Ic-Unit 6

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II. Vocabulary tasks:
1. Match the words and phrases in the article with their correct meanings.
1. b; 2. C; 3. A; 4. D; 5. e
2. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the words from Exercise 1.
a. The conversation seemed to be going smoothly until it suddenly took a veer, shifting towards a
completely unexpected topic.
b. As a project manager, Sarah's remit involves overseeing the entire development process, from
ideation to final product delivery.
c. When discussing the impact of climate change, scientists often rely on data, but policymakers
sometimes make decisions anecdotally, based on personal stories and
local experiences.
d. During the negotiation, the diplomats engaged in a heated debate over the semantics of certain
terms in the proposed treaty.
e. The IT department decided to deploy the new software across all company computers to enhance
efficiency and collaboration.
f. In the rapidly evolving tech industry, the proliferation of innovative gadgets and devices has
transformed the way we live and work.
I. Words and expressions:
Explain the following words and expressions, as used in the article.
1. Table stakes in marketing: Essential, basic requirements in the industry; the minimum needed
to compete.
2. To put a period on: To end or conclude something.
3. Touch points: The various ways a company interacts with its customers across different
4. Absorbed by sibling companies: Services or functions taken over by related companies within
the same corporate group.
5. Streamline: To simplify and make more efficient by removing unnecessary
6. Less tapped into the newest trends and technologies: Not as engaged or familiar with the latest
developments and innovations.
7. Future-proof their business models: Adapt and evolve to remain relevant and successful in the
face of future changes.
8. Twist knobs in the background: Work behind the scenes making adjustments, a
role becoming less relevant with automation and technology advancements.
II. Comprehension questions:
Read the article and answer the following questions.
1. What did Vic Dabricky mean by 'a dying piece' and why did he say so? (Paragraph 18) Vic
Drabicky said 'a dying piece' to indicate that the role of agencies as mere background operators
"twist[ing] knobs" is diminishing due to automation by platforms like Google and Meta.
2. In what ways are some digital agencies changing their specializations, and why? (Paragraph 5)
Some digital agencies are expanding their services "to include technology consulting or creative
services" and growing beyond the traditional digital agency scope, as mentioned in the article.
3. Why did Trust & Will Chief Marketing Officer mention Tik Tok and Google?
(Paragraph 13) Trust & Will's Chief Marketing Officer mentioned TikTok and Facebook to
illustrate the necessity for platform-specific content strategies, noting
that "what works on TikTok doesn't really work on Facebook."
4. How is the proliferation of specialized offerings affecting brands and their relationships with
5. (Paragraph 8) Specialized offerings are pushing brands to consolidate their agency relationships
for more streamlined and effective campaign management.
6. What did Sperling mean by 'a big ship to turn', and why?
(Paragraph 14) Sperling used 'a big ship to turn' to imply that larger corporations are slower in
adopting new marketing strategies due to their scale and established systems.
6. In what way is January Digital seeking to future-proof its business model? (Paragraph 16-17)
January Digital is future-proofing its business by transitioning from "The Digital Leadership
Company" to "The Marketing Leadership Company," broadening its focus to include strategic
business partnership roles beyond mere digital media execution.
III. Understanding the article
1. Match the paragraph headings below with the correct paragraph in the text. The first one
has been done for you.
1. Prediction: AI threatens digital agencies' relevance Paragraph 1
2. How agencies are preparing for the new reality Paragraph 16
3. Some digital specialists are specializing even further Paragraph 18
4. What marketers are looking for Paragraph 10
5. Digital agencies used to be highly sought after for acquisitions. Paragraph 2
6. The growth of specialized services compels brands to consolidate their agency partnerships to
create effective campaigns. Paragraph 8
7. Connecting businesses with customers: the true measure agency success Paragraph 20
IV. Reading for the gist: Summarize the article in ONE sentence, using your own words.
As the marketing landscape evolves with automation, AI, and changing client needs, digital
agencies are redefining their roles, expanding services, and adapting business models to remain
relevant, with a shift towards broader marketing leadership beyond traditional digital execution.
V. Summary: Summarize the main points of the article in 150 words.
The article discusses the transformation of digital agencies in response to the evolving marketing
landscape. Traditional digital agencies face obsolescence due to automation, AI, and changing
client expectations. Forrester Research predicts the decline of specialized 'digital' agencies,
emphasizing the need for broader marketing leadership. Agencies like January Digital and Merkle
are adapting by rebranding and focusing on customer experience. The proliferation of specialized
offerings requires brands to streamline agency partnerships for efficiency. Some digital agencies,
like DEPT and PMG, expand services beyond traditional roles, merging technology consulting
and creative services. Trust & Will's CMO emphasizes the platform- specific nature of marketing,
suggesting a shift from classic digital agencies. The article reflects an industry-wide evolution
towards more comprehensive, client- focused, and adaptable agency models.
Translate paragraphs 16 to 18 into Vietnamese.
16. Một số công ty quảng cáo kỹ thuật số mới thành lập trong những năm gần đây cho biết họ đang
tìm cách bảo đảm tính bền vững cho mô hình kinh doanh của họ, trong đó có việc chuẩn bị cho
những thay đổi mà trí tuệ nhân tạo sẽ mang lại.
17. January Digital đang trong quá trình thay đổi khẩu hiệu của mình thành "Công ty hàng đầu về
Marketing" từ "Công ty hàng đầu về Kỹ thuật số". Giám đốc điều hành và người sáng lập Vic
Drabicky cho biết khi ông bắt đầu công ty vào năm 2011, ông tin rằng việc thực hiện truyền thông
số - kế hoạch và mua quảng cáo trên các kênh trực tuyến, một dịch vụ mà công ty cung cấp - sẽ
cuối cùng đạt đến một điểm mà nó sẽ tự động hóa. Ông đã thành lập một công ty được thiết kế để
làm đối tác kinh doanh với khách hàng, chứ không phải là một nhà cung cấp chỉ được thuê để triển
khai các chiến dịch truyền thông. Ông nói/cho rằng điều đó có nghĩa là cung cấp một loạt các chức
năng rộng lớn, bao gồm phát triển thị trường và kinh doanh mới, kiểm toán đối tác công nghệ tiếp
thị và đánh giá tài năng.
18. Khi các đối thủ lớn như Google và Meta tiếp tục tự động hóa nhiều công việc mà người mua
quảng cáo chiến lược trước đây thực hiện, một số loại đại lý sẽ thấy giá trị của họ giảm đi đáng
kể, Drabicky cho biết. "Việc các đại lý chỉ là những tổ chức bên ngoài với vai trò đứng sau cánh
gà, ngay từ đầu chúng tôi đã nói rằng đó là một hướng đi vào ngõ cụt/một ý tưởng chết từ trên
giấy," ông nói.

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