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1. Good morning and welcome to our assembly.

Our assembly today is all about


2. On Sunday we will be celebrating Mother’s day. Who is a mother? What is a

mother? What does a mother look like?

3. When we need guidance on so many things in life, we go to the best book that you
can find. The bible.

4. The bible is like a roadmap for our lives. It shows us the right path to take in life. Let
us look what the bible says about mothers.

5. Throughout the Bible, we read about godly mothers who raised their children to
love, honour, and serve God. Mothers are always respected in scripture throughout
the ages.

6. The Bible also tells us that we can experience Christ's love for us through our
mother’s lasting and unconditional love.

7. Our mothers are made in God’s image — as are we. Our mother's womb gives us
life as well as spiritual food all the days of her life.

8. We also read about the most special mother, Jesus’s mother Mary. Mary gives us
all the best example of a mother’s love and care. Mary was chosen by God to be
the mother of His son.

9. She raised Jesus with love and tenderness and never left his side, even when he
was nailed to the cross. She was with him always and loved him with her whole

10. Jesus also loved His mother very much, even when he was on the cross he
cared about her and made sure that John the apostle would take her into his home
and care for her. He didn’t want her to be alone.

11. The bible also tells us how to love and respect our mothers.
12. “Hear, my child, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching,
for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck”
13. The bible also describes a mother: In Proverbs we read "Strength and honour
are her clothing; she is confident about the future. Her mouth is full of wisdom;
kindly teaching is on her tongue. She is attentive over the activities of her
household; she doesn't eat the food of laziness."

14. Moms are at the forefront of teaching children about the word of God and
model Christian ways of living in their own homes to their children.

15. In the gospel of Luke, Jesus says: "How many times I wanted to put my arms
around all your people just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings...” that is
how a mother loves us, she loves us unconditionally.

(What Is Mother’s Day?)

16. Today we want to tell you about a special day set aside especially for our
Mothers. Mother’s Day is a time when we show our mothers, grandmothers,
aunties or other women who care for us, how much we love them.

17. It is a day to show our love, thanks and respect and are thankful for the care
they show us in lots of different ways, including Love, support, help,
understanding, friendship, respect and fun

(When Is Mother’s Day?)

18. Mother’s Day is always on a Sunday. In South Africa we celebrate it on the 2nd
Sunday of May.

(Who Is a Mother?)
19. Every family is special and unique. A mother is the woman who gives birth to a
person when they are a baby.

20. Sometimes, a woman might not be the birth mother but is still a person’s
mother because she cares in a similar way to a mother. This might be because a
different woman gave birth to the person for lots of different reasons.

21. Mothers include stepmothers, mothers who have adopted a child, a granny, a
sister, an aunt, a father, a friend, a teacher, a neighbour, any other trusted caring
person can also take the role of a mother.

How Did Mother’s Day Start?

22. No one knows exactly how the idea of Mother’s Day began. A long time ago,
boys and girls who were ten years old had to get jobs. They would often be

23. These children were only allowed one day to visit their family each year. This
was usually Mothering Sunday. It has changed over the years.
(Why do we want to celebrate mothers?)

24. Think about your mummy or the special ladies in your life. Think about all the
things they do for you. Your mother started to love you even before you were

25. We want to set aside one day of the year when we celebrate our mother.

26. We want to show them that we love them very much and are grateful for their
love for us. We should try to be good and loving towards our mothers always.

27. How Can You show your mummy that you love her.

28. Give flowers

29. Going out for lunch

30. Giving Mum a special card.

31. Tidy your room without being told. It’s time you reminded yourself what colour
the carpet is anyway.

32. Do the washing up. Properly. Even the frying pan and the cheese-grater.

33. Even better – make her breakfast in bed. You will need to get up before her on
Sunday, so set your alarm. And this also includes doing the washing up

34. Of course, you should be doing some of this stuff anyway, but try especially
hard on Sunday.

35. Remember to tell your mother that you love her, not just on Mothers day, but
every day.

(All say ‘I love you Mum!’ and blow a kiss to the audience)


36. Please bow your head and join your hands as we pray:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Dear God,
We pray for all the mothers and ladies who care about us as we celebrate
Mother’s day.
Help us to be kind and good so we can help them make their job easier. Grant
them the strength to face the daily challenges with courage and the wisdom to
guide us, their children, towards a life of faith and service.

37. Encourage them when they are tired and inspire them when they feel
overwhelmed. During those moments of difficulty and despair, remind them of the
promises from your word to strengthen and encourage their souls. Remind them
that you are there for them, and will guide them each day. May they take their
burdens to you, and rely upon you for their source of help during times of need.
Bless them with Your peace and love, now and forever.
In Jesus name we pray,

Let us pray the words that Jesus himself taught us:

Our Father….

We thank Mary, the mother of Jesus, for being a good mother and loving and
guiding Jesus as he grew up:
Hail Mary

We give praise and thanks to God for our very own mothers:
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the
beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

2 easy songs:

Song: (tune ‘Oh Christmas tree!’)

On Mother's Day
On Mother's Day
Oh, how I love you Mummy!
On Mother's Day
On Mother's Day
Oh, how I love you Mummy!
You give me Joy and Happiness
I give you love, a hug and Kiss!
On Mother's Day
On Mother's Day
Oh, how I love you Mummy!

38. Song : (to the tune of BINGO)

39. I have a very special friend
And Mummy is her name-o.
M-U-M-M-Y, M-U-M-M-Y, M-U-M-M-Y,
And Mummy is her name-o

40. Mother’s Day around the World

41. Having a special day to celebrate mothers and other special women happens
all over the world.
42. Wherever they live, mummies are really special!

43. How Can Mother’s Day Be Celebrated? Whatever people do to celebrate

Mother’s Day, it’s good to remember:
44. ‘It’s the care that counts.’

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