10 Commandments Assembly Term 2

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Good morning and welcome to our class’s assembly.

Today we are going to share what we have learnt

about the 10 commandments.

Let’s think about this. Imagine if we played games

in class and never followed the rules. We would
become frustrated, confused and it would not be
much fun because everyone would do as they
If we didn’t have any classroom rules it would not
be a very peaceful place to be. No one would listen
and not much learning would take place.
We are going to tell you about Moses, a very
important man in the Bible and the 10
commandments that God gave him for everyone.
Moses took the people out of Egypt where they were
treated very badly. They had to travel a long time in
a desert. Moses told the people that God would
guide them and help them.
The people were so happy to be out of Egypt and to
be free to do what they wanted to, but it was not
long before they started to complain.
The desert was a dangerous place and they wanted to
know how long they had to stay there for. The
people complained that they were hungry and that
although they were treated badly in Egypt at least
they had enough food to eat. Sadly, they had
forgotten all that God had done for them.
They began to say they wanted to go back to Egypt.
Moses tried his best to make the people feel happy
and he took them to a place where they got food and
This place was called Mount Sinai. It was here that
God gave Moses a list of 10 rules on how to live.
He did this because the world would not be a good
place if everyone just did whatever they felt like
doing all the time. If there were no rules, people
could do bad or unkind things and get away with it.
Rules teach us about what is right and wrong, good
or bad, helpful or unhelpful. Rules are there for a
reason to help us stay safe.
Breaking the rules could be dangerous or we could
end up in trouble or unhappy. Crossing the road
without and adult, stealing something that is not ours
or being unkind.
We can see that rules are very important. God gave
us 10 rules which we call commandments.
These are the 10 commandments he gave us to
(Boards to hold up and say.)

Now let us pray and ask God to help and guide us to

keep these rules.
In the name of the father, the son & the holy spirit

Dear God,
Help us to see that rules are there to keep us safe and
Help us to love other people and to act in a way that
shows care for them.
Help us to follow the best ways.
Be near to us when we find it difficult.
Guide us to live together in peace with everyone.
We ask this in Jesus name.

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