CAM13 - Reading Test 1

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Từ Vựng IELTS Online Test Cambridge IELTS 13 -

Reading Test 1
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DOL IELTS Đình Lực 08/10 /2021

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Case Study: Tourism Zealand Website
inhabitant (noun). Cư dân
/ɪnˈhæbətənt / Ex: It is a town of about 10 000 inhabitants. -test-1 -reading-

major (adj). chủ yếu, quan trọng

/ˈmeɪʤər/ Ex: He played a major role in setting up the system. -test-1 -reading-

market (noun). thị trường

/ˈmɑrkət / Ex: Expansion into the global market brings more risk. -test-1 -reading-

currently (adv). tại thời điểm hiện tại

/ˈkɜrəntli/ Ex: All the options are currently available. -test-1 -reading-

domestic (adj). Trong nước, nội địa, quốc nội

/dəˈmɛstɪk/ Ex: The US is unable to meet its domestic demand for steel in any given-reading-

export (noun). Sự xuất khẩu

/ˈɛkspɔrt/ Ex: Their main export market is the United States. -test-1 -reading-

sector (noun). khu vực

/ˈsɛktər/ Ex: We have seen rapid growth in the services sector. -test-1 -reading-

overseas (adj). từ nước ngoài

/ˈoʊvərˈsiz / Ex: The firm is expanding into overseas markets. -test-1 -reading-

Hãy cùng DOL khám phá kho vocab Case Study: Tourism Zealand Website
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Why Being Bored Is Stimulating – And Useful, Too
approach (noun). cách tiếp cận, phương pháp
/əˈproʊʧ/ Ex: The approach they were using no longer seemed to work. -test-1 -reading-

scientific (adj). thuộc về khoa học

/ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk / Ex: The book lacks any sound scientific basis. -test-1 -reading-

equally (adv). bằng nhau

/ˈikwəli / Ex: Diet and exercise are equally important. -test-1 -reading-

unlikely (adj). Không có thể xảy ra, không chắc xảy ra

/ənˈlaɪkli / Ex: The project seemed unlikely to succeed. -test-1 -reading-

lab (noun). phòng thí nghiệm

/læb/ Ex: The effects of weathering can be simulated in the lab. -test-1 -reading-

prove (verb). Chứng minh

/pruv/ Ex: She was determined to prove everyone wrong. -test-1 -reading-

apathy (noun). tính lãnh đạm, tính thờ ơ, sự hờ hững

/ˈæpəθi / Ex: There is a growing sense of apathy among teens and a feeling that -reading-
there are no opportunities, he said.

depression (noun). sự buồn rầu, sự phiền muộn

/dɪˈprɛʃən/ Ex: I was overwhelmed by feelings of depression. -test-1 -reading-

Hãy cùng DOL khám phá kho vocab Why Being Bored Is Stimulating – And
Useful, Too đầy đủ ở đây ->
Artifical Artists
claim (verb). tuyên bố, cho là
/kleɪm/ Ex: She's not the saint that many have claimed her to be. -test-1 -reading-

possess (verb). Sở hữu

/pəˈzɛs/ Ex: I'm afraid this is the only suitcase I possess. -test-1 -reading-

species (noun). giống loài

/ˈspiʃiz/ Ex: Most of the known rhino species are West African. -test-1 -reading-

sophisticated (adj). tinh vi, phức tạp

/səˈfɪstəˌkeɪtɪd / Ex: Medical techniques are becoming more sophisticated all the-test-1 time. -reading-

regularly (adv). đều đặn, thường xuyên

/ˈrɛgjələrli/ Ex: We can all reduce our risk of stroke by exercising regularly and -test-1 -reading-
consuming a healthy diet.

humanity (noun). nhân tính, nhân loại

/hjuˈmænɪti / Ex: The story was used to emphasize the humanity of Jesus. -test-1 -reading-

extent (noun). Mức độ

/ɪkˈstɛnt/ Ex: To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. -test-1 -reading-

exhibit (verb). trưng bày, phô bày

/ɪgˈzɪbɪt/ Ex: The three novels exhibit a growing confidence in the author's use of-reading-

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