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We use "at" to We use "on" We use "in"

express a precise before days and before
time dates. months,years,cen
turies and long
 at 5 o'clock  on Friday
period of time.
 at 11:30 pm  on Mondays
 at lunchtime  on 4 July  in November
 at the moment  on 17 March 1966  in winter
 at midnight  on Children's Day  in 2001
 at sunrise  on his birthday  in the 20th century
 at sunset  on Mother's Day  in Stone Age

A) Circle the correct alternative B) Fill in the blanks with the

11.. Farmers pick cherries _______ summer. prepositions of time "in , on , at".
a) in b) on c) at 11.. The meeting is going to start _______ ten
22.. Mollie's birthday is _______ Tuesday so we
o'clock _______ the morning.
have only two days to prepare a surprise party. 22.. World Environment Day is _______ June 5.
a) in b) on c) at 33.. Look! Phoebe is having toast and coke
33.. _______ Father's Day I will give a nice present
_______ the moment.
to my father. 44.. I want to see the lions _______ lunchtime.
a) in b) on c) at 55.. Benjamin feels very tired _______ Fridays.He
44.. The football match is _______ 8 o'clock.Shall
has a French course after school.
we watch it together? 66.. Theo and Liam will be in Hawai _______ July.
a) in b) on c) at They will spend their holiday there.
55.. I get up early _______ the morning and have a 77.. What does Hannah like doing _______ her
big breakfast. free time?
a) in b) on c) at 88.. People play practical jokes on each other
66.. The bell rings _______ noon and the students
_______ April Fools' Day.
have their lunch. 99.. It is dangerous to go out here _______ night
a) in b) on c) at because there are wild animals.
77.. Sarah would like to get a nice pink dress 1100.. _______ 20 August 2009 Ellie and Finley got
_______ her birthday. married.
a) in b) on c) at 1111.. People in this village pick mushrooms _______
88.. My father sometimes comes home late _______
spring after a lot of rain.
night. 1122.. I will finish university and get a good job
a) in b) on c) at _______ 2018.
99.. I will graduate from secondary school _______ 1133.. Jayden and Lexi met _______ a cold and
2015. snowy day in Paris.
a) in b) on c) at 1144.. Some people wake up _______ sunrise and go
1100.. Turkish people celebrate Children's Day
_______ the April 23. 1155.. I think people will travel by flying cars
a) in b) on c) at _______ the 22nd century.

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