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[해커스 보카 수능 심화] 예문 시험 DAY 11

1 The pace of ____________for bird species has rapidly accelerated since 1850.
2 One remarkable aspect of ____________culture is the concept of “totemism.”
3 There have been many ____________to define what music is.
4 If there is no possibility storing food for the winter, it must seem to promise certain ____________to bear.
5 I adopted my pet from an animal ____________center.
6 For ____________approaching extinction, zoos can act as a last chance for survival.
7 There have been a lot of news reports about the ____________of violence in schools.
8 Jeremy joined an organization that ____________future leaders to teach in low-income communities.
9 Babies are ____________in the language that they are expected to learn.
10 In the meeting, the project manager ____________how construction would proceed.
11 I think we should break gender ____________.
12 Paved surfaces and structures like streets or buildings in cities heat up and ____________energy into the atmosphere.
13 The ____________of your eye is the little black spot in the center of the colored circle.
14 When sugar is ____________, it produces alcohol.
15 Marketers seek ____________that will overcome consumers’ guilt and negative self-regard.
16 The aged are often treated like ____________due to culturally prejudiced attitudes.
17 We should ____________to become the best we can be within our limitations.
18 People around the world are ____________the death of the legendary singer.
19 Birds ____________, carrying with them whatever toxins they have absorbed with their food.
20 Finland is number one in the world in ____________.
21 Language ____________significantly reduce the opportunities for contact between different populations.
22 A lion’s diet consists mainly of the ____________of other animals.
23 Our ____________workshop in Jeju is only two weeks away.
24 If an elephant is in a room, it is impossible to ____________.
25 A philosopher witnessed from the shore the shipwreck of a ____________.
26 Dairy products help the body make a hormone that helps ____________sleep.
27 He started to draw the ____________of the zebra’s body, adding more details.
28 There are 12 ____________in Mr. Harris’s English class.
29 Terry preferred to keep his desk neat and ____________.
30 Keeping a diet log can help you ____________your behavior and watch changes in weight.
31 Paul had ____________his old friends with his rude behavior.
32 If the defense ____________a pass from the offense, they immediately become the offense.
33 Mosquitoes are an annoying ____________during the damp summer months.
34 You should ____________up your stuff so you can share your room with Susan.
35 We’re planning to raise money to ____________ abandoned dogs.
36 A lack of proper planning ____________the mission to failure.
37 Harriet’s hair was full of ____________curls.
38 A status symbol is something that ____________a high social status for its owner.
39 High blood pressure can often result from constricted blood ____________.
40 He used the ____________of an iceberg to describe the large portion of learning that remains invisible.
41 Together, our team can overcome seemingly ____________obstacles.
42 If you are not positive, you cannot be ____________on your job.

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