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Histological features of giant lesions

?Classification of giant cells lesion

? Classify developmental anomalies according to eruption

Compare between AOT and dentegrous cyst in relation to clinical features , histopathology ,
? xray

? Importance of clinically necrotizing sialometaplasia

? Alveolar otitis , etiology, prediposing factors , signs and symptoms

Sjogren syndrome : clinical features , histological features , difference between primary and
? secondary sjogren

Garret osteomylitis starry sky

scc squamous metaplasia

pemphgus vulgaris reed sturburg cells

birrkut lymphoma ballooning degenration

Hodgkin lymohoma lisgang rings

necrotizing sialometaplasia row of thombstone

herherpetic gingivostomatitis pigmentation

adenomatoid cystic carcinoma keratin pearls

pleomorphic adenoma epithelial and mesenchymal component

CEOT Swiss cheeks pattern


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