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Instructions and answers 3

Extra activities worksheets 6

Comic strip activities worksheets 19

Poster activities worksheets 23

Picture cards 25

Word bricks 34

I n s t r u c t i o n s a n d a n s we r s
Answers: 1 rabbit, 2 bird, 3 fish, 4 dog, 5 spider,
★ Photocopy Master page 6 6 mouse
Activity 2 Pupils follow the maze, starting with the little cat
and answering the questions a–c as they do. They must
Activity 1 Pupils complete the code using Class Book pages answer Yes, it is or No, it isn’t to each question. Pupils then
2–3 as a reference. Go through the answers with the class. write the letter they arrive at, at the end of the maze. Go
Answers: 1 blue, 2 yellow, 3 red, 4 black, 5 white, through the answers with the class.
6 brown. Answers:
✰ Pupils colour the picture using their codes. 1 a. No, it isn’t. b. Yes, it is. c. No, it isn’t. Answer: f
Activity 2 Pupils complete the speech bubbles by reordering 2 a. Yes, it is. b. Yes, it is. c. No, it isn’t. Answer: b
the letters to make the words. ✰ Pupils work in pairs. Pupil A makes up his/her
Answers: 1 Hello, 2 name’s, 3 your, 4 Goodbye questions about each animal and pupil B answers.

1 Photocopy Master page 7 4 Photocopy Master page 10

Activity 1 Pupils count and write the number of the different Activity 1 Pupils choose the appropriate adjective to make a
classroom objects. sentence about each picture.
Answers: two books, three pencil cases, four rulers, Answers: 1 She’s hungry. 2 She’s angry. 3 He’s tired.
five pens, six rubbers, seven pencils 4 He’s scared. 5 She’s thirsty. 6 She’s sad.
Activity 2 Pupils match half the sentence from column 1 Activity 2 Pupils match the questions and answers and write
with another from column 2 to make a complete one. the corresponding letter.
Answers: 1 Sit down. 2 Here you are. 3 Stand up. Answers: 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c
4 What’s this? 5 Point to a book.
Activity 3 Pupils first circle the sentences and then write them.
Encourage children to punctuate the sentences correctly. 5 Photocopy Master page 11
Answers: 1 Stand up. 2 Point to a pencil case. 3 Point to a
book. 4 Sit down. Activity 1 Pupils match the description and the picture and
write the corresponding letter. Go through the answers
with the class.
2 Photocopy Master page 8 Answers: 1a, 2e, 3b, 4c, 5f, 6d
Activity 2 Pupils look at the pictures of the pop stars and
Activity 1 Pupils colour in the picture using any of the write sentences about them.
colours in the wordpool. They then answer the questions Answers: Possible answers: This is Miss Dynamic. She’s got
about the picture. long dark hair. She’s got a big nose. She’s got little
Answers: Answers will vary eyes. She’s got a little mouth.
✰ Pupils work in pairs. They ask questions about each This is Josh Rock. He’s got short blond hair. He’s got big
other’s picture. eyes and glasses. He’s got a little nose. He’s got a big mouth.
Activity 2 Pupils do the calculations and write the answers. ✰ Ask pupils to write two sentences about their
Go through the answers with the class. favourite pop/film/football star. In turn ask pupils to read
Answers: 1 eighteen, 2 nineteen, 3 fourteen, 4 fifteen out their description and the whole class guess who the
celebrity is.
Activity 3 Pupils match the questions and answers and write
the corresponding letter.
Answers: 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c 6 Photocopy Master page 12

3 Photocopy Master page 9 Activity 1 Pupils read the logical puzzle and work out the
answers. Pupils can work in pairs if you prefer.

Activity 1 Pupils reorder letters to find the animals associated

with the pictures and then write them. Go through the
answers with the class.
Instructions and answers 3
Name brothers sisters 9 Photocopy Master page 15
Dan 2 1
Rebecca 0 2 Activity 1 Pupils look for the words in the wordsearch, using
Carlton 1 0 the pictures as clues. They write the words. Go through
the answers with the class.
Activity 2 Pupils complete the speech bubbles by using the Answers: u y c b r e g g s i

information from the puzzle. 1 ice cream 2 potatoes 3 p o t a t o e s l c

Answers: 1 I’ve got two sisters. 2 I’ve got one brother. chicken 4 yoghurt
y g r n o p f a j e
3 I’ve got two brothers and one sister. 5 banana 6 apple
a h e a a p p l e c
7 salad 8 fish 9 pizza
10 eggs s u r n s i l a m r

7 Photocopy Master page 13 Activity 2 Pupils match

half the question from










column 1 with another g f s o n a d e b m

Activity 1 Pupils read the questions and answers and draw from column 2 to make h c h i c k e n g i
the picture of the monster. a complete one.
Answers: Picture should match description in text. ✰ If you would like extra oral practice, ask pupils to
✰ Pupils work in pairs. Pupils A and B use the description choose another pupil in the class to answer each question
of their monster in My star turn, Activity Book page 37. as you go through the answers.
Without showing their monster, they take it in turns to Answers: 1 Do you like fish? 2 What do you like for
dictate the sentences and their partner draws what he/she breakfast? 3 Do you like chocolate? 4 What do you like for
hears. lunch? 5 What do you like for dinner?
Activity 2 Pupils answer the questions. Encourage the pupils Activity 3 Pupils write their own answers to the questions
to use complete sentences. from activity 2.
Answers: 1 It has got big feet. 2 It has got a little mouth. Answers: Answers will vary
3 It has got big eyes. 4 It hasn’t got hair. 5 It has got short
arms. 6 It has got little hands. 7 It has got long legs.
10 Photocopy Master page 16
8 Photocopy Master page 14
Activity 1 Pupils complete the crossword by looking at the
letter clues and draw the pictures.
Activity 1 Pupils look at the available items of clothing in the
Answers: 1 crocodile, 2 monkey, 3 elephant, 4 hippo,
shop and answer the questions.
5 giraffe, 6 ostrich, 7 lion, 8 snake
Answers: 1 Yes, I have. 2 Yes, I have. 3 No, I haven’t.
Activity 2 Pupils read the sentences and then complete the
4 Yes, I have. 5 No, I haven’t.
text, writing the name of the animal or bird and choosing
✰ Ask pupils in pairs to say the dialogue between the between is/are.
shop assistant and the customer before they write the
Answers: 1 There are seven snakes. 2 There are six
monkeys. 3 There are three crocodiles. 4 There is one
Activity 2 Pupils trace the path from the pop star to the parrot. 5 There are four penguins. 6 There is one
item of clothing, and write and answer the questions. If you elephant. 7 There are two giraffes.
would like extra oral practice, tell pupils to ask and answer
each question in pairs before they write the answers.
Answers: 11 Photocopy Master page 17
1 Whose hat is this? It’s Spike’s hat.
2 Whose jumper is this? It’s Jet’s jumper.
3 Whose T-shirt is this? It’s Spike’s T-shirt. Activity 1 Pupils complete a memory task: they look at the
4 Whose skirt is this? It’s Kat’s skirt. picture for a determined length of time and without
5 Whose shirt is this? It’s Jet’s shirt. looking further, answer the questions. Go through the
6 Whose coat is this? It’s Kat’s coat. answers with the class, encouraging the pupils to correct
each other’s mistakes.

4 Instructions and answers

Answers: 1 No, there isn’t. 2 Yes, there is. 3 No, there Answers:
isn’t. 4 Yes, there is. 5 No, there isn’t. 6 No, there isn’t. 1 A comic / It’s a comic. 2 A dog / It’s a dog / (It’s)
7 Yes, there are. 8 No, there aren’t. Digger. 3 No, it isn’t. 4 Yes, it is. 5 Green / Bloop’s green.
Activity 2 Pupils answer the questions without looking.
Either pupils can do this individually or you can ask the
questions yourself with the whole class, encouraging the
My friend is a monster
pupils to correct each other’s mistakes. Photocopy Master page 20
Answers: 1 There are two posters. 2 There are three toy
animals on the bed. 3 There are three CDs on the table.
Activity 1 See instructions for activity 1 above.
4 There are four books on the table. 5 There are five pens
in the room. Answers:
a1: Are you hungry? Yes. Me too!
b3: I’ve got the dinosaur, boss!
12 Photocopy Master page 18 c2: Look! It’s a circus. Let’s go. Wait here, Digger.
Activity 2 Pupils match half a sentence from column 1 with
another from column 2 to make a complete one. Go
Activity 1 Pupils play the game in pairs, looking at the Class through the answers with the class.
Book pages to find the answers. As an alternative ask the
Answers: 1 Wibble’s got big blue eyes. 2 She’s got a big
children to write down the answers and they do this
mouth. 3 She’s got big ears. 4 She’s blue and green.
activity as a race.
5 She’s got a happy face.
✰ Divide the class into groups and assign each member a
certain number of questions to answer and then feed back
to the group. My friend is a monster
Answers: 5 Bug number ten is yellow. 7–9
29 Nick has got two brothers. 43 No (you don’t).
Photocopy Master page 21
17 It is Wibble (the dinosaur). 25 Jacky Lopez has got
long hair. 12 Ann’s favourite colour is purple. 45 It’s a key. Activity 1 See instructions for activity 1 above.
53 There are five computers in Kat’s room. 50 It is from
the Antarctic. 30 Gary’s brother is twenty. 35 No, it
a3: The key!
hasn’t. 26 Clank has got a little nose. 49 There are four
b1: Wave your arms. Stamp your feet
crocodiles in the jeep. 32 Lisa’s eyes are green.
c2: Quick! Put this jacket on, Ally. Whose hat is this?
9 It’s a comic / Sam’s comic. 52 Yes, there is.
10 The chair’s green. 36 The Loch Ness Monster has
Activity 2 Pupils look at the poster and the pile of clothes as
got a long neck. 50 The parrot’s red, blue and yellow. they answer the questions.
40 It’s the pirate’s hat. 11 Jet is seventeen. 54 There are Answers: 1 This is Bobo’s hat. 2 This is Booboo’s jacket. 3
three posters in Room B. 44 (You are) Maria. 16 Yes, it is. This is Bobo’s shirt. 4 This is Booboo’s hat.
34 It’s Jet’s jumper. 41 It’s Bobo’s hat. 56 He’s Big bad Billy. 5 This is Bobo’s jacket.

My friend is a monster My friend is a monster

1–3 10–12
Photocopy Master page 19 Photocopy Master page 22

Activity 1 Pupils choose the sentences from the box to go Activity 1 See instructions for activity 1 above.
with the correct speech bubbles in the frames. There Answers:
maybe more than one speech bubble per frame to fill in. a2: Look! There’s a dinosaur and a monster. It’s true!
They then put them in order. Pupils can look back at their b1: Come on. This way! Wait, Sam! There are elephants in
Class Books if necessary. here.
Answers: c3: Hello, Mr Bunkum. It isn’t a monster! It’s a girl with a
a2: Hello. What’s your name? I’m Bloop. mask!
b3: This is MY pet. Hello, Wibble. Wow! It’s big! Activity 2 Pupils answer the questions. Pupils can look back
c1: Look. A cave! Come on, Sam. at their Class Books if necessary.
Activity 2 Pupils answer the questions, looking back at their Answers: 1T, 2F, 3F, 4T, 5F, 6F, 7T, 8F, 9T, 10T
Class Book if necessary.

Instructions and answers 5

★ H e l l o, S u p e r s t a r s ! H e l l o, B u g s !
1 Write the words.
Look at Class Book
pages 2–3.
4 4 5
5 3
2 2
4 5
1 2

2 2 3
6 2
6 5

one = four =
two = five =
three = six =

2 Write the words.

, Spike.
I’m Kat. !

sneam oury Gy
loleH ’ deboo

6 Starter unit Extra activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Class room b ug s 11
1 Write the words.

one bag five

two six
three seven

2 Match the sentence parts.

1 Sit to a book.
2 Here this? Here you are.
3 Stand down.
4 What’s you are.
5 Point up.

3 Write the sentences.


1 Stand up.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Unit 1 Extra activities 7

2 T h e T V s h ow
1 Colour the picture and write the words.


1 What colour’s the door?

2 What colour’s the chair?
3 What colour’s the window?
4 What colour’s the desk?
5 What colour’s the table?
6 What colour’s the clock?
7 What colour’s the board?

2 Write the numbers.

1 ten + eight = 3 seven x two =

2 twenty – one = 4 five x three =

a Blue.
3 Write the letters.

b I’m Lisa.
1 How old are you?

2 What’s your favourite colour?

3 What’s your name? d

I’m thirteen.
4 What’s your favourite number? c


8 Unit 2 Extra activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Super pets 31
1 Write the words. act cat

i o gd
1 b r at b 4

d r ib
5 prides

3 hifs 6 um o se

2 Write Yes, it is or No, it isn’t. Then write the letter.

Yes No

Yes No Yes No

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

a b c d e f g h

1 a Is it a dog? No, it isn’t.

b Is it a little fish?
c Is it a big bird?
2 a Is it a little cat?
b Is it a fat bird?
c Is it a big spider?

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Unit 3 Extra activities 9

4 Pirates
1 Write sentences.
thirsty scared

He’s tired hungry angry

She’s sad

1 She’s 3

2 6

2 Write the letters.

a b
1 How old are you? I’m fine, Yes, I am.
thank you.

2 How are you?

3 Are you happy?

c d
4 What’s your name? I’m Jim. I’m nineteen.

10 Unit 4 Extra activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

F u n ny f a c e s 51
1 Write the letters.

b c
d e

1 He’s got long blond hair and glasses. a

2 He’s got little ears and short blond hair.

3 He’s got big ears and no hair.

4 He’s got glasses and short dark hair.

5 He’s got long dark hair and a big nose.

6 He’s got little eyes and a big mouth.

2 Write sentences.

This is Miss Dynamic. This is Josh Rock.

She’s got He’s

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Unit 5 Extra activities 11

6 F am il y ph ot o s
1 Read and complete the chart.

Dan, Rebecca and Carlton are friends.

One friend has got one sister.
One friend has got two sisters.
The friend with no sisters has got
one brother.
The friend with two brothers has
got one sister.
Rebecca has got no brothers.

Name brothers sisters

Dan 1

2 Answer the questions.

1 How many sisters have

you got, Rebecca?
I’ve got .

How many brothers
have you got, Carlton?

How many brothers and
sisters have you got, Dan?

12 Unit 6 Extra activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

T h e b o dy r ap 71
1 Read and draw.

t four arms?
Has the monster go
s, it has. It has got four long ar
Has it got four legs
t legs.
has got three shor
No, it hasn’t. It
Has it got two eyes
has got two mouths
Yes, it has, and it
Has it got a nose?
g ears.
o noses, and it has got two very bi
It has got tw

2 Answer the questions.

1 Has Alien X got big feet or little feet?

It has got big feet.
2 Has it got a big mouth or a little mouth?

3 Has it got big eyes or little eyes?

4 Has it got hair?

5 Has it got short arms or long arms?

6 Has it got big hands or little hands?

7 Has it got short legs or long legs?

Alien X
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Unit 7 Extra activities 13
8 Superstar clothes
1 Answer Yes, I have or No, I haven’t.

London Clothes Shop

Clothes red blue purple pink brown
jumper ✓ ✓ ✓
T-shirt ✓ ✓
coat ✓ ✓
jacket ✓ ✓
hat ✓ ✓

1 Have you got a brown coat? Yes, I have.

2 Have you got a red jumper?
3 Have you got a blue T-shirt?
4 Have you got a purple hat?
5 Have you got a pink jacket?

2 Complete the sentences. Answer the questions.

1 Whose hat is this?

It’s Spike’s hat.
2 Whose is this?

3 Whose ?

14 Unit 8 Extra activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Bug café 91
Circle the words ➜

1 and write them.

u y c b r e g g s i
2 potatoes
p o t a t o e s l c
y g r n o p f a j e
a h e a a p p l e c
s u r n s i l a m r
f r f a j z p d v e
u t i b e z z o t a
g f s o n a d e b m
h c h i c k e n g i

2 Match and write.

1 Do do you like for lunch?

2 What do you you like fish?
3 Do you you like for dinner?
4 What like for breakfast? What do you like for lunch?
5 What do like chocolate?

3 Answer the questions in activity 2.


Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Unit 9 Extra activities 15

10 Ani mal safari
1 Complete the crossword and draw the pictures.

1 3 5
e g 6
m k

l f

s n k

2 Complete the sentences.

There are six little brown animals in the zoo.

There are two animals with very long necks and four legs.
There are four black and white birds from Antarctica.
There is one animal with a very long nose.
There are seven animals with no legs.
There are three green animals with four short legs.
There is a red, blue and yellow bird.

1 There are snakes.

2 There monkeys.
3 There crocodiles.
4 parrot.
5 p .
6 e .
7 g .
16 Unit 10 Extra activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
M y f a vo u r i t e t h i n g s 11
1 Look at the picture for one minute. Then cover it and answer
the questions with Yes, there is/are or No, there isn’t/aren’t.

1 Is there a guitar? No, there isn’t.

2 Is there an umbrella?
3 Is there a doll?
4 Is there a TV on the table?
5 Is there a computer on the table?
6 Is there a ball in the box?
7 Are there comics on the table?
8 Are there three posters?

2 Write the answers.

1 How many posters are there? There are two posters.

2 How many toy animals are there on the bed?
3 How many CDs are there on the table?
4 How many books are there on the table?
5 How many pens are there in the room?

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Unit 11 Extra activities 17

12 G o o d bye , S u p e r s t a r s !
1 Answer the questions.
Look at your
Class Book.

5 29 43 17 Who’s this?

How many
What colour is
brothers has Do I like
bug number ten?
Nick got? chocolate?

52 10 36 Has the 50 25 Has

Loch Ness Jacky
Is there a Monster got a What colour’s Lopez
keyboard in What colour’s long neck or a the parrot? got long hair
Room 1? the chair? short neck? or short hair?

9 41 56 40 12

What is Ann’s
Whose hat is Who’s Whose hat is favourite
this? this? this? colour?
What’s this?

32 39 11 45 What’s

What colour
are Lisa’s How old is
Whose jumper Jet?
eyes? Goodbye!
is this?

49 How 16 44 54 How 53 How

many many many
crocodiles are Is it I like salad. posters are computers are
there in the a big Am I Maria there in there in Kat’s
jeep? dog? or Arnold? Room B? room?

26 35 30 50

Has Clank got a Has the orange

little nose or a bug got four How old is Gary’s
Where am
big nose? legs? brother?
I from?

18 Unit 12 Extra activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Write the sentences. Then order the pictures.

Look at Class Book
pages 9, 13, 17.
a b

This is MY pet. Hello, Wibble.
Come on, Sam.
Hello. What’s your name?
Look. A cave!
I’m Bloop.
Wow! It’s big!

2 Answer the questions.

1 What’s this?

2 What’s this?

3 Is it a dinosaur?

4 Is it a pet?

5 What colour’s Bloop?

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Units 1–3 Comic strip activities 19


1 Write the sentences. Then order the pictures.

Look at Class Book
pages 23, 27, 31.
a b

Let’s go. Wait here, Digger.
I’ve got the dinosaur, boss!
Are you hungry?
Me too!
Look! It’s a circus!

2 Match and write sentences.

1 Wibble has got big blue face

2 She’s got a big eyes
3 She’s got big blue and green.
4 She’s ears.
5 She’s got a happy mouth.


20 Units 4–6 Comic strip activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Write the sentences. Then order the pictures.

Look at Class
Book pages 37, 41, 45.
a b

Stamp your feet.
Quick! Put this jacket on, Ally.
The key!
Wave your arms.
Whose hat is this?

2 Answer the questions.

1 Whose hat is this? 2 Whose jacket is this?

This is Bobo’s hat.

3 Whose shirt is this? 4 Whose hat is this?

5 Whose jacket is this?

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Units 7–9 Comic strip activities 21


1 Write the sentences. Then order the pictures.

Look at Class Book
pages 51, 55, 59.
a b

Wait, Sam! There are elephants in here.
It isn’t a monster!
Look! There’s a dinosaur and a monster.
It’s true!
It’s a girl with a mask.
Hello, Mr Bunkum.
Come on. This way!

2 Circle T (True) or F (False).

1 Ally has got a red and black jumper. T F

2 This is Bloop’s favourite lunch. T F
3 Sam has got black hair. T F
4 Wibble has got a long neck. T F
Look at Class Book
5 Wibble is dangerous. T F pages 9, 13, 17, 23, 27,
31, 37, 41, 45, 51, 55, 59.
6 Bloop is blue. T F
7 There are elephants in the circus. T F
8 Ally’s pet is a cat. T F
9 Digger is black and white. T F
10 Wibble has got a beautiful voice. T F

22 Units 10–12 Comic strip activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Alphabet and animals
1 2

3 4

5 6

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Poster activities 23

Alphabet and animals













24 Poster activities Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

P ic t ur e c ar ds

Starter Unit © Oxford University Press Starter Unit © Oxford University Press

Starter Unit © Oxford University Press Starter Unit © Oxford University Press

Unit 3 © Oxford University Press Unit 3 © Oxford University Press

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Picture cards 25

Pict ure cards cut

Unit 3 © Oxford University Press Unit 3 © Oxford University Press

Unit 3 © Oxford University Press Unit 3 © Oxford University Press

Unit 6 © Oxford University Press Unit 6 © Oxford University Press

26 Picture cards Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

P ic t ur e c ar ds 1

Unit 6 © Oxford University Press Unit 6 © Oxford University Press

Unit 6 © Oxford University Press Unit 6 © Oxford University Press

Unit 8 © Oxford University Press Unit 8 © Oxford University Press

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Picture cards 27

Pict ure cards cut

Unit 8 © Oxford University Press Unit 8 © Oxford University Press

Unit 8 © Oxford University Press Unit 8 © Oxford University Press

Unit 8 © Oxford University Press Unit 8 © Oxford University Press

28 Picture cards Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

P ic t ur e c ar ds 1

Unit 8 © Oxford University Press Unit 9 © Oxford University Press

Unit 9 © Oxford University Press Unit 9 © Oxford University Press

Unit 9 © Oxford University Press Unit 9 © Oxford University Press

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Picture cards 29

Pict ure cards cut

Unit 9 © Oxford University Press Unit 9 © Oxford University Press

Unit 9 © Oxford University Press Unit 9 © Oxford University Press

Unit 9 © Oxford University Press Unit 9 © Oxford University Press

30 Picture cards Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

P ic t ur e c ar ds 1

Unit 9 © Oxford University Press Unit 9 © Oxford University Press

Unit 9 © Oxford University Press Unit 10 © Oxford University Press

Unit 10 © Oxford University Press Unit 10 © Oxford University Press

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Picture cards 31

Pict ure cards cut

Unit 10 © Oxford University Press Unit 10 © Oxford University Press

Unit 10 © Oxford University Press Unit 10 © Oxford University Press

Unit 11 © Oxford University Press Unit 11 © Oxford University Press

32 Picture cards Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

P ic t ur e c ar ds 1

Unit 11 © Oxford University Press Unit 11 © Oxford University Press

Unit 11 © Oxford University Press Unit 11 © Oxford University Press

Unit 11 © Oxford University Press Unit 11 © Oxford University Press

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Picture cards 33

red happy long colour

book eye salad yellow

Word bricks
sad short one door
Wo r d b r i c k s

jumper apples blue hungry

blond two dog T-shirt

elephant brown thirsty favourite


Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

three rabbit coat lion

white big name four

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Wo r d b r i c k s

cat chicken brother black

little colour pen hair

pizza sister TV computer

Word bricks
aeroplane am ‘m Are

are Is is ‘s

‘s ‘s isn’t aren’t

Word bricks
‘ve Have Have have
Wo r d b r i c k s

haven’t Has has hasn’t

got got got Do

do don’t like like


Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

What What What Who

How old How many Whose I

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Wo r d b r i c k s

I you you you

he she It it

my your your your

Word bricks
there this the a

Wo r d b r i c k s cut








38 Word bricks Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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