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Grade 12 Improvement Resources

Level 1 - 3

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F P 0136 Physical Sciences Grade 12 Improvement Resources Memorandum Physics & Chemistry Combined Level 1 - 3
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MOMENTUM AND IMPULSE ............................................................................................................ 3
VERTICAL PROJECTILE MOTION ................................................................................................... 8
NEWTON’S LAW ............................................................................................................................. 13
WORK, ENERGY AND POWER ..................................................................................................... 18
DOPPLER’S EFFECT ..................................................................................................................... 24
ELECTROSTATICS ......................................................................................................................... 27
ELECTRODYNAMICS ..................................................................................................................... 31
ELECTRICITY ................................................................................................................................. 35
PHOTO-ELECTRIC EFFECT .......................................................................................................... 41
PRACTICAL SKILLS ACTIVITY A: RESOURCE MATERIAL 1 – 7 ............................................... 44
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY .................................................................................................................. 48
REACTION RATES ......................................................................................................................... 58
CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM .............................................................................................................. 62
ACID AND BASES ........................................................................................................................... 65
GALVANTIC CELLS ........................................................................................................................ 69
ELECTROLYTIC CELLS ................................................................................................................. 73
QUANTITATIVE CHEMISTRY ........................................................................................................ 76

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1.1 The product of the mass and velocity of the object. ü ü (2)

1.2 The product of the net force acting on an object and the contact time that the net
force acts on the object. ü ü (2)

1.3 Collision in which kinetic energy is conserved. ü ü (2)

1.4 Collision in which kinetic energy is not conserved. ü ü (2)

1.5 The energy an object possesses as a result of its motion. ü ü (2)


2.1 Total linear momentum of a closed system remains constant. ü ü (2)

2.2 The net force of an object is equal to the rate of change of momentum. ü ü (2)

2.3 Kinetic energy before collision equals to kinetic energy after collision. ü ü (2)

2.4 Net force. ü ü (2)

2.5 B. ü ü (2)


3.1 p = mv ü = 6 x 5 ü = 30 kg.m.s.–1 right ü (3)

3.2 p = mv ü = 6 x 3 ü = 18 kg.m.s.–1 left ü (3)

3.3 𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣 ü

90 = 10𝑣 ü

𝑣 = 9𝑚. 𝑠 !" ü (3)

3.4 𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣 ü

60 = 𝑚 × 30 ü

𝑚 = 2 kg ü (3)

3.5 𝑝 = 𝑚∆𝑣 ü

𝑝 = 𝑚/𝑣# − 𝑣$ 1

= 12(15 − 10) ü

= 60 kg. 𝑚. 𝑠 !" ü north ü (4)

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3.6 𝛥𝑝 = 𝑚∆𝑣 ü

𝛥𝑝 = 𝑚/𝑣# − 𝑣$ 1

= 20(5 − 40) ü

= −700 kg.m.s-1

= 700 kg.m.s-1 ü east ü (4)


4.1 Impulse = Fnet ∆t ü = (30) (2) ü = 60 N.s ü (3)

4.2.1 Impulse = Δp ü

= m (v f – v i)

= (15) (12 – 3) ü

= 135 N.s ü (3)

4.2.2 Change in momentum = impulse = 135 N.s. ü ü (2)

4.3 Is equal ü ü (2)

4.4 Change in momentum = impulse

𝐹%&' = ü
𝐹%&' = ü

𝐹%&' = 12𝑁 ü (3)

4.5 Change in momentum = impulse ü

Impulse = m (v f – v i)

45 = (3) (vf – 5) ü ü

v i = 20 m.s-1 ü (4)

4.6 Take north as positive.

𝐹%&' = ü
0,1(−30 − 20)
𝐹%&' = üü

𝐹%&' = −100𝑁

𝐹%&' = 100𝑁 south ü (4)

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4.7 Take initial velocity as positive.

𝐹%&' = ü
0,2(−30 − 20)
−1000 = ü

𝛥𝑡 = 0,01𝑠 ü (3)


Let moving to the right be positive.

Total momentum before the collision = Total momentum after collision. ü

m1 v1i + m2 vi2 = m1 v1f + m2 v2f

ü (1)(+2) + (1,5)(−1,5) = (1)v1f + (1,5)(+1,2) ü

2 − 2,25 = v1f + 1,8

v1f = −2,05

v1f = 2,05 𝑚. 𝑠 !" left ü ü


6.1 Total linear momentum of an isolated system remains constant. ü ü (2)

6.2 Let moving to the right be positive.

Total momentum before collision = Total momentum after collision ü

mvi + mvi = mvf + mvf

3vi + 0 ü = 3(−0,5) + (6 × 2,25) ü

vi = 4 𝑚. 𝑠 !" ü (4)

6.3 𝛥𝑝 = 𝑚∆𝑣 ü

𝛥𝑝 = 𝑚/𝑣# − 𝑣$ 1

= 6(2,25 − 0) ü

= 13,5 kg. 𝑚. 𝑠 !" ü (3)

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6.4 𝐹%&' = ü

= ü

= 1 350 𝑁 ü (3)


7.1 Total linear momentum of an isolated system remains constant. ü ü (2)

7.2 Total momentum before = total momentum after

mvi = mvf + mvf

5(0,3) ü = 3(‒ 0,2) ü + 2v

1,5 = −0,6 + 2v

v = 1,05 𝑚. 𝑠 !" ü right ü (4)

7.3 Impulse = 𝐹%&' . ∆𝑡 = ∆𝑝

∆p = m(vf − vi )

∆p = 3(−0,2 ü − 0,3)

= −1,5

= 1,5 𝑁. 𝑠 ü (kg. 𝑚. 𝑠 !" ) left ü (3)

∆) ",+
7.4 𝐹%&' = = = 𝟏𝟓 𝑵 ü (𝑘𝑔. 𝑚. 𝑠 !. ) right ü (3)
∆' ,," ü


8.1 Product of the mass and velocity of the object. ü ü (2)

8.2.1 Total p before = mAvA + mBvB ü = (500 x 6) + 0 ü = 3000 kg.m.s-1 East ü (3)

8.2.2 Total p after = mAvA + mBvB = (500 x -1) + (700 x 5) ü = 3000 kg m.s-1 East ü (2)

8.2.3 Yes ü total momentum is conserved. (1)

8.3 Total EK before collision = ½ mvA2 + ½ mvB2 = ½ x 500 x 62 + 0 ü = 9000J ü

Total EK after collision = ½ mvA2 + ½ mvB2 = ½ x 500 x (-1)2 + ½ x 700 x 52 ü =

9000J ü

Yes, ü it is an elastic collision (since EK is conserved). (5)

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∆) 01!02 [+,, × (!")] ü![+,, × 8] ü !9+,,
8.4 𝐹/&' = = ü= = = −1750 𝑁
∆' ∆' .ü .

∴ magnitude F = 1750 𝑁 ü


vf = vi + aΔt ü

-1 = 6 + a.2 ü

a = - 3,5 m.s-2 ü

FNet = ma

FNet = 500 x (-3,5) ü = - 1750 N

Magnitude FNet = 1750N ü (5)


9.1 B ü ü (2)

9.2 D ü ü (2)

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1.1 Uninterrupted motion of an object in the absence of air resistance where only
gravitational force influences the object. ü ü (2)

1.2 An object upon which the only force acting is the force of gravity. ü ü (2)

1.3 Gravitational force the Earth exerts on any object on or near its surface. ü ü (2)

1.4 The acceleration of a free-falling object due to gravitational force. ü ü (2)

1.5 Maximum constant velocity reached by a falling object when the upward
friction force equals the downward gravitational force of the object.
Acceleration is 0 m.s-2. ü ü (2)


2.1 The velocity of an object stays the same without changing. ü ü (2)

2.2 An object continues in a state of rest or uniform velocity on a straight line unless
acted upon by a net force. ü ü (2)

2.3 0 m. s-1 ü (1)

2.4 9,8 m.s-2 ü ü (2)

2.5 C. ü ü (2)


3.1 Time and distance involved (∆t; ∆x).

∆x = vi ∆t + ½ a ∆t 2 ü

= (0) ∆t + ½ (9,8) (5) 2 ü

= 122,5 m ü (3)

3.2 Time but no distance (∆t; ∆x).

vf = vi + a ∆t ü

= 0 + (9,8) (4) ü

= 39,2 m.s–1 ü (3)

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3.3 No time involved (∆t; ∆x)

vf 2 = vi 2 + 2a ∆x ü

= (0)2 + (2) (9,8) (125) ü

= 2 450

vf = 49,5 m.s–1 ü (3)

3.4 vf = vi + a∆t ü

= 0 + (9,8) (2,7) ü

= 26,46 m.s–1 ü (3)

3.5 ∆x = vi ∆t + ½ a∆t 2 ü

= 0 + ½ (9,8) (3,8)2 ü

= 70,8 m ü (3)

3.6 ∆x = vi ∆t + ½ a∆t 2 ü

54 = (0) ∆t + ½ (9,8) ∆t 2 ü (3)

∆t = 3,32 s ü

3.7 vf 2 = vi 2 + 2a ∆x ü

= (0)2 + (2) (9,8) (63) ü

= 1234,8

vf = 35,1 m.s–1 ü (3)


4.1 vf = vi + a∆ t ü

0 = 40 +(– 9,8) ∆ t ü

∆t = 4,08 s ü (3)

4.2 ∆x = vi ∆t + ½ a∆t ü

= (40) (4,08) + ½ (–9,8) (4,08)2 ü

= 163,27 – 81,57

= 81,63 m ü (3)

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4.3 vf = vi + a∆t ü

vf = 40 + (-9.8) (4.08) ü

= - 0,016

= 0.016 m.s-1 down ü ü (4)


5.1 vf 2 = vi 2 + 2a∆x ü

302 ü = (-20)2 + (2) (9,8) ∆x ü

∆x = 25,51 m downward

Height = 25,51 m ü (4)

5.2 vf = vi + a∆t ü

30 ü = (-20) + (9,8) ∆t ü

∆t = 5,10 s ü (4)


6.1 vf = vi + a∆t ü

0 ü = (-12) +(9,8) ∆t ü

∆t = 1,22 s ü (4)

6.2 ∆x = vi ∆t + ½ a∆t 2 ü

= (-12) (1,22) + ½ (9,8) (1,22)2 ü

= - 7,35 m

= 7,35 m upward

Height = 7,35 ü + 70 = 77,35 m ü (4)


7.1 An object upon which the only force acting is the force of gravity. ü ü (2)

7.2 No. ü

The balloon is not accelerating at the rate of 9,8 m∙s-2 / moving with constant
velocity / acceleration is 0 m∙s-2 ü (2)

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7.3 Δx = viΔt + ½ aΔt2 ü

- 22 = (-1,2) Δt + ½ (- 9,8) Δt2 ü

Δt = 2 s ü (3)

7.4.1 vf = vi + aΔt ü

0 = 15 + (- 9,8) Δt ü

Δt = 1,53 s

Total time elapsed = 2 + 1,53 + 0,3 ü

= 3,83 s ü (4)

7.4.2 yf = yi +∆y ü

∆y = [22 – (1,2) (3,83)] ü ü

= 17,4 m

Height = 17,4 m ü


Displacement of the balloon /

Δy = viΔt + ½ aΔt2 ü

= - (1,2) (3,83) ü

= - 4,6 m

Height = 22 – 4,6 ü = 17,4m ü (4)


8.1 The acceleration of a free-falling object due to gravitational force. ü ü (2)

8.2 9,8 m∙s-2 ü downwards. ü (2)

8.3 1,02 s ü ü (2)

8.4 OPTION 1

∆𝑦 = 𝑣$ ∆𝑡 + 𝑔 (∆𝑡). . ü
∆𝑦 = 9,8 (4,08) ü + (−9,8)(4,08).

∆𝑦 = −41,58 𝑚

∆𝑦 = 41,58 𝑚 downwards. ü

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∆𝑦 = 𝑣$ ∆𝑡 + 𝑔 (∆𝑡). . ü
∆𝑦 = 9,8 (2,04) ü + (−9,8)(2,04).

∆𝑦 = −41,58 𝑚

∆𝑦 = 41,58 𝑚 downwards. ü


(𝑣$ + 𝑣# )
∆𝑦 = ∆𝑡 ü
(9,8 + (−30,18)
∆𝑦 = ü (4,08) ü

∆𝑦 = −41,58 𝑚

∆𝑦 = 41,58 𝑚 downwards. ü (4)


9.1 C ü ü (2)

9.2 A ü ü (2)

9.3 B ü ü (2)

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1.1 Force that opposes the motion of an object and which acts parallel to the
surface. ü ü (2)

1.2 Force which a surface exerts on an object with which it is in contact, and which is
perpendicular to the surface. ü ü (2)

1.3 Force that opposes the motion of a moving object relative to a surface. ü ü (2)

1.4 Force that opposes the tendency of motion of a stationary object relative to a
surface. ü ü (2)


2.1 Rate of change of velocity. ü ü (2)

2.2 An object continues in a state of rest or uniform velocity unless acted upon by a
net force. ü ü (2)

2.3 When a net force is applied to an object it accelerates in the direction of the net
force. The acceleration is directly proportional to the net force and inversely
proportional to the mass. ü ü (2)

2.4 When object A exerts a force on object B, object B simultaneously exerts an

oppositely directed force of equal magnitude on object A. ü ü (2)

2.5 Each body in the universe attracts every other body with a force that is directly
proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square
of the distance between their centres. ü ü (2)


N / FN / Force of surface on trolley
F/Applied force

F / Ff / Friction

w / Fg / weight / gravitational force


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3.2.1 FG = mg = 4 x 9,8 = 39,2 N downwards. ü ü (2)

3.2.2 FG perpendicular = FG cos 𝜃 = 39,2 cos 30 = 33,95 N. ü ü (2)

3.2.3 Ff = μkFN = 0,2 (33,95) = 6,79 N. ü ü ü (3)

3.2.4 Fnet = 1,72

Fg// = FG sinƟ=39,2sin30 = 19,6 N ü

Fnet = FA - Ff - Fg// ü

1,72 = FA -6,79 - 19,6 ü

FA = 28,11 N up the slope. ü (4)


4.1 When a net force is applied to an object it accelerates in the direction of the net
force. The acceleration is directly proportional to the net force and inversely
proportional to the mass. ü ü (2)


Accepted labels

N FN / Fnormal / Normal.

T FT / Tension.

W Fg / Fw / weight / mg /
gravitational force.

Ff f / friction





FT: Tension force ü

FGII: Parallel component of weight ü

Ff: Frictional force ü (3)

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5.2 Fg// = Fg sin 30⁰ = (490) (0,5) = 245 N ü

Fnet = FT + Ff − Fg// ü

= 300 + 50 − 245 = 105 N upwards ü ü (4)

5.3 Fk = μkFN ü
50 ü = μk (490 cos 30) ü Fg = m g
= μk (424,35) 30° = (50) (9,8)
= 490 N
μk = 0.12 ü






6.3 Fx = Fcos Θ = 8,25 Cos 20° = 7,75 N ü ü (2)

6.4 Fy = F sin 20⁰ Fg = m g

= (8,25) sin 20⁰ = 2,82 ü = (2) (9,8)
= 19,6 N
FG = Fy + FN ü

FN = 19,6 – 2,82 ü = 16,78 N ü (4)

7.1 Normal force. ü (1)

7.2 The boxes are joined by a string that does not stretch. ü (1)

7.3 ∆x = v i ∆t + ½ a ∆t 2. ü

6 = 0 + ½ a (3)2 ü

a = 1,33 m.s−2 to the right. ü ü (4)

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7.4 To the left or West. ü (1)







8.2 Mass ü ü (2)


9.1 Newton’s First Law of motion. ü A body will remain in its state of rest or motion at constant
velocity unless a non-zero resultant or net force acts on it. ü ü (3)

9.2 A system on which the resultant or net external force is zero. ü ü (2)



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QUESTION 10 [12]

10.1 A ü ü (2)

10.2 B ü ü (2)

10.3 B ü ü (2)

10.4 D ü ü (2)

10.5 B ü ü (2)

10.6 D ü ü (2)

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1.1 Work is the product of the force applied on an object and the displacement in the
direction of the force. ü ü (2)

1.2 The rate at which work is done. ü ü (2)

1.3 The energy an object possesses as a result of its motion. ü ü (2)

1.4 A force for which the work done in moving an object between two points is
independent of the path taken. ü ü (2)

1.5 A force for which the work done in moving an object between two points depends
on the path taken. ü ü (2)


2.1 Mechanical Energy in a closed system is conserved. ü ü (2)

2.2 The net work done on an object is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the
object. ü ü (2)

2.3 The sum of the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy of an
object. ü ü (2)

2.4.1 Gravitational force (Weight). ü (1)

2.4.2 Friction. ü (1)

2.5 C. ü ü (2)


3.1 Normal force. ü (1)

3.2 Gravitational force or weight. ü (1)

3.3 Zero. It is perpendicular to the horizontal motion. ü (1)

3.4 The frictional force. Z. ü (1)

3.5 The net work done on an object is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the
object. ü ü (2)

3.6 f k = µk N = µk m g = (0,42) (800) (9,8) = 3 292,8 N. ü ü ü (3)

3.7 WFf = Ffriction ∆x cos Ө ü = (3 292,8) (88) cos 180⁰ ü = ─ 289 766,4 J ü (3)

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3.8 When the driver slams on brakes, the only horizontal force acting on the car is the
frictional force. ü ü ü ü

Wnet = ∆Ek ü

Ffriction ∆x 𝑐𝑜𝑠 Ө = ½ m v f 2 ─ ½ m v i 2.

─ 289 766,4 ü = ½ (800) (0)2 ─ ½ (800) v i 2 ü.

─ 289 766,4 = 0 ─ 400 v i 2.

v i 2 = 289 766,4 = 724,416.

v i = 26,91 m.s-1 ü (4)



F applied

F gravitational

üüü (3)

4.2 W FA = FA ∆x cos ө ü = (800) (12) ü (cos 0) ü = 9 600 J ü (4)

4.3 A force for which the work done in moving an object between two points is independent of
the path taken. ü ü (2)

4.4 Weight / gravitational force ü (1)

4.5 FA and Ff ü ü (2)

4.6 Wnc = ΔEp + ΔEk ü

Wfriction + Wapplied = [mgΔh] + (½ mvf 2 ─ ½ mvi 2)

Wfriction + 9 600 ü = [(120) (9,8) (12)] + [½ (120) (5)2 ─ ½ (120) (0)2.] ü

= 14 112 + 1 500

Wfriction = ─ 9 600 + 14 112 + 1 500 = 6 012 J ü (4)

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5.1 ∆U + ∆K = Wnc

∆U + ∆K = 0 ü there is no friction.

mgh + (½ m vf 2 ─ ½ m vi 2) = 0

(5) (9,8) (5) ü + (½ (5) v f2 - 0) ü = 0

v f = 2 x N9,8 × 5

= 9,90 𝑚. s-1 ü (4)

5.2 No friction / zero resultant force üso there is no loss in energy. ü / Only
conservative forces present. / Mechanical energy is conserved. (2)

5.3 A force for which the work done is path dependent. ü ü (2)

5.4 D. ü ü (2)


6.1 A force for which the net work done in any closed path is dependent on the path
the object travelled. ü ü (2)

6.2 f k = µk N ü = µk mg cos 25⁰ = (0,22) (86) (9,8) cos 25⁰ ü = 168,04 N (2)

6.3 The work done on an object by a resultant / net force is equal to the change in the
object's kinetic energy. ü ü (2)


N: normal force

Fman: applied force

F: frictional force

W: weight (4)

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7.1 The total mechanical energy in an isolated (closed) system ü remains constant (is
conserved). ü (2)

7.2 Emech at A = Emech at B ü

(mgh + ½ mv2)A = (mgh + ½ mv2)B.

m (9,8 × 0,5) + 0 ü = 0 + ½ x m × v2 ü

4,9 = ½ v2.

v = 3,13 m∙s-1 ü (4)

7.3.1 The net / total work done on an object ü is equal to the change in the object’s
kinetic energy. ü (2)


üfor both
N: normal force

F: frictional force

W: weight (3)


8.1 The net work done on an object is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic
energy. ü ü (2)


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FN : normal force of surface on object; vertically up from the surface.

Ff : force of friction of surface on object; parallel to the surface opposite to the

direction of the motion.

Fg // : parallel component of the gravitational force of earth on object; parallel to the


Fg ⊥ : perpendicular component of the gravitational force of earth on object;

perpendicular to the surface. ü ü ü ü (4)

8.3 FN = Fg┴ = - mg Cos θ. ü

= (50) (9,8) (Cos 30o). ü

= 424,35 N ü (3)

8.4 Wg// = Fg// ∆x Cos θ ü

= (mg Sin 30o) ∆x Cos θ ü

= (50) (9,8) (Sin 30o) (10) (Cos 0o) ü

= 2 450 J ü (3)

8.5 Wf = Ff ∆x Cos θ. ü

= (100) (10) (Cos 180o). ü

= - 1 000 J ü (3)

8.6 Wnet = ∆Ek ü

Wg// + Wf ü = (½mv2)L − (½mv2)K. ü

2450 + (−1 000) = ½ (50) (v2)L − ½ (50) (3)2 ü ü

vL = 8,19 m.s-1 ü (5)


9.1 The net work done on an object is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the
object. ü ü (2)

N/F /Force of surface on object. P

● f f/F/Force of friction. P

Fg/w/Force of earth on object. P

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N N / F / Force of surface on object.

● f
f / F / Force of friction. P

Fg parallel
Component of gravitational force
perpendicular to incline. P
Fg perpendicular
g// /
w// / Component of gravitational force
parallel to incline.

9.3.1 𝑉#. = 𝑉$. + 2𝑎 Δx ü

= (0). + (2) (2) (10) ü ü

vf = 6,32 m.s-1 ü (4)

9.3.2 Wg = Wg// ∆x cos θ ü

= mg sin 25 ü (10) (cos 0) ü

= (60) (9,8) sin 25 x 10 (1)

= 2 485 J ü (4)


10.1 B ü ü (2)

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1.1 Frequency(f) – The number of cycles / vibrations per unit time. ü Measured in
Hertz. ü

Period(T) - The time taken for one complete cycle of an oscillation or vibration. ü
Measured in seconds. ü
𝑓=; ü (5)

1.2.1 Sound ü (1)

1.2.2 Light ü (1)

1.3 Frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength. ü ü (2)


2.1 The change in frequency (or pitch) of the sound detected by a listener because the
sound source and the listener have different velocities relative to the medium of
sound propagation. ü ü (2)

2.2 Doppler’s effect. ü (1)

2.2.1 If a source of sound of a constant pitch is moving towards an observer, the sound
seems higher in pitch, whereas if the source is moving away it seems lower. ü (1)

2.2.2 It can be heard by an observer listening to the whistle of a train coming into a
station, passing you and moving away. ü (1)

2.3 They can be: reflected, refracted, diffracted. ü ü ü (3)

2.4 To measure the velocity of blood flowing through blood vessels. ü To scan a
foetus. ü (2)

2.5 Determines the rate at which blood flow. OR monitor and measures the heartbeat
of a foetus OR determine whether arteries are clogged. ü (1)


𝑣 ± 𝑣<
𝑓< = R T𝑓 ü
𝑣 ± 𝑣= =

340 − 0
𝑓< = R T 150 ü ü
340 + 10

𝑓< = 145,71 Hz ü

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4.1 𝑓< = U1 ± 1! V 𝑓= ü

340 + 0
𝑓< = R T 1000 ü ü
340 − 20

𝑓< = 1 062,5 Hz ü (4)

4.2 𝑓< = U1 ± 1! V 𝑓= ü

340 − 0
𝑓< = R T 1 000 ü ü
340 + 20

𝑓< = 944,44 Hz ü (4)

4.3 As the fire engine approaches you the pitch of the siren is higher and as the fire
engine moves away, the pitch of the siren becomes lower. ü ü (2)
1 ± 1!
4.4 𝑓< = U V 𝑓= ü
1 ± 1"

340 − 30
𝑓< = R T 1000 ü ü
340 + 20

𝑓< = 861,11 Hz ü (4)


5.1 The hawk is flying away from the observer. ü ü (2)

5.2 𝑓< = U V 𝑓= ü

340 − 0
88 = R T 90 ü ü
340 + 𝑣

𝑣? = 7,73 m.s-1 ü (4)


6.1 Increase. ü ü (2)

6.2 As the police officer move closer to the alarm, he would observe a sound with a
shorter wavelength / than was originally omitted. Since the wavelength is inversely
proportional to the frequency of the wave, the frequency will increase (become more
/ higher). ü ü ü (3)

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@±@ @ A @!
6.3 𝑓< = @ ± @! 𝑓= and 𝑓< = @ ! 𝑓
@" =

(340 + 40)
𝑓< = 1 200
340 + 0

= 481,17 Hz ü ü ü ü (4)


7.1 As the police car is moving towards the woman, the wavelengths are compressed
ü and become shorter resulting in waves compressed and more waves will reach
the listener per unit time, ü hence the frequency increases. (2)

7.2 AWAY: ü Light from the distant star has a lower frequency compared to that of
hydrogen. ü (Therefore, the wavelength of the distant star is longer than the
hydrogen which shows that it is shifted towards red). (2)


8.1 C ü ü (2)

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1.1 The electrostatic force experienced per unit positive charge placed at that
point. ü ü (2)

1.2 A region of space in which an electric charge experiences a force. ü ü (2)


2.1 The magnitude of the electrostatic force exerted by one-point charge (Q1) on
another point charge (Q2) is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes
of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance (r) between
them. ü ü (2)

2.2 Charge cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred from one object
to another. ü ü (2)



a) Repulsion ü (1)

b) Attraction ü (1)

3.2.1 Lose ü (1)

3.2.2 𝑛= &

1,088 × 10!"C
= ü
1,6 × 10!"D

= 68 ü (3)


üü (2)

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4.1 Qüü (2)

4.2 Equal magnitude, ü opposite direction ü (2)

4.3 Qüü (2)

EB# B$
𝑄" = 3𝜇𝐶 = 3 × 10!8 𝐶 𝐹=

GD × ",% H G9 × ",&' H (C × ",&' )

𝑄. = 7𝜇𝐶 = 7 × 10!8 𝐶 𝐹= (,,9)$

𝑟 = 300 𝑚𝑚 = 0,3 𝑚 𝐹 = 2,1 𝑁 attraction ü ü ü ü (4)


6.1 The magnitude of the electrostatic force exerted by one-point charge (Q1) on
another point charge (Q2) is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes
of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance (r) between
them. ü ü (2)
EB# B$
6.2.1 𝐹= ü

1,44 × 10!" = 9 × 10D × 𝑄. / (0,5). ü ü

𝑄 = 2 × 10!8 𝐶 ü (4)

6.2.2 Positive marking from QUESTION 6.2.1

Q = ne- ü

. × ",&' I %G",8 × ",&#% H ü

% I ",.+ × ",#(
electrons ü (3)


Criteria for sketch Marks

Correct shape as shown. ü

Direction to negative ü

Field lines moves towards the spheres ü

and do not cross, touch one another

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7.1 𝐸= ü

2,5 × 10!8
𝐸= ü
5 × 10!D

𝐸 = 500 𝑁. 𝐶 !" outwards ü (3)

7.2 𝐹 = 𝐸. 𝑞 ü

𝐹 = 45 × (3,5 × 10!8 ) ü

𝐹 = 1,58 × 10!L 𝑁 ü (3)

7.3 𝐸= F$

(9 × 10D ) (2,1 × 10!D )

𝐸= ü

𝐸 = 8,40 𝑁. 𝐶 !" ü outwards ü (4)

7.4.1 𝐸= F$

(9 × 10D ) (3,5 × 10!D )

𝐸= ü

𝐸 = 1,4 × 10+ 𝑁. 𝐶 !" outwards ü (3)

7.4.2 𝐸= ü

(9 × 10D ) (4,5 × 10!D )

𝐸= ü

𝐸 = 3,31 × 10L 𝑁. 𝐶 !" outwards ü (3)

7.4.3 𝐸F&? = (1,40 × 10+ ) + (−3,31 × 10L ) ü

𝐸F&? = 1,07 × 10+ 𝑁. 𝐶 !" right ü (2)


8.1.1 To the left. ü (1)

8.1.2 Removed ü

_ The net charge on P is positive ü (+2 𝜇𝐶).


Excess positive charge means electrons have been 'removed' (2)

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EB# B$
8.1.3 𝐹= ü

(2 × 10!8 ) (2 × 10!8 )
0,8 = 9 × 10D ü

𝑑 = 0,21 𝑚 ü (3)
8.2 𝐸 = 𝑘 F$ ü

4 × 10!8
𝐸L = (9 × 10D ) ü

𝐸L = 4 × 10+ 𝑁. 𝐶 !" to the right. ü

3 × 10!8
𝐸9 = (9 × 10D ) ü

𝐸9 = 2,7 × 108 𝑁. 𝐶 !" to the left.

𝐸L + 𝐸9 = 𝐸𝑝 ü

𝐸𝑝 = (0,4 − 2,7) × 108 𝑁. 𝐶 !"

= 2,3 × 108 𝑁. 𝐶 !" to the left. ü (5)


9.1 C ü ü (2)

9.2 D ü ü (2)

9.3 B ü ü (2)

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1.1 Root mean square voltage is equivalent to the direct current (DC) voltage that will
produce the same heating effect. ü ü (2)

1.2 The induced emf is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux. ü ü (2)


2.1 Mechanical energy into electrical energy. ü ü (2)

2.2 Electrical energy into mechanical energy. ü ü (2)

2.3 Dynamo -bicycles lamps. ü (1)

2.4 Washing machine / Data projector – production of pictures. ü (1)

2.5 Both uses 2 slip rings and carbon brushes. ü ü (2)


DC Motors AC Generators

Uses a commutator Uses 2 slip rings ü ü

It needs a source of energy to function Produces energy to be used ü ü



3.1 The induced emf is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux. ü ü (2)

3.2 Increase the number of turns on the coil. ü

Move the magnet faster in and out of the coil. ü (2)

3.3 Left. ü ü (2)


4.1 Increase the speed of rotation. ü


Increase the number of coils.

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Increase the strength of the magnetic field. (1)

4.2 Commutators replaced by slip rings. ü


Slip rings were used. (1)


Potential difference (V)


Criteria for graph Mark

Correct shape with higher amplitude as shown (accept more than one cycle). ü

Correct shape with higher frequency as shown (accept more than one cycle). ü

V 2
V2rms. M maxN
4.4 Pave = R
ü= R

340 2
120 = √2 ü

R = 481,67 Ω ü (4)


5.1 Electromagnetic induction. ü (1)

5.2 Rotate the coil faster / Increase the number of coils / Increase the strength of the
magnetic field. ü (1)

5.3 Slip rings. ü (1)

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5.4.1 Root mean square voltage is equivalent to the direct current (DC) voltage that will
produce the same heating effect. ü ü (2)
5.4.2 Vrms = ü

= ü

Vrms = 240,03 V ü Accept (240,03 – 240,74) (3)


6.1.1 Move the bar magnet very quickly ü ü up and down inside the coil. (2)

6.1.2 Electromagnetic induction. ü (1)

6.1.3 Commutator ü (1)

6.2.1 Paverage = R

= üü

= 1 200,10 W (J s-1 ) ü (4)

6.2.2 Paverage = Vrms. Ιrms. ü

1 200,1 = (220)Ιrms. ü

Ιrms. = 5,455 A

Ιmax = √2 (5,455)

= 7,71 A ü (7,715 A) (3)


7.1 Mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. ü (1)

7.2.1 AC generator. ü (1)

7.2.2 3 – slip rings. ü (1)

7.2.3 anti-clockwise. ü (1)

7.2.4 The (rate of) change in magnetic flux / magnetic field linkage is at a maximum. ü ü (2)

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Vmax 330
7.3 Vrms. = ü=
√2 √2

= 233,35 V ü

Prms. = Vrms. Ιrms. ü

= 233,35 ü × 15 ü

= 3 500,18 W ü (6)


8.1 Anticlockwise. ü (1)

8.2 Flemings Left Hand Motor rule. ü ü (2)

8.3 Split ring –change the direction of current every half turn. ü ü (2)

8.4 The split ring has to be replaced with a slip ring. ü (1)


9.1 D ü ü (2)

9.2 C ü ü (2)

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1.1 Rate of flow of charge OR Is the amount of charge moving (passing) through a
certain point in a circuit in one second. ü ü (2)

1.2 Work done in moving 1C of charge from one point to another point (𝑉 = ). ü ü (2)

1.3 Energy supplied by the battery per unit coulomb charge. ü ü (2)

1.4 Obeys Ohm’s law. Ratio V/I stay constant, provided the temperature stays
constant. Straight line graph through origin e.g. Nichrome wire. ü ü (2)

1.5 Rate at which work is done. ü ü (2)

1.6 Amount of energy used when 1 kilowatt of electricity is used for 1 hour. ü ü (2)


2.1 The potential difference across a resistor is directly proportional to the current in
the conductor provided the temperature stays constant. ü ü (2)


Resistors in series Resistors in parallel

• Current through each resistor is • Voltage across resistors is constant

constant. ü when connected in parallel. ü

• Resistors in series are potential • Resistors in parallel are Current

difference (VOLTAGE) dividers. ü dividers. ü

• Resistors in series acts as obstacles • Resistors connected in parallel open

to the flow of charge. ü up an additional pathway. ü



3.1 Increases; ü decreases ü (2)

3.2.1 9Ωü (1)

3.2.2 2Aü (1)

3.2.3 2Aü (1)

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3.2.4 18 V. ü (1)

3.3.1 6Ωü (1)

3.3.2 4Aü (1)

3.3.3 4Aü (1)

3.3.4 16 V. ü (1)


4.1 Decreases; ü increases ü (2)

! ! !
=" + "S

1 1 1
= + ü
6 12 𝑅.

∴ 𝑅. = 12 Ω ü (3)
@ 8
4.2.2 𝐼= ü= ü = 0,5𝐴 ü (3)
T ".

4.2.3 0,5 A ü (1)

4.2.4 1Aü (1)

4.2.5 6 V. ü (1)

4.2.6 6 V. ü (1)

" " " "
5.1 T*
=T + T$
+ T(

1 1 1
= + + ü
3 4 12

∴ 𝑅) = 1,5 Ω ü (3)

@ 8
5.2 𝐼 = T ü = ".+ ü = 4𝐴 ü (3)

5.3 6 V. ü (1)
@ 8
5.4 𝐼 = T ü = ". ü = 0,5 𝐴 ü (3)

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6.1 2,5 × 3 = 7,5 𝑉 ü ü (2)

! ! !
=" + "S

1 1
= + ü
1 3

∴ 𝑅) = 0,75 Ω ü (3)

@ C,+
6.3 𝐼 = T ü = ,,C+ ü = 10 𝐴 ü (3)

@ C,+
6.4 𝐼=T ü= ü = 7,5 𝐴 ü (3)


7.1 The potential difference across a resistor is directly proportional to the current in
the conductor provided the temperature stays constant. ü ü (2)

7.2 Vtot = IRtot ü

12 = (0,5)Rtot ü

∴ Rtot = 24 Ω ü

∴ RX = (24 - 8) ü = 16 Ω ü (5)

8.1.1 𝑅=Uü

= üü

=8Ωü (4)
" " " "
8.1.2 T*
=T + T$
+ T(

1 1 1
= + + ü
10 20 60

∴ 𝑅) = 6 Ω ü

𝑅 =8−6ü=2Ωü (4)

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8.2 W = VIΔt ü P=W/tü

= (9,5)( 240)(12)(60) ü = 164 1600 / 720 ü

= 1641600 J = 2280 W

Cost = 2,28 x 0,2 x R1,47 ü

= R0,67 or / of 67 cents ü (6)


9.1 Resistance = gradient of graph

= ü
4−0 ü
25 − 0 ü
= 0,16 Ω ü (4)

9.2 Graph at T1 ü

Steeper gradient ü

∴ R is greater ü

∴ Temperature is higher. (3)

9.3 Ratio V / I stay constant, provided the temperature stays constant. Straight line
graph through origin. ü (1)

9.4 P = VI

= (2,5) (25) ü

= 62,5 W ü (3)

QUESTION 10 [12]

10.1 Option 1 Option 2

5,5: 11 V = IR
2: 1ü V11 Ω = 0,2 x 11
I5,5Ω = (0,2) (2) ü = 2,2 V ü
= 0,4 A ü
= 2,2 / 5,5
= 0,4 A (3)

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10.2 Option 1 Accept /
T# T$
V = IR 𝑅) = ü
T# AT$

"" × +,+
𝐼'V' = (0,4 + 0,2) ü "" A +,+

= 0,6 𝐴 ü = 3,67 Ω

1 1 1
= + +⋯ ü
𝑅) 𝑅" 𝑅.

1 1 1
= + ü
𝑅) 11 5,5

𝑅) = 3,67 Ω

𝑅; = 𝑅) + 𝑅W

= 3,67 + 11 ü

= 14,67 Ω

𝜀 = 𝐼(𝑅 + 𝑟) ü

9 = 0,6(14,67 + 𝑟) ü

𝑟 = 0,33 Ω ü (7)

10.3 Decreases. ü

The total resistance increases. ü (2)

QUESTION 11 [12]

11.1 The potential difference is directly proportional to the current ü through the resistor
if the temperature stays the same. ü (2)

11.2 R1 = V / I ü

R1 = 12,9 / 1,5 ü

R1 = 8,6 Ω ü (3)
" " "
11.3 T*
=T + T$

1 1
= + ü
9 8,6

∴ 𝑅) = 4,4 Ω ü (3)

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11.4 I=V/R

= 12,9 / 4,4

= 2,93 A ü

Ɛ = I (R +r) ü

15 = 2,93 (4,4 + r) ü

r = 0,72 Ω ü ü (4)


12.1 B ü ü (2)

12.2 C ü ü (2)

12.3 B ü ü (2)

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1.1 A process whereby electrons are ejected from a metal surface when light of a
suitable frequency is incident on that surface. ü ü (2)

1.2 The minimum frequency of light needed to emit electrons from a certain metal
surface. ü ü (2)

1.3 The minimum energy that an electron in the metal needs to be emitted from the
metal surface. ü ü (2)

1.4 An atomic absorption spectrum is formed when certain frequencies of

electromagnetic radiation passes through a medium, e.g. a cold gas, is
absorbed. ü ü (2)

1.5 An atomic emission spectrum is formed when certain frequencies of

electromagnetic radiation are emitted due to an atom's electrons making a
transition from a high-energy state to a lower energy state. ü ü (2)


2.1.1 Gamma radiation. ü ü (2)

2.1.2 Radio waves. ü ü (2)

2.2.1 Energy and frequency are directly proportional to one another. ü (1)

2.2.2 Gamma radiation would transmit the greatest amount of energy. ü

Radio waves would transmit the least. ü (2)

2.2.3 E = hf ü

= 6,63 x 10-34 x 824 x 106 ü

= 5,46 x 10-25 J ü (3)

2.2.4 It would be associated with much higher energy. ü Since energy and frequency
are directly proportional to one another, any increase in frequency would result in a
proportional increase in energy. ü (Since frequency has increased by a factor of
over 1011, energy would increase by the same very large factor). (2)

2.3.1 The greater the energy transferred by a wave, the greater the penetrating ability of
the wave. ü (1)

2.3.2 Microwaves will be more penetrating radio waves. ü ü (2)

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3.1 The minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the surface of a
metal. ü ü (2)

3.2.1 As frequency increases, the maximum kinetic energy increases. ü ü (2)

3.2.2 6 x 10-19 J ü ü (2)

3.2.3 4 x 1014 Hz ü ü (2)

3.3.1 W0 = hf0 ü

= (6,63 x 10-34) (4 x 1014) ü

= 2,65 x 10-19 J ü (3)

3.3.2 9,11 x 10-31 ü (1)

3.3.3 E = W0 + Ek
ü Any one
hf = hf0 + ½ mv2

(6,63 x 10-34) (8 x 1014) ü = 2,65 x 10-19 ü + ½ (9,11 x 10-31) v2 ü

∴ v = 7,63 x 105 m·s-1 ü (4)

3.4 The gradient is Planck’s constant. ü ü (2)


4.1 Gamma rays. ü (1)

4.2 Photons. ü (1)

4.3 Photoelectric effect. ü (1)

4.4 The minimum energy that an electron in the metal needs to be emitted from the
metal surface. ü ü (2)

4.5 E = h f = h c ü = (6,63 x 10–34) (3 x 108) ü= 3,58 x 10 –19 J ü

λ 555 x 10–9 ü (4)


5.1 The minimum energy that an electron in the metal needs to be emitted from the
metal surface. ü ü (2)

5.2.1 Type of metal. ü ü (2)

5.2.2 How will the type of photocell material (at the cathode) influence the maximum
kinetic energy of ejected photoelectrons? ü ü (2)

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5.3 Ultraviolet light ü (1)

5.4 Sodium ü (1)

5.5 Smaller ü ü (2)

5.6 Increasing the intensity does not change the energy / frequency / wavelength of
the incident photons. The energy of a photon remains unchanged (for the same
frequency). ü (1)


6.1 Aluminium ü ü (2)

XY 8,89 × ",&(+ × 9 × ",,

6.2.1 𝐸= Z
ü= .,9 × ",&-
ü = 8,65 × 10!"D J ü (3)

6.2.2 E = W0 + ½ mv 2 ü

8,65 × 10!"D ü = Wo + ½ (9,11 x 10-31) (4,78 x 105)2 ü

W0 = 7,61 x 10–19 J ü Metal X is silver ü (5)

6.3 Establishes the particle nature of light. ü (1)


7.1 B ü ü (2)

7.2 D ü ü (2)

7.3 A ü ü (2)

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1.1 Theoretical answer or educated guess as to what the answer will be to the
scientific question. Or what the researcher think will happen. ü ü (2)


1.2.1 How will the volume of coffee change when more sugar is added to it? ü ü (2)

1.2.2 Amount of sugar added. ü ü (2)

1.2.3 Volume of coffee. ü ü (2)

1.2.4 Volume of the cup / temperature of coffee. ü ü (2)

1.2.5 Specific heat capacity of water. ü ü (2)


2.1 How will the height of that the ball reaches after it is hit by the pellet, be influenced
by the distance the pellet travelled? ü ü (2)

2.2 The height the ball reaches after being hit by the pellet, will decrease as the
distance the pellet travelled increases. ü ü (2)


2.3.1 The distance from which the pellet was fired. ü (1)

2.3.2 The height, h to which polystyrene ball will reach. ü (1)

2.3.3 Air rifle.

Mass of polystyrene ball

Wind conditions

Gravitational acceleration

Gravitational constant (G) ü (1)

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2.4.1 The graph of relationship between a and m.

üüüüü (5)

2.4.2 m is inversely proportional to a. ü ü (2)

2.4.3 mα a
ü ü (2)


m a 1

0,1 0,5 10

0,05 1,0 20

0,033 1,5 30

0,025 2,0 40


2.5 The relationship between a and inverse of m.

ü ü ü ü ü (5)
∆[ L,!,
2.5.1 gradient = ∆\
= .,,!,
= 20 ü ü ü (3)

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3.1 Qualitative ü (1)

3.2 Quantitative ü (1)

3.3 Quantitative ü (1)

3.4 Qualitative ü (1)


4.1 The potential difference will increase when current is increased. ü ü (2)

4.2 Independent variable: Current ü

Dependent variable: Potential difference ü (2)

4.3 The resistor: Do not change the resistor. ü

The temperature of the resistor: Close the circuit for short periods of time to
prevent resistor from heating and thereby increasing the resistance. ü

EMF of the battery: It has to stay constant, therefore the battery should not
become flat. ü (3)


• Set up the circuit with the power source (0 – 6V), the resistor, the rheostat,
the switch and ammeter in series with the aid of connecting wires. ü

• Connect the voltmeter in parallel over the resistor. ü

• Change rheostat resistance until ammeter reading is 0,3 A. Take the

reading on voltmeter rand open the circuit. ü

• Ensure that the current does not stay on for too long, and that the resistor
does not heat up. ü

• Change the resistance to obtain another ammeter reading, and repeat the
procedure another three to four times. ü (5)


ü ü ü ü ü (5)

4.6 Diagonal straight-line graph. ü ü (2)

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4.7 Current is directly proportional to potential difference in the circuit. ü ü (2)

4.8 The resistance of unknown resistor. ü (1)

∆[ 9!+
4.9 gradient = ∆\ = ,,8!"
= 5𝛺. ü ü ü (3)

4.10 Quantitative research: Specific numerical values are obtained that could be
systematically and empirically recorded and analysed. ü (1)

4.11 If the resistor heats up, it will affect all the readings as well as accuracy of the
experiment. The battery can go flat during the experiment, and the internal voltage
will increase, making readings inaccurate. ü ü ü (3)

4.12 Sort the readings from large to small. If the number of readings is uneven, the
reading in the middle will be the median. For equal number of readings, the
arithmetic sum of two values in the middle will be obtained and represent
median. ü ü (2)


5.1.1 Particle size / surface area ü (1)

5.1.2 Reaction rate / time for reaction. ü (1)

5.1.3 Volume of acid.

Concentration of acid.

Number of tablets / mass of tablets.


Any TWO relevant ü ü (2)

5.1.4 The smaller the particle size the faster the reaction rate ü since there will be a
greater surface area ü ∴ more effective collisions between reactant particles. (2)


ü ü ü ü ü ü (6)


5.2.1 Below. Less steep gradient Same volume of gas is produced. ü ü ü ü (4)

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1.1 Organic compounds consist of hydrogen and carbon only. ü ü (2)

1.2 A series of organic compounds that can be described by the same general formula
OR in which one member differs from the next with a CH2 group. ü ü (2)

1.3 Compounds in which there are no multiple bonds between C atoms in their
hydrocarbon chains. ü ü (2)

1.4 Compounds with one or more multiple bonds between C atoms in their
hydrocarbon chains. ü ü (2)

1.5 A bond, atom or a group of atoms that determine(s) the physical and chemical
properties of a group of organic compounds. ü ü (2)

1.6 Organic molecules with the same molecular formula, but different structural
formula. ü ü (2)

1.7 Chain isomers have the same molecular formula, but different types of chains. ü ü (2)

1.8 Positional isomers have the same molecular formula, but different positions of side
chains. ü ü (2)

1.9 Functional isomers have the same molecular formula, but different functional
groups. ü ü (2)


2.1 alkenes üü

2.2 halo-alkanes üü

2.3 esters üü

2.4 carboxylic acid üü



3.1 Propane ü 3.2 Heptane ü

3.3 Octane ü 3.4 Pentane ü

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3.5 Butane ü 3.6 Ethane ü

3.7 Hexane ü 3.8 Methane ü (8)


4.1 butane üü

4.2 3-methylpetane üü

4.3 3,3-dimethylpetane üü

4.4 ethene üü

4.5 ethyne üü

4.6 4-methylpent-1-ene üü



5.1 But-1-yne ü ü (2)

5.2 Pent-2-yne ü ü (2)

5.3 4-methylhex-2-yne ü ü (2)

5.4 1-bromo-5-methylhex-3-yne ü ü (2)

5.5 5-bromopent-2-yne ü ü (2)

5.6 5-methylhept-3-yne ü ü (2)


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6.1 But-2-ene ü ü (2)

6.2 Hex-1-ene ü ü (2)

6.3 4-methylpent-2-ene ü ü (2)

6.4 3-methylbut-1-ene ü ü (2)

6.5 4-methylhept-3-ene ü ü (2)

6.6 2-ethyl-3-methylbut-1-ene ü ü (2)

6.7 Buta-1,3-diene ü ü (2)

6.8 2-methylbuta-1,3-diene ü ü (2)


7.1 pentan-2-ol üü

7.2 2-methylhexan-3-ol üü

7.3 propanoic acid üü

7.4 1,1-dibromobutane üü

7.5 4,4-dimethylpentan-2ol üü

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7.6 2-chloropropane üü

7.7 3-bromo-4-methylheptane üü

7.8 propyne üü

7.9 but-2-ene üü

7.10 methanol üü



8.1 Primary ü (1)

8.2 Primary ü (1)

8.3 Secondary ü (1)

8.4 Tertiary ü (1)


9.1 Ketone - hexan-3-one ü ü (2)

9.2 Aldehyde - butanal ü ü (2)

9.3 Ketone - propan-2-one ü ü (2)

9.4 Aldehyde - pentanal ü ü (2)

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10.1 pentan-2-one üü

10.2 propanol üü

10.3 2-methylbutanal üü


11.1 Octanoic acid ü ü (2)

11.2 Ethanoic acid ü ü (2)

11.3 Butanoic acid ü ü (2)

QUESTION 12 [17]

Complete the following table:

Alcohol Carboxyl acid Ester Molecular formula

Methanol Ethanoic acid Methyl ethanoate C3H6O2

Ethanol Methanoic acid Ethyl methanoate C3H6O2

Propanol Methanoic acid Propyl methanoate C4H8O2

Methanol Propanoic acid Methyl propanoate C4H8O2

Propanol Ethanoic acid Propyl ethanoate C5H10O2

Ethanol Butanoic acid Ethyl butanoate C6H12O2

Pentanol Pentanoic acid Pentyl pentanoate C10H20O2


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13.1 methyl butanoate üü

13.2 butyl methanoate üü

13.3 ethyl propanoate üü


QUESTION 14 [12]

14.1 A molecule that consists of a large number of atoms. ü ü (2)

14.2 A large molecule composed of smaller monomer units covalently bonded to each
other in a repeating pattern. ü ü (2)

14.3 Small organic molecules that can be covalently bonded to each other in a
repeating pattern. ü ü (2)

14.4 A chemical reaction in which monomer molecules join to form a polymer. ü ü (2)

14.5 A reaction in which small molecules join to form very large molecules by adding on
double bonds. ü ü (2)

14.6 Molecules of two monomers with different functional groups undergo condensation
reactions with the loss of small molecules, usually water. üü


15.1. Polyethene ü (1)

15.2. Addition polymerisation ü (1)

15.3. Flexible plastic pipes, ü squeeze bottles, ü electrical insulation of wires ü packing
material ü (4)

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QUESTION 16 [10]

16.1 Organic molecules with the same molecular formula, but different structural
formula. ü ü (2)

16.2 Chain isomers. ü The molecules do have the same molecular formula, but
different chain lengths. ü ü (3)

16.3 As the chain length decreases, the boiling point decreases. ü ü (2)

16.4 There are weak London forces between the molecules. ü

The London forces between the longer chain molecules are stronger (greater
surface area). Weaker London forces between the shorter chain molecules
because of a smaller surface area. ü

Less energy is needed to overcome the intermolecular forces between shorter

chain molecules. ü

Shorter chain molecules have lower boiling points. (3)


17.1 London forces ü 17.2 London forces ü

17.3 London forces ü 17.4 Dipole-dipole ü

17.5 Hydrogen bonding ü 17.6 Hydrogen bonding ü

17.7 Dipole-dipole ü 17.8 Dipole-dipole ü

17.9 Dipole-dipole ü (9)

QUESTION 18 [10]

18.1 The pressure exerted by a vapour at equilibrium with its liquid in a closed
system. ü ü (2)

18.2 Alcohols ü (1)

18.3 Hydrogen bonding ü (1)

18.4 As the number of hydroxyls in a chain increases, the vapour pressure

decreases. ü ü (2)

18.5 Alcohols have hydrogen bonds between the molecules. ü

As the number of hydroxyls in a chain increases the IMF become stronger. ü

More energy is needed to overcome the intermolecular forces. ü

The boiling point increases and the vapour pressure decreases. ü (4)

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QUESTION 19 [19]

19.1 Alkenes ü (1)

19.2 hydrogenation – alkenes to alkanes ü ü

Halogenation – alkenes to halo-alkanes ü ü

Hydrohalogenation – alkenes to halo-alkanes ü ü

Hydration – alkenes to alcohols ü ü (8)


a) Hydrohalogenation ü

b) Hydrogenation ü

c) Halogenation ü

d) Hydration ü (4)



19.5 2 C3H6 + 9 O2 ® 6 CO2 + 6 H2O ü ü ü (3)

QUESTION 20 [25]


a) Cracking ü (1)

b) Dehydrohalogenation ü (1)

c) Dehydration ü (1)


a) Sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide ü (1)

b) Strong heat, ü concentrated strong base ü (2)

c) Concentrated sulfuric acid ü and strong heat ü (1)



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a) Sulfuric acid ü (1)

b) Acts as a catalyst ü (1)

c) Concentrated sulfuric acid ü and strong heat ü (2)

d) Dehydration ü (1)




a) C15H32 ® C7H16 + C8H16 ü ü ü (3)


üüüü (4)

QUESTION 21 [13]



üüü (3)

b) Heat / sunlight ü (1)

c) Halogenation ü (1)


a) CH4 + Cl2 ® CH3Cl ü + HCl ü (2)

b) CH3OH + HCl ® CH3Cl ü + H2O ü (2)

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21.3 Complete the following substitution (hydrolysis) reactions:

a) CH3Br + NaOH ® CH4OH ü + NaBr ü (2)

b) CH3CH2Br + H2O ® CH3CH2OH ü + HBr ü (2)

QUESTION 22 [14]

22.1 D ü ü (2)

22.2 B ü ü (2)

22.3 C ü ü (2)

22.4 D ü ü (2)

22.5 B ü ü (2)

22.6 C ü ü (2)

22.7 D ü ü (2)

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1.1 n=m/Mü

= 2 / 100 ü

= 0,02 mol ü (3)

1.2 n = cV ü

= 2 x 0,15 ü

= 0,3 mol ü (3)

1.3 CaCO3: HCl

1: 2

0,02 mol: 0,04 mol ü

HCl is in excess, so that all the CaCO3 can be used. ü (2)

1.4 Experiment 1: 0,7 g ü Experiment 2: 1,3 g ü (2)

1.5 Experiment 1:

Reaction rate = Δ mass / Δt

= 1,3 – 2 / 80

= - 8,75 x 10 -3 g.s -1 ü ü

Experiment 2:

Reaction rate = Δ mass / Δt

= 0,7 – 2 / 80

= 0,0163 g.s -1 ü ü (4)

1.6 Experiment 2. ü The mass of CaCO3 in experiment 2 decreases more per unit
time. ü (2)

1.7 Experiment 1: 2 mol.dm3 ü Experiment 2: 4 mol.dm3 ü (2)

1.8 The [HCl] decreases ü, the reaction slows down. ü (2)

1.9 The gradient for both graphs will be steeper ü at the beginning of the reaction,
reaction rate would be faster. ü (2)

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üü (4)


a) A catalyst decreases activation energy. ü

More particles will have sufficient kinetic energy and correct orientation for
effective collisions. ü

Increase in number of effective collisions per unit time. ü

Increase in reaction rate. (3)

b) Increase in temperature will increase the average kinetic energy of

particles. ü

More particles will have sufficient kinetic energy and correct orientation for
effective collisions. ü

Increase in number of effective collisions per unit time. ü

Increase in reaction rate. (3)

2.3.1 Dü (1)

2.3.2 Cü (1)

2.3.3 Aü (1)

2.3.4 Bü (1)


3.1 The precipitate of the sulphur makes the solution cloudy. ü (1)

3.2 Temperature ü (1)

3.3 Reaction rate ü (1)

3.4 Concentration of the reactants and the volume used of the reactants. ü (1)

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3.5.1 Rate ü (1)


a) 1 / t = 0,008 s t = 125 s ü (1)

b) 1 / t = 0,052 s t = 19,23 s ü (1)


üüüü (4)

3.7 Reaction rate increases as temperature increases. ü

Reaction rate increases as concentration increases. ü (2)


4.1 Büü (2)

4.2 Düü (2)

4.3 Cüü (2)

4.4 Cüü (2)

4.5 Düü (2)

4.6 Düü (2)


5.1 Minimum energy needed for a reaction to take place. ü ü (2)

5.2 Substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being
chemically changed in the reaction. It lowers the activation energy needed for
the reaction. ü ü (2)

5.3 The change in concentration of reactants or products per unit time. ü ü (2)

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6.1 Activation energy. ü (1)


a) An increase in the concentration of one or both of the reactants. ü (1)

b) Increase in temperature. ü (1)


7.1 The change in concentration / mass / moles / volume of reactants / products per
unit time. ü ü (2)

7.2.1 Any of the following:

• How will the concentration (of HCl) influence the rate of reaction? ü ü

• What is the relationship between concentration (of HCl) and the rate of
reaction? (2)

7.2.2 Concentration. ü (1)

7.2.3 Rate of reaction. ü (1)

7.2.4 Temperature / Mass of Zn / Sate of Zn. ü (1)

7.3 Lower than. ü (1)

7.4 The rate of reaction will increase. ü (1)

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1.1 A reaction is reversible when products can be converted back to reactants. ü ü (2)

1.2 The rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. ü ü (2)

1.3 When the equilibrium in a closed system is disturbed, the system will re-instate a
new equilibrium by favouring the reaction that will oppose the disturbance. ü ü (2)


2.1 Düü (2)

2.2 Büü (2)

2.3 Cüü (2)

2.4 Cüü (2)

2.5 Büü (2)

2.6 Aüü (2)


3.1 EXOTHERMIC. ü Heat accompanies the products / heat is released to the

surrounding. ü ü (3)
3.2.1 Decrease. ü (1)

3.2.2 Increase ü (1)


N2 H2 NH3

Initial mol. 5 8 0

Moles reacted / formed. 1 3 2P

Moles present at equilibrium. 4 5 2P

Concentration at equilibrium. 0,8 1 0,4P

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𝐾𝑐 = [/.][].]( ü

= üü

= 0,2 ü (7)

3.4.1 Increases ü (1)

3.4.2 If the temperature is decreased, the forward exothermic reaction is favoured.

More products are formed. ü ü ü (3)


4.1 The rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction and the
reactions occur simultaneously. ü ü (2)


N2 3H2 2NH3

Initial no. of moles. 36 / 28 = 1,2 24 / 2 = 12 0

Change in no. of moles. -1 ü -3 ü +2

Equilibrium no. of moles. 5,6 / 28 = 0,2 9 2

Equilibrium concentration. 0,2 / 5 = 0,04 ü ü 9 / 5 = 1,8 ü ü 2 / 5 = 0,4


4.3 𝐾𝑐 = [/.][].](

= ü

= 0,686 ü (3)

4.4 Increases. ü (1)

4.5 Exothermic. ü (1)

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5.1 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) ü SO3 (g) ü (2)

5.2 Products are being produced during 0-5 minutes. ü The concentration of products
increases, increase in reaction rate. ü (2)

5.3 Endothermic reaction. ü The reverse reaction (dotted line is) is favoured ü by the
decrease in temperature, ü which means the dotted line is an exothermic reaction. (3)

5.4 The rate of the forward and reverse reaction is equal. ü Chemical equilibrium is
reached. ü (2)

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1.1 An acid is a proton (H+) donor. A base is a proton (H+) acceptor. ü ü (2)
1.2 Strong acids ionise completely in water to form a high concentration of H3O
ions. ü ü (2)
1.3 Weak acids ionise incompletely in water to form a low concentration of H3O
ions. ü ü (2)

1.4 Strong bases dissociate completely in water to form a high concentration of OH-
ions. ü ü (2)

1.5 Weak bases dissociate / ionise incompletely in water to form a low concentration
of OH- ions. ü ü (2)

1.6 Large amount of acid / base in proportion to volume of water. ü ü (2)

1.7 Small amount of acid / base in proportion to volume of water. ü ü (2)

1.8 Substance that can act as either acid or base. ü ü (2)

1.9 Technique to determine the concentration of an acid / base. ü ü (2)

1.10 A solution of known concentration, which is used in the titration. ü ü (2)

1.11 Point where acid / base has completely reacted with base / acids. ü ü (2)

1.12 Point where indicator changes colour. ü ü (2)

1.13 The reaction of water with itself. ü ü (2)

1.14 Reaction of a salt with water. ü ü (2)


2.1 Cüü (2)

2.2 Büü (2)

2.3 Cüü (2)

2.4 Düü (2)

2.5 Büü (2)

2.6 Düü (2)

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3.1 2NaOH + H2SO4 ® Na2SO4 + 2H2O ü ü ü ü (4)

3.2 n = cV ü

= 0,6 × 0,04 ü

= 0,024 mol ü (3)

3.3 The ratio of NaOH to H2SO4 is 2:1.

\ moles of NaOH needed = 2 × 0,024

= 0,048 mol ü ü (2)

3.4 0,048 moles ü (1)

3.5 c = ü
= ,,,.+ ü

= 1,92 mol•dm–3 ü (3)


4.1 Na2CO3 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) ® Na2SO4 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l) ü ü ü (3)

4.2 n = cV ü

= 0,05 × 0,036 ü

= 0,0018 mol ü (3)

4.3 M[Na2CO3] = 106 g•mol–1 ü

The ratio of H2SO4 to Na2CO3 is 1:1

\ moles of Na2CO3 in 25 cm3 = 0,0018 mol ü

\ moles of Na2CO3 in 250 cm3 = 0,018 mol ü

m = n×M

= 0,018 × 106 ü

= 1,908 g ü (5)
4.4 % purity = +,"9
× 100 ü

= 37,2 % ü ü (2)

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5.1 Pipette ü (1)


Titration number 1 2 3 One mark

per row

Initial reading (cm3) 0 12,6 9,3 ü

Final reading (cm3) 25,2 35,3 32,2 ü

Volume of HNO3 used (cm3) 25,2 22,7 22,9 ü

Tick the best results (ü) ü ü ü

..,C A ..,D
5.3 Average = .
= 22,8 cm9 ü ü (2)

5.4 HNO3 + NaOH ® NaNO3 + H2O ü ü (2)

#_ %_ &_
5.5 = ü
#` %` &`

0,100 × 22,8 1
= üüü
𝐶a × 25,2 1

0,100 × 22,8
∴ 𝐶a =

= 0,090 mol•dm!9 ü (5)

5.6 [OH-] = 0,090 mol•dm–3 ü (1)

5.7 Kw = [H3O+] [OH-]

1x10-14 = [H3O+] 0,090 ü

[H3O+] = 1,11 x 10 -13 mol•dm–3 ü

pH = - log [H3O+] ü

= - log 1,11 x 10 -13 ü

= 12,95 ü (5)

5.8 Bromothymol blue ü (1)

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6.1.1 Hydrolysis ü (1)

6.1.2 Acidic ü

Forms H3O+ ions during hydrolysis ü OR Salt of strong acid and weak base. (2)

6.2.1 𝑛 = 𝑐𝑉 = 0,11 × 0,01455 ü = 0,0016 𝑚𝑜𝑙 ü (2)

6.2.2 caVa = na

cbVb nb ü

ü 0,11 x 14,55 = 1 ü

Cb x 25 1

cb = 0,064 ü (4)

6.2.3 [NaOH] = [OH-]

Kw = [H3O+] [OH-]

1 x 10-14 = [H3O+] (0,064) ü

[H3O+] = 1,5625 x 10 -13 ü

pH = - log[H3O+] ü

= - log (15625 x 10 -13) ü

= 12,806 ü (5)

6.2.4 Phenolphthalein ü (1)

6.3.1 Weak acid ü (1)

6.3.2 Poor ü ü (2)

6.3.3 CH3COOH (aq) + H2O (l) ü ⇌ CH3COO- (aq) ü + H3O+ (aq) ü (3)


7.1 HCl ü (1)

7.2 NaOH ü (1)

7.3 CH3COOH ü (1)

7.4 H3PO4 ü (1)

7.5 Li2SO4 ü (1)

7.6 K2SO3 ü (1)

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1.1 Loss of electrons (increase in oxidation number). ü ü (2)

1.2 Gain of electrons (decrease in oxidation number). ü ü (2)

1.3 A substance that is reduced / gains electrons. ü ü (2)

1.4 A substance that is oxidised / loses electrons. ü ü (2)

1.5 The electrode where oxidation takes place. ü ü (2)

1.6 The electrode where reduction takes place. ü ü (2)

1.7 Cell in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. ü ü (2)

1.8 The voltage measured under standard conditions when the half-cell is connected
to a standard hydrogen electrode to form a galvanic cell. ü ü (2)


2.1 D. ü ü (2)

2.2 C. ü ü (2)

2.3 A. ü ü (2)

2.4 B. ü ü (2)


3.1 Chemical ü to electrical energy ü (2)

3.2 Connecting wire ü (1)

3.3 Salt bridge ü (1)

3.4 Anode ü (1)

3.5 Cathode ü (1)


4.1.1 A: Fe Fe2+ + 2e-ü

B: 2 I I2 + 2e-ü (2)

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4.1.2 A: Pb2+ + 2e Pb ü

B: Br2 + 2 e- Br - ü (2)

4.1.3 A: Fe + Pb2+ Fe2+ + Pb ü ü

B: 2 I- + Br2 I2 + Br – ü ü (4)

4.2.1 Combination A: Mg Mg2+ + 2e-ü

Pb2+ + 2e- Pb ü

Combination B: Pb Pb2+ + 2e-ü

Cu2+ + 2e- Cu ü (4)

4.2.2 Combination A: Eᶿcell = Eᶿcathode - Eᶿanode ü

= - 0,13 – (- 2,36) ü

= 2,23 V ü

Combination B: Eᶿcell = Eᶿcathode - Eᶿanode ü

= 0,34 – (- 0,13) ü

= 0,44 V ü (6)


5.1 Ag+ (silver ion) ü

Ag+ + e- Ag ü ü (3)

5.2 Mg (magnesium) ü

Mg Mg2+ + 2e- ü ü (3)

5.3 Magnesium ü (1)

5.4 Silver ü (1)

5.5 Silver electrode (cathode) ü (1)

5.6 Magnesium electrode (anode) ü (1)

5.7 Mg (s) / Mg2+(aq) // Ag+(aq) / Ag(s) ü ü ü (3)


6.1.1 Al(s) / Al3+(aq) // Ag+(aq) / Ag(s) ü ü ü (3)

6.1.2 Zn(s) / Zn 2+(aq) // Ni2+(aq) / Ni(s) ü ü ü (3)

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6.2 Al Al3+ + 3e-ü

Ag+ + e- Ag ü

Zn Zn2+ + 2e-ü

Ni2+ + 2e- Ni ü (4)

6.3 Eᶿcell = Eᶿcathode - Eᶿanode ü

= 0,80 – (-1,66) ü

= 2,46 V ü

Eᶿcell = Eᶿcathode - Eᶿanode ü

= - 0,27 – (-0,76) ü

= 0,49 V ü (6)

6.4 T = 25°C ü concentration = ü (2)

6.5 KNO3 ü (1)

6.6 To complete the circuit. ü

To maintain electrical neutrality ü (2)


7.1 Eᶿcell = Eᶿcathode - Eᶿanode ü

0,94 = Eᶿcathode – (- 0,14) ü

Eᶿcathode = 0,8 V ü

Metal is silver (Ag) ü (4)

7.2 Sn(s) / Sn2+(aq) // Ag+(aq) / Ag(s) ü ü ü (3)

7.3 Sn + Ag+ Sn2+ + Ag ü ü ü (3)


8.1 Galvanic cell. ü (1)

8.2 There will no reading / The reading will be zero / 0V. ü (1)

8.3 Temperature ü and the initial concentrations of the electrolytes. ü (2)

8.4 The different type of metal / the different half-cells. ü (1)

8.5.1 Voltmeter’s terminals have been connected incorrectly. ü ü

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Incorrect connection (+ to anode and – to cathode) (2)

8.5.2 Aluminium is a stronger reducing agent than zinc ü and zinc is a stronger reducing
agent than copper. ü (2)

8.6.1 Aluminium / Aℓ ü (1)

8.6.2 Zinc / Zn ü (1)

8.7 2 Aℓ (s) + 3 Zn2+(aq) ü 2Aℓ3+(q) + 3 Zn(s) ü balancing ü (3)


9.1 KCl ü (1)

9.2 Salt bridge ü (1)

9.3 Conduct electricity ü

Not react with the solution ü (2)

9.4 Cr → Cr3+ + 3e- ü ü (2)

9.5 C. ü (1)

9.6 2Cr + 3Ni2+ → 2Cr3+ + 3Ni ü ü (2)

9.7 T = 25°C ü ü concentration = ü ü (4)

9.8 Chemical to electrical ü ü (2)

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1.1 Solution that conducts electricity through the movement of ions. ü ü (2)

1.2 Cell in which electrical energy is converted into chemical energy. ü ü (2)

1.3 The chemical process in which electrical energy is converted to chemical

energy. ü ü (2)


2.1 CuCl2 (l) Cu2+ (aq) + 2 Cl- (aq) ü ü (2)

2.2 2 Cl- Cl2 (g) + 2e- ü ü (2)

2.3 Cu2+ + 2e- Cu (s) ü ü (2)

2.4 2 Cl- + Cu2+ Cl2 + Cu ü ü (2)

2.5 Electrical energy to chemical energy. ü ü (2)

2.6 Bubbles form at the anode. The chloride ions are oxidised to form chlorine
gas. ü ü (2)


3.1 Electrical energy to chemical energy. ü (1)

3.2 Cathode ü

At cathode, Ag+ / silver ions gain electrons ü and are reduced to Ag / silver ü
metal. (3)

3.3.1 Ag / silver ü (1)

3.3.2 Ag+ + e- → Ag ü ü

𝐴𝑔A + + 𝑒 ! ⇌ 𝐴𝑔 /1n21

𝐴𝑔 ⟶ 𝐴𝑔A + 𝑒 ! /0n21

𝐴𝑔 ⟵ 𝐴𝑔A + 𝑒 ! /2n21

𝐴𝑔 ⇌ 𝐴𝑔A + 𝑒 ! /0n21


3.4.1 Electrode X becomes eroded / smaller / thinner. ü (1)

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3.4.2 A (silver) layer forms on the medal. ü (1)

3.5 The rate at which Ag+ / silver ions are reduced at the cathode is equal to rate at
which Ag metal / silver is oxidised at the anode. ü ü (2)


4.1 Electrical to chemical energy ü ü (2)

4.2.1 Al3+ + 3e- Al ü ü (2)

4.2.2 2 O2- O2 + 4e-ü ü (2)

4.2.3 4Al3+ + 6 O2- 4Al + 3O2 ü ü (2)

4.3 Cathode ü (1)

4.4 To decrease the melting point of Al2O3. ü ü (2)

4.5 C + O2 CO2 ü ü

The oxygen released reacts with the carbon rods to form carbon dioxide gas. The
carbon Consume large amounts of electricity which makes the production of
aluminium expensive. ü ü (4)

4.6 Consume large amounts of electricity which makes the production of aluminium
expensive. ü ü (2)

4.7 CO2 is emitted as waste product which contributes to global warming. ü ü (2)


5.1.1 Cathode ü (1)

5.1.2 Anode ü (1)

5.2 P: Chlorine gas ü Q: Hydrogen gas ü (2)

5.3 P: 2 Cl- Cl2 + 2e-ü ü

Q: H2O + 2e- H2 + 2 OH-ü ü (4)

5.4 Brine ü (1)

5.5 To allow Na+ ions to move through to the cathode compartment. ü ü (2)

5.6 Swimming pool cleaner / disinfectant ü

Production of hydrochloric acid ü (2)

5.7 Use as rocket fuel ü

To make margarine during hydrogenation ü (2)

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5.8 Making soap / drain cleaners ü

Making paper ü (2)

5.9 It does not contribute to environmental pollution. ü

The energy usage is low and is thus more economical than other cells. ü (2)


6.1.1 Positive ü (1)

6.1.2 Negative ü (1)

6.2.1 Cu Cu2+ + 2e-ü ü (2)

6.2.2 Cu2+ + 2e- Cu ü ü (2)

6.3 The rate at which Cu2+ ions are reduced is equal to the rate at which Cu is oxidised
to Cu2+ ü ü (2)

6.4 It will sink to the bottom of the container and form sludge which is a valuable by
product. ü ü (2)


7.1 B ü ü (2)

7.2 D ü ü (2)

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1.6 One mole contains Avogadro's number of particles (NA = 6,02 × 1023 mol-1). ü ü (2)

1.7 Mass in grams of one mole of that substance. ü ü (2)

1.8 Substance that is dissolve in the solution. ü ü (2)

1.9 Substance in which another substance is dissolve, forming a solution. ü ü (2)

1.10 Number of moles of solute per unit volume of solution. ü ü (2)

1.11 1 mole of gas occupies 22,4 dm3 at 0 ⁰C (273 K) and at 1 atmosphere

(101,3 kPa). ü ü (2)


2.1 n=m/Mü

= 16 / 32 ü

= 0,5 mol ü

V = nVm

= 0,5 × 22,4 ü

= 11,2 dm3 ü (5)

2.2 n=m/M M (KClO3) = 39 + 35,5 + (16 × 3) = 122,5 g.mol-1

= 29,4 / 122,5

= 0,24 mol ü

KClO3: O2

2: 3 ü

0,24 mol: 0,36 mol ü

V = nVm

= 0,36 × 22,4 ü

= 8,06 dm3 ü (5)

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a) n=m/M

= 2 / 24 ü

= 0,083 mol ü (2)

b) Mg: O2

1: 1

0,083 mol: 0,083 mol ü

N = n NA

= 0,083 × 6,02 × 1023 ü

= 4,996 × 1022 ü (3)

c) Mg: MgO

1: 2

0,083 mol: 0,166 mol ü


= 0,166 × 40 ü

= 6,64 g ü (3)



a) n = cV

= 0,2 × 0,036 ü

= 0,0072 mol ü


1: 1 ü

0,0072 mol: 0,0072 mol

m=nM M (KOH) = 39 + 16 + 1 = 56 g.mol-1

= 0,0072 × 56 ü

= 0,40 g ü (5)

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b) c=n/Vü

= 0,0072 / 0,045 ü

= 0,16 ü (3)


a) Zn + 2 HCl ZnCl2 + H2 ü ü (2)

b) Zn


= 45,5 / 65

= 0,7 mol ü



= 55 / 36,5

= 1,507 mol ü

If all the Zn is used:

Zn: HCl

1: 2 ü

0,7 mol: 1,4 mol

HCl is in excess: ü 1,4 mol needed, but there is 1,507 mol available. (4)

c) Excess HCl = 1,507 mol - 1,4 mol

= 0,107 mol ü


= 0,107 × 36,5 ü

= 3,91 g ü (3)


a) CH4: CO2

1: 1

2 mol: 2 mol ü

m=nM M (CO2) = 12 + (16 × 2) = 44 g.mol-1

= 2 × 44 ü

= 88 g ü (3)

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bY'2bc 0b?? ^C
b) 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 = × 100 = × 100 ü = 98,86 % ü ü (3)
'X&VF&'$Ybc 0b?? ^^


4.1 Mass in grams of one mole of that substance. ü (1)

4.2 Cu


= 19,05 / 63,5 ü

= 0,3 mol ü


n = cV

= 1,4 × 0,5 ü

= 0,7 mol ü (4)

4.3 N = n NA ü

= 0,3 × 6,02 × 1023 ü

= 1,806 × 1023 ü (2)

4.4 If all the Cu is used:

Cu: HNO3

3: 8 ü

0,3 mol: 0,8 mol ü

HNO3 is the limiting reactant because 0,8 mol is needed and only 0,7 mol is
available. ü (3)

4.5 HNO3: H2O

8: 4

0,7 mol: 0,35 mol ü

m = nM

= 0,35 × 18 ü

= 6,3 g ü (3)

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4.6 HNO3: NO
8: 2
0,7 mol: 0,175 mol ü
V = nVm
= 0,175 × 22,4 ü
= 3,92 dm3 ü
% purity = 3 / 3,92 × 100 ü
= 76,53 % ü (5)


5.1 Esterification. ü (1)

5.2 Sulfuric acid. ü (1)

5.3 n=m/M M (C3H6O2) = (12 × 3) + 6 + (16 × 2) = 74 g.mol-1

= 68,88 / 74 ü

= 0,93 mol ü

CH4O: C3H6O2

1: 1 ü

0,93 mol: 0,93 mol

m=nM M (CH4O) = 12 + 4 + 16 = 32 g.mol-1

= 0,93 x 32 ü

= 29,76 g ü

% purity = 29,76 / 50 × 100 = 59,52 % ü (6)

6.1 n = V / Vm ü
= 65,5 / 22,4 ü
= 2,924 mol ü (3)
6.2 N2: NaN3
3: 2 ü
2,924 mol: 1,949 mol ü
m = nM ü
= 1,949 × 65 ü
= 126,69 g ü (5)

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