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[해커스 보카 수능 심화] 예문 시험 DAY 10

1 Rene Descartes made the ____________philosophical statement “I think, therefore I am.”

2 This special ____________is only good until the end of this month.
3 It is not simple to ____________a habit in a short time.
4 Several countries joined in the campaign to protect ____________in their national parks.
5 Galileo correctly ____________that the planets move around the Sun.
6 Many of the students ____________to Oscar Wilde in their term papers.
7 The development of nylon had a surprisingly ____________effect on world affairs.
8 All American companies place nutrition information on food products because it is ____________.
9 If you ____________in this area, you may get a library card free of charge.
10 Regular cleaning will give you an overall ____________environment.
11 Melatonin is a ____________that helps regulate sleep.
12 We should keep the earth clean for our ____________.
13 After the ____________of her first book, she became one of world’s major female writers.
14 She folded the letter twice and ____________it within an envelope.
15 Like onions and chilies, garlic is a common ____________in every kitchen.
16 You have to ____________to old books when there is doubt.
17 It is possible that comets are ____________from the formation of the solar system.
18 Plant or animal ____________teach children about the natural world.
19 We ____________the old for the new too frequently and without thought.
20 Intellectual ____________is admitting that you are human and there are limits to the knowledge you have.
21 Sasha is a tax ____________at a prominent law firm.
22 The team members decided to ____________their ideas and make the presentation together.
23 The purpose of your letter is very simple: to express love and ____________.
24 Facilities in the rural areas should be improved to ____________a more positive attitude toward rural life.
25 A basic ____________in economics is that when the supply of something goes up, its price should go down.
26 The movie ____________artists such as Michelangelo as philosophers and geniuses.
27 You should read the ____________when you’re shopping.
28 We ____________through the streaming service options before choosing a film to watch.
29 Nonverbal messages are designed to let a partner know one’s ____________reaction indirectly.
30 What you do becomes your habits and your habits determine your ____________.
31 Buses ____________inexpensive services between cities.
32 A group of scientists has ____________a procedure for locating infections without surgery.
33 Teachers in the past more often arranged group work or encouraged students to ____________teamwork skills.
34 Everyone ____________in wonder as the train slowly backed up and returned to the station.
35 Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the quantity of ____________transported between nations was negligible.
36 Economic ____________are often an effective way to penalize nations for unacceptable actions.
37 There are many job ____________on the Internet.
38 Dogs follow our ____________ to figure out what we are looking at.
39 Elle saw many of her old classmates at the high school ____________.
40 “Green thumb” ____________to a great ability to cultivate plants.
41 Some drugs are ____________as needing to be kept in the refrigerator.
42 Extraction is one way to separate chemical ____________into elements.
43 Sarah tried hard to overcome her ____________nature.

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