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This That These Those (Demonstrative Pronouns)

Name: Result: __/21 Date: __/__/20__

1. But ________'s what you want.

2. But on ________ point, and other matters of general criticism connected

with it, I find an interesting discussion by the author himself in his

3. ________ who do not know me intimately would never guess it.

4. In the first of ________, which were short, the planes stood up to their
work, and the fears of the critics seemed groundless.

5. Its habits, nests and eggs are the same as ________ of the American bird.

6. ________'s the way I understand it.

7. He told her how eagerly he had longed to give it back into the hands of
________ who had given it to him four years earlier.

8. He was a good citizen and a good man; ________ who knew him best
loved him best.

9. He does a little business, and what he does is attended with great success;
and yet, the number of ________ who follow him is small.

10. The first of ________ is the prominence given to the system of recitations,
and their separation from the lectures.

11. He threw himself ________ way and ________, purple upon crimson, like
an over-ripe plum.

12. Yet another method of drawing, more especially in relation to the drawing
of the human figure and animal forms, I may mention as a help to ________
who do not feel strong enough for the direct method.

13. A single example maybe useful to ________ who have not time for
investigation, in order to show the kind of difference I mean.

14. The woman danced opposite to him, ________ way and ________, with
her knuckles on her hips.
15. But ________'s the way it is.

16. ________ is the first time I have ever seen her.

17. The pen faltered again, and ________ time finally stopped.

18. Cocaine was the first of ________, and is still widely used.

19. ________'s what they call them.

20. ________'s the way with men!

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