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Community Medicine & Education Journal Vol 5 Issue 1 2024

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Analysis of the Implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System in

Higher Education: A Case Study at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic, Purwakarta,
Lia Yulianti1, Nova Rati Lova1*, Armiyanti1, Sofyan Sauri1
1Doctoral Program, Education Science Study Program, Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia


Keywords: Universities establish policies, standards, and quality assurance
Analysis instruments. The IQAS (internal quality assurance system) policy is the
College general direction and policy of higher education institutions in implementing
quality assurance. IQAS standards are criteria used to assess the quality of
Higher education higher education implementation. The IQAS instrument is a tool used to
Internal quality assurance system collect data and information to assess the quality of higher education
implementation. This study aims to conduct an analysis and study of the
*Corresponding author: implementation of the internal quality assurance system in higher
education: a case study at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic, Purwakarta,
Nova Rati Lova Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study
method. Research data was obtained through interviews, observation, and
document analysis. Data obtained through interviews, observation, and
E-mail address:
document analysis were then analyzed qualitatively. Qualitative analysis is carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions.
Overall, the implementation of IQAS at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic
All authors have reviewed and approved the Purwakarta has gone well. However, efforts are needed to improve the
final version of the manuscript. communication and socialization of IQAS, as well as regular monitoring and
evaluation of IQAS.

1. Introduction of implementing policies, standards, and quality

The internal quality assurance system (IQAS) is a assurance instruments. At this stage, universities
system used by universities to guarantee that the carry out higher education activities in accordance
provision of higher education at the university meets with established quality standards. The evaluation
predetermined quality standards. IQAS consists of the stage is the assessment stage of the implementation of
elements of planning, implementation, evaluation, and higher education activities. At this stage, universities
control. The planning stage is the initial stage in IQAS. collect data and information to assess whether the
At this stage, universities establish policies, provision of higher education meets predetermined
standards, and quality assurance instruments. IQAS quality standards. The control stage is the stage of
policy is the general direction and policy of higher improvement in the implementation of higher
education institutions in implementing quality education. At this stage, universities make
assurance. IQAS standards are criteria used to assess improvements to the implementation of higher
the quality of higher education implementation. The education based on the evaluation results. IQAS has
IQAS instrument is a tool used to collect data and an important role in improving the quality of higher
information to assess the quality of higher education education. IQAS can help universities ensure that the
implementation. The implementation stage is the stage provision of higher education meets established

quality standards, increase the efficiency and Observation is a qualitative data collection method
effectiveness of the provision of higher education, and carried out by observing respondent behavior.
increase the satisfaction of students and other Observations can be carried out directly or indirectly.
stakeholders.1-3 Document analysis is a method of collecting
To run effectively, IQAS needs to be supported by qualitative data which is carried out by analyzing
various factors, including commitment from higher documents related to the phenomenon being studied.
education leaders, active participation from all Documents can be reports, notes, photos, or videos.
stakeholders, adequate resources, and an adequate In this research, research data was obtained
information system. The government has issued through interviews, observation, and document
policies related to IQAS through Minister of Education analysis. Interviews were conducted with resource
and Culture Regulation Number 34 of 2019 persons consisting of university leaders, lecturers,
concerning National Higher Education Standards. students, and alumni. Observations were carried out
This policy regulates the implementation of IQAS in in a university environment. Document analysis was
tertiary institutions. Bakti Asih Polytechnic carried out on the IQAS documents of the Bakti Asih
Purwakarta is one of the private universities in Polytechnic Purwakarta. Data obtained through
Indonesia that has implemented IQAS. Bakti Asih interviews, observation, and document analysis were
Polytechnic Purwakarta has an IQAS document that then analyzed qualitatively. Qualitative analysis is
includes policies, procedures, and quality assurance carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and
instruments.4-6 This study aims to conduct an drawing conclusions.
analysis and study of the implementation of the
internal quality assurance system in higher education: 3. Results and Discussion
a case study at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic, Based on the results of the research that has been
Purwakarta, Indonesia. carried out, it can be concluded that the
implementation of IQAS at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic
2. Methods Purwakarta has gone well. The IQAS policy has been
This research uses a qualitative approach with a established and communicated to all stakeholders at
case study method. Research data was obtained the Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta. The IQAS
through interviews, observation, and document policy is contained in the Regulations concerning the
analysis. The qualitative approach is a research internal quality assurance system of the Bakti Asih
approach that produces descriptive data in the form of Polytechnic Purwakarta. This policy regulates the
written or spoken words from people or observable goals, objectives, principles, and scope of IQAS at the
behavior. Qualitative research is used to understand Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta. The IQAS Bakti
social phenomena in depth and comprehensively. The Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta policy has been
case study method is a research method used to study communicated to all stakeholders through various
a case in depth and comprehensively. Cases can be media, such as meetings, outreach, and dissemination
individuals, groups, organizations, or other social of information via the website. Communication and
phenomena. socialization of IQAS to all stakeholders is carried out
Qualitative research data was obtained through on an ongoing basis so that all stakeholders can
various methods, including interviews, observation, understand and support the implementation of IQAS.
and document analysis. Interviews are a method of The following are several examples of IQAS
collecting qualitative data that is carried out by asking communication and outreach carried out by the Bakti
respondents questions. Interviews can be conducted Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta: The Director of the Bakti
structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta conveyed the IQAS policy

in a leadership meeting. The Deputy Director for The IQAS instruments used by the Bakti Asih
Student Affairs and Academic Affairs conveyed IQAS's Polytechnic Purwakarta include Institutional
policy in outreach to students. The Head of the accreditation instruments, study program
Internal Quality Assurance Institute conveyed IQAS's accreditation instruments, student satisfaction survey
policy in outreach to lecturers and education staff. The instruments, graduate satisfaction survey
Internal Quality Assurance Institute uploaded the instruments, and other stakeholder satisfaction
IQAS policy on the Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta survey instruments. The IQAS instrument has been
website. With ongoing communication and outreach, developed with reference to established quality
it is hoped that all stakeholders can understand and standards. The IQAS instrument has also been used
support the implementation of IQAS at the Bakti Asih effectively to collect data and information needed to
Polytechnic Purwakarta.7-9 assess the quality of higher education at the Bakti Asih
IQAS procedures have been prepared and Polytechnic Purwakarta. The following are several
implemented consistently at the Bakti Asih examples of the effective use of the IQAS instrument
Polytechnic Purwakarta. The IQAS procedures are at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta: The
contained in the Regulations on Internal Quality institutional accreditation instrument is used to
Assurance System Procedures for the Bakti Asih assess the quality of higher education implementation
Polytechnic Purwakarta. This procedure regulates the at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta as a whole.
steps for implementing IQAS at the Bakti Asih The study program accreditation instrument is used to
Polytechnic Purwakarta. IQAS PoltekBA procedures assess the quality of higher education implementation
have been implemented consistently by all in each study program. The student satisfaction
stakeholders. This can be seen from several indicators, survey instrument was used to assess student
including all stakeholders understanding and satisfaction with the provision of higher education at
following IQAS procedures, all IQAS activities being the Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta. The graduate
carried out in accordance with established procedures, satisfaction survey instrument was used to assess
and IQAS results being used to improve the graduate satisfaction with the provision of higher
implementation of higher education at Bakti Asih education at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta.
Polytechnic Purwakarta. The following are several Other stakeholder satisfaction survey instruments are
examples of consistent implementation of IQAS used to assess the satisfaction of other stakeholders,
procedures at Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta: such as alumni, industry, and the community, with
IQAS planning is carried out by the Internal Quality the provision of higher education at the Bakti Asih
Assurance Agency involving all stakeholders, IQAS Polytechnic Purwakarta. By using the IQAS
implementation is carried out by all stakeholders in instrument effectively, it is hoped that the IQAS results
accordance with predetermined plans, IQAS can provide an accurate picture of the quality of the
evaluation is carried out by the Guarantee Agency provision of higher education at the Bakti Asih
Periodically Internal Quality, IQAS evaluation results Polytechnic Purwakarta.13,14
are used to improve the implementation of higher Communication and socialization of IQAS need to
education at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta. be improved so that all stakeholders can understand
By consistently implementing IQAS procedures, it is and support the implementation of IQAS. This is
hoped that the implementation of IQAS at the Bakti important because IQAS communication and
Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta can run effectively and socialization can provide necessary information to all
efficiently.10-12 stakeholders about IQAS, such as IQAS goals, targets,
The IQAS instrument has been developed and used benefits, and procedures. IQAS communication and
effectively at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta. outreach can be carried out through various media,

such as meetings, outreach, and dissemination of ongoing basis. The following are some tips for carrying
information via websites and social media. out IQAS monitoring and evaluation effectively:
Communication and socialization of IQAS need to be Determine the goals and objectives of IQAS monitoring
carried out continuously so that all stakeholders can and evaluation, choose the right IQAS monitoring and
understand and support the implementation of IQAS. evaluation method, collect relevant data and
With effective communication and socialization of information, analyze data and information
IQAS, it is hoped that all stakeholders can understand systematically, follow up on IQAS monitoring and
and support the implementation of IQAS so that they evaluation results. By implementing these tips, it is
can improve the quality of higher education at the hoped that IQAS monitoring and evaluation can run
Bakti Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta. The following are effectively and can provide useful feedback to improve
some tips to improve the communication and the quality of higher education implementation.16,17
socialization of IQAS: Use language that is simple and
easy to understand by all stakeholders, use 4. Conclusion
appropriate media to convey information about IQAS, Overall, the implementation of IQAS at the Bakti
carry out continuous communication and Asih Polytechnic Purwakarta has gone well. However,
socialization, and involve all stakeholders in the efforts are needed to improve the communication and
communication and socialization process IQAS. By socialization of IQAS, as well as regular monitoring
implementing these tips, it is hoped that the and evaluation of IQAS.
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