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Describe the events leading up to the shipwreck that sets Pi's journey
in motion.
2. What challenges does Pi face immediately after finding himself
stranded on the lifeboat?
3. How does Pi attempt to establish dominance and hierarchy with
Richard Parker on the lifeboat?
4. Discuss Pi's strategies for survival.
5. How does Pi cope with the psychological burden of his isolation and
desperate circumstances?
6. In what ways does Yann Martel use the character of Pi to explore the
complexities of faith and spirituality throughout the novel?
7. Discuss the role of Richard Parker in Pi's survival story.
8. Reflect on the novel's exploration of the human-animal bond and the
nature of companionship in extreme circumstances.
9. Explore the theme of survival instinct versus moral integrity in the
10.Dwell on the significance of the island with its mysterious
carnivorous plants in Pi's journey.
11.Analyze Pi's transformation from an innocent boy to a survivor
hardened by his experiences, focusing on specific events that
contribute to this evolution.
12.Reflect on the significance of the rescue scene and Pi's eventual
return to civilization.
13.For those who have watched the film adaptation, compare its
portrayal of Pi's journey with the novel's depiction.
14.What linguistic and cultural challenges might arise in translating
"Life of Pi" into Spanish or Catalan?

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