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Viajes y turismo

Adjetivo Significado Ejemplo

Adventurous Aventurero "They embarked on an adventurous journey through the Amazon
Relaxing Relajante "They enjoyed a relaxing vacation on the tropical island."
Picturesque Pintoresco "The village is known for its picturesque streets and charming
Scenic Escénico "They drove along scenic routes, admiring the breathtaking views."
Exotic Exótico "They explored exotic destinations in Southeast Asia."
Vibrant Vibrante "The city's vibrant nightlife attracts visitors from around the world."
Cultural Cultural "They immersed themselves in the cultural heritage of the ancient
Tranquil Tranquilo "They found a tranquil spot by the lake to relax and unwind."
Unforgettable Inolvidable "Their trip to Paris was an unforgettable experience."
Historic Histórico "They visited historic landmarks and learned about the city's rich
Breathtaking Impresionante "The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking."
Remote Remoto "They hiked to a remote village in the mountains."
Luxurious Lujoso "They stayed in a luxurious hotel with stunning ocean views."
Authentic Auténtico "They dined on authentic local cuisine in a family-owned restaurant."
Majestic Majestuoso "They marveled at the majestic beauty of the Grand Canyon."
Idyllic Idílico "They spent a week in an idyllic seaside village."
Quaint Pintoresco "They explored the quaint cobblestone streets of the old town."
Lively Animado "The city's streets were lively with music and street performers."
Fascinating Fascinante "They found the ancient ruins fascinating."
Authentic Auténtico "They enjoyed an authentic cultural experience in the local market."
Charming Encantador "They stayed in a charming bed and breakfast in the countryside."
Captivating Cautivador "The city's rich history is captivating."
Enchanting Encantador "They explored the enchanting streets of the medieval town."
Remote Remoto "They ventured to remote islands in search of untouched beaches."
Magnificent Magnífico "They were in awe of the magnificent architecture of the cathedral."
Alluring Atractivo "The city's vibrant nightlife is alluring to young travelers."
Diverse Diverso "They experienced the diverse cultures of the region."
Unspoiled Intacto "They discovered unspoiled landscapes in the national park."
Serene Sereno "They found peace and serenity in the tranquil garden."
Thrilling Emocionante "The safari was a thrilling adventure."
Remote Remoto "They traveled to remote villages accessible only by boat."
Authentic Auténtico "They sampled authentic street food in the bustling markets."
Picturesque Pintoresco "They took photographs of the picturesque countryside."
Cultural Cultural "They attended cultural festivals celebrating the local traditions."
Exhilarating Emocionante "The whitewater rafting trip was exhilarating."
Charming Encantador "They stayed in a charming bed and breakfast in the countryside."
Quaint Pintoresco "They explored the quaint cobblestone streets of the old town."
Invigorating Revitalizante "The hike through the mountains was invigorating."
Unforgettable Inolvidable "Their trip to the tropical island was unforgettable."
Breathtaking Impresionante "The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking."
Tranquil Tranquilo "They found a tranquil spot by the lake to relax and unwind."
Exotic Exótico "They explored exotic destinations in Southeast Asia."
Magnificent Magnífico "They were in awe of the magnificent architecture of the cathedral."
Picturesque Pintoresco "The village is known for its picturesque streets and charming
Adventurous Aventurero "They embarked on an adventurous journey through the Amazon
Relaxing Relajante "They enjoyed a relaxing vacation on the tropical island."

Adverbio Significado Ejemplo

Abroad En el extranjero "They love to travel abroad to explore new cultures."
Overseas En el extranjero, en "They went overseas for their honeymoon."
el extranjero
Globally Globalmente "The company operates globally, with offices in multiple
Aboard A bordo "They were excited to be aboard the cruise ship."
Domestically A nivel nacional "They prefer to travel domestically to support local tourism."
Internationally Internacionalmente "The conference attracts participants from internationally."
Locally Localmente "They enjoy exploring locally, discovering hidden gems in their
own city."
Exclusively Exclusivamente "The resort offers exclusively luxury accommodations."
Freely Libremente "They roamed freely around the historic city."
Widely Ampliamente "The festival is widely known for its vibrant atmosphere."
Popularly Popularmente "The destination is popularly known for its stunning beaches."
Regularly Regularmente "They travel regularly to visit family abroad."
Spontaneously Espontáneamente "They decided to travel spontaneously, booking last-minute
Anonymously Anónimamente "They traveled anonymously to avoid attention."
Comfortably Cómodamente "They traveled comfortably in first-class seats."
Famously Famosamente "The landmark is famously known as a symbol of the city."
Lavishly Lujosamente "They traveled lavishly, staying in luxury resorts."
Safely Seguramente "They traveled safely, following all safety precautions."
Eagerly Ansiosamente "They awaited eagerly for their next adventure."
Quietly Silenciosamente "They explored the quaint town quietly, enjoying its peaceful
Extensively Extensivamente "They traveled extensively throughout Europe, visiting multiple
Directly Directamente "They flew directly to their destination without any layovers."
Efficiently Eficientemente "They planned their trip efficiently, maximizing their time at
each location."
Frequently Frecuentemente "They travel frequently for business."
Individually Individualmente "They prefer to explore destinations individually rather than in
group tours."
Luxuriously De manera lujosa "They traveled luxuriously, staying in 5-star hotels."
Patiently Pacientemente "They waited patiently in line for tickets to the museum."
Quietly Tranquilamente "They enjoyed the quiet countryside, away from the hustle and
bustle of the city."
Rapidly Rápidamente "They traveled rapidly by high-speed train."
Serenely Serenamente "They cruised serenely along the tranquil waters."
Reluctantly A regañadientes "They left the picturesque town reluctantly, wishing they could
stay longer."
Solo Solo "They traveled solo, seeking adventure and self-discovery."
Thoroughly Minuciosamente "They researched their destination thoroughly before booking
their trip."
Uniquely Únicamente "The destination offers a uniquely cultural experience."
Virtually Prácticamente "They explored the ancient ruins virtually through a virtual
reality tour."
Wisely Sabiamente "They wisely chose to travel during the off-peak season to
avoid crowds."
Blissfully Dichosamente "They traveled blissfully, enjoying every moment of their
Endlessly Infinitamente "They drove endlessly along the scenic coastline, stopping at
every picturesque spot."
Fearlessly Sin miedo "They traveled fearlessly, embracing new experiences and
Gleefully Alegremente "They embarked on their journey gleefully, excited for the
adventures ahead."

Expresión Significado Ejemplo

Hit the road Comenzar un "We packed our bags and hit the road early in the
viaje morning."
Off the beaten path Fuera de lo "They prefer to explore destinations off the beaten path,
común, no away from tourist crowds."
See the sights Visitar lugares de "During their trip to Rome, they made sure to see all the
interés sights, including the Colosseum."
Get away from it all Escapar de todo "They rented a cabin in the mountains to get away from
it all and enjoy some peace and quiet."
Go off the grid Desconectarse de "They went camping in the wilderness to go off the grid
la tecnología and disconnect from their devices."
Take a stroll Dar un paseo "They took a stroll along the beach at sunset."
Travel light Viajar ligero "They decided to travel light and only brought a small
backpack for their weekend trip."
Live it up Disfrutar al "They're planning to live it up on their vacation and
máximo indulge in fine dining and luxury experiences."
Make a detour Hacer un desvío "They made a detour to visit a quaint little town they
spotted on the map."
Staycation Vacaciones en "They opted for a staycation this year, exploring their
casa own city and its hidden gems."
Take the scenic route Tomar la ruta "Instead of the highway, they decided to take the scenic
escénica route through the countryside."
Wander off the beaten Desviarse del "They wandered off the beaten path and discovered a
path camino trillado beautiful waterfall hidden in the forest."
Set sail Zarpar "They set sail on a cruise ship to explore the islands of
the Caribbean."
Go backpacking Ir de mochilero "They went backpacking through Europe, staying in
hostels and meeting fellow travelers."
Take a dip Darse un "After hiking all morning, they took a dip in the
chapuzón refreshing mountain stream."
Go sightseeing Hacer turismo "They spent the day sightseeing in Paris, visiting iconic
landmarks like the Eiffel Tower."
Travel far and wide Viajar mucho y "They've traveled far and wide, exploring remote corners
lejos of the globe."
Sample the local Probar la cocina "They made sure to sample the local cuisine at street
cuisine local markets and hole-in-the-wall eateries."
Get lost Perderse "They got lost wandering the narrow streets of the old
town, but enjoyed every minute of it."
Hit the beach Ir a la playa "They spent the day hitting the beach, soaking up the
sun and playing in the waves."
Take in the view Disfrutar de la "They found a perfect spot to take in the view of the city
vista skyline."
Go on a road trip Ir de viaje por "They decided to go on a road trip, driving cross-country
carretera to explore national parks and landmarks."
Discover hidden gems Descubrir joyas "They love to travel off the beaten path and discover
ocultas hidden gems in small towns and villages."
Go for a hike Ir de excursión "They went for a hike in the mountains, enjoying the
fresh air and stunning views."
Dive into the culture Sumergirse en la "During their travels, they made an effort to dive into the
cultura local culture, learning customs and traditions."
Soak up the sun Tomar el sol "They spent the afternoon soaking up the sun on the
Embark on an Embarcarse en "They decided to embark on an adventure, trekking
adventure una aventura through the jungle in search of hidden waterfalls."
Experience local life Experimentar la "They stayed with a local family to experience local life
vida local and immerse themselves in the culture."
Take the plunge Dar el paso "After much consideration, they finally decided to take
the plunge and book a trip around the world."
Unplug and unwind Desconectar y "They went on a digital detox retreat to unplug and
relajarse unwind from the stresses of daily life."
Dive into adventure Sumergirse en la "They're excited to dive into adventure and explore new
aventura horizons during their trip."
Travel off the beaten Viajar fuera del "They prefer to travel off the beaten path, seeking
path camino trillado authentic experiences away from tourist crowds."
Go on an expedition Ir en una "They went on an expedition to explore remote regions
expedición of the Arctic."
Seek out hidden Buscar tesoros "They love to seek out hidden treasures in antique shops
treasures escondidos and flea markets."
Explore the great Explorar la "They spent the weekend exploring the great outdoors,
outdoors naturaleza hiking through forests and valleys."
Travel back in time Viajar en el "Exploring the ancient ruins, they felt like they were
tiempo traveling back in time."
Go on a day trip Ir de excursión de "They decided to go on a day trip to the countryside,
un día escaping the hustle and bustle of the city."
Discover new horizons Descubrir nuevos "They're eager to discover new horizons and immerse
horizontes themselves in unfamiliar cultures."
Experience the local Experimentar el "They made sure to experience the local flavor by trying
flavor sabor local street food and traditional dishes."
Go on a scenic drive Ir en un viaje "They went on a scenic drive along the coastline,
escénico enjoying panoramic views of the ocean."
Roam the streets Recorrer las calles "They spent the day roaming the streets of the historic
city, exploring hidden alleys and shops."
Go on an excursion Ir de excursión "They went on an excursion to explore the nearby
national park and its wildlife."
Take the road less Tomar el camino "They decided to take the road less traveled and explore
traveled menos transitado remote villages in the countryside."
Set off on an Embarcarse en "They set off on an adventure to climb the highest peak
adventure una aventura in the mountain range."
Experience the Experimentar las "They spent the week camping in the wilderness,
wonders of nature maravillas de la experiencing the wonders of nature firsthand."
Journey into the Viajar hacia lo "They embarked on a journey into the unknown, eager to
unknown desconocido discover what lay beyond the horizon."

Collocation Significado Ejemplo

Go sightseeing Hacer turismo "They went sightseeing in London, visiting
famous landmarks."
Book accommodation Reservar alojamiento "They booked accommodation at a cozy bed and
Take a trip Hacer un viaje "They decided to take a trip to the mountains for
the weekend."
Pack your bags Hacer las maletas "They packed their bags and headed to the
Catch a flight Coger un vuelo "They caught a flight to Paris for their
Explore the city Explorar la ciudad "They spent the day exploring the city's hidden
Rent a car Alquilar un coche "They rented a car to explore the countryside."
Check into a hotel Registrarse en un hotel "They checked into a hotel near the beach."
Take a cruise Hacer un crucero "They took a cruise around the Mediterranean
Embark on a journey Empezar un viaje "They embarked on a journey to discover new
Get a passport Obtener un pasaporte "They got their passports in order before
traveling abroad."
Book a tour Reservar un tour "They booked a tour of the ancient ruins."
Go on vacation Ir de vacaciones "They went on vacation to the Caribbean."
Plan a getaway Planear una escapada "They planned a romantic getaway to the
Take a train Coger un tren "They took a train to visit relatives in another
Stay at a resort Alojarse en un resort "They stayed at a luxury resort with stunning
ocean views."
Visit a museum Visitar un museo "They visited a museum to learn about local
Explore the outdoors Explorar el aire libre "They spent the weekend exploring the outdoors,
hiking and camping."
Go on an adventure Ir de aventura "They went on an adventure to climb the highest
Go backpacking Ir de mochilero "They went backpacking through Europe, staying
in hostels along the way."
Take a road trip Hacer un viaje por "They took a road trip across the country,
carretera stopping at scenic viewpoints."
Visit a landmark Visitar un lugar "They visited a landmark known for its historical
emblemático significance."
Go on safari Ir de safari "They went on safari in Africa to see wild animals
in their natural habitat."
Travel the world Viajar por el mundo "They dream of traveling the world and
experiencing different cultures."
Go camping Ir de camping "They went camping in the mountains for the
Take a hike Ir de excursión "They took a hike through the national park,
enjoying the scenic views."
Visit a beach Visitar una playa "They visited a beach with golden sands and clear
blue waters."
Go on a day trip Ir de excursión de un "They went on a day trip to explore the nearby
día countryside."
Climb a mountain Escalar una montaña "They climbed a mountain to watch the sunrise
from the summit."
Stay in a hostel Alojarse en un albergue "They stayed in a hostel to save money while
Go snorkeling Hacer snorkel "They went snorkeling in the coral reefs, admiring
colorful fish."
Visit a national park Visitar un parque "They visited a national park to hike and enjoy
nacional nature."
Explore ancient ruins Explorar ruinas antiguas "They explored ancient ruins to learn about past
Take a guided tour Hacer un tour guiado "They took a guided tour of the city's historic
Experience local cuisine Experimentar la cocina "They experienced local cuisine at street markets
local and family-owned restaurants."
Relax on the beach Relajarse en la playa "They spent the day relaxing on the beach,
soaking up the sun."
Go scuba diving Hacer submarinismo "They went scuba diving to explore underwater
coral reefs."
Visit a theme park Visitar un parque "They visited a theme park and rode roller
temático coasters all day."
Take a boat ride Dar un paseo en barco "They took a boat ride along the river, enjoying
the scenic views."
Go bungee jumping Hacer puenting "They went bungee jumping off a bridge for an
adrenaline rush."
Tour a vineyard Visitar una bodega "They toured a vineyard and sampled different
Attend a festival Asistir a un festival "They attended a music festival and danced all
Ride a hot air balloon Montar en globo "They rode a hot air balloon over the countryside,
aerostático enjoying panoramic views."
Explore a tropical Explorar una selva "They explored a tropical rainforest, spotting
rainforest tropical exotic birds and animals."
Go paragliding Hacer parapente "They went paragliding and soared above the
Tour a historic city Visitar una ciudad "They toured a historic city, admiring the
histórica architecture and monuments."

Phrasal Verb Significado Ejemplo

Set off Partir, salir "They set off on their trip early in the morning."
Check in Registrarse "They checked in at the hotel and received their room
Get away Escaparse "They decided to get away for the weekend and relax
by the beach."
Take off Despegar "The plane took off on time and headed towards their
Look around Echar un vistazo "They looked around the city and explored its hidden
Drop off Dejar, dejar caer "The taxi dropped them off at the airport."
Turn up Aparecer, presentarse "They turned up at the train station just in time to catch
their train."
Check out Salir del hotel, pagar la "They checked out of the hotel and hailed a taxi to the
cuenta airport."
Get on Subirse "They got on the bus and found seats near the back."
Go back Volver, regresar "They decided to go back to the hotel and rest for a
Set out Empezar a viajar "They set out on their journey with excitement and
Look forward Esperar con ansias "They looked forward to exploring new cultures during
to their trip."
Pull over Detenerse en el arcén "The driver pulled over to ask for directions."
Get in Subir "They got in the car and drove towards the mountains."
Get off Bajarse "They got off the train at the next station and walked
to their hotel."
Go off Irse, marcharse "They decided to go off and explore the city on their
Check over Revisar "They checked over their itinerary to make sure
everything was in order."
Show around Mostrar, dar un paseo por "They showed their guests around the city and pointed
out its landmarks."
Take back Devolver, retroceder "They took back the rental car and thanked the
Look up Buscar en un libro o en "They looked up the address of the restaurant on their
internet phone."
Drop by Pasar, hacer una visita "They dropped by their friend's house to say hello."
Go out Salir, irse de fiesta "They decided to go out for dinner and try the local
Pick up Recoger "They picked up their luggage from the baggage
Take in Absorber, asimilar "They took in the breathtaking views from the top of
the mountain."
Turn around Dar la vuelta, cambiar de "They turned around and headed back to the hotel."
Hold on Esperar, aguantar "They held on tight as the roller coaster reached its
highest point."
Look out Tener cuidado, estar atento "They looked out for wildlife while hiking through the
Settle in Acomodarse, instalarse "They settled in at their Airbnb and unpacked their
Take off Quitarse (ropa), despegar "They took off their jackets as the weather warmed up."
Get away Escaparse con, salir impune "They thought they could get away with skipping the
with bill, but they were caught."
Come across Encontrar, toparse con "They came across an old map while cleaning out the
Hold up Retrasar, aguantar "The traffic held them up, making them late for their
Pull up Parar, detenerse "The driver pulled up to the curb and let them out."
Get around Moverse, desplazarse "They got around the city by using public
Drop in Pasar, hacer una visita breve "They dropped in on their neighbors to say hello."
Look into Investigar, examinar "They looked into different travel options before
making a decision."
Get through Superar, pasar por "They got through security quickly and boarded their
Hang out Pasar el tiempo, estar con "They hung out at the beach, soaking up the sun."
Get over Superar, recuperarse "It took them a while to get over the jet lag from their
long flight."
Go on about Hablar mucho sobre algo "He's always going on about his travels and
Get along Llevarse bien "They got along well with their tour guide and enjoyed
their trip."
Set up Establecer, organizar "They set up their tent and camped under the stars."
Check Revisar, pasar por un control "They checked through customs and entered the
through country."
Walk around Pasear, caminar por "They walked around the old town, admiring its
Show up Presentarse, aparecer "They showed up at the airport early to avoid missing
their flight."
Idiom Significado Ejemplo
Hit the road Empezar un viaje "It's time to hit the road and explore new places."
A stone's throw away Muy cerca "The hotel is just a stone's throw away from the
Off the beaten path Fuera de lo común, no "They prefer to explore off the beaten path
convencional destinations."
See the sights Visitar los lugares de "They spent the day seeing the sights in the city."
Live out of a suitcase Vivir de hotel en hotel "His job requires him to live out of a suitcase most
of the time."
The trip of a lifetime El viaje de toda una vida "Their honeymoon was the trip of a lifetime."
On the go En movimiento, ocupado "They're always on the go, traveling for work."
Have itchy feet Tener ganas de viajar "She's got itchy feet again and wants to plan
another trip."
Take the scenic route Tomar la ruta escénica "Instead of the highway, they decided to take the
scenic route."
Burn the midnight oil Trabajar hasta tarde en la "They burned the midnight oil to finish planning
noche their trip."
Catch the travel bug Contagiarse del deseo de "After their first trip abroad, they caught the travel
viajar bug."
Travel light Viajar con poco equipaje "They prefer to travel light and only bring the
On cloud nine En la gloria, muy feliz "After their engagement, they were on cloud nine."
Take the plunge Decidirse a hacer algo, "They finally took the plunge and booked tickets
lanzarse for their dream vacation."
See the world Viajar y conocer diferentes "Their goal is to see the world and experience new
lugares cultures."
Break the bank Gastar mucho dinero, "Their vacation plans almost broke the bank, but it
arruinarse was worth it."
Get away from it all Escapar de todo, "They rented a cabin in the mountains to get away
desconectar from it all."
Find one's way Encontrar el camino, "Lost in the city, they struggled to find their way
orientarse back to the hotel."
Travel on a shoestring Viajar con poco dinero, "They traveled on a shoestring budget, staying in
con un presupuesto hostels and eating cheap."
Take a rain check Postergar un plan o una "They had to take a rain check on the trip due to
invitación unexpected work deadlines."
Jump on the Unirse a algo que está de "After seeing everyone's travel photos, she decided
bandwagon moda to jump on the bandwagon."
Fly by the seat of Actuar sin un plan "They flew by the seat of their pants, making last-
one's pants definido minute travel decisions."
Make tracks Irse, marcharse "After a week in the city, it was time to make tracks
and head home."
Put down roots Echar raíces, establecerse "After years of traveling, they decided to put down
roots and buy a house."
Go off the grid Desconectarse de la "They went off the grid for a week, camping in the
tecnología y la civilización wilderness."
Rack up the miles Acumular millas, viajar "They've racked up the miles traveling to different
mucho countries."
Go the extra mile Esforzarse más de lo "They always go the extra mile to ensure their
necesario guests have a great experience."
Travel far and wide Viajar mucho y a muchos "They've traveled far and wide, exploring every
lugares corner of the globe."
Live like a local Vivir como un local "During their trip, they lived like locals, eating at
neighborhood restaurants."
Drop anchor Anclar, detenerse "After a day of sailing, they dropped anchor in a
secluded bay."
Go with the flow Dejar que las cosas "Their travel motto is to go with the flow and
sucedan, adaptarse a la embrace whatever comes their way."
Travel off-peak Viajar fuera de temporada "They prefer to travel off-peak to avoid crowds and
alta save money."
Make a pit stop Hacer una parada rápida "They made a pit stop at a roadside diner for a
quick lunch."
Take the long way Tomar la ruta más larga "Instead of taking the highway, they decided to
round take the long way round."
Sail into the sunset Irse, partir hacia el "After a week of sailing, they sailed into the sunset,
atardecer heading for home."
Plan one's escape Planificar una escapada "They spent weeks planning their escape to a
tropical paradise."
Set sail Zarpar, partir en barco "As the sun rose, they set sail for a day of island
Have a layover Tener una escala "During their layover, they explored the city and
sampled local cuisine."
Go all out Hacer todo lo posible, "They went all out for their anniversary trip,
darlo todo booking a luxury resort."
Be on a tight Tener un horario ajustado "With a tight schedule, they had to make every
schedule minute count."
Follow in someone's Seguir los pasos de "They followed in their parents' footsteps, traveling
footsteps alguien to the same destinations."
Ride the waves Navegar, dejarse llevar por "They rode the waves of uncertainty and embraced
las circunstancias each new adventure."
Go out of one's way Hacer un esfuerzo "They went out of their way to make their guests
adicional, hacer más de lo feel welcome."
Keep one's feet on Mantener los pies en la "Despite their success, they always keep their feet
the ground tierra on the ground."
Take to the skies Tomar los cielos, despegar "They took to the skies and embarked on a round-
the-world trip."

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