Impact of Believe System

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Belief systems are also known as religions.

Religion has a big impact on human behavior.
Belief systems influence how we live our lives,
treat others, and should only influence human
kind positively.
A belief system is a set of principles or tenets
which together form the basis of a religion,
philosophy, or moral code.
1. Christianity
2. Islammonotheistic (one God)
3. Judaism
4. Buddhism a non-theistic religion
5. Confucianism (no belief in a creator god)
6. Shintoism – polytheistic (more than one god)
Christian businessmen and women follow the
stewardship doctrine. Accordingly, as God appointed
mankind as the stewards of the earth, the Lord entrusted
them all his resources to manage them with care and skill.
Christian business professionals depend on the Lord's
leadership for their business by asking blessings through
prayer to provide strategic direction, resources, earnings,
etc. Christian business professionals also believed that
the Lord delight in justice. Therefore, in conducting a
business transaction, they must be fair, like paying the
workers with fair wages and appropriate work
conditions. Thus, it is not only biblical but most likely it
improves business since employees will tend to work
more and be productive and happy in their work. Being
productive means, we use our knowledge and
resources that the Lord has given to us. In the life of
Christian business professionals, hard work is
essential in conducting business profitably.
Roman Catholicism - This is the oldest form of
Christianity globally, inspired by the Roman
governmental structure (Pontifex Maximus, or
Archi-Parish in Catholicism).

Christian entrepreneurs and executives –

Individuals valuing moral leadership, focusing
on serving and treating employees with
Prophet Muhammad's doctrine on honesty and kind
dealings with customers are the secrets of success in
business. According to Islam, no fraud or deceit, sellers
must avoid making many oaths when selling merchandise.
Mutual consent is necessary. They are also strict when it
comes to weights and measures. The prophet also forbade
monopolies and a free enterprise is encouraged.
Hoarding merchandise to increase the price is
forbidden. Islam also requires being honest in
dealings with Muslim and non-Muslim alike.
Gambling is restricted among Muslims. They are not
allowed to invest in the stock market because it is
considered gambling activity. But they are not
restricted from engaging in business activities or
making a profit.
The Jewish business ethics is illustrated by the widely
quoted Talmudic tradition that in one's judgment in the next
world the first question asked is: "Were you honest in
business?" Thus, in the treatment of workers, the Jews are
obliged to pay their workers on time, pay their workers a
living wage and treat their workers with dignity and respect.
On the side of the workers, it is important not to steal
company time.
The 30-year-old Radinsky, who developed the
software at the heart of the Israeli-based analytics
company, is one of 15 Jewish entrepreneurs featured
in a new educational video series "The Bible of
Business - The Strategies, Experiences and Ethics of
Jewish Entrepreneurs." She tells that story not to
kvetch, but rather to drive home the point that without
perseverance a business idea will remain just that -
an idea.
Work hard, no excuses, to those who do not want to work,
they let their chance pass by. A good work ethics and a
great attitude, very little will stand in your way. If you work
hard, rest well, is one of the values of practicing Buddhism
is a focus on centering and balance. The Buddhist practice
of mindfulness can be a key to good business. Remember
to be calm, and not to obsess too much about positive or
negative feedback.
Confucian ethics are described as
humanistic. Confucianism is the most
profound and dynamic thought system in
traditional Chinese culture. It is not
surprising that traditional Chinese business
culture was deeply associated with
Work is understood to be a self-expression of
the great life force, Japanese people try to unify
themselves with the great life force by
concentrating on their own work. For Japanese,
the company name is more important than the
job title, the community they belong to is much
more important than what they do.

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