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Councilor Nezel Carub Duque, Ph.D.

Councilor Milady Marinay Dickson
PPSK President Isaac R. Divina

WHEREAS, Article 2 Section 13 of the 1987 Constitution provides that the

State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote
and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being
and states further that its role to inculcate in the youth, patriotism, and
nationalism and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs;

WHEREAS, Republic Act 8044 also known as the “Youth in Nation-Building

Act of 1995” creates the structures to implement a comprehensive and
coordinated program for the youth and gives recognition to the youth’s
responsibility in fulfilling their vital role in nation-building;

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 10742 also known as the “Sangguniang Kabataan
Reform Act of 2015” has introduced innovations such as the
institutionalization of a local youth development council, the creation of a
youth affairs office, and the establishment of mandatory training;

WHEREAS, the Municipality Government of Solano acknowledges the

importance of institutionalizing youth participation in the local government as
it recognizes the diversity of the youth sectors and towards this end,
encourages them to actively participate and be involved in the crafting and
monitoring of the policies of the Municipality; and

WHEREAS, the Municipal Government of Solano deems it necessary to

promote the welfare of every Kabataang Solanoan through the enactment of
this Code which shall ensure an improved quality of life and a youth-friendly
environment where there are guarantees for educational opportunities,
economic privileges, civil and political rights.


Section 1. Title - This ordinance shall be known as the "Kapakanan at

Kaunlaran ng Kabataan (KKK) Ordinance."

Section 2. Declaration of Policy - The Municipal Government of Solano

recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building thus it shall strive to:

a. promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual,

mental, emotional and social well-being and shall inculcate in the
youth patriotism and nationalism, and encourage their involvement in
public and civic affairs;

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b. establish adequate, effective, responsive and enabling mechanisms
and support systems that will ensure the meaningful participation of
the youth in local governance and nation-building;

c. ensure adequate and meaningful participation is afforded to them in

both executive and legislative functions; and

d. ensure that a right-based and economic-based approach in

development is integrated into the various processes and regulations
of the Municipality.

Section 3. Definition of Terms - When used in this ordinance, the following

words shall mean: (consider omitting the terms that are not and/or will not be
used in the provisions of this Ordinance)
a. Adult Youth - shall include all youth whose ages range from 25-30 years;
b. Child Youth - shall include all youth whose ages range from 15-17 years;
c. Commission - shall refer to the National Youth Commission or NYC
whose main responsibility is to formulate policies, plan, implement, and
oversee a national integrated youth promotion and development
d. Community-based Youth Organization - refers to non-profit
organizations whose members include those more than 30 years old that
service local community needs through volunteers, sponsorships, and
e. Core Youth - shall include all youth whose ages range from 18-24 years;
f. Council-shall refer to the Solano Local Youth Development Council or
g. DILG - shall refer to the Department of Interior and Local Government;
h. Faith-based Youth Organization - shall refer to a youth organization or
youth-serving organization whose membership belongs to a certain
religion or sect or religious belief;
i. GIP - shall refer to the Government Internship Program;
j. School Youth - refers to all youth of school age, whether organized or not,
presently enrolled with any educational, or vocational institution which
includes but is not limited to the following school organizations
(academic or non-academic), student government, fraternities, and
k. Out-of-School Youth (OSY) - refers to all youth of school age, whether
organized or not, who are unable to avail of the formal school system or
who have dropped out from all levels of formal and informal education;
l. Political Rights - are those rights that provide the youth the freedom to
express themselves on matters affecting their lives;
m. School-Based Organization - refers to a youth or youth-serving
organization whose membership is students belonging to schools,
universities, or colleges legally recognized by the state;
n. SAYLA - shall refer to Solano Agila Youth Leadership Awards;
o. SMYDC - shall refer to Solano Municipal Youth Development Council;
p. SMYDO - shall refer to Solano Municipal Youth Development Office;
q. SUYO - shall refer to Solano Local Junior Youth Official;
r. SMYDP - shall refer to Solano Municipal Youth Development Plan;
s. Working Youth - shall refer to all youth whose ages range from 18-30
years who are employed either on a regular or temporary basis;
t. YORP - shall refer to the Youth Organization Registration Program;
u. Youth - as defined in Republic Act 8044 otherwise known as The Youth
in Nation Building Act of 1995, and for this Code, it shall refer to those
persons whose ages range from fifteen (15) to thirty (30) years old;

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v. Youth Advisory Council - refers to the body that shall oversee and
monitor all programs of SMYDC;
w. Youth Development Officer - refers to the person duly appointed or
designated by the local chief executive to serve as its agent in the
Municipality with the task provided for in this ordinance or as may
deemed necessary;
x. Youth-Serving Organizations - refer to registered, recognized, and
accredited organizations whose primary objectives, programs, and
projects are youth-related and youth-oriented, and whose composition is
not limited to the youth;
y. Youth Organization - refers to any organization whose members are
youth aged 15 to 30 years old; and
z. Youth with Special Needs - refers to those youth who are suffering from
restriction or different abilities as a result of mental, physical, or sensory
impairment to perform an activity in the manner or within the range
considered normal for a human being.


Section 4. Guiding Principles - Every Solanoan Youth shall be entitled to the

rights herein set forth without distinction as to gender, social status, religion,
political antecedents, and other factors:

a. Right, to be informed of his inherent rights as stipulated in the

Constitution and other related laws;
b. Right to bodily integrity and the means necessary for the proper
development of life, particularly food, clothing, shelter, medical care, rest,
c. and the necessary social services;
d. Right not to be discriminated against, intimidated, abused, bullied or
humiliated despite of race, gender, ethnicity, belief, religion, and social
e. Right to quality and responsive education level, incorporating therein
multicultural and multilingual curricula;
f. Right to freely and fully participate in the political processes and affairs
of his/her community and country;
g. Right to economic development based on the precepts of justice and
h. Right is coupled with a moral and legal obligation that must be fulfilled;
i. Right to exercise freedom of religion and be respected in his/her own set
of beliefs;
j. Right to a decent job at a livable wage and provided with other additional
compensations and benefits provided by laws; and
k. mentally and emotionally healthy environment.

Section 5. Duties of the Youth - Every Solanoan Youth regardless of the

circumstances of his/her birth, sex, religion, social status, political
antecedents, and other factors shall:
a. strive to lead an upright and virtuous life by the tenets of his/her
religion, the teachings of the elders and mentors, and the bidding of a
clean conscience;
b. love, respect and obey his/her parents, and cooperate with them in the
strengthening of the family;
c. if by reason of his/her studies or for other causes he/she does not live
with his parents, the latter shall communicate with him/her regularly

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and visit them as often as possible;
d. extend to his/her brothers and sisters his/her love, thoughtfulness, and
helpfulness, and endeavor with them to keep the family harmonious and
e. exert his/her utmost effort to develop his/her potentialities for service,
particularly by undergoing a formal education suited to his/her abilities,
in order that he/she may become an asset to himself and society;
f. respect not only his/her elders but also the customs and traditions of
our people, the memory of our heroes, the duly constituted authorities,
the laws of our country, and the principles and institutions of
g. participate actively in civic affairs and the promotion of the general
welfare, always bearing in mind that it is the youth who will eventually
be called upon to discharge the responsibility of leadership in shaping
the nation's future; and
h. help in the observance of individual human rights, the strengthening of
freedom everywhere, the fostering of cooperation among nations in the
pursuit of their common aspirations for programs and prosperity, and
the furtherance of world peace.


Section 6. Creation- To ensure wide and multi-sectoral youth participation in

local governance, there shall be a creation of the Solano Municipal Youth
Development Council (SMYDC) which shall be headed by the concerned SK
Pederasyon President and co-chaired by the elected senior representative
among the SMYDC and is composed of at least ten (10) but not more than
nineteen (19) youth and youth-serving organizations. The SMYDC shall assist
in the planning and execution of projects and programs of its member
organizations, the SK, and the Pederasyon;

● a. Composition of the SMYDC - The SMYDC shall be composed of 21

members including the Sangguniang Kabataan Federation President and
Vice President and shall be supported by 19 other representatives from
the various youth sectors that will represent the 10 centers of youth

Chairperson SK Pederasyon President

External Vice Chairperson SK Pederasyon Vice President
Internal Vice Chairperson Elected Senior Representative
Members Eighteen (18) elected youth organizations and
youth-serving organization
Secretariat Municipal Local Youth Development Office

b. Functions (consider revising to “Duties and Functions” to stay coherent

with the other provisions of the same context) - The SMYDC Officers and
Members shall perform the following functions:
The Council Chairperson shall:
1. Serve as the primary spokesperson of the SMYDC;
2. Bear the primary responsibility for the execution of all SMYDC
3. Determine the agenda of the meetings;
4. Preside over the meetings of the SMYDC;

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5. Vote only in the event of a tie;
6. Keep the Council Officers apprised of all current business; and
7. Keep the Council members updated on all relevant issues.
(consider consolidating: “Update the Council on all current
business and relevant issues”)

The Council External Vice Chairperson shall: (consider consolidating the

Internal and external Vice Chairperson into “Vice Chairperson”)
1. Assist the Council Chairperson in the fulfillment of his or her duties;
2. Assume the role of Council Chairperson in the event of the resignation,
Impeachment, removal or ineligibility;
3. Have explicit knowledge of all youth-related laws, resolutions, and
4. Represent the SMYDC and council members at relevant committee
meetings that are not attended by the Council Chairperson (paraphrase:
Fulfill the functions of the Chairperson); and
5. Attend any committee meetings that the President is required to attend
but is unable to.

The Council Internal Vice-Chairperson shall: (consider consolidating the

Internal and external Vice Chairperson into “Vice Chairperson”)
1. Prepare the agenda prior to each quarterly/special meeting subject to
review and amendments by the Council Chairperson (function of the
Secretariat (MLYDO) as per the IRR of RA 10742);
2. Facilitate the coverage of SMYDC activities (consider delegating to
3. Have explicit knowledge of all youth-related laws, resolutions, and
ordinances; and
4. Preside all meetings in the absence of the Council Chairperson. and
Council External Vice Chairperson. (consider consolidating the Internal
and external Vice Chairperson into “Vice Chairperson”)

The Council Secretariat shall:

1. Handle the administrative and technical activities of the council;
2. Supervise, direct, and monitor the council implementation of approved
policies, plans, and programs; and
3. Perform other functions as may be provided by RA 10742 as amended by
RA 11768

c. General Duties and Functions of the SMYDC (consider revising to “Duties

and Functions” to stay coherent with the other provisions of the same context)
- The SMYDC shall discharge the following duties and functions:
1. Serve as the core of the advocacy on the ten (10) centers of youth
participation in nation-building and youth empowerment;
2. Finalize the three (3) year Solano Municipal Youth Development Plan that
is anchored in the Philippine Youth Development Plan (PYDP) and the
development plans in the Municipality of Solano;
3. The Municipality of Solano Municipal Youth Development Plan shall be
initially drafted by the respective SK Pederasyon and shall be finalized by
the SMYDC. This shall be submitted to the Local Chief Executive for
inclusion in the Local Development Plan and Annual Investment Plan
(AIP) subsequently endorsed to the Sanggunian. These plans shall give
priority to programs projects and activities that will promote and ensure
meaningful youth participation in nation-building, sustainable youth
development and empowerment, equitable access to quality education,
environmental protection, climate change adaptation, disaster risk

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reduction and resilience, youth employment and livelihood, health and
anti-drug abuse, gender sensitivity, social protection, capability building
and sports development;
4. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Municipality Local Youth
Development Plan;
5. To formulate, adopt, and prescribe policies, guidelines, rules, and
regulations that will guide the Municipal Planning and Development
Office and Municipal Budget Office for the smooth operation of the
6. To formulate and approve the internal rules and regulations of the
Council including policies addressing representation, substitution,
absence, and delinquency of council members (for consistency, consider
using the term “Internal Rules and Procedures (IRP)”); and
7. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or ordinances.

d. Qualifications of the Members of the SMYDC - A member of the SMYDC

must be a citizen of the Philippines, and a resident of Solano for not less
than one year immediately preceding the day of her/his election to the
SMYDC. She/he should be at least 15 years, but not more than thirty (30)
years of age on the day of his/her election to the council, able to read and
write, Filipino, English, or the local dialect, and must not have been
convicted by final judgment of any crime involving moral turpitude;

e. Manner of Election - The SMYDO shall notify all the presidents or

authorized representatives of the registered and accredited youth
organizations and youth-serving organizations in the Municipality,
assemble them in a public venue, and by consensus or secret balloting per
youth sector. These representatives shall serve for a term of three (3) years
as members of the SMYDC;

f. Convening the SLYDC- The SK Pederasyon President has the power to

convene council meetings. In the absence of the SK Pederasyon President,
any of the Vice-Chairpersons (External or Internal) with the concurrence of
one another may call a meeting. The SK Pederasyon President, or in
his/her absence, any of the Vice-Chairpersons shall be given preference to
preside over the meeting;

g. Meetings and Quorums - The SMYDC shall schedule a meeting every

quarter, or as often as needed. However, if the President, the External Vice
President of the SK, or the Internal Vice-Chairperson fails to convene the
SMYDC as scheduled, at least two-thirds of the total membership of the
SMYDC may call for a meeting. In both instances, a written notice shall be
sent to all the members either through traditional or non-traditional
means. The date, time, place, and agenda of the meeting must be indicated
in the notice of the meeting which must be received at least two (2) days in
advance; and the presence of the majority (50% + 1) of all members of the
SMYDC shall constitute a quorum.

h. Privileges of SLYDC Members - The SLYDC members upon the discharge

of all their duties shall receive a monthly honorarium of Pl,500.00 pesos
only which shall be disbursed during the conduct of regular monthly

SECTION 7. Suspension and Removal from Office - Any elected SMYDC

member may, after due process, be suspended for not more than three (3)
months or removed for any of the following grounds:

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a. Three (3) consecutive absences from regular monthly meetings without
justifiable cause;
b. Non-participation in 50% of all SMYDC programs and activities;
c. Failure to comply with accreditation requirements and accomplishment
reports set by the Solano Municipal Youth Development Office;
d. Failure to perform official duties and functions as a council member;
e. Commission of any offense involving moral turpitude or any offense
punishable by law; and
f. Commission of any violation cited in the Internal Rules and Procedures.

Section 8. Forms of Filing Complaints. Any complaint against any council

members shall be initiated only by any member of the council and shall be filed
before the grievance committee.

a. Grievance Committee -There shall be a grievance committee that shall

establish an orderly method for handling complaints and disputes among
the SMYDC members.

a.1. Composition - The grievance committee shall have the following:

Chairperson: Local Chief Executive
Members: SB Committee Chairperson on Legal Matters and Good
Municipal Youth Development Officer
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer
Municipal Local Government Operations Officer

a.2. Duties (consider revising to “Duties and Functions” to stay coherent

with the other provisions of the same context) - Members of the grievance
committee shall have the following duties:
a.2.1 The Grievance Committee shall meet at the direction of the chair,
most usually when the chair has been notified of a grievance that
should be heard.
a.2.2 The chair of the Grievance Committee shall communicate the
results of its decisions in writing to the members of the Solano
Municipal Youth Development Council;
a.2.3 The Internal Rules and Procedure (IRP) of the Solano Municipal
Youth Development Council which shall be the basis of the Grievance
Committee must be approved by the SMYDC on the first meeting of
every term; (consider omitting this provision as this has been provided
under Article III. Section 6(c) General Duties and Functions of the
SMYDC) and
a.2.4 The decision of the grievance committee shall be in accordance
with existing laws, policies, and regulations.

Section 9. Institutionalization of Barangay Youth Development Council- In

every barangay there shall be a youth development council which shall be
headed by the respective Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson to ensure multi-
sectoral youth participation in every barangay.

Section 10. Solano Municipal Youth Development Plan. - A comprehensive

plan for the youth formulated by the Solano Municipal Youth Development
Council in consultation with the Sangguniang Kabataan, youth groups, other
government agencies, private sectors, and nongovernment organizations.
Incorporated herein are the following, among others:
a. Formulation, approval, and implementation of the Municipal Youth
Development Plan for the Municipality of Solano's youth for three (3) years

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and shall be reviewed and formulated a year before the end of its duration;
b. Programs and interventions on youth participation in sports; culture and
the arts; leadership programs, locally, nationally, and internationally; youth
engagement in productive employment, education, livelihood services,
cultural exchange, benchmarking, and gender development by laying down
the necessary mechanisms and frameworks for policy direction, innovation,
and convergence.

Section 11. Local Youth Assessment Study - A local study on the

"Progressive Monitoring and Situation of Youth in Solano," which identifies
priority needs, prevailing attitudes and values of youth, existing services, and
gaps in the delivery of services of basic youth needs, which shall be done every
five (5) Years thereafter;

Section 12. Funding. (Appropriations) The SMYDC programs, projects, and

activities shall be funded by the Municipal Government of Solano subject to
Commission on Audit (COA) rules, policies, and regulations. (Specify the source
of funds and consider consolidation into one Section of the Ordinance, as this
was also provided for in Section 36 of the Ordinance)


Section 13. Creation- An Advisory Council shall be created to supervise and

monitor the operation of the SMYDC.

Section 14. Composition - The following shall be the members of the Solano
Youth Advisory Council which shall shed light and advise the body on
pertinent issues affecting the youth (consider omitting as this provision forms
part of the Duties and Functions of the SYAC):

Chairperson: Local Chief Executive

Vice Chairperson: SK Pederasyon President
Members: Area Representative from the National Youth
Municipal Planning and Development Officer
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer
Municipal Health Officer
DEPED School Division Superintendent
Municipal Indigenous People Mandatory
Liga ng Mga Barangay Representative
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Municipal Agriculturist
Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer
Municipal DILG Director (Municipal Local Government
Operations Officer(MLGOO))
Municipal Budget Officer
Municipal Information Officer
Public Employment Services Office
Municipal Investment and Promotions Office
Inter-Faith Religious Representative

Head Secretariat: Municipal Local Youth Development Officer;

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Members: Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office
Municipal Planning and Development Office

Upon the approval of this ordinance, the Local Chief executive shall issue an
executive order stating specific names, and functions thereof.

Section 15. Roles and Responsibilities (consider revising to “Duties and

Functions” to stay coherent with the other provisions of the same context) -
The Solano Municipal Youth Advisory Council shall perform the following, to

a. Review the operation plans and budget of the Council;

b. Provide reports and updates on all youth-related affairs and activities,
including but not limited to plans, programs, and projects intended for the
youth sector of the Municipality;
c. Coordinate with and recommend to the Municipal Local Youth Development
Council strategies of implementation for short, medium, and long-term youth
development programs and activities of the Municipality; and
d. Recommend to the Municipal Local Youth Development Council the
programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) for the youth based on the
consolidated felt needs as discussed in the advisory council.

Section 16. Meetings - The Council shall meet once every three (3) months or
as often as may be necessary, upon the call of its Chairperson or a majority of
its members, on important matters relating to youth affairs, welfare, and
development. The Solano Municipal Youth Development Office shall serve as
the Head Secretariat and shall provide technical support to the council.

Solano Municipal Local Youth Development Office

Section 17. Creation - In compliance with Republic Act No. 10742, otherwise
known as the "Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015" and its Internal
Rules and Regulations (IRR), (consider including DILG Memorandum Circular
No. 2017-36 Creation of LYDO at the Province City and Municipal Levels as
another legal basis) and upon the recommendation by the Solano Local Youth
Development Council and Solano Local Youth Advisory Council, the
Sangguniang Bayan of Solano may enact an ordinance creating the Municipal
Local Youth Development Office which shall be headed a youth development
officer with the rank of at least division chief, or the LGU may designate
existing LGU personnel as youth development officer. (An Amendatory
Ordinance to the existing/original Ordinance Creating the Organizational
Structure and Staffing Pattern (OSSP) of the Municipal LGU of Solano shall be
enacted as legal basis for the creation of the SMLYDO)

Section 18. General Functions (consider revising to “Duties and Functions”

to stay coherent with the other provisions of the same context) - The MYDO
shall provide technical assistance to the Solano Local Youth Development
Council (SMYDC) in the formulation of the municipal youth development plan
(MYDP). It is also the responsibility of the MYDO to conduct mandatory and
continuing training programs for Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) officials and
SMYDC members, designed and implemented by the National Youth
Commission (NYC) and the DILG. (Specify that the SMLYDO/LYDO shall serve

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as the Secretariat to the SMYDC)

The SMYDO shall also assist the youth organizations in their accreditation, the
SMYDO shall provide accreditation forms to interested applicants for the first
year of implementation of this accreditation/registration.

SECTION 19. Non-Partisan Nature of the SMYDO - The Solano Municipal

Youth Development Office shall not allow itself to be used for partisan politics
and shall adopt measures to ensure that it is adequately shielded from any
political partnership or influence.

Institutionalization of Programs for the Youth

Section 20. General Framework – The Municipal Government of Solano shall

encourage the participation of the youth in promoting quality education, and
environmental protection, strengthening and addressing health and psycho-
social concerns, promoting peace and order, good governance, active
citizenship, cross-border programs, and in economic empowerment programs.

Section 23. Education - The Municipal Government shall increase and

improve youth participation in education and shall improve educational quality
and performance through the following programs:

a. Alternative Learning System (ALS). The Municipal Government shall

encourage less fortunate and out-of-school youth (OSY) to earn their
basic education diploma through the Alternative Learning System (ALS);
b. Youth Scholarship Programs. The Municipality Government, through the
Public Employment Services Office, shall provide scholarship programs
to deserving youth such as the Municipal Educational Scholarship
Program (MESPRO), Municipal Vocational Technical Educational
Assistance Program (MVOTESPRO), and Sulong Dunong Scholarship
Program which will allow the Youth to earn a four-year degree course,
technical - vocational certifications that will help them uplift their socio-
economic status;
c. Special Education. SPED centers and schools shall be encouraged in the
Municipality of Solano for the benefit of youth with special needs, and
shall provide the needed support and assistance to capability-building
activities of SPED teachers;
d. Basic Literacy Program. The Municipal Government shall promote the
Basic Literacy Program to eradicate illiteracy among OSY and
underprivileged youth by developing basic literacy skills of reading,
writing, and numeracy and provide space for enriching cultural
e. Batik (Balik) Skwela, Sagot Kita Program. A program of the Municipal
Government of Solano that aims to provide school supplies for
underprivileged students in Solano.

Section 24. Environment - The Municipal Government shall strengthen youth

participation in environmental protection through the following programs:

a. Bangon Kalikasan Program (Tree Growing Tip and Synchronize

Bayanihan Drive). The Municipal Government shall encourage the youth
to their involved in environmental actions such as Tree Growing
Activities and Synchronize Bayanihan Drives that aim to inculcate in the
youth the practice of environmental awareness and care;

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b. Disaster Risk Reduction Preparedness and Mitigation. Recognizing the
vital role of the youth in disaster preparedness, prevention, and
mitigation, the Municipal Government, through the Municipal Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Office shall provide avenue adequate
training and capability building for the youth in response to relevant
emergencies in the community;

Section 25. Health. The Municipal Government shall ensure youth

participation in strengthening and addressing health and psycho-social
concerns through the following programs:

a. Youth Medical Services. The Municipal Government shall endeavor free,

if not, affordable but reliable medical services in local public hospitals
and health centers. The Municipal Government shall give due
acknowledgment to private hospitals and medical service providers in
Solano that will render free medical services to Solanoan youth;
b. Health Education for the Youth. The Municipal Government shall join
and support the National Government in providing age and development-
appropriate reproductive health education to the youth which shall be
taught by adequately trained teachers, informal and non-formal
educational systems, and integrated into relevant subjects such as, but
not limited to, values formation, knowledge and skills in self-protection
against discrimination, sexual abuse and violence against women and
children and other forms of gender-based violence and teen pregnancy,
physical, social and mental changes in adolescents, women's rights and
children's rights, responsible teenage behavior, gender and development,
and responsible parenthood;
c. Teen Tambayan - The Municipal Government shall institutionalize the
Teen Tambayan in each barangay to intensify the social development
programs for the youth amid various issues that would establish and
strengthen the community-based teen centers and continuous
implementation of sports and development programs to be facilitated by
the Sangguniang Kabataan in coordination with Barangay Health Worker
and shall be supervised by the Municipal Health Office;
d. Youth Sports Program - The Municipal Government shall strengthen
physical and sports activities for the children and youth to ensure their
active involvement in sports and development including sports organized
in school or out of school educational system, whether formally or
informally organized;
e. Youth Health Volunteers - The Municipal Government shall provide
avenues for young medical practitioners or health volunteers to render
voluntary work in times of humanitarian need.

Section 26. Peace Building and Security. The Municipal Government shall
strengthen youth participation in promoting peace and order through the
following programs:

a. Safe and Sustained Police and Civilian Visibility - Safe and sustained
police and civilian visibility in the barangays are keys to the protection
and prevention of youth from becoming victims of crimes and violence at
the grassroots level. The patrol of policemen assigned in community
precincts together with barangay authorities and volunteers shall be
made (implemented) in every barangay to protect the Solanoan Youth;
b. Youth Rehabilitation Assistant - The municipal Government abhors all
forms of illegal narcotics, but not the victim end-users. Youth victims of
drug abuse shall be treated with care and supervision by the barangay

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where they belong through various intervention programs prior to their
reintegration into the community;
b.1. Solanoan Against Drugs (TADS) - A long-term program of the
Municipal Government for drug surrenderers including the youth
which will provide a series of interventions and constant checking
and counseling. This program aims to integrate the surrenderers
back into the community and provide a sustainable source of living
for the youth.
b.2. Boys and Girls Rescue Center - Children in Con/lid with the Law
(QCL), Sagip Bata Quick Action Team (SBQAT). A proactive response
of the Municipal Government of Solano that rescues child youth
from possible harm and provides them temporary shelter in a
therapeutic environment;
b.3. Moral Recovery Program. Mandated under Section 444 of RA 7160
also known as the Local Government Code of 1991, the Municipal
Government of Solano strengthened this program by providing moral
resources cognizant to the resiliency of the National Government to
affect moral recovery through the retreat and recollection program
provided by the Spiritual and Values Education Section of the
Municipal Government;

Section 27. Governance - The Municipal Government shall promote youth

participation in government and bureaucracy with the following programs:

a. Mandatory and Continuing Training for SK Officials and SMYDC -

To emphasize the role of the youth in nation-building and mold
them to become better citizens with the values of patriotism,
nationalism, and honor as a Filipino, SK official, whether elected or
appointed and members of the SMYDC must undergo mandatory
training programs.
b. Solano Youth Parliament - The Municipal Government, in
recognition of the vital role of the youth in nation-building and
performing their civic and political rights shall provide an avenue
for the youth to discuss youth issues/concerns anchored on the
Solano Youth Development Plan and develop young policymakers
in the Municipal aged 15-30 years old in addressing the concerns
and agenda of the youth;
c. Solano Junior Youth Officials - The Municipal Government shall
provide an opportunity for the youth aged 15-17 years old to gain
first-hand knowledge of government functions as related to
community problems and development;
d. Solano Youth Leadership Award - The Municipal Government
through the Solano Municipal Youth Development Office shall
provide an opportunity for the youth to recognize the outstanding
youth leaders and organizations duly registered in the Youth
Organization Registration Program (YORP) of the National Youth
Commission (NYC) in the Solano that have distinguished
themselves by their exemplary achievements in various fields and
have contributed positively to Solano's social development thrust
and core values' development, honor, and glory;
e. Representation of Youth in Special Bodies - The Municipal
Government shall ensure that the accredited youth is accountable
in local government councils, bodies, or boards to effectively
represent the interests and sentiments of youth;
f. Youth Relations Officer and Police Procedures - The Solano Police
Office shall assign a Youth Relations Officer who will be tasked to

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handle cases involving the youth;
g. Youth Voter's Education Program - The Municipal Government
shall facilitate the youth voters' registration and implement an
education campaign to encourage active participation in both local
and national elections;
h. Youth Mainstreaming - Youth Mainstreaming shall be enforced to
engage youth as partners throughout every part of an organization
to promote efficacy, equity, and empowerment for everyone
involved. It's the active, visible engagement of youth throughout
the entirety of a defined institution;

Section 28. Active Citizenship - The Municipal Government shall strengthen

enabling mechanisms for youth organization and participation through the
following programs:

a. Solano Youth Festival - In accordance with the Tourism Code, the

Municipal Government shall have an annual gathering of Solanoan youth
from ages 15 to 30 years old where they can participate and showcase
their talents and potential in art, music, dance, sports, and academics,
at the same time giving recognition to the outstanding youth and youth
organizations, passionate in promoting self-improvement through
leadership, training and nation building. This festival is celebrated every
month of October as one of the activities of the Pagbiagan Festival.
b. Youth Organization Registration Program (YORP). Pursuant to RA 8044
known as the Youth in Nation Building Act of 1995, the National Youth
Commission is mandated to have a registry of youth organizations
nationwide. The Municipal Government shall assist youth and youth-
serving organizations in the registration to the Youth Organization
Registration Program of the National Youth Commission;
c. Observance of Linggo ng Kabataan - In compliance with the SK Reform
Act Law and the Municipal Ordinance No. 2019-01-9 otherwise known as
the Linggo ng Kabataan Ordinance, The Municipal Government shall
conduct an annual activity to be known as Linggo ng Kabataan on the
week where the 12th of August falls to coincide with the International
Youth Day;
d. Youth Volunteer Program. The Municipal Government through the LYDO
shall maintain a pool of youth volunteers that helps mobilize the
programs and activities of the Municipal Government in youth
development programs, projects, and activities;

Section 29. Global Mobility - The Municipal Government shall promote youth
participation in cross-border activities through the following programs;

a. Inter-Cultural Exchange Programs. The Municipal Government shall

provide an opportunity for the youth to learn and understand the global
context that fosters harmonious international relationships and peace
among different cultural perspectives;
b. Youth Trafficking. The Municipal Government shall strengthen and
establish programs related to child and youth trafficking as instituted in
RA 9208 also known as Anti-Trafficking in Persons of 2003 that signifies
to prevent, protect, suppress, and punish trafficking in persons,
especially women, children, and youth;
c. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Municipal Government shall
raise awareness about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
among youth, build a platform for discussion, and create the conditions

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for active engagement.

Section 30. Social Inclusion and Equity. The Municipal Government shall
promote inclusive and pro-social participation of youth through the following

a. Youth with Specific Needs - The Municipal Government shall provide

opportunities for youth who are suffering from restriction or different
abilities as a result of a mental, physical, or sensory impairment that will
promote their physical and moral well-being;
b. Anti-Discrimination towards Youth - The Municipal Government shall
endeavor to stop all forms of discrimination based on youth disability,
age, health, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity and religion;
c. Compliance with Accessibility Law - The Municipal Government shall
ensure compliance of government and private establishments and offices
of the Accessibility Law for the benefit of the special youth, together with
the elderly and pregnant;
d. Youth Gender and Development - The Municipal Government shall
implement gender sensitivity and awareness programs for the youth.

Section 31. Economic Empowerment - The Municipal Government shall

optimize and strengthen youth participation in entrepreneurial activities and
employment enrichment through the following programs;

a. Youth Entrepreneurial and Livelihood Programs - The Municipal

Government, through the various local agencies, shall provide the
unemployed, undergraduate, and out-of-school youth (OSY) highly
employable skills training and non-formal courses, and livelihood
training geared towards empowering the youth for sustainable livelihood
and employment;
b. Youth Financial Literacy Program - The Municipal Government of Solano
shall promote the youth to becoming financially literate and equip them
with knowledge and skills that allow them to strategically manage, save,
and invest their money;
c. Youth Employment Programs - The Municipal Government, through the
Public Employment Services Office (PESO), shall establish linkages with
the private sector and companies for diverse job opportunities for the
youth seeking employment such as working youth, single and solo
parents, etc.:
c.1. PESLA - A Pre-employment Seminar for Local Applicants provides
job seekers in the region with better employment opportunities, both
local and overseas;
c.2. Job Start - A program of the Department of Labor and Employment
adopted and implemented in the Municipal of Solano by providing
life skills and technical skills required by industries that enhance
the employability of the youth by reducing their job-search and
increasing their employability through training, paid internship and
full cycle employment facilitation services;
c.3. Special Program of the Employment of Students (SPES) - A program
of the Department of Labor and Employment facilitated through the
Public Education Employment Services Office of the Municipal
Government of Solano which aims to provide temporary employment
to poor but deserving students, out-of-school youth, and dependents
of displaced or would-be displaced workers during summer and/or
Christmas vacation or any time of the year;
c.4. Government Internship Program (GIP) - A government-run program

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that aims to employ youth. GIP is a 3- 6-month internship
opportunity for youth aged 18-30, who are in high school or
technical vocational institutes, college graduates, and out-of-school
youth to pursue work in the public service sector, both local and
national government units. GIP serves as a training ground for
future government employees. It aims to create a competitive and
experienced workforce.

Section 32. Agriculture - The Municipal Government shall optimize and

strengthen youth participation in agriculture through the following programs;

a. Youth in Agriculture Program - The Municipal Government Unit of

Solano through the Municipal Agriculture Office and SMYDC shall
provide a program that will train Solano Youth in the different skills
needed in crop production and other related agricultural skills;
b. Bida Ka sa Agrikultura Program - The Municipal Government of Solano
through the Municipality Agriculture Office and SMYDC shall conduct a
yearly contest for the most outstanding young farmer in the
municipality. provide programs for the youth that engage in food
c. Agricultural Training - The Municipal Government of Solano through the
Municipality Agriculture Office shall conduct different TESDA training
that will enable youth to be engaged in the agriculture sector.

Section 33. Other Programs for the Youth - The MYDO in consultation with
the SMYDC and its Advisory council may develop and recommend programs to
be funded by the Municipal Local Government.

Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms

Section 34. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Oversight Mechanisms - The

Municipal Government shall establish, enhance, strengthen, and maintain a
youth development Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) System. In establishing
and/or strengthening the M&E system, the Local Chief executive shall issue an
Executive Order or Administrative Order creating the M&E Team which shall
monitor the implementation of the annual budget of the Solano Municipal
Youth Development Office, Solano Municipal Youth Development Council, and
Sangguniang Kabataan. It shall prepare annual status reports on the
institutional mechanisms for youth development mainstreaming. The M&E
Team shall also evaluate the outcomes of the Municipal's youth development
policies, programs and projects, and report the same to the Local Chief

Final Provisions

Section 35. Issuance of Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). The

Local Chief Executive shall formulate and issue rules and regulations for the
efficient and effective implementation of any article or provisions of this code.
The non-issuance of the rules and regulations shall not in any manner forestall
the effectiveness and implementation of this code. (Provide for the specific
timeline for the issuance of the IRR, and consider lodging the creation of the
IRR to the SMYAC as they will have oversight function on the council)

Section 36. article s. To effectively implement this Ordinance, the Youth

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Development Fund shall be appropriated annually under the General
Appropriation to cover specific programs for the youth sector. (consider
consolidation into one Section of the Ordinance.)

Section 37. Separability Clause. If any provision of this Ordinance is declared

invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions not affected thereby shall
continue in full force and effect.

Section 38. Repealing Clause. All ordinances, local issuances, or rules

inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.

Section 39. Effectivity Clause. This Ordinance shall immediately take effect
upon approval on review by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.

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