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1. What is teleconferencing? : Teleconferencing refers to the ability to lead a

teleconference - online meeting - to procure productive results.
2. Why is it important?
a. Developing interpersonal skills - It is universally agreed that communication
skills are beneficial in both everyday life and worklife in both face-to-face and
online meetings. i.e staying connected with friends who live far away or attending
online classes
b. Improved efficiency. Online meetings can save lots of time and monetary effort
when compared to traditional offline meetings.. You can easily conduct meetings
effectively, without the added costs. You can also be kept up to date with latest
company news, changes in plans, setbacks and / or breakthroughs while being at
c. Rising preference for remote work (how many people in class are interested in
working remotely?) => more time spent with family, ease of movement, more
3. Steps to practicing the skills
- Know the Platform: Before any call, familiarize yourself with the adequate platform of
choice (Zoom, Teams, etc.). Learn how to mute/unmute, use the chat function, share
your screen, and any other features relevant to the meeting. => Ensures that you don’t
make mistakes on the call and lose your flow.
- Planning and Organizing: If you're leading the call, prepare an agenda and share it with
participants beforehand => Keeps things focused and ensures everyone's on the same
1. Effective communication
- Be Clear and Concise: Speak clearly and avoid jargon. Project your voice and maintain
a moderate pace, alloParticipant 1g room for questions or clarifications. => This
stimulates conversation between participants of the meeting
- Active Listening: Pay attention to what others are saying, both verbally and non-verbally.
Use phrases like "I understand" or "Can you elaborate on that?" to show that you're
- Minimize Distractions: Choose a quiet, well-lit space with a professional background. Let
those around you know you're on a call to avoid interruptions.

2. Non-verbal Cues Matter (Even Virtually):

- Maintain Eye Contact: Look directly at the camera to simulate eye contact and appear
confident and engaged.
- Body Language: Sit up straight and avoid fidgeting. Use hand gestures naturally to
emphasize points, but avoid overly distracting movements.
- Professional Attire: Dress appropriately for the meeting, just as you would for an in-
person one.
3. Practise makes perfect
- Role-Playing: Simulate real-world scenarios with a friend or colleague. Practice
presentations, discussions, and actively listening exercises.
- Record Yourself: Record yourself practicing a presentation or handling a challenging
situation. Review the recording to identify areas for improvement.
- Seek Feedback: Ask a trusted friend or colleague to observe your teleconferencing skills
and offer constructive feedback.
4. Pay attention to the time
- Always Respect Time Limits: Be mindful of everyone's time and try to stick to the
agenda. This can be crucial in meetings with different people across the world in
different timezones.

4. Common expressions (Lam trong 2 slide slide dau tien khong co nhung phan in dam,
slide thu 2 co)

Categorize these expressions in their respective purposes.

Let's start by taking the roll call
Hi, all this is [name] in [location] speaking
[name] from [department] in [name] here.
[name] from [department] in [location] has just joined us
[name] will be with us shortly.


[name] here. Let's take a look at the items for discussion today.
We only have 45 minutes, so let's make a start.
OK, let’s move on to the next item.

This is [name]. I have a question for [name].
[name] again. I have a question.
[name] here. May I ask a question?
[name] again. I'd like to add to what [name] has just said.

Can we hear first from [name], then from [name]?
Sorry, [name], I didn’t quite catch all that.
No, please, after you.
OK, [name] , what were you going to say?
[name] here. Can I comment on that?


Let's summarize what we've said so far.
Can I just check we’re doing what, and by when?
Let's go over the action points before we finish.
5. Script

Meeting 1: There are four characters in this meeting. The objective of it would be to plan an
international advertising campaign for their new unisex perfume and give it a suitable name.
Meeting 2: There are four characters in this meeting. The objective is to decide how best to
make cutbacks as their company has to be made across the board in all departments and

Online Meeting Transcript: New Fragrance Marketing


● Quang (Meeting Leader, Marketing Director)

● Daniel(Product Development) - Disengaged

● Linh (Marketing Manager) - Enthusiastic

● Duy (Sales Manager) - Conversational

Meeting Start


● Quang - Marketing Manager (London)

● Hợp - Sales Director (Chicago) - Disengaged
● Linh- Brand Manager (Tokyo) - Domineering
● Duy - Product Development (Seattle) - Enthusiastic but Sidetracked

Quang: Alright everyone, let's start by taking a roll call. Good day to all, this is Quang in London

Hợp: Hợp from Brand Management in Tokyo here.

Duy: Hey everyone, Duy from Product Development in Seattle checking in! How's the weather
over there, Quang? Sunny in Seattle today!

Quang: (Smiling) I’m sorry to hear that Duy! It’s very sunny here. Now we only have 45 minutes,
so let's make a start. Today's agenda is brainstorming for our new unisex fragrance campaign.
We need to finalize the target audience and settle on a captivating name.

Hợp: Perfect, Quang. Time is short right now. Perhaps we can categorize potential
demographics quickly? I'm thinking of millennials, Gen Z, active lifestyles... What are your
Quang: Those are definitely along the right lines, Hop. I was also considering a focus on
inclusivity and gender-neutral appeal.

Duy: Couldn't agree more! This fragrance is all about breaking boundaries, right? Speaking of
which, did you guys see the article about that new zero-gravity spa in Dubai? Apparently, they
offer these incredible…

Quang: (Gently interrupts) Duy, that's fascinating, but let's stay focused on the campaign. Linh,
any thoughts on the potential target audience?

Linh: (Mumbling) Sounds good. Whatever sells.

Quang: Can we hear some specifics from you, Linh? We need your inputs here

Hợp: Perhaps Linh’s prepping her stellar sales pitch for the new product launch? Speaking of
strategy, Quang, have you considered preliminary KPIs to measure the campaign's success?
We need to present a solid BC to the CFO.

Duy: That reminds me, has anybody had lunch yet? My stomach's acting up

Quang: (Chuckles) Let's hold off on lunch for now, everyone and we can delve into KPIs later.
Hợp, even though that's a good point. Everyone, what other demographics resonate with you for
the fragrance? Perhaps we can even tap into the growing eco-conscious consumer base?

Hợp: Absolutely. I envision young professionals, trendsetters, individuals with concerns for the
environment. Maybe we can even implement sustainable packaging to really pull them in?

Duy: That’s a fantastic idea! Eco-conscious is the way to go! Maybe we could even partner with
a local charity for a portion of the proceeds to go towards rainforest conservation! It would be a
great corporate responsibility initiative!

Quang: Duy, those are fantastic ideas, but let's park them for now. Let's summarize what we've
said so far. Target audience - young, professional, forward-thinking individuals. We also want to
ensure gender inclusivity and eco-friendliness yeah?. Now, the big question - what do we call
this fragrance?

Hợp: A name that embodies the essence of the product. Something bold, yet sophisticated.
Perhaps 'Audacious'?

Linh: (Barely audible) Sure.

Duy: Ooh, Audacious is good! But how about something a little more playful? Like 'Unbound'? It
evokes a sense of freedom and individuality!

Quang: Unbound is great, Duy. Let's go over the action points before we finish. Hợp, can you
draft a preliminary demographic profile based on our discussion? Duy, I'd love for you to explore
those eco-friendly packaging options. Linh, we'll need your input on launch strategies once we
finalize everything. Also for the naming we have currently Unbound and Audacious, so let’s
make a vote on that and make a decision later.

Hợp: Consider it done, Quang.

Linh: Sounds good.

Duy: You got it! And hey, if anyone needs help with analyzing those KPIs, I took a great online
course last month…

Quang: (Laughing) Thanks, Duy. We'll definitely keep that in mind. Great job everyone, let's
reconvene next week to finalize the campaign details.

Cost-Cutting Meeting Transcript


● Quang (Meeting Leader) - Seattle

● Hợp (Disengaged) - London
● Linh (Dominant) - New York
● Duy (Off-Topic) - Tokyo

Quang: Alright everyone, let's start by taking a roll call. Hi, all this is Quang in Seattle

Linh: Hi, Quang. Linh from Sales in London here.

Hợp: Hợp, also from Sales in New York here.

Duy: Hey everyone, Duy from Tokyo checking in! How's the weather up there, Quang?
Heard Seattle finally got some sunshine!

Quang: (Smiling) Thanks, Duy. It's beautiful here too. Now let's take a look at the items
for discussion today.

Hợp: Of course, I propose that we streamline this meeting as much as possible to

maximize our time. We should also look through some BC drafts that I have prepared
beforehand for what we need to discuss today as well.

Linh: (Muttering) BCs, BCs... What are we talking about again?

Quang: (Ignoring Linh) Right, thank you very much Hợp. The item for discussion today
is cost-cutting strategies. With the recent company decision to achieve a 10% saving
across the board, we need some creative solutions. Can we hear first from Duy, then
from Hợp?

Duy: Wait, a 10% saving? That's a big chunk! Does this mean we'll have to cut back on
the office snacks? Those free pretzels are my lifeblood!

Quang: I’m sorry Duy, if that’s what needed to be done to achieve our goal.

Linh: (Sighs) Honestly, another cost-cutting meeting? We just did this last quarter.
Hợp: Linh, with all due respect, every quarter brings new challenges. We need to
constantly optimize our processes to maintain profitability. Perhaps you could share
some ideas from the Sales perspective?

Linh: (Flustered) Uh, well, I haven't really looked into it yet... still catching up on emails,
you know?

Quang: No worries, Linh. Maybe Hợp, you could share with us what your BC draft is

Hợp: Absolutely! My initial thought is to implement a WFH (Work From Home) program
on a trial basis. Studies show it can significantly reduce overhead costs while
potentially boosting employee morale – a win-win situation!

Duy: A WFH program sounds brilliant! Maybe we could even have a company-wide
virtual retreat sometime – imagine the savings on travel costs! We could all connect
from our home offices in our pajamas!

Quang: (Laughing) That's a fun idea, Duy, but let's stay focused. Hợp, that WFH
proposal definitely merits further discussion. We can quantify the potential cost savings
and pilot it in a non-critical department first.

Linh: Sounds good, as long as it doesn't mean extra work for those of us still in the

Quang: Let's summarize what we've said so far. We will explore the feasibility of a WFH
program, and I believe Hợp will spearhead finalizing a detailed business case for that?
Additionally, Duy, your point about travel costs is valid. Perhaps we can re-evaluate our
travel expense policies.

Hợp: Excellent point. We can definitely tighten up those policies while still ensuring
essential business travel can occur.

Duy: On that note, did anyone catch that new ramen shop that just opened down the
street from my office? You guys should visit Japan sometimes…

Quang: (Interrupting gently) Duy, perhaps we can discuss that another time. Can I just
check whether or not we're on the same page? Hợp will draft a BC for the WFH
program, and we'll revisit travel expense policies.

Linh: Fine by me.

Quang: Noted, Linh. Let's go over the action points before we finish. Hợp, you'll be
sending out a meeting summary with next steps, including the deadline for the WFH
program BC. We'll reconvene in two weeks to review progress.

Everyone: Sounds good.

Quang: Alright everyone, thanks for your time. Let's keep this momentum going to
achieve those cost-saving goals!

Practise 1
Fill in the gaps with the correct sentences

Tô đậm bỏ ra thêm ……..

Conversation 1: Marketing Meeting

Let's start by taking the roll call

Will be with us shortly

Let's take a look at the items for discussion today

OK, let's move on to the next item

Participant 1: Alright everyone, Let's start by taking the roll call. Hi, all this is [name] in the
marketing department speaking

Participant 2: [Name] from sales here.

Participant 1: Great, and it looks like Sarah from design will be with us shortly. Is there
anybody else?

Participant 2: That’s everyone.

Participant 1: Perfect. Let's take a look at the items for discussion today. First up, the
social media campaign for the new product launch. [participant’s 2 name], any updates?

Participant 2: Yes, [participant 1’s name]. We've finalized the influencer partnerships, and the
first round of content is ready to go. Do we have the final product images for the campaign?

Participant 1: Yes, [participant’s 1 name]. They're ready to go and I've already sent them over
to the social media team.

Participant 2: Excellent. OK, let's move on to the next item. This is the upcoming trade show
booth design…

Conversation 2: Client Meeting Update

Sorry, I didn't quite catch all that.

[Name] here, I'd like to add to what you've just said.

Can we hear first from you, then from

Participant 1: [participant 2’s name], [participant 3’s name]. Did you manage to get a final
decision from our clients?

Participant 2: No, [participant 1’s name], not quite. They loved the presentation, but they still
have a few doubts about the pricing structure.

Participant 3: Sorry, [participant 2’s name], I didn't quite catch all that. Did you say that our
clients still have questions?

Participant 1: No worries, [participant 3’s name]. No they don’t, they want some more
convincing pricing structures.

Participant 3 : Ah, okay. How about we offer them a loyalty discount?

Participant 2: [Name] here, I'd like to add to what you've just said. We could also offer them
a special discount on every purchase based on the quantity?

Participant 1: Interesting, [participant 3’s name]. Can we hear first from you, then from
[participant 2’s name]? Let's flesh out those ideas a bit more before I send a follow-up email.

Conversation 3: Team Meeting Wrap-Up

Let's summarize what we've said so far.

Can I just check we're doing what, and by when?

Let's go over the action points before we finish.

This is [name]. I have a question

Participant 1: Okay team, that's all the time we have for today. Let's summarize what we've
said so far. We've finalized the project timeline, delegated tasks, and identified any potential

Participant 2: Perfect. Can I just check we're doing what, and by when? For instance,
participant 3’s name], when do you need the final specs from marketing?

Participant 3: By the end of next week at the latest.

Participant 1: Great. Let's go over the action points before we finish. [participant 3’s name]
will need the specs by next week, and [participant’s 2 name], could you send out a meeting
invite for the next client update?

Participant 2: Absolutely, [participant 1’s name].

Participant 3: This is [name]. I have a question. Should this meeting invite go out before or
after we finalize the discount proposal?

Participant 1: Good question, [participant 3’s name]. We should focus on finalizing the proposal
first. That way we can address any pricing concerns they might have in the meeting.
Participant 2: Sounds good. Alright everyone, have a productive week!

Practise 2: Role-playing exercise

Phần này chiếu cái slide commonly used sentences rồi em dẫn nhé

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