Body Movements Notes

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I) Answer the following in short

Q1.Write short notes on skull?

Ans. The part of skeleton which
comprises of the bones of the face and
the head is called skull. it consists of
many bones joined together. All the
bones in the skull are fixed and
immovable except that of the lower
jaw, it also protects the brain and
supports the special sense organs .

Q2. What is floating ribs? Why are

they called so?
Ans. Floating ribs are the last two
pairs of ribs (11th and 12thpairs) of ribs
which are attached to the vertebral
column at the back but are not
attached to the sternum in the front.
So they seem to float and are called
floating ribs.

Q3. Why can our elbow not move

Ans. Our elbow cannot move
backwards because, elbow has hinge
joints and this joint allows movement
in one direction only. In elbow it
allows only back and forth

Q4. Describe the main function of

skeletal system in our body?
Ans. The main function of skeletal
system are,
 It provides shape and support to the
 It protects the internal organs of our
 It helps in movement of the body
 Bones are filled with spongy, soft
tissue called the bone marrow whose
blood cells are formed.

Q5.What would have happened if our

backbone had only one long bone
instead of the many vertebrae ?
Ans. If our backbone had been made up
of only one long bone, then we can’t
bend or twist our would have
been impossible to perform other
Q6. Describe how is the body of birds
well adapted for flight?
Ans. Birds have streamlined bodies
which make it easy for them to move
through the air by overcome the friction
.(or)drag. the birds can fly because their
bodies are well suited for flying. their
bones are hallow and light.the bones of
the hind limbs are typical for walking
and perching.the bony parts of the
forelimbs are modified as wings.

II) Answer the following question

Q1.What is a joint? how can classify
joints on the basis of the type of
movements they allow?
Ans. A joint is a place in our body
where two or more bones are joined
together is called joint.
Joints can be classified into three main
1) Fixed joints or immovable joints
2)slightly movable joints
3)Freely movable joints
Immovable joints or fixed joints:
these joints do not show any movement,
e.g. joints present between the bones of
the skull but except the lower jaw bone.
Slightly movable joints: these joints
allow only slightly movement .eg:
joints present between the vertebrae of
Freely movable joints: these joints
allow considerable movements in
different parts of the body in various
direction. These are further of the
following types:
a. Hinge joint
b. Ball and socket joint
c. pivot joint
d. gliding joint
Hinge joint: this joint allows
movement in one plane only therefore
back and forth movement, like the
hinge of a door. This joints is found in
elbow and knees.
Ball and socket joint: this joint allows
movement in all directions. It is present
in the region where arm is joined to the
shoulder and in the region where leg is
joined to the hip.
Pivot joint: this joint allows up and
down movement, left and right
movement and rotational movement.
This joint is present in the region where
our neck joins our head.
Gliding joint: this joint allows side to
side as well as backward and forward
movement. This joint is present in the
wrist and in the ankle.

Q2.How do muscles work in pairs to

move a bone? Explain with the help
of an example.
Ans . Muscles work in pairs. When one
of them contracts, the bone is pulled in
that direction. The other muscles of the
pair relaxes. To move the bone in the
opposite direction, the relaxed muscles
contracts to pull the bone towards its
original position, while the other one
relaxes. A muscle can only pull. It
cannot push. Thus ,two muscles have to
work together to move a bone.
For example, the up and down
movements of our arm are controlled by
two types of muscles-biceps and
triceps.. biceps are the muscles that
bend the arm and triceps are muscles
that straighten the arm .when we bend
our arm, the biceps contract i.e., they
became shorter and thicker to pull up
the arm .this time, the triceps relax.
When we lower or straighten our arm ,
the triceps contract whereas the biceps

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