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1. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
From the evil of whatever He has created (Q.S Al Falaq:2)
ۙ ‫ِم ْن َشِّر َم ا َخ َلَق‬
2. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Indeed, He is ever Accepting of repentance (Q.S An-Nasr (3)
‫ِاَّنهٗ َك اَن َتَّو اًبا‬
3. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Only the one who hates is truly cut off. (Q.S. Al Kawthar (3)
‫ِا ِن‬
‫َّن َش ا َئَك ُه َو اَاْلْبَتُر‬

4. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And withhold / resist /refuse even simple assistance. (Q.S Al-Ma'un (7)
‫َو ْمَيَنُعْو َن اْلَم اُعْو َن‬
5. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And made them safe from fear (Q.S Quraish: 4)
‫َّو ٰاَم َنُه ْم ِّم ْن َخ ْو‬

6. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Striking them with stones of baked clay (Q.S. Al-Fil: 4
ۙ ‫َتْر ِم ْيِه ْم ِحِب َج اَر ٍة ِّم ْن ِس ِّج ْيٍل‬
7. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Who collects wealth and [continuously] counts it. (Q.S. Al-Humazah: 2)
J: ٗۙ ‫ۨ اَّلِذْي َمَجَع َم ااًل َّو َعَّد َده‬
8. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Indeed, Hellfire will be closed down upon them (Q.S Al-Humazah: 8)
‫ِاَّنَه ا َعَلْيِه ْم ُّم ْؤ َص َد ٌۙة‬

9. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience (Al-Asr:3)
ِ ‫َو َتَو اَص ْو ا ِباَحْلِّق ەۙ َو َتَو اَص ْو ا الَّصرْب‬

10. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:

It is the Day when people will be like moths, dispersed (Scattered about), (Q.S Al-Qari'ah:
ۙ ‫َيْو َم َيُك ْو ُن الَّناُس َك اْلَف َر اِش اْلَم ْبُثْو ِث‬
11. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
He will be in a pleasant life. (Q.S Al-Qari'ah: 7)
ۗ‫َفُه َو ْيِف ِعْيَش ٍة َّر اِض َيٍة‬
12. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And indeed he is, in love of wealth, extreme. (Q.S. Al-'adiyat: 8)
‫َو َّنهٗ ُحِلِّب اَخْلِرْي َلَش ِدْيٌد‬

13. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
But does he not know that when the contents of the graves are scattered /spilled out (Q.S.
Al-Ádiyat: 9)
J: ‫ِر‬ ‫ِا ِث ىِف‬
ۙ ‫اْلُقُبْو‬ ‫َاَفاَل َيْع َلُم َذا ُبْع َر َم ا‬
14. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Indeed, their Lord with them, on that Day, is fully-aware of them (MAHA TELITI) (Q.S.
Al-Ádiyat: 11)
‫ٍذ ِب‬ ‫ِهِب‬ ‫ِا‬
‫َّن َر َّبُه ْم ْم َيْو َم ِٕى َخَّل ْيٌر‬

15. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And the Earth throws out all its burdens (from within) (Q.S. Al-Zalzalah: 2)
ۙ‫َو َاْخ َر َج ِت اَاْلْر ُض َاْثَق اَهَلا‬
16. S: And man says (cries): “What is the matter with it (Q.S. Az-Zalzalah: 3)
‫َو َقاَل اِاْل ْنَس اُن َم ا َهَل ۚا‬
17. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
They are the worst of creatures (Q.S. Al-Bayyinah: 6)
ۗ‫ُاوٰۤلِٕى َك ُه ْم َش ُّر اْلِرَب َّيِة‬
18. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
They are the best of creatures (Q.S. Al-Bayyinah: 7)
ۗ‫ُاوٰۤلِٕى َك ُه ْم َخ ْيُر اْلِرَب َّيِة‬
19. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him ((Q.S. Al-Bayyinah: 8
ۗ ‫َر ِض َي الّٰل ُه َعْنُه ْم َو َر ُضْو ا َعْنُه‬

20. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:

Again No! Do not obey him. But prostrate and draw near [to Allah] (Al-'alaq 19)
‫َك اَّل ۗ اَل ُت ْعُه َو اْسُج ْد َو اْقِرَت ْب‬

21. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Then We return him to the lowest of the low (in the hell) Q.S. At-Tin: 5 )
J: ‫ِفِل‬ ۙ ‫َّمُث َر َدْد ٰنُه َاْس َف َل َس ا َنْي‬
22. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Is not that Allah the most just (wisest) of judges? ( Q.S. At-Tin: 8)
‫ِكِم‬ ‫ّٰل‬
‫َاَلْيَس ال ُه ِبَاْح َك ِم اٰحْل َنْي‬

23. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief (ease) (As-Sharh: 6)
ۗ‫ِاَّن َمَع اْلُعْس ِر ُيْسًر ا‬
24. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Your Lord has not abandoned you, [O Muhammad], nor has He become hateful to you.
( Q.S. Ad-Dhuha: 3)
J: ‫ٰل‬ ۗ‫َم ا َو َّدَعَك َر ُّبَك َو َم ا َق ى‬

25. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And your Lord will give so much to you, that you will be satisfied. ( Q.S. Ad-Dhuha: 5)
J: ‫ِط‬
ۗ‫َو َلَس ْو َف ُيْع ْيَك َر ُّبَك َفَتْر ٰضى‬
26. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Indeed, your efforts are diverse. (Q.S Al-Layl 4).
ۗ ‫ِاَّن َس ْع َيُك ْم َلَش ىّٰت‬
27. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
So he who gives (In charity) and fears (God), (Q.S Al-Layl 5)
ۙ‫َفَاَّم ا َمْن َاْع ٰطى َو اَّتٰق ى‬
28. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
We will facilitate them the way toward ease (Q.S Al-Layl 7)
ۗ‫َفَس ُنَيِّس ُر هٗ ِلْلُيْس ٰر ى‬
29. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And so for the one who is stingy, and indifferent to Allah (Q.S Al-Layl 8)
ۙ ‫َو َاَّم ا َمْن ۢ ِخَب َل َو اْس َتْغىٰن‬

30. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:

And denies the best (reward) Q.S Al-Layl 9)
ۙ ‫َو َك َّذ َب ِباُحْلْس ىٰن‬
31. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
We will facilitate them the way toward difficulty. (Q.S Al-Layl 10)
ۗ‫َفَس ُنَيِّس ُر هٗ ِلْلُعْس ٰر ى‬
32. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And indeed to US belongs the Hereafter and the first (life) (Q.S Al-Layl 13)
J: ‫ىٰل‬ ۗ ‫َو ِاَّن َلَنا َلٰاْلِخ َر َة َو اُاْلْو‬
33. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And surely they will be pleased (Q.S Al-Layl 21)
‫َو َلَس ْو َف َيْر ٰضى‬
34. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And he has no fear of the consequence (result) (As-Syams: 15)
‫َو اَل َخَياُف ُعْق ٰبَه ا‬
35. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
I do swear by this city of Makkah (Q.S. Al-Balad: 1)
ۙ ‫اَل ٓ ُاْقِس ُم ٰهِبَذ ا اْلَبَلِد‬
36. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And you, (O, Muhammad), are free (to dwell) in this city. (Q.S. Al-Balad: 2)
J: ‫ِد‬ ۙ ‫َو َاْنَت ِح ٌّۢل ٰهِبَذ ا اْلَبَل‬
37. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Does he think that none has power over him? (Q.S. Al-Balad: 5)

‫َاْحَيَسُب َاْن َّلْن َّيْق ِدَر َعَلْيِه َاَح ٌد‬


38. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
He says, "I have spent wealth in abundance." (Q.S. Al-Balad: 6)
ۗ‫َيُقْو ُل َاْه َلْك ُت َم ااًل ُّلَبًد ا‬
39. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Does he think that no one has seen him? (Q.S. Al-Balad: 7)
ۗ ‫َاْحَيَسُب َاْن ْمَّل َيَر هٓٗ َاَح ٌد‬
40. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Or giving food on a day of severe hunger (Q.S. Al-Balad: 14)

ۙ‫َاْو ِاْطَعاٌم ْيِف َيْو ٍم ِذْي َمْس َغَبٍة‬
41. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Have you not seen (Muhammd) how your Lord dealt with 'Aad (people) - (Q.S. Al-Fajr:
J: ‫ِب ٍد‬ ۖ ‫َاْمَل َتَر َك ْيَف َفَعَل َر ُّبَك َعا‬
42. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And increased therein (in the country) the corruption (Q.S. Al-Fajr: 12)
ۖ‫َفَاْك َثُر ْو ا ِفْيَه ا اْلَف َس اَد‬
43. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Indeed, your Lord is surely ever-watchful .(Q.S. Al-Fajr: 14)
ۗ‫ِاَّن َر َّبَك َلِباْلِم ْر َص اِد‬
44. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And you consume inheritance, devouring [it] altogether (Q.S. Al-Fajr: 19)
J: ‫َّل‬ ۙ‫َو َتْأُك ُلْو َن الُّتَر اَث َاْكاًل ًّم ا‬
45. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And come your Lord with the angels, rank upon rank, (Q.S. Al-Fajr: 22)
ۚ‫َّو َج آَء َر ُّبَك َو اْلَم َلُك َص ًّفا َص ًّفا‬
46. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Return to your Lord, well-pleased and well-pleasing [to Him], (Q.S. Al-Fajr: 28)
‫اْر ِج ِعْي ٓ ىٰل َر ِّب َر ا َيًة َّم ْر َّيًة‬
‫ِك ِض ِض‬

47. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
They will burn in fire intensely hot. (Q.S. Al-Ghashiya: 4)

‫َتْص ٰل ى َناًر ا َح اِم َيًة‬


48. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
They will be given drink from a boiling spring. (Q.S. Al-Ghashiya: 5)
ۗ ‫ُتْس ٰق ى ِم ْن َعٍنْي ٰاِنَيٍة‬
49. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And Cushion lined up (set in rows) (Q.S. Al-Ghashiya: 15)
‫َّو َمَناِر ُق َم ْص ُفْو َفٌة‬

50. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And carpets spread around. (Q.S. Al-Ghashiya: 16)

‫َّو َز َر اُّيِب َم ْبُثْو َثٌة‬
51. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
But, whoever turns away and disbelieves -(Q.S. Al-Ghashiya: 23)
ۙ ‫ِااَّل َمْن َتَو ىّٰل َو َك َف َر‬
52. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Indeed, He knows what is opened (declared) and what is hidden. (Q.S. Al-A'la 7)
ۗ‫ِااَّل َم ا َش ۤاَء ال ُه ۗ َّنهٗ َيْع َلُم اَجْلْه َر َو َم ا ْخَيٰف ى‬
‫ّٰل ِا‬

53. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Certainly, successful are those who purify themselves (Q.S. Al-A'la 14)
ۙ‫َقْد َاْفَلَح َمْن َتَز ّٰك ى‬
54. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And remember the name of his Lord and prays. (Q.S. Al-A'la 15)
ۗ‫َو َذَك َر اْس َم َر ِّب ٖه َفَص ّٰل ى‬
55. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
But (while) the Hereafter is far better and ever-lasting.(Q.S. Al-A'la 17)
ۗ‫َو اٰاْلِخ َر ُة َخ ْيٌر َّو َاْبٰق ى‬
56. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
There is no soul but that it has over it a protector. (Q.S At-Tariq: 4)
J: ‫ِف‬ ۗ ‫ِاْن ُك ُّل َنْف ٍس َّلَّم ا َعَلْيَه ا َح ا ٌظ‬
57. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
On that Day, all secrets will be disclosed (revealed) (Q.S At-Tariq: 9)
ۙ ‫َيْو َم ُتْبَلى الَّس َر ۤإِى ُر‬
58. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Then, one will have neither power nor any helper.(Q.S At-Tariq: 10)
J: ‫ِص ٍر‬ ۗ ‫َفَم ا َل ٗه ِم ْن ُقَّو ٍة َّو اَل َنا‬
59. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And [by] the promised Day (Q.S Al-Burooj: 2)
ۙ‫َو اْلَيْو ِم اْلَمْو ُعْو ِد‬
60. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And [by] the witness and what is witnessed, (Q.S Al-Burooj: 3)
ۗ‫َو َش اِهٍد َّو َم ْش ُه ْو ٍد‬

61. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And Allah is Witness to all things. (Q.S Al-Burooj: 9)

‫َو الّٰل ُه َعٰل ى ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َش ِه ْيٌد‬


62. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
That is the great attainment /victory (Q.S Al-Burooj: 11)
ۗ ‫ٰذ ِلَك اْلَف ْو ُز اْلَك ِبْيُر‬
63. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Indeed, it is He who originates [creation] and can restore (life) Al-Burooj: 13)
J: ‫ِع‬ۚ ‫ِاَّنهٗ ُه َو ُيْبِدُئ َو ُي ْيُد‬
64. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And He is the most-Forgiving, the most Affectionate / most Loving, (Q.S Al-Burooj: 14)
ۙ‫َو ُه َو اْلَغُفْو ُر اْلَو ُدْو ُد‬
65. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
But, Allah encompass (ENCIRCLE/ SURROUND0 them from behind (Q.S Al-Burooj:
J: ‫ِه ِحُّم‬ ‫ّٰل ِم‬
ۚ ‫َّو ال ُه ْن َّو َر ۤإِى ْم ْيٌط‬
66. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
When the sky has split [open] / asunder / APART (Q.S. Al-Inshiqaq: 1)
ۙ ‫ِاَذا الَّس َم ۤاُء اْنَش َّقْت‬
67. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And when the Earth is flattened out (Q.S. Al-Inshiqaq: 3)
ۙ ‫َو ِاَذا اَاْلْر ُض ُمَّد ْت‬
68. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
Indeed, he had thought he would never return [to Allah ]. (Q.S. Al-Inshiqaq: 14)
ۛ ‫ِاَّنهٗ َظَّن َاْن ْن ُحَّيْو َر‬
69. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
And [by] the moon when it becomes full (Q.S. Al-Inshiqaq: 18)
ۙ ‫َو اْلَق َم ِر ِاَذا اَّتَس َق‬
70. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
So declare to them (give them tidings) of a painful punishment ((Q.S. Al-Inshiqaq: 24)
J: ‫ِب ٍب ِل ٍم‬
‫َفَبِّش ْر ُه م َعَذ ا َأ ي‬

71. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:

For them is a reward that will be never-ending (Inshiqaq: 25)
J: ‫َا َغ ْمَم ٍن‬
‫ُهَلْم ْج ٌر ْيُر ُنْو‬
72. S: Please read the ayat of the Holy Qur’an which is the meaning:
The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the worlds? (Q. S. Al-Mutaffifin: 6)
J: ‫ِم‬ ‫ِل‬
ۗ ‫َّيْو َم َيُقْو ُم الَّناُس َر ِّب اْلٰعَل َنْي‬



1. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

‫ٌّمُصۢ ُبٌمْك ْمُع ٌي َفُهْم اَل َيْر ِج ُع ْو َۙن‬
J: Deaf, dumb, and blind, SO they will not come back (to the right path) (Al Baqarah: 18)

2. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

‫َيْع َلُمْو َن َم ا َتْفَع ُلْو َن‬
J: They know whatever you do.Q.S Al-Infitar: 12)

3. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

‫َو ِا َذ ا اْلِج َباُل ُس َرِّي ْۖت‬
J: And when the mountains are removed / vanished (Q.S At-Takwir: 3)

4. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

‫َو َم ا ُه َو ِبَقْو ِل َش ْي ٰط ٍن َّر ِج ٍۚمْي‬
J: And it (the Qur'an) is not the word of spirit (SYAITAN) accursed (Q.S At-Takwir: 25)

5. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

‫َفَاْيَن َتْذ َه ُبْو َۗن‬
J: So where are you going? . (Q.S At-Takwir: 26)

6. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

‫َعَبَس َو َتَو ۙٓىّٰل‬
J: The Prophet frowned and turned (his attention) away (Q.S. Abasa: 1)

7. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

‫َاْن َج ۤا َء ُه اَاْلٰمْع ۗى‬
J: (Simply) because there came to him the blind man, [interrupting]. (Q.S. Abasa: 2)

8. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

- ‫َّمُث الَّس ِب ْيَل َيَرَّس ۙٗه‬
J: Then He made the easy way for him; (Q.S. Abasa: 20)

9. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!

‫َّمُث َاَم اَتٗه َفَاْقَرَب ۙٗه‬
J: Then when He wills, He will raise him up (again) Q.S. Abasa: 22)

10. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َتْر َه ُقَها َقَرَت ٌة‬
J: Wiill cover blackness (gloom) (Q.S. Abasa: 41)

11. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫ُقُلْو ٌب َّيْو َم ٍذ َّو اِج َفٌۙة‬
J: Hearts, that Day, will tremble (be in agitation) (Q.S An-Nazi'at: 8)
12. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َفِاَّنَم ا َيِه َز ْج َر ٌة َّو اِح َد ٌۙة‬
J: But, indeed, it will take one mighty blast (single shout / cry) (Q.S An-Nazi'at: 13)

13. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫ِاْذ َه ْب ِاىٰل ِف ْر َع ْو َن ِا َّنٗه َط ٰغ ۖى‬
J: Go to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed (go astray). (Q.S An-Nazi'at: 17)

14. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َفَكَّذ َب َو َعۖىٰص‬
J: But he (Pharaoh) denied (rejected) and disobeyed Allha. (Q.S An-Nazi'at: 21)

15. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َّمُث َاْد َبَر َيْس ٰع ۖى‬
J: Then he turned his back, striving against the truth (Allah . Musa). (Q.S An-Nazi'at: 22)

16. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َفَحَرَش َفَناٰدۖى‬
J: Then he gathered /collected [his people] and called out / made proclamation ). (Q.S An-
Nazi'at: 23)

17. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َو اَاْلْر َض َبْع َد ٰذ َكِل َد ٰح ىَهۗا‬
J: And after that He spread the earth (extended) (Q.S An-Nazi'at: 30)

18. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َفِاَذ ا َج ۤا َء ِت الَّط ۤا َّم ُة اْلُكٰرْب ۖى‬
J: But, when there comes the great disaster / calamity,— (Q.S An-Nazi'at: 34)

19. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َيْو َم َيَت َّكُر اِاْلْنَس اُن َم ا َس ٰع ۙى‬
J: The Day when every person will remember all their striving effort) (Q.S An-Nazi'at: 35)

20. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫اِذَّل ْي ْمُه ِف ْيِه ُم ْخ َتِلُفْو َۗن‬
J: Over which they are in disagreement. / cannot agree (Q.S.An-Naba: 3)
21. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َّو َجَع ْلَنا َنْو َم ْمُك ُس َباۙاًت‬
J: And made your sleep for rest (Q.S. An-Naba: 9)

22. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َّو َجَع ْلَنا اَّلْي َل ِلَباًس ۙا‬
J: And made the night as a covering / clothing rest (Q.S. An-Naba: 10)

23. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫ِاَّن َيْو َم اْلَفْص ِل اَك َن ِم ْيَقاۙاًت‬
J: Indeed, the Day of Judgement is an appointed time -(Q.S. An-Naba: 17)

24. S: Listen the following verse attentively and translate it into English!
‫َيْو َم َيُقْو ُم الُّر ْو ُح َو اْلَم ٰۤل َكُة َص ًّفۙا‬
The Day that the Spirit and the angels will stand in rows / in ranks -(Q.S. An-Naba: 38)



1. S: Listen to the following Ayat attentively:

‫َاَلْم َتَر َاَّن اْلُفَكْل ْجَت ِرْي ىِف اْلَبْح ِر ِبِنْع َم ِت اِهّٰلل ِلِرُي َيْمُك ِّم ْن ٰا ٰيِتٖۗه ِاَّن ْيِف ٰذ َكِل ٰاَلٰيٍت ِّلِّلُك َص َّباٍر َش ُكْو ٍر‬
In the above-mentioned ayah, Allah SWT shows His signs of Greatness by enquiring us to
see the ships that sail through the sea by the favor of Him. To whom are the signs
J: Those who practice patience and gratitude

2. S: Listen to the following Ayat attentively:

‫َآٰيَهُّيا اِذَّل ْيَن ٰا َم ُنْٓوا ِا َّنَم ا اْلَخ ْمُر َو اْلَم ْيُرِس َو اَاْلْنَص اُب َو اَاْلْز اَل ُم ِر ْج ٌس ِّم ْن َمَع ِل الَّش ْي ٰط ِن َفاْج َتِنُبْو ُه َلَع َّلْمُك ُتْفِلُح ْو َن‬
The above-mentioned ayah is addressed to the believers mentioning that they should avoid
some evil (abomination) of Satan's deeds in order to be successful. Please mention two of
J: 1. drinking alcohol. 2. Gambling. 3. (sacrificing for) idols. 4. Raffling one's fate with

3. S: Listen to the following Ayat attentively:

‫َو اْلَع ِۙرْص ِا َّن اِاْلْنَس اَن َلِفْي ُخ ٍۙرْس ِااَّل اِذَّل ْيَن ٰا َم ُنْو ا َو ِمَعُلوا الّٰص ِلٰح ِت َو َتَو اَص ْو ا اِب ْلَحِّق ۙە َو َتَو اَص ْو ا اِب لَّص ِرْب‬
These verses not only tell us about loss, but also the way out of the state of loss, i.e. how
to overcome it, so that we can move on to more contentment and success.
Please mention two keys the way out of state of loss.
J: 1. Belief in Allah
2. Doing Good
3. Enjoining each other to truth
4. Enjoining each other to patience

4. S: Listen to the following Ayat attentively:

‫ِااَّل َمْن اَت َب َو ٰا َمَن َو ِمَعَل َمَع اًل َص اِلًح ا َفُاوٰۤل َك ُيَبِّدُل اُهّٰلل َس ِّي ٰا ِهِت ْم َح َس ٰنٍۗت‬
The above-mentioned ayah states that Allah SWT will change the evil of a person into
good under some conditions. Please mention two of them.
J: 1. Repents
2. Believes
3. Do the righteous deeds

5. S: Listen to the following Ayat attentively:

‫َو َمْن اَك َن َمِر ْيًض ا َاْو َعىٰل َس َفٍر َفِع َّد ٌة ِّم ْن َااَّي ٍم ُاَخ َر‬
In this ayah, it is mentioned that under certain conditions, one should not fast during the
month of Ramadan and should fast the same number on the other day instead. Please
mention the two conditions
J: 1. Sick
2. On a journey

6. S: Listen to the following Ayat attentively:

‫َو َلَنْب ُلَو َّنْمُك ِبْيَش ٍء ِّم َن اْلَخ ْو ِف َو اْلُج ْو ِع َو َنْقٍص ِّم َن اَاْلْم َو اِل َو اَاْلْنُفِس َو الَّثَمٰر ِۗت َو َبِرِّش الّٰص ِرِب ْيَن‬
In the above-mentioned ayah, Allah informs us that He tests and tries His servants by
depriving one of some bounties and upsetting with calamities. Please mention two of
J: 1. Fear and hunger
2. Loss of wealth
3. Loss of lives
4. Loss of fruits / gardens

7. S: Listen to the following Ayat attentively:

‫َو ِم ْن ٰا ٰيِتٖٓه َاْن َخ َلَق َلْمُك ِّم ْن َاْنُفِس ْمُك َاْز َو اًج ا ِّلَتْس ُكُنْٓوا ِاَلَهْيا َو َجَع َل َبْيَنْمُك َّم َو َّدًة َّو َر َمْح ًة‬
The above-mentioned ayah tells us about the purpose of marriage conducted based on love
and mercy. Please mention that purpose
J: To achieve peace / tranquility ( both within ourselves and with our partner)

8. S: Listen to the following Ayat attentively:

‫اِذَّل ْيَن ُيْنِفُقْو َن ىِف الَّۤرَّس اِء َو الَّۤرَّض اِء َو اْلاَك ِظ ِم َنْي اْلَغْي َظ َو اْلَع اِف َنْي َع ِن الَّناِۗس َو اُهّٰلل ِحُي ُّب اْلُم ْح ِس ِنَۚنْي‬
The above-mentioned Ayat describes some characteristics of Al-Muttaquien ( The
religious persons). Please mention two of them
J: a. Those who spend [in the cause of Allah- deeds of charity, alms, etc.] during ease
(prosperity) and in hardship
b. Those who restrain anger
c. who pardon the people




1. S: Which companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is called “The Possessor of Two
J: Uthman bin Affan

2. S: What is the name of the place where the pilgrims bombard stones on pillars representing
the devil?
J: Al-Jamarat

3. S: According to Islam, which scripture was revealed to Prophet Moses (PBUH)?

J: Taurah

4. S: To which prophet did Allah order to build an ark? (BAHTERA)

J: To which prophet did Allah order to build an ark? (BAHTERA)

5. S: Which prophet has been mentioned in the Quran as a friend of Allah (KHALILULLAH)
J: Prophet Abraham (PBUH)

6. S: Who has Allah mentioned in the Quran as the best example to follow?

7. S: What are the names of the two Angels that question the people in the grave?
J: Munkar and Nakir

8. S: What is the name of the mountain which is famous for its Hira cave, where the Prophet
Mohamed (PBUH) received the first of his many revelations?
J: Jabal Al Nour (Mountain of the Light)

9. S: Allah bestowed Prophethood on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) at what age?

J: 40 years

10. S: What are the names of the two Angels that record our actions?
J: Raqib and Atid

11. S: Which Surah of the Qur’an contains orders for the change of Qiblah (direction to face
while praying)?
J: Al Baqarah

12. S: What is the number of Ambiyaa whose names are mentioned in the Qur'aan?
J: 25

13. S: The Holy Prophet (SAW) observed seclusion (Berkhalwat) in what cave?
J: Hira

14. S: It was the name of the camel of which the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was riding in the

migration to Medina
J: Al- Qaswa

15. S: To which clan of Quraysh did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) belong?

J: Banu Haashim

16. S: How old was Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) when his mother died?
J: 6 years old

17. S: What was the most important battle in the 2nd year after Hijrah, which the Muslims won?
J: Battle of Badr

18. S: What was the name of Madina before the prophet Muhammad SAW migrated from
Makkah to Madina?
J: Yathrib

19. S: What is the alternative to ablution, when either water is not available or there is a serious
danger to health?
J: Tayammum

20. S: What is the Arabic term for the collection of recorded words, actions, and tacit (unspoken)
approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
J: Hadeeth

21. S: How many children did the prophet Muhammad SAW have?

22. S: Who was a slave in Khadija's household for several years and later on the prophet
Muhammad SAW freed and legally adopted him as his own son.
J: Zaid ibn Harith

23. S: What was the name of the youngest wife of our Holy Prophet (saw)?
J: Aisha




1. S: Through Allah's guidance, Rasulullah SAW and Saidina Abu Bakar managed to escape
successfully from Quraisy who planned to kill him as migration from Mekkah to Madina
started. At the time of migration, both took shelter in a cave in a mountain for three days.
State the name the mountain in question.
J: Jabal Tsur

2. S: Who was he? He played a role in one most important events of the history of the world.
He was the servant of Abu Bakar R.A. Because of his knowledge on the route to Yatsrib,
he had safely taken the Prophet Muhammad SAW and Abu Bakar R.A on their migration
from Mekkah to Yathrib (Madinah)
J: Abdullah bin Urayqit

3. S: A type of partnership where one party offer funds while other gives expertise and
management is called ………..

4. S: Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The Sword of
J: Khalieed ibnu Waleed

5. S: What was the reaction of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when he first received the
divine revelation?-
J: He was very afraid /scared / trembled

6. S: Who ws he? He was the cousin to the Prophet’s father. His real name was Amr bn
Hisham. He was the flag bearer of disbelief and hatred towards Islam and Muslims. His
hatred and enmity as to such an extent that the Prophet SAW gave him the title of: ‘THE

7. S: She was a Notable Muslim African Woman. During the Battle of Uhud she gave out water
to the thirsty soldiers and took care of the wounded. She accompanied the Prophet on
some expeditions. She was his father’s servant. The prophet Muhammad SAW described
her as "mother after my own mother” She brought Muhammad SAW back to Makkah
after his mother Aminah died. Who was she?
J: Umm Ayman

8. S: It is a journey made to Kaaba, the “House of Allah in the sacred city of Mecca. It is a
mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their
lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking
the journey, and can support their family during their absence. It is one of the five pillars
of Islam. Please mention it
J: Hajj




1. S: Who was he? This man was very wealthy, politically influential and well-travelled. He
was delegated by the Quraishy to induce the Prophet Muhammad SAW to discontinue his
teachings of the new religion. He started to explain to the Prophet that the Quraysh would
offer the Prophet SAW the best of wealth, women and crown and even medical services,
provided that he stopped his teachings. When he finished, the Prophet Muhammad SAW
recited to him the verses of Surah Fussilat. When the Prophet finished, this man returned
to Quraysh spellbound (fascinated) by the beauty and greatness of what he had seen and
heard. Obviously, the Quraysh were not happy with this.
J: Utba Ibn Rabi'a

2. S: The reason for the battle of Khandaq was to save Medina from attack, after Banu Nazir
and Banu Qurayzah tribes formed an alliance with the Quraysh and many other Arab
tribes and groups to attack the Prophet Muhammad SAW as revenge for expelling them
from Medina to Khaybar. The Muslim army was led by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Who led the Qurayshi army?
J: Abu Sufyan

3. S: This is a tiny description of the two brothers (Qaabeel and Habeel) who are believed by
Muslims to have been the first two sons of the Prophet Adam and Hawwa although they
are not mentioned by their names in the Quran. During pregnancy, Sayyiduna Hawwa a.s.
would conceive twins every time, one being a boy and the other being a girl. The boy of
one pregnancy was married to the girl of the other pregnancy. The Prophet Adam .a.s
wished to marry Qaabel with the sister of Haabeel and vice versa. Which of the two
brothers showed discontent over the decision?


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