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Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024

Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

Article History: The Use of Augmented Reality-Based Learning Media:

11 June 2023 Arloopa for English Descriptive Text in Secondary School
25 September 2023
11 December 2023 Abu Na’im Rohman , Mutmainnah Mustofa, Dwi Fita Heriyawati
Article Accepted:
30 December 2023 Postgraduate Program of English Education, Universitas Islam
Malang, Indonesia

Corresponding author email:



This study aims to understand the English learning process using Arloopa as a digital medium.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative design. To answer the problem of the study, the
researcher observed the learning and teaching process in an Islamic secondary school in Malang.
Two classes were observed by immersion in the classroom to get data. To verify the data obtained,
the researcher checked the learning module document. The researcher revealed that using
Arloopa as a digital learning media requires additional skill technology for the teacher if the
students need to be equipped with a mobile phone, which Arloopa is only working with a mobile
phone. The teacher should connect the mobile phone’s display to the LCD projector so that the
students can view an object displayed by Arloopa. It would be different if each student in the
class utilized an Android phone.

Keywords: arloopa; augmented reality; descriptive text; digital learning media; TEFL


Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650


Nowadays, the educational world is in a transition period from a conventional era to a

digital era. The transition is closely related to the rapid development of technology. This
development affected the digitalization of education. The digitalization of education occurs in
all aspects. Model, approach, strategy, and media of learning are being designed and varied in
digital-based learning owing to the Z generation tending to prefer and use digital matter over
conventional ones. Hence, the growing interest in digital-based education carries some
advantages for teachers in designing the learning media (Aprianto & Heriyawati, 2020).
According to global digital statistics 2023, a total of 5.44 billion people used mobile
phones in early 2023, which is equal to 68 percent of the total global population, and the number
of mobile users has increased by just over 3 percent, equating to 168 million new users over the
past 12 months. Augmented reality (AR, hereafter) is another growing phenomenon on mobile
devices. It is an artificial intelligence technology that incorporates digital content such as images,
animations, and audio-video into real word space. This technology enables the user to integrate
digital content with the natural world and has the potential to facilitate the teacher and learners
to carry out enjoyable learning.
In the education world, the rapid growth of technology has impacted the teaching-
learning process. The learning process has been utilized by inserting technology into its
components, including learning media. Various types of media, including ICT-based media, are
essential to help teachers convey content and make it easier for students to understand learning
material (Ali & Alimah, 2023).
Concerning AR applications, Roussos et al. (2022) have studied and stated that AR
applications are already altering education and learning with the use of cutting-edge technologies
(Roussos et al., 2022). AR applications are necessary to revolutionize how students study and
learn (Aliprantis & Caridakis, 2019). It will lead a role in most industries including education
(Kaviyaraj & Uma, 2021), and this technology has a substantial potential to control the language
learning field. (Karacan & Akoğlu, 2021).
In the literature, it is remarkable that there are many works on using augmented reality
in education. These studies, today, are increasing day by day to find out the appropriate ones in
the educational field. Yildiz (2022), based on his research, suggested that Arloopa be preferred

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

more in learning and teaching environments. He recommended that AR increases academic

success and supplies important information (Yildiz, 2022). Based on Arloopa’s site, it is an AR
visualization tool that brings the physical and digital worlds together as one. Arloopa places
virtual content into the real environment; it creates fantastic, interactive, and valuable
experiences. In line with previous literature (Waliyuddin & Sulisworo, 2021), when applying this
technology to Math subjects, they noted that utilizing AR-based Arloopa is very useful in the
learning process, with 75% of respondents voted in usefulness, ease of learning, and satisfaction
aspect (Waliyuddin & Sulisworo, 2021). Marwahdiyanti et al. (2021) stated in their study that
Arloopa got 88.86% in the very good category of interest indicator and 87.65% in the activity
indicator when they applied this AR to their participant of the different ability students.
Previous studies have revealed that AR-based Arloopa has a potential role in education.
However, when the researcher examines the literature, it is seen that there is a lacuna of study
discussing how Arloopa is applied as digital learning media in English. This lacuna motivates the
researchers to conduct this study. Thus, the researchers want to reveal the implementation of
AR based Arloopa in English as media of learning. The researchers attempt to discover a portrait
of the learning process utilized by digital media Arloopa. Using a descriptive qualitative design,
the researchers aim to get a picture of the learning process utilized by the Augmented reality-
based learning media of Arloopa. The current study adds to the body of knowledge by
illuminating the unique challenges and learning. The studies help shape future research and
practice in education. The research question navigates this study, "How does the teacher utilize
augmented reality based-Arloopa for his English descriptive text classroom?"

Literature Review

Augmented Reality
One of the hottest subjects these days is augmented reality, a kind of experience that
enhances reality as it already exists (Yildiz, 2022). In a nutshell, this idea is that computers
augment and transform reality. Augmented reality (AR) is a new technology that involves the
overlay of computer graphics on the real world” (Silva et al., 2003). Three elements describe
Augmented Reality: blending the actual and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and registration
in 3D (Silva et al., 2003). , this technology combines the real world with virtual objects and

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

provides interaction between real and virtual objects. It is essential to differentiate augmented
reality (AR) from virtual reality (VR) due to the presence of virtual items. While items in VR are
exhibited in a simulated world, those in AR are displayed in real time and within their
surroundings (Yilmaz & Goktas, 2018). Applications for augmented reality are already widely
utilized in daily life, mostly on mobile devices. The most popular ones include Google Street
View, Google ARCore, and Microsoft HoloLens.

Augmented Reality Arloopa as Learning Media

The application of augmented reality (AR) technology has expanded to include the
military, marketing, entertainment, engineering, psychology, and advertising due to
advancements in both hardware and software. With AR's cutting-edge technology, the apps have
developed into rich learning environments (Yilmaz & Goktas, 2018). Technology utilizing
augmented reality promotes students' motivation, excitement, and social interaction in addition
to their tenacity, attention, and creativity in the classroom(Madanipour & Cohrssen, 2020;
Rakhimjonovna, 2023).
Applications for augmented reality are being utilized extensively everywhere, from
elementary schools to universities. Students could view the subjects they had learned in class or
at home owing to these applications, and they improved as learners because of the content
interaction (Kim & Kim, 2018; Madanipour & Cohrssen, 2020; Yildiz, 2022). One of the
augmented reality-based applications is Arloopa.
The Arloopa app is an AR visualization tool that combines the physical and digital
worlds. It places virtual content in a real environment, creating fantastic, interactive, and valuable
experiences (arloopa, 2023). Arloopa is a virtual and augmented reality software offering cutting-
edge AR services that enable users to display digital content—such as text, photos, and sounds—
over an actual environment. Arloopa has been used in the education context to develop test
instruments integrated with augmented reality and encourage high-order thinking and digital
literacy skills (Waliyuddin & Sulisworo, 2022; Zuniari et al., 2022). Arloopa application can be
utilized in learning media to enhance the delivery of educational materials through augmented
reality experiences, potentially improving student engagement and understanding.

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

Arloopa offers various features that can be utilized as learning media in educational
settings. Some of these features include: (1) Marker-based, markerless, and location-based AR:
Arloopa supports different methods of augmented reality, allowing for versatile and flexible
integration of digital content into real-world environments; (2) Video, photo, and GIF recording:
Users can record and save videos, photos, and GIFs using the Arloopa application, which can be
used for later review or sharing purposes; (3) Social sharing: Arloopa enables users to share their
augmented reality experiences with others, fostering collaboration and communication among
learners; (4) In-app 3D objects library: The application comes with a diverse library of 3D objects
that can be used to enhance learning experiences and provide a more immersive environment
for students; (5) Customizable teaching context: Arloopa allows educators to adapt the
application to their specific teaching needs, incorporating custom content and themes; (6) Wide
range of subjects: Arloopa can be used to teach various subjects, including English, Math,
Science, Fine Arts, and Computer, among others; (7) Immersive and interactive learning:
Arloopa's augmented reality features make learning more engaging and interactive, allowing
students to better understand and retain information (Roussos et al., 2022; Yildiz, 2022).
Figure 1. AR Arloopa example with a virtual penguin in real-time
Authors’ collection

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

English Descriptive Text

The text used to describe something, someone, an animal, a place, or an event to readers
or listeners is known as descriptive text (Knapp & Watkins, 2005; Maru et al., 2020; Noprianto,
2017). Describing involves arranging their characteristics, beginning with their names, classifying
them, and addressing their traits, behaviors, functions, and the like. This practice allows readers
or listeners to understand what the writer is writing about as though they witnessed it firsthand.
Descriptive writing has stages and a framework, much like other genres. The terms
identification, broad statement, and description refer to a descriptive text's constituent parts or
schematic structures. A specific participant, such as a person, object, location, animal, or event,
is intended to be introduced and identified through identification. Conversely, description is
designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the individual based on their traits, attributes,
demeanor, and habits (But et al., 1998; Knapp & Watkins, 2005; Noprianto, 2017).


The current study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive design to understand the
English learning process by utilizing Arloopa as a digital learning media. To collect data, the
researcher uses observation in the class. The context of this study is the learning and teaching
process in an Islamic junior high school (MTs) in Malang district, which has implemented
Kurikulum Merdeka for seventh grade. The purposive sample is English in the 7th class with a
descriptive text topic. The study is conducted in the second semester of the academic year
2022/2023. As additional information, the students of this school mostly stay in Islamic
boarding schools that do not allow them to equip themselves with mobile phones in their daily
learning and when they are in school.
The researcher will undertake the following steps. First, the researcher will read literature
about using Arloopa digital learning media. In the next step, the researcher will observe the
teaching and learning process, which is utilized with the Augmented Reality (AR) -based learning
media of Arloopa. During the teaching and learning process, the researcher will observe, make
notes, and record the learning process.

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

To analyze the data, the researcher uses thematic analysis, in which the researcher
involves one participant in a single case study, namely the researcher himself, whose role is that
of the English teacher of the selected class (Braun & Clarke, 2022).

Findings and Discussions

Learning media has a significant role in the learning process. It helps the teacher to
deliver the material and the students to get comprehension on the delivered materials. It is like
a bridge that connects the material and students. Nowadays, many teachers utilize digital learning
media in their teaching. Digital learning media is supposed to be more attractive to the students.
The teacher attempts to find an appropriate digital learning media considering the learning
materials. The teacher, in this study applied Arloopa as the learning media.
Arloopa is an augmented reality application (AR) designed to provide immersive and
interactive AR experiences for various industries and applications. The researcher tried to unlock
the features of Arloopa. They are:
1. Augmented Reality Content Creation: This application offers tools and capabilities to
create and design AR content; it enables users to develop their own AR experiences,
including 3D object tracking, image recognition, spatial mapping, and animation
2. Marketing and Advertising: It enables businesses and marketers to leverage AR
technology for promotional purposes. It allows them to create engaging and interactive
AR campaigns, such as AR product visualizations, virtual try-on experiences, and
gamified marketing activations.
3. Education and Training: Arloopa can enhance learning experiences in educational
settings. It enables the creation of AR educational content, such as interactive
simulations, virtual tours, and 3D visualizations, to make complex subjects more
accessible and engaging.
4. Entertainment and Gaming: It has applications in the entertainment industry, offering
opportunities for AR-based gaming experiences. It allows developers to create AR games
that blend the virtual and real worlds, providing users with unique and immersive
gameplay experiences.

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

5. Real Estate and Architecture: Arloopa can be used in the real estate and architecture
sectors to showcase properties and architectural designs. It lets users visualize and explore
virtual 3D models of buildings, apartments, and interior designs, helping potential buyers
or investors make informed decisions.
6. Industrial and Technical Applications: Arloopa can be used in industrial and technical
fields for training, maintenance, and remote assistance. It allows workers to access AR
overlays with instructions, diagrams, and real-time data visualization, improving
efficiency and accuracy in complex tasks.
Overall, Arloopa is designed to empower users to create, deploy, and experience
immersive augmented reality content across various industries, ranging from marketing and
education to entertainment and industrial applications.
In connection with the third feature of Arloopa, the teacher utilized their teaching
through this application. The teacher uses the feature “Animal” menu. Indeed, Arloopa has
various menus. They are Animal, Education, Art and Museum, Entertainment, Dinosaurs,
Masks, NFT, Join The Cause, Cultural Heritage and History, Virtual Tours, Characters, Games,
The Matrix, Science and Technology, Human, Fashion, Cars and Vehicles, Weapons and
Military, Architectural, Industrial, Furniture and Home, Share Love, Holidays, Food, Nature,
Offline Packages, and My Models. The teacher, here, uses the "Animal" menu rather than the
"Education" menu. This menu selection is based on the material the teacher will deliver to the

Designing Learning Module

The researchers gathered the document of learning. It was in the form of learning
modules. The researchers examined it to check what digital learning media would be utilized.
The teacher organized the learning module based on the material the learners would be studying.
It was stated in the learning module that the lesson content consisted of descriptive text with an
animal theme. The learning module document also noted that the teacher would use Arloopa, a
digital learning tool, to present descriptive text content. The teacher explicitly mentions the
learning media that will be utilized in the lesson. The teacher selected learning media based on
the learning objective as it related to the learning resources. Learning resources are commonly

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

defined as text, video, application, and other materials that help learners meet learning objectives
(Nyoman et al. et al., 2021; Sidik, 2019).

The learning process utilized with Arloopa

As stated in the teaching module, the learning material is descriptive text with a sub-topic
describing animals. In normal conditions, the teacher and all the students bring Android phones
so they can access the Arloopa application by installing it beforehand. They then open the
application by clicking its icon, and Arloopa will be opened. However, this normal condition did
not appear in this classroom. All the students could not access Android phones due to the code
of conduct in their school.
As mentioned in the introduction, the students of this school were not allowed to bring
their Android phones into the classroom. Meanwhile, Arloopa is digital media based on the
android platform. Hence, to apply this media, the teacher and the students needed an Android
device to run it. Using this medium was a new challenge for the teacher to utilize the media.
The teacher then decided to use one Android phone for all. The teacher would use his
Android phone to access Arloopa and project the phone's monitor into the LCD projector, so
all the students can view the object Arloopa monitored. The teacher should connect the phone
to the projector to do this trick. However, it is too difficult due to their compatibility. The socket
of the projector does not accept the socket of the phone. The teacher attempted to connect the
phone to the laptop with a wireless connection; then, the laptop was projected into an LCD
projector. This trick runs with trial and error.
Being familiar with technology is crucial to the teachers as they teach Z generations, who
are always accompanied by technology in their daily lives. The success of technology-based
language learning dramatically depends on the instructors' choices for language teaching
methods and their technical proficiency with digital tools and platforms (Lam et al., 2018; Lee,
2017; Nugroho & Mutiaraningrum, 2020).
The teacher prepared a laptop with Windows 10 as its operating system; he also prepared
an Android phone and checked the LCD Projector installed in the classroom to see whether the
LCD was on typically or not. The teacher plugged the VGA cable into the VGA socket on the
laptop that was previously turned on. Next, the teacher tried to connect the cellphone display to

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

the laptop display by pressing the Windows and K buttons. Then, a project to this laptop menu
appeared at the bottom right of the laptop, and the teacher clicked on the menu.

Figure 2. Projecting to this PC option

Authors’ collection

The windows directed the teacher to the projecting to this laptop menu, and the Launch the
Connect app to project to this PC option appeared. The teacher clicked on the command then
Windows displayed information about the Windows ID to use the cellphone to recognize the
identity of the laptop. This display also indicated that Windows was ready to accept display
connection connections.

Figure 3. Launching menu and Dekstop ID

Authors’ collection

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

On the settings menu on the mobile phone, there was another wireless connection menu;
the teacher used this menu to connect the mobile phone display to the laptop display. The
teacher then clicked on the menu and would be directed to the screencast menu.

Figure 4. Phone Setting Menu

Authors’ collection

Screencast is a menu that can be used to display the cellphone screen on the screen of
another supporting device. This connection requires the user to activate the wireless connection.
Then, the teacher must activate the wireless connection on the cell phone and laptop.
Figure 5. Screencast menu
Authors’ collection

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

The teacher then clicked on the screencast menu and was asked to activate the menu.
When the menu was active, the cellphone would scan for the availability of a wireless display
connection, including the appearance of the laptop's ID. If the ID of the laptop used appeared,
the teacher could click on the ID to activate the display connection between the laptop and
When this connection was successful, the teacher opened the Arloopa application
installed on the cellphone. This application required an internet network. When the application
was open the teacher selected the animals menu. The animal's menu grouped many sub-menus
by animal types, such as birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, arthropods, and mollusks.
Figure 6. Arloopa application in its menus.
Authors’ collection

Then, the teacher chose the sub menu mammals. The mammal sub-menu had various
mammals such as tapirs, deer, elephants, and kangaroos. The teacher chose a cat mammal

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

Figure 7. The phone's display mirrored in the laptop's display

Authors’ collection

When the cat icon was selected, Arloopa projected the camera on the target area, and a
virtual cat appeared along with the target image, which was the projection of the cellphone
camera. This virtual cat display was then forwarded to the laptop and forwarded to the LCD
Choosing a learning resource, in this case, is a virtual cat. The material, which was
underway, was descriptive text. The text describes something, someone, an animal, a place, or an
event based on its characteristics. The virtual cat was chosen because it looks like an animal but
is virtual. One item that can be used as the subject of a descriptive paragraph is an animal, and
virtual cats serve as a descriptive text object. This selection is connected with the material and
objective of the learning (Yilmaz & Goktas, 2018; Larasati et al., 2021; Maruf et al., 2022; Sidik,
Then, the teacher started delivering the material when the cellphone display had been
projected by the LCD projector on the screen. The teacher delivered the listening text to the
students, and the students paid attention to the descriptive text while they saw the appearance
of a virtual animal in their class.

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

Figure 8. Virtual cat of Arloopa in the classroom

Authors’ collection

In the next stage, the teacher asked several questions related to the text that had been
read. The students simultaneously answer the questions posed by the teacher. At the end of the
lesson session, the teacher asked students to rewrite the contents of the text that had been read
but still displayed the virtual animals described. At the end of the class, the teacher asked the
students to make their descriptive text by describing the object projected by Arloopa via LCD
Projector. The students are enthusiastic about doing that assignment. They can arrange sentences
describing things more easily than before.
Researchers who participated in the class activity found that students learned descriptive
text much better using Arloopa's AR learning media featuring virtual animals. Students see
virtual creatures as if they were real. It is straightforward to notice the characteristics of the
animal. How an animal's physical characteristics, such as headdress, skin color, and body shape,
can be seen. Virtual animal displays can help students arrange words into sentences that explain
animal objects. Using Arloopa for learning descriptive text can increase students' attention and
motivation in learning and also increase students' creative thinking. These findings were in line
with the work of other studies in the area of utilizing digital learning media (Hsiao et al., 2012;
Ivanova, 2011; Lam et al., 2018; Yilmaz & Goktas, 2018; Yu et al., 2018)

Conclusion and Implication

Digital learning media can be defined as media that help teachers in the teaching and
learning process by utilizing applications to deliver the learning material. Augmented reality

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
e-ISSN: 2580-2070, p-ISSN: 2527-7650

Arloopa can be used as digital learning media by utilizing the features in Arloopa. Descriptive
text is a text that depicts an object based on its appearance. This study aims to capture a portrait
of how English teachers use Arloopa's augmented reality as a learning medium in teaching
descriptive text material with sub-themes depicting animals.
Based on the discussion results, Arloopa can be a learning medium. Using Arloopa is
enough to drain the teacher's technological abilities if, in that class, students are not allowed to
bring cell phones. The teacher needs to connect the cellphone display to the LCD projector so
that all students can see the objects displayed by Arloopa.
This research provides a positive impact in the form of a portrait and insight for teachers
who want to utilize the technology of augmented reality Arloopa in their classroom instruction.
This research is limited to describing how Arloopa is used in learning descriptive texts in class
where students are not equipped with cell phones. Due to the limitation of the research, future
research may investigate how Arloopa is used in English classrooms where all students can hold
their cell phones and how the teachers' and students' voices on utilizing Arloopa in the English
The study was conducted under personal funding. The authors would like to thank all parties
involved in the study.

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Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Volume 9, No. 1, January 2024
Available online at:
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