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Section-Specific Outline

Start Date: 09-May-24 End Date: 08-Aug-24 Scheduling: Thu-14:30 -17:30


Introduction to Marketing
Title: Marketing: An introduction
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Edition: 7th CDN
Author: Armstrong,G., Kotler,P., Trifts, U., Buchwitz,L



Note: Email replies will be sent within 48 hours.

Section-Specific Evaluation

Evaluation Criteria
Test/Quizzes: 50%
2-3 tests/quizzes (at the discretion of the professor)
Class Assignments (at the discretion of the professor): 50%

Evaluation Item Due Date Weight

Class Assignment 1 May 16 , 2024 10%

Class Assignment 2 June 6,2024 10%

Class Assignment 3 June 20,2024 10%

Class Assignment 4 July 4,2024 10%

Class Assignment 5 July 18, 2025 5%

Class Assignment 6 July 25,2024 5%

Test 1 June 13,2024 10%
Test 2 June 27,2024 10%
Test 3 July 11,2024 10%

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Test 4 Aug 8,2024 20%
Total 100%

Course Schedule of Teaching and Learning Activities * Number of Classes: 14

* Subject to change by the professor.
Course Learning Evaluation Mapped to
Readings and Teaching and Learning
Date Outcomes (CLOs) and Course Learning
Resources Activities
CLO #s Outcomes (CLO #s)
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 01
09-May-24 1.0 Examine the ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs
marketing process. 1.1
Identify the elements
of the marketing mix
1.2 Distinguish
environmental forces
and marketing mix
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 02 1.3 Consider the Class Assignment 1-10%
16-May-24 impact of the
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs CLO 1
marketing function on
other functional areas
and its role within the
process. 1.4 Examine
relationship marketing
concepts 1.5 Examine
the nature and
significance of ethics
and sustainability in
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 03 2.0 Examine the
23-May-24 impact of an
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs
environmental scan
environmental, social,
political, and
demographic) on the
development of
marketing strategies
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 04 2.1 Analyze the impact
30-May-24 of economic,
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs

Page 2 of 7
Course Learning Evaluation Mapped to
Readings and Teaching and Learning
Date Outcomes (CLOs) and Course Learning
Resources Activities
CLO #s Outcomes (CLO #s)
environmental, social,
political, and cultural
aspects of society on
marketing initiatives
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 05 3.0 Assess market Class Assignment 2-10%
06-JUN -24 conditions 3.1
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs CLO 2
Examine the three
types of research 3.2
Determine the steps in
conducting market
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 06 3.3 Discuss Test -10%
13-JUN -24 appropriate data
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs CLO 2-3
collection strategies in
regard to market
research. 3.4 Conduct
market assessments,
both qualitative and
quantitative, and
identify market
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 07 4.0 Analyze buyer Class Assignment 3-10%
20-JUN -24 behaviour using the
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs CLO 4
consumer decision-
making model. 4.1
Examine the stages in
the consumer
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 08 4.2 Distinguish among Test 2-10%
27-JUN -24 the three types of
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs CLO 4
consumer decision
processes. 4.3
Determine the impact
of situational
influences on the
buying decision
Day 09 5.0 Examine Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint, Class Assignment 4-10%
segmentation introduction Discussion, Blogs
4-JUL-24 ISBN: 978-0136964124 CLO 5
techniques used
within the consumer

Page 3 of 7
Course Learning Evaluation Mapped to
Readings and Teaching and Learning
Date Outcomes (CLOs) and Course Learning
Resources Activities
CLO #s Outcomes (CLO #s)
market. 5.1
Differentiate between
mass marketing and
other market tactics.
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 10 5.2 Examine the Test 3-10%
11-JUL-24 process for
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs CLO 4-5
segmenting a market.
5.3 Examine the
variables used in
market segmentation.
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 11 6.0 Produce a new Class Assignment 5-5%
18-JUL-24 product concept and
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs CLO 6
develop a pricing
strategy. 6.1 Examine
the steps in the new
product development
Title: Marketing: An Lecture, PowerPoint,
Day 12 6.2 Examine factors Class Assignment 6-5%
25-JUL-24 contributing to a
ISBN: 978-0136964124
Discussion, Blogs CLO 6
product's failure. 6.3
Examine the role of
costs in pricing
decisions. 6.4 Examine
how demographics
and psychographics
affect pricing
Title: Marketing: An
Day 13 6.3 Examine the role
1 -AUG-24 of costs in pricing
ISBN: 978-0136964124
decisions. 6.4 Examine
how demographics
and psychographics
affect pricing
Day 14 Test 4 Test 4-20%
08-Aug-24 CLO 1-6

Section-Specific Teaching and Learning Information

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Section-Specific Outline
The section-specific outline (or SSO) is developed by the instructor as a road map for how the course learning
outcomes are taught and evaluated. It includes the class schedule, evaluation information, and due dates. It also
communicates important course expectations as well as college-wide policies. The instructor will upload the SSO
to iLearn (D2L) and review it with the class at the start of the semester. It is the students’ responsibility to refer
to the SSO as needed so that they know what is expected to successfully complete the course.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity obliges honest and responsible conduct in all academic activity. At Canadore@Stanford,
plagiarism and cheating are not tolerated, and students who breach academic integrity will be subject to
disciplinary action as per the policy and procedure. The disciplinary action will reflect the severity of the
offence(s). Please review the following policy and procedure: Academic Integrity Policy and Academic Integrity
Breach Procedure.
To avoid plagiarism, all assignments (where applicable) should use APA style for citing and referencing the ideas
and works created by other people. Student assignments will be checked for plagiarism and cheating.

Do not arrive late for your test, exam, assignment, or other evaluation. It is recommended to arrive 10 minutes
early. Arriving late may result in being unable to take the evaluation. For online courses, you must be on camera
when completing your evaluation. Failure to do so will result in a mark of zero (0).

Late Submissions

You are expected to submit your evaluation by the stated due date and time. Submitting work on time gives you
the opportunity to use the instructor’s feedback for gauging your progress and taking steps to improve your
learning in the course. Evaluation results are formally documented and made available to students in iLearn
(D2L) on a timely basis. The following late submission policy will apply:
Late work will be accepted with 25% penalty. Work that is more than 7 days late will not be accepted,
and a grade of zero (0) will be entered

Missed Evaluation

If you are unable to attend a test, exam, assignment, or other evaluation at the scheduled time, please speak
with your instructor. Notification to your instructor by email is required 24 hours prior to your absence.
Failure to provide prior notice of absence will mean that you will not be eligible to write any graded work. In the
case of illness, supporting documentation may be required.
For online courses, it is important for you to ensure that you have a strong and stable internet connection during
the evaluation. If you are unable to complete the evaluation due to technical issues, such as poor internet
connectivity, immediately take a photo of your technical issue and notify your instructor with said proof. After
reviewing the situation with the IT department, a retest may be applicable if reasonable cause has been
Failure to submit the above notification and any required documentation for lateness, illness and/or technical
issues will result in a mark of zero (0).

Page 5 of 7
Extended Absence (More Than Two Classes)
If you must be absent from the course for an extended period of time, please notify the instructor in advance
and set up an appointment with the academic department at Failure to provide notification
of an extended absence will mean that you will not be eligible to complete graded work missed during the
If your extended absence is due to illness, a Canadore@Stanford Student Medical Certificate must be submitted
within 72 hours of your first day of illness. Failure to submit proof due to illness will result in a mark of zero (0).

Section Attendance and Punctuality Expectations

Refer to the course schedule for managing time and planning ahead. It is the student’s responsibility to attend
classes on time and be prepared for activities and evaluations.
Attendance is monitored and will be posted in iLearn (D2L). If you are unable to attend class, notification to
your instructor by email is required 24 hours prior to your absence.
Punctuality: Respectful Learning Environment
When joining a class late, please do not disturb classmates or the instructor. Enter the room quietly and find the
nearest seat. If there is a guest speaker or student giving a speech when you arrive, please wait for a logical
break in the presentation before entering the room.
Attending Online Courses
When attending classes online, please situate yourself in a quiet, safe, and comfortable location. It is expected
that you will remain logged in until the instructor concludes the class. Turn the camera and mic on as instructed
by instructor and consider others’ privacy when sharing information online.
Joining online classes from a workplace during working hours or a vehicle is not permitted. For your own safety,
instructors will be asking you to leave the online class until you can safely attend.
Please read the following online policy carefully and thoroughly: Online Policy.docx

Conduct Expectations and Requirements

Device Requirements
Canadore College technology requirements are listed by program in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
document. Please review the BYOD requirements at:
The use of other electronic devices is not permitted in the classroom unless it supports classroom activities. The
instructor will identify situations where it is appropriate to make use of other electronic devices at the beginning
of the semester.
Mutual Respect
When discussing topics in class, you should do so in a manner that is respectful to everyone in the class. You
should feel safe to disagree with comments made by your classmates and to propose your own point of view;
however, you should never attack the person making the comments. Disrespectful and discriminatory comments
will not be tolerated. Any concerns should be written via email to your instructor first. Please see the Student
Concerns Process document for more information.

Page 6 of 7
Academic Appeal
Students with no outstanding debts or obligations to the College have the right to formally appeal a final grade
that impacts their academic standing or prevents progression through a program of study. Please see the
Canadore College Academic Appeal Policy.
The purchase of “Required Texts”, as designated on the Canadore Course Outline, is mandatory. Students are
responsible for purchasing the text or e-text. Please note: Only copies of texts acquired from legitimate sources
may be used for your studies. Canadore@Stanford does not permit the use of illegal copies of texts or e-texts
acquired by any non-lawful means.
Students are responsible for providing their own supplies. No study supplies will be provided by the college.
Students should bring a binder, notebook, and pen/pencil to each class.

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