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All the students enrolled for MCA Programme, have to undergo compulsory Project Work /
Dissertation of 5 to 6 Months in an organization of repute in the field of S/W development.
The aim of the project is to give the students an integrated experience in solving a real life
problem by applying knowledge and skills gained on completion of theory papers and in-
house practical papers during MCA course. It provides an occasion for students to realize the
importance of resource and time management, ownership of task towards deliverables,
innovation and efficiency in the task management. It also provides a good opportunity for
students to build, enhance and sustain high levels of professional conduct and performance
and evolves a problem solver frame of mind in students at early stage. It also prepares
students for taking up responsible assignments in the corporate establishment.

General Guidelines:
1. The project should be original, of real life value, and not copied from existing
material from any source, and a certificate to this effect should be provided with the
project, duly countersigned by both the guides; Industry and Institute. There may be
two separate certificates (Refer Report Format). Also one training certificate to be
submit to MCA department issued by the company (HR Dept).
2. A student should ensure that they understands what is expected by preparing a
requirement document of his understanding and get it reviewed by both the guides; in
industry and at Institute.
3. Design document should also be reviewed and code should also be peer reviewed.
4. A user manual has to be prepared and reviewed.
5. Testing has to be thorough and at various levels, followed by an acceptance test based
on the requirement document and user manual.
6. Students should follow the steps as discussed in Software Development Life Cycle
while writing dissertation and use Software Engineering Methodologies for
development of deliverables, mere programming will not be sufficient. Students must
note that interviewers for job are often more interested in the problem solved,
alternatives that could have been tried and the benefits derived from the developed
application, rather than just implementation details.
7. One Project will be submitted only by one student. However, if the nature of the
project is very big & large enough to be divided in different independent big modules
having an estimated required effort of 05 to 06 months to be developed by one person,
can be taken up and designed in such a way that every student will be responsible for
one module and will submit only that specific module as it were a complete software
8. Every student has to get his / her synopsis approved from both the guides latest by the
date, as fixed by their respective Institutions or University. (Refer Academic Calendar
of Project and Dissertation Work).
9. The project synopsis needs to be submitted. It may address details like (however,
students may follow the SRS format of IEEE for writing Synopsis):-
a. Name / title of the project,
b. Statement about the problem,
c. Why is the Particular topic chosen? It must address Present State of the Art.
d. Objective and scope of the project,
e. Analysis, Design, Development & Testing Methodology,

f. H/W & S/W to be used,
g. Testing Technologies to be used,
h. What contribution / value addition would the project make?
i. Limitations / constraints of the project,
j. Conclusion, Future Scope for Modification,
k. References and Bibliography.

10. After approval of the Synopsis, Students will need to submit Progress Reports, Draft
of Final Report and Final Report to the Internal Guide duly approved by the External
Guide, as per the schedule fixed (Refer Academic Calendar of Project and
Dissertation Work) by their respective Institutions or University. The external guide
will mail the approved report to the internal guide.

11. The student will submit his/her project report/thesis in the prescribed format (Refer
Report Format), The students need to submit:-
a. One hard copy of the project report / thesis binds with Bond Paper for
b. Soft copy of project including all resource code/ compiled binary code (if
available) and the manuscript in MS-Word document format should be
submitted to Internal Guide. (Zipped File)
c. One Scanned copy of training certificate duly signed by internal and external
guide (Refer Report Format) and project report in pdf format. The soft copy of
project report duly approved by Guides should be submitted to Library.
12. With respect to Preparation of the Documentation. Please note that documentation is
meant for other people, and hence it must be self-explanatory, in all respect.
13. Kindly note that all-methodological details and theoretical aspects must be
written in students’ own words. Copying from books or other students will not
be accepted, in any case.
14. The above-mentioned guidelines may be customized, if needed, for specific
projects with the prior approval of the Institutional Guides counter approved by
the Programme Coordinator of the Institute.
15. NOTE: The students are advised to be continuously in touch with their internal
guide through mail and submit the progress reports on time. Progress reports
mailed by external guide to internal guide will only be considered.
16. The Project Dissertation is for 20 credits. The internal and external guide will evaluate
the Project Dissertation.

Guidelines for MCA Seminar

1. The student has to appear for MCA 4th semester seminar presentation. Details are:

a) The seminar is a Non University Exam System (NUES) requirement with 4 credits.
b) Students need to give a presentation on a topic selected by them from a list of Seminar
topics provided to them by the institute. The presentation will be of 15 minutes
duration and evaluated for 100 marks (student will have to report at institute for
seminar presentation). The scheduled date and time will be mailed to the students.

c) The list of the topics will be mailed/provided to the students and students have to
select from the same. No two students will have the similar topic.
d) Internal Guides (at C-DAC) will be assigned to these students and students are
instructed to get approved their presentation from guide one week before the
commencement of their presentation. Presentation not approved by guide will not be
presented. Students are advised to be in touch (through mail) with their internal guide
for Seminar as well as Project Dissertation.
e) The panel members during the presentation and internal guide will evaluate the
seminar presentation.
f) During seminar presentation students will also have to give presentation on their
training project done at industry. Time duration 5 minutes. (Total Time 10 + 5 = 15
g) The total credit for Dissertation and Seminar for MCA 4 th semester is 24 credits
(project 20 + seminar 4).

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