Foundry remains very much a dwarfen city. The
architecture favors large, functional buildings with
little sense of artistry. So large are the buildings
that even jotun feel small when wandering
around them. The same sense of scope found in
the construction shows in the wide streets, with
metal plates set into the ground displaying, in
Dwarfish, the name. Statues depicting dwarfs at
work, mining, forging, fighting, adorn almost every
intersection, nameless figures to the humans and
others who live here.
The old stronghold remains the seat of power
for Foundry and the Autarch, always a dwarf,
rules over the city and the lands all around for as
far as they can see. The current Autarch is Regnis
Regnisson, a portly dwarf in his middle years,
saddled with three wives, a dozen children, and
a bad cough. Sixton paid him handsomely to gain
his support in joining the Empire, and he was glad
to defer to the governor so long as the governor
stayed in Sixton and out of Foundry’s politics.
Since, Foundry’s fortunes have only grown, as
Sixton and the Empire prove eager consumers of
the goods this city produces.
So far, Foundry’s official stance regarding
imperial troubles is simply to stay out of provincial
politics. Foundry banned slavery ages ago, so the
orcs living here have been free for generations.
The policy against slavery helped Foundry avoid
the uprising, but no one should mistake the town’s
illegality of slavery as a sign of progressiveness.
Rather, people sell their labor to the mine
magnates cheaply, and the scrip can purchase
shoddy clothing, substandard food, and barracks in
which they sleep. Miners sign contracts that bind
them to their employers for years, and few live long
enough to ever be free of them.
Foundry’s wards comprise the enormous
Industrial District on the north side of the town,
flanked by dirty residential districts, Westhome
and Easthome. The southern districts include
High Gate, a wealthy mercantile district, and the
Yards, a former commercial district fully taken
over by the train depot, manufacturing for rails
and ties, as well as several large hangers where
new locomotive engines sit in various stages of

People of Foundry
Foundry’s population includes a growing number
of humans, dwarfs, goblins, and orcs. Nearly
everyone in the city works in a trade related to named Gordon who threw himself off the cliff after
mining, smelting, construction, and engineering. being jilted by the Maiden in the Moon. As polluted
Humans, and some orcs, have difficult jobs, often as the waters have become, the water becomes clean
unskilled and demanding long hours under deadly again before it crashes into the lake, which keeps
conditions. Those who escape the mines or the the lake as pure and as magnificent as it has always
factories might tend the city’s other needs: cleaning been. Some believe the goddess herself cleanses the
the streets, removing rubbish, and clearing the water out of memory of the devoted mortal.
sewers of goblins, mutated rats, and other, nastier
Where humans have it hard, dwarfs live in Muck Fiend
comparable luxury. They control the mines, the The foulness contaminating the Silver River has
factories, the mills, and everything else. Some killed off much of the wildlife, but those that
dwarfs work alongside the other miners, but most somehow manage not to sicken and die find
find employment making things, from pots and pans themselves changed into muck fiends. They keep
to the magnificent steam engines that have made the
the forms they once wore, but instead of flesh and
town famous.
blood, these animals appear made from mud, thick
As one might expect, resentment toward the
and viscous. Any kind of creature, big or small,
dwarfs grows and a few uprisings and strikes have
that comes to the river’s edge must at some point
unsettled the city. The dwarfs crack down on the
workers whenever they make too much trouble, contend with these strange creatures.
and think nothing of breaking a few skulls to keep Muck fiends do not speak and have no languages.
the population firmly under their control. Such You can create a muck fiend from any creature of
draconian tactics have had little luck in suppressing flesh and blood by applying the appropriate changes
the discontent; demonstrations occur with greater to its stat box.
and greater frequency.
The Fall
Silver River A terrific earthquake could have created the Fall,
causing the eastern lands to collapse, but powerful
The days when the Silver River was as clean as
the name suggests are long gone, for the lesser magic or some divine act might also have been
waterways feeding this watercourse carry coal responsible. So enormous is this place and so large
dust, rust, and chemicals from the mining in the does it live in the minds of the Reachers it’s no
Iron Peaks. Once, this was a fast-flowing river, with wonder the fall has found a place in myth. The Old
abundant wildlife, but now debris and sludge block Faith, for example, teaches that the World Mother
portions, causing the waters to flood the lands was born in the lands east of the cliffs and when
around, as they flow east. she sat up, she took with her the ground. The Cult
of the Destroyer claim their god, Shuzik, descended
Gordon’s Fall from the stars and landed here with such force and
violence that the ground collapsed beneath him.
The Silver River eventually reaches the Fall and Some faeries who claim to remember these lands
spills down as Gordon’s Fall down to Mirror Lake suggest a different origin, though, one that resulted
below. The falls take their name from a lovelorn man from the Hateful Wars that wrecked so much of the
continent. The trolls used terrible magic to wipe out
MUCK FIEND an army of faeries that marched against them.
Change type to monster Whatever its origins, the cliffs have stood for
Perception Increase by 1 as long as any can remember and were, for many
Defense reduce by 4; Health increase by 30%; Insanity +1d3 years, an impassible barrier between east and
Strength increase by 1, Agility decrease by 1, Intellect 5 (–5),
Will 12 (+2) west. Too sheer for beasts of burden, travelers
Speed Reduce by 2 have to climb it and with few breaks since ledges
Wet Mud A muck fiend takes half damage from fire. When
the muck fiend takes damage from fire, its wet skin and gaps can be scarce. However, people did not
hardens, increasing its Defense by 5 until it takes 10
damage or more.
let the Fall stop them for long as evidenced by the
Infectious A flesh and blood creature injured by a muck numerous switchbacks and steps carved into its
fiend’s attack or that takes damage from a muck fiend surface. As people mastered the wall, they also
while injured makes a Strength challenge roll with 1 bane
after it next completes a rest. On a failure, the creature began excavating in it, opening gaps in which they
contracts a lethal disease. If the disease kills the creature, constructed cliffside villages, some of which remain
it immediately heals all damage and becomes a muck
fiend, applying these changes to its stat box. populated to this day.
Caves and fissures appear all across the Fall.
Drakes nest in many, as do birds, but some caves
remain empty and lead miles into the darkness. Foul
odors waft out from within, stenches redolent of
waste, smoke, and decay. As degenerated troglodytes
sometimes emerge from the caves to hunt and raid,
there’s little doubt about the fates of the people who
once lived in the now-emptied settlements clinging
to the cliffside.
Routes up and down the Fall might be uncommon,
but travelers can find reliable passage at Sixton,
Foundry, and at some of the smaller settlements that
have built up around the Iron Road. Most of these
places have stable lifts that raise and lower on thick
metal cables. Cages contain the lifts to make them
stabler. Early efforts used ropes and open platforms
that on windy days would smash against the cliff.
Recently, dwarfen engineers revealed steam-
powered climbers, machines designed to crawl up
and down the side of the cliff on tracks similar to
those used by the locomotives. The climbers offer
swift and stable passage, while also being able to
move much heavier weight than can the traditional
lifts. Two stations operate currently, one in Sixton
and the other in Foundry. Work is underway for
more stations along the Iron Road.

Wedge Town works four copper mines. Aside from the

copper ore, miners have also discovered enormous
Most inhabited cliff-face settlements were bones, probably of giants, buried in the rock.
established by long-vanished peoples of mysterious
origin and have since been exploiting by miners
digging tunnels into the side in pursuit of precious
stones and metals. The town, Wedge, has become
Iron Road
The steam engine overshadows just about every
one of the most successful mining communities. other innovation that has come out of Foundry.
Gallows & Glint Mining Consortium owns the Rodren Clawfist invented the locomotive a
settlement and pays its miners in scrip. The miners century ago, but it took him fifty years to create
seem content as security is anything but strict and a prototype that didn’t explode. And then there
most supplement of their meager earnings with was the matter of laying the tracks on which the
whatever nuggets of gold or silver they can stuff in engine would travel. Orc labor, cheap and supplied
their pockets. by an interested emperor, saw rails stretched from
Foundry to Sixton and with stops all along the
Chain Town way. Since the first track, two more make the same
As impractical as it might seem, the mining industry journey, and plans are now under development to
has been interested in burrowing into the Fall. Early run lines west along the border of the Desolation.
efforts revealed quantities of copper, silver, gold, The locomotive’s benefits realized themselves
along with lesser metals. Chain Town demonstrates right away. No longer did one have to spend
the lengths to which these outfits will go to fill their weeks traveling between the two cities; a traveler
coffers. can make the trip in a matter of days. Weapons,
About one hundred miles south of Foundry, there armor, marvels of engineering, and more come
stands a village at the cliff’s edge. The village grew out of Foundry to sell in markets throughout the
up around the cranes jutting out over the side. From Northern Reach, all thanks to the speed of the trains.
them hang dozens of scaffolds on chains. Lower, The intent was to extend the track through the
permanent platforms jut out from the cliff. Ladders Tumbledowns and spread out through the Empire,
connect the different levels to enable workers to but war and calamity have put an end to these plans
move easily between the various sites. So far, Chain and left much of the work undone below Sixton.
Three locomotive engines (see Demon Lord’s
Companion, page 32) race back and forth along
the iron roads. The engines, named Fury, Pride of
Foundry, and the Iron Horse, have crews of ten Without the Iron Road, Thorpe would still be a
engineers, all dwarfs, responsible for their operation minor, inconsequential village of a few buildings
and paid from Sixton’s coffers as well as from and uncommonly devout followers of the New God.
the merchants whose cargo they carry. Recently, Thorpe’s location about halfway between Foundry
raiders and monsters have begun attacking the and Sixton made it an obvious choice for a stop, so
engines; boggarts nearly derailed the Pride of that engineers could make whatever repairs they
Foundry, sending the train toppling off the edge of needed and replenish supplies of coal, passengers,
the Fall, while there have also been rumors about and food stuffs for the people who ride it. In the
a dragon striking the lines not far from Darksville. span of a decade, Thorpe became a sizeable village
As protecting these investments remains a high with a population that continues to grow.
priority, the engines have armored plating to protect Whether Thorpe’s people wanted to fill this role
the steam tanks, coal supply, and cargo cars. Missiles was not up to them; others moved in to build inns,
fired from the heavy ballistae turrets mounted atop restaurants, and brought in all kinds of business
the train can make even the boldest dragon think to cater to travelers’ needs. The sudden boom in
twice about messing with these marvels. population left the Thorpers in straights. They could
have made some gold from selling off their land,
Rail Wardens but they refused so the newcomers simply built a
community around the old. Now, Thorpe’s original
A king’s fortune might come close to being able to inhabitants live in a squalid center, blocked in by
afford just one of the steam engines traveling along multistory buildings, warehouses, and fortifications.
the Iron Road, thus neither Foundry nor Sixton, who The new mayor, Edna Rolf, sees the natives as an
share the burden of maintaining the rails and the annoyance and would just as soon see them carted
trains on them, can tolerate anything that imperils off to live somewhere else. The trouble, she has
the operation. The rail wardens have earned their found, is that the Thorpers gained their land with
value so far, and recruitment and training for new aid from the Cult of the New God and earn ongoing
members continues. Rail wardens ride in the cars support from the faith by maintaining a shrine to
drawn by the steam engines as they follow the rail. a minor holy man who performed a few miracles
Most times, six roam the various cars, but high value here—he made a tree bear fruit and cured a baby
cargo can warrant twelve or more. of having a tail. Any move the mayor makes risks
Rail wardens include dwarfs and some humans. inviting attention from the religious leaders, which
All wear metal breastplates, long leather coats, could then bring scrutiny from Sixton, scrutiny that
wide-brimmed hats, and carry pistols and rifles. might reveal some of her shady dealings with crime
Professional killers all, they show no hesitation families that have enriched her and kept her hold on
when it comes to protecting the rails and grant no the mayorship secure. So, the mayor bides her time
quarter to would-be robbers and saboteurs. until the people give up and either abandon their
community or assimilate.

Size 1/2 dwarf

Perception 11 (+1); darksight
Defense 17 (plate and mail); Health 32; Insanity 0;
Corruption 0
Strength 12 (+2), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 10 (+0), Will 11 (+1)
Speed 8
Darksville and Devil’s Breach
Robust Constitution A rail warden takes half damage from The Last Train to Darksville by Matt Forbeck
poison. The rail warden makes challenge rolls with 1 boon mentions two towns, Devil’s Breach and
to avoid or remove the poisoned affliction. Darksville, but sets them in no particular place,
Rail Fighting A rail warden makes challenge rolls to climb, leaving their location to you for placement.
maintain balance, and jump with 1 boon. That the adventure deals with a steam engine,
it always made sense to me for these places
ATTACK OPTIONS to exist somewhere in the Northern Reach,
preferably along the Iron Road north of Thorpe.
Axe (melee) +2 with 1 boon (1d6 + 1) Placing them here and unleashing a dragon onto
Pistol (medium) +1 with 1 boon (2d6) the region introduces a serious threat suitable for
high-level characters.
Double Shot The rail warden uses an action to make two
pistol attacks. Once it makes this special attack, it must use
an action to reload both pistols before it can use it again.

for the trains. The community sits about a mile from
Threshold the station and huddles behind steep stone walls. A
turret tower, despite being ten stories tall, appears
The town of Threshold stands just outside squat, perhaps due to the flattened dome that caps
Sixton’s sphere of influence and though loyal to it. Buildings feature stone and timber construction,
the government, Thresholders see themselves as much like everywhere else in the Reach, and
being apart from what they view as the decadent features a mix of residences, shops, and industries.
and corrupt. The town began as a trading post Fizzen IV rules Threshold and he inherited the
about a thousand years ago, a launching point for position from his father, who did the same from his
explorations into the rest of the province. In those father. A bookish man, freighted with the effects of
thousand years, the town maintained its general size too much ale and too much food, he ambles about
and drew little attention to itself, aside from the odd in his tower, complaining about the stairs when not
cult seizing power, a few outbreaks of disease, and reading or attending to the three dozen cats who
being the place where the Beer Rebellion began and share his domicile. People embrace his eccentricities
ended two hundred years back. and seem to adore him; he’s fair in his rulings
The Iron Road forced Threshold to meet the and exacts little from his subjects. He maintains a
demands of travelers and trade, and thus a small standing army of professional soldiers. Since
station appeared on the edge of town, along with Fizzen has no heirs and seems to have no interest in
accommodations for travelers. Unlike Thorpe, correcting this, locals worry about how things might
Threshold has been a grudging adopter of modern change when he finally passes and it’s believed that
conveyance and thus maintains a footprint not that ambitious Sarey, the commander of Threshold’s
much larger than it did before the orcs laid tracks defenders might move to take his place.

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