Midterm Exam - Dante y Orpiana JR

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1. How science can be define?

In layman’s term, science is a systematic study, observation, analysis that could be

applied in the real world. To understand science clearly, science defined as an idea where
theories and all systematic explanations in the natural and physical world. Science practically
studies the natural and physical world. Science also defined as a body of knowledge that deals
with the process of learning the natural ang physical world. And lastly, Science is defined as
knowledge and activities that is done by societies interacting with each other for the reason of
understanding the world in a more developed way.

2. What is the contribution of Copernicus in the philosophy of science?

Copernicus is one of the renaissance men that’s famous for his studies about the heavenly
bodies. He dedicated himself to study the universe, how it works, to understand the kind of
world that we’re living. Even though he’s faced with many threats because of the religious
groups, he still faced the challenges head on.

In his ideas that is called thought experiment, he concluded a universe where the sun is in
the middle and varying planet orbits around it with different distance around the sun.
3. What is Darwin’s contribution to modern science?
Charles Darwin has greatly contributed on the field of study on biology and philosophy.
Darwin is more known on the field of neology where he studies the origin of many living things
that also include us humans. He created a book called “The descent of man” where he states the
possible origin of the man that Is contrary to the religious beliefs. Because of his controversial
work, Charles Darwin is in a state where there’s a possible persecution of the catholic church.
4. How can you describe Freudian ideas as a scientist?
Freudian ideas are more in the psychological area where it studies and observes different
thinking of many people. It helps us to understand humans intellectually that the physical
science can’t solve. In his method “Method of psychoanalysis” he explains that there are
reasons why people have mental illnesses and not just a superstition. He prove that there are
more what the eyes can see and there are things that the physical science can’t solved
5. How did society shape science and how science shape society?
This question is like “who is created first? The egg or the chicken”. We all know that
science existed before humans are created. Because of the creation of humans, innovation and
experimentation are created that makes the science.
Society’s faces many problems and to solve those problems science is applied. Without
societies problems, science can’t advance. Innovations, researches, analysis are the
fundamentals of the science which the humans created those fundamentals.
Let’s just call it give and take where Science cannot be develop without humans and
humans can’t revolutionized without science.
6. Discuss the role of science and technology in the Philippine nation-building.
Because of the colonization of the Spaniards, science in the Philippines just got
developed by the Americans or western culture after they colonize the Philippines.
On the past, Philippine science focus more on the agricultural life. Inventions of many
irrigations and Seasonal clocks that could help the farmers efficiently. Medicine like herbs are
also one of the parts of Philippine science.
Because of the western culture, we’ve got immersed on science development much
better. Philippine science is now more on the Technological advances and nurturing scholars to
develop the Philippine science.
By nurturing many scholars in the field of science, the government of the Philippine aims
to bring the Philippine science par with many other countries with more sophisticated
technologies and wide range knowledge. This Improvement could help the life of many Filipinos
not just physically but also mentally.
7. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and technology?
Indigenous science brings us to our modern world. In the old days, people live more in
the agriculture side. Many people invented this like irrigation and calendar (e.g lunar, solar
….etc) to make the farming or harvesting efficiently.
Without indigenous science, there can be no development of science and technology.
The reason for that is Many people Upgrades old technologies to make it sophisticated and that
crates more inventions that leads to more discoveries.
8. Identify several (at least three (3)) Filipino Scientists and their developments.
Rafael Dineros Guerrero III – his research on tilapia culture
Lourdes Jansuy Cruz – Research on Snail Venom
Ramon Cabanos Barba – Research on tissue culture in Philippine mango
9. Identify Filipino Indigenous Knowledge.
1. Predicting weather condition using animal behavior
2. Herbal medicine
3. Preserving foods
4. Classifying animals based on cultural properties
5. Local irrigation system
6. Classifying different types of soil for planting
7. Wines & Juices from tropical fruits
10. How are the laws related to science and technology in the Philippines from year 2000
To be more specific, the DepEd Order No. 73 s. 2008, DepEd Order Np. 51 s. 2010, and
Republic act No. 3661 aims to Nurture Filipino citizen when it comes to science by providing an
environment where science is emphasized. Young students are made to participate actively in
the field of science as early as possible. By developing students in early in the field of science,
they can have a much flexible thinking that they can use when they graduate.
The government Fund this kind of Development so that they could also Hire some of the
graduates of their programs that could help the advancement of the Philippine science.


Country Field of Field of Field of medicine Invention/Tools

Mathematics/Literature Astrology
Latin Mayan Hieroglyphics – Used Temple of Hydraulic
America Writing system astronomical system
Numeral 20 – Number (2000 years) Looms for
system weaving
Predicting clothes
Mandatory education eclipse and Mica – Used for
Chocolates using glittery paints
Antispasmodic astrological
Medication cycles for Rubber
Chinampa harvesting Products
Aztec calendar
Invention of canoe Roads paved
with stones

system for
storing water

Claendar with
12 months


Quipu –
knotted ropes

East asia
India Standardize Theories of Ayurveda – system of Metallurgical
measurement of length spherical self- traditional medicine Works
to a high degree supporting earth

Mohenjo-daro - ruler 360 days with

12 equal parts
Introduce some of 30 days each
trigonometric functions
Shiromani –
Tells the Mean
and true
Longitude of the
plants Acupuncture

China Paper making

Supernovas Gunpowder
Lunar Printing tools
Solar eclipse Compass
Known for
Middle east Muhammad ibn Musa IBN SINA Ibnal-Haytham
Al-Khwarizmi - Concept - First physician - Intromission
of algorithm, Algebra to conduct theory of light
derived from AL-JABR clinical trials
- Book of
healing & The
canon of
medicine –
used as
medicinal text
- Introduction
of clinical
Africa Geometry – used in Used three Examination diagnosis Egyptian
layout and ownership calendars – Treatment pyramids
of farm lands Lunar, solar, Prognosis for
Used in rectilinear stellar treatment of diseases Metallurgy

Lambo bone – tool for

simple mathematical

Basic knowledge of
algebra and geometry


1. Factors that Influence the Development of Filipino Scientists

Government funding – Without the funds of government there can be no scientific advancement
and also tehre could be no development of scientist

Knowledgeable teachers – Developing the Filipino scientist needs Professional and literate in the
field of science Teachers.

Recognition – Some Filipino scientist are not well known in the Philippines. Recognizing those
scientists could give young students inspiration to embrace science.

Scholarships – Many People could be a scientist for the reason of free education on that field
2. Influences the Development of Science and Technology in the Philippines\
Corruption – Corruption hinders the development of science because funds are gathered
somewhere else.

Higher Tuition – Schools that focuses in science and technology are known for there high tuition.
Because of that, student change to another field making their talents in science wasted.

Programs in the science field – Programs that aims to discover young scientist are needed to
develop the science and technology in the Philippines. With the discovery of new scientist,
Philippine science and technology could advance.

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