UNIDO EIP Assessment Tool V2

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The management of an industrial park plays a crucial role in the daily operations of the industrial park property, ensuring the continuous implementation of EIP opportunities and engaging with the park’s stakeholders, including resident firms,
communities, and regulating bodies. An effective park management structure is a key requisite for a successful EIP development. It is important for park management to understand their performance against international EIP benchmarks to identify
gaps and take action on EIP opportunities which are achievable and can generate substantial benefits (e.g. economic, environmental, and social).

The objective of this tool is to assess an industrial park against the International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks (UNIDO, WBG and GIZ, 2017) and subsequently identify, prioritize, plan, manage and monitor eco-industrial park initiatives. It can be
used and adapted to all types of existing (brownfield) industrial parks and management structures (e.g. private company, public authority, public private set-up, real estate).


The tool is designed to be used by international development agencies (e.g. by UNIDO staff members as part of EIP projects) and service providers (e.g. National Cleaner Production Centres, consulting companies) who work with industrial park
management units in their countries.


STEP 1 Time investment is subject to Simple basic Detailed

desired level of detail analysis analysis
Together with park management team, go through the benchmarks of the International EIP Framework
and assess to what extent the park meets each benchmark. This assessment is done for the park's current Expert / consultant 2 to 3 person days 3 to 5 person days
Assess industrial park performance, but can also be done for its future intended performance (e.g. 2-3 years).
performance against the
prerequisites and performance If a benchmark is not met, brainstorm about a specific opportunity that could be undertaken by park Park management 1 person day 2 person days
indicators of the International EIP management and/or companies in order to meet the benchmark. Write down the consolidated
Framework opportunities in the respective cells. Preparatory work can be done at office of
Location where step
expert(s). Step 1 should be completed at park
can be undertaken
management office with team

STEP 2 Time investment is subject to Simple basic Detailed

desired level of detail analysis analysis
For each of the EIP opportunities identified, select a qualitative rating (e.g. Low, Medium, High) of the likely
achievability, anticipated benefits and interest from park management and companies to work on the Expert / consultant 1 to 2 person days 2 to 4 person days
Select EIP opportunities which are Park management 0.5 person day 1 person day
most achievable and beneficial Based on the review of the achievability, benefits and interest, come to a consolidated decision for each
EIP opportunity on whether or not to select it for short-term action and monitoring. This selection process
needs to be undertaken with park management team, and where needed with relevant tenant companies. Preparatory work can be done at office of
Location where step
expert. Step 2 should be completed at park
can be undertaken
management office with team

STEP 3 Time investment is subject to Simple basic Detailed

desired level of detail analysis analysis
Formulate the EIP opportunities (selected in step 2) into concrete initiatives. For each initiative:
* Estimate CAPEX, OPEX and cost recovery model Expert / consultant 2 to 3 person days 3 to 5 person days
* Define activities to be undertaken to deliver the initiative, including time period, responsible person,
progress note, and if needed corrective actions
Plan, manage and monitor * Set SMART targets (e.g. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely) and note the actual Park management 1 person day 2 person days
progress on prioritized EIP performance levels over time
Recognising that park management may have already systems in place to monitor and manage their
activities, it is envisaged that the planning and monitoring of prioritized EIP opportunities is adapted to suit Preparatory work can be done at office of
Location where step
the specific requirements of park management and existing systems in place. expert. Step 3 should be completed at park
can be undertaken
management office with team


EIP Opportunity Review and Recommendations for Parque Industrial Malambo (PIMSA), Colombia Lessons learnt from tool application
The EIP Assessment Tool was used to assess PIMSA’s performance against the International EIP Framework and subsequent • The International EIP Framework provides a robust foundation
identification and action planning of EIP opportunities. from which to assess an industrial park against international
The tool application showed that PIMSA performs and compares favorably against large proportions of the benchmarks in the • Preparatory work should be done before meeting with the park
International EIP Framework (i. e. 80% of the applicable international benchmarks were fully or partly met by PIMSA). A set of concrete management to ensure efficient completion of the tool (e.g.
and practical opportunities were identified and prioritized for PIMSA to meet all EIP requirements of the International Framework, translation of performance indicators, completion of tool with
including an action plan to support their implementation with key stakeholders. Examples of EIP initiatives identified and selected for avaible information).
development are the establishment of a park and joint industry committee on waste management, reuse of wastewater streams, and
creating a business unit for the management of wastewater and its reuse. • The assessment also serves as a basis for park management to
support engagement with its external stakeholders on its strategic
The assessment was undertaken as part of a UNIDO EIP Pilot Project (2017-2018). position, current performance and future plans to transform into
an eco-industrial park.

Where to find more information about UNIDO EIP tools? What do we mean with Eco-Industrial Parks? How to operationalize the EIP Framework? How do we implement Eco-Industrial Parks?
Manual for UNIDO Toolbox on Eco-Industrial Parks An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks A Practitioner's Handbook For Eco-Industrial Parks Implementation Handbook for EIPs
(UNIDO, 2019) (UNIDO, World Bank Group, GIZ, 2017) (UNIDO, World Bank Group, GIZ and MOTIE 2018) (UNIDO 2017)

Click on the icon to

open the weblink of
the publication

CAPEX Capital expenditure
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO2-eq Carbon dioxide equivalent
EIP Eco-industrial park
GHG Greenhouse gas
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
NOx Nitrogen oxides
OHS Occupational health and safety
OPEX Operational expenditure
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
WBG World Bank Group

For questions, comments and request for information, please email: EIP@unido.org

Tool version: V2, April 2019

Disclaimer: UNIDO cannot be held responsible for the application of this tool and its results. The sole responsibility of the tool application remains with the user of the tool.

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UNIDO EIP Assessment Tool (V2)
Name of industrial park: Insert name of industrial park
Date of assessment: Insert date INSTRUCTIONS WITH RESULTS PLAN & MONITOR input into yellow cells
AND SELECT OPPORTUNITIES Name of assessor: Insert name

The international benchmarks included in this worksheet are based on: UNIDO, World Bank, GIZ (2017). An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks. Version December 2017.


Does park meet EIP Notes and evidence on What is likely What are likely Select EIP
EIP prerequisites and performance indicators What is intended EIP opportunity for Interest from park
Topic benchmark current performance of ACHIEVABILITY of BENEFITS of EIP opportunity for Comments
(including target values) performance? industrial park management?
AT PRESENT? industrial park EIP opportunity? opportunity? short-term action?
(e.g. in 2-3 YEARS)

PARK MANAGEMENT: EIP prerequisites ("must have for EIPs")

A distinct park management entity (or alternative agency, where applicable) exists to handle
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
park planning, operations and management, and monitoring.

Park management entity to manage and maintain the industrial park property, common
infrastructure, and services as prescribed in the tenant contract and the park’s Master Plan.
This should include, but is not limited to the following:
• Property management, including plot allotments, re-allotments, development, land use
Park management monitoring, and so on.
services • Utilities, roads, and technical units such as waste and wastewater treatment plants and
operations, power and energy systems.
• Waste collection areas and services. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
• Maintenance and repair workshops.
• Security and emergency response services and facilities.
• Common landscaping, buffer zones, street lighting, security surveillance and street cleaning.
• Common employee and tenant facilities.
• Provide facilitating services to and between tenant firms (for example, networking,
collaboration and training opportunities).
• Engagement with the park’s stakeholders and business representatives.

Park management entity maintains a monitoring system in place, tracking:

• Progress on environmental, social and economic performance at the park level.
• Critical risk factors and related responses, at least for:
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
o Risk points where the accidental release of poisonous solid, liquid and gaseous effluents,
including during transportation and disposal when fire hazards are possible; and
o Applicable natural disaster risks (for example, earthquakes)

Monitoring and risk

management Where required, Park management has a plan in place to react to possible negative impacts
due to climate change risks (heat waves and droughts, storms and floodwater events). All
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
adaption needs for infrastructure and services are identified and in place for the industrial
estate to protect against climate change risks and potential damages.

Park management entity has a functioning system in place to comply with local/national
regulations and international standards applicable to the industrial park. Park management
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
informs compliance by resident firms including compliance information that firms share with
the park management entity.

A Master Plan (or equivalent planning document) for any new and existing industrial park has
been developed and is reviewed periodically (and updated if required), including the following
core elements:
• Site selection study based on various risk analyses; essential and efficient infrastructure,
Planning and zoning utilities, and transportation network; environmental and social issues; internal park land Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
zoning; buffer zone around the park; procedure to safely locate high risk industries; and
cluster synergistic industries.
• Integration into Master Plan of relevant requirements specified in these international EIP
benchmarks that have spatial implications.

PARK MANAGEMENT: Performance indicators

Page 2 of 8

Does park meet EIP Notes and evidence on What is likely What are likely Select EIP
EIP prerequisites and performance indicators What is intended EIP opportunity for Interest from park
Topic benchmark current performance of ACHIEVABILITY of BENEFITS of EIP opportunity for Comments
(including target values) performance? industrial park management?
AT PRESENT? industrial park EIP opportunity? opportunity? short-term action?
(e.g. in 2-3 YEARS)

100% of firms in the industrial park have signed a residency contract/ park charter/code of
conduct (depending on what is legally binding on park firms according to the existing
legislation in the country ); and additional legally binding arrangements that empower the
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
park management entity to perform its responsibilities and tasks and charge fees (sometimes
Park management absorbed in rental fees) for common services. This may include transparent fees for services
services pertaining to the achievement of EIP performance targets.

At least 75% of resident firms indicate satisfaction with regard to the provision of services and
common infrastructure by the park management’s entity (or alternative agency, where Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select

At least every 6 months, park management entity monitors and prepares consolidated reports
regarding the achievement of target values (as documented in this framework) to encompass
the following:
Monitoring and risk
• Environmental performance; Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
• Social performance;
• Economic performance; and
• Critical risk management at the level of the park.

ENVIRONMENT: EIP prerequisites ("must have for EIPs")

Park management entity operates an environmental / energy management system in line

Management and
with internationally certified standards, monitoring park performance and supporting resident Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
firms in the maintenance of their own firm-level management systems.

Supporting programs and documents are in place to improve the energy efficiency of resident
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
firms, especially for the top 50 percent of major energy-consuming businesses in the park.

An industrial heat recovery strategy is in place to investigate opportunities for heat and
energy recovery for the major energy-consuming firms in the park. (Typically, these are firms Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
that individually consume at least 10-20 percent of total firm level energy consumption).

Park management entity has demonstrable plans and (preferably) prior documented evidence
Water to increase water reuse in the short and medium term. This would be achieved by either Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
reuse of industrial effluents, or by rainwater/storm water collection.

A program is established to monitor, mitigate and/or minimize GHG emissions, such as carbon
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and so on. There is clear evidence of steps Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Climate change and taken to introduce mitigation activities.
the natural
The park management entity has a plan in place to assess operational environmental impacts,
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
and aims to limit the impact on prioritized local ecosystem services.

ENVIRONMENT: Performance indicators

Management and At least 40% of resident firms with more than 250 employees have an environmental / energy
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
monitoring management system in place that is in line with internationally certified standards.

At least 90% of combined park facilities and firm-level energy consumption have metering and
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
monitoring systems in place.

Total renewable energy use in the industrial park is equal to or greater than the annual
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
national average energy mix.

Park management entity sets and works toward ambitious (beyond industry norms) maximum
carbon intensity targets (maximum kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO2-eq) /
Energy Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
kilowatt hour (kWh) for the park and its residents. Targets should be established for the short,
medium, and long term, in line with local norms and industry sector benchmarks.

Page 3 of 8

Energy Does park meet EIP Notes and evidence on What is likely What are likely Select EIP
EIP prerequisites and performance indicators What is intended EIP opportunity for Interest from park
Topic benchmark current performance of ACHIEVABILITY of BENEFITS of EIP opportunity for Comments
(including target values) performance? industrial park management?
AT PRESENT? industrial park EIP opportunity? opportunity? short-term action?
(e.g. in 2-3 YEARS)

Park management entity sets and works toward ambitious maximum energy intensity targets
per production unit (kWh/$ turnover) for the park and its residents. Targets should be
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
established for the short, medium, and long term, in line with local norms and industry sector

100% of total water demand from firms in industrial park do not have significant negative
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
impacts on local water sources or local communities.

At least 95% of industrial wastewater generated by industrial park and resident firms is
Water Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
treated to appropriate environmental standards.

At least 50% of total industrial wastewater from firms in the park is reused responsibly within
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
or outside the industrial park.

At least 20% of solid waste generated by firms is reused by other firms, neighbouring
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
communities, or municipalities.

Waste and material 100% of firms in park appropriately handle, store, transport and dispose of toxic and
use Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
hazardous materials.

Less than 50% of wastes generated by firms in the industrial park goes to landfills. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select

At least 5% of open space in the park is used for native flora and fauna. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select

At least 50% of firms in park have pollution prevention and emission reduction strategies to
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Climate change and reduce the intensity and mass flow of pollution/emission release beyond national regulations.
the natural
At least 30% of largest polluters in industrial park have a risk management framework in place
that: (a) identifies the aspects which have an impact on the environment and; (b) assign a Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
level of significance to each environmental aspect.

SOCIAL: EIP prerequisites ("must have for EIPs")

Social management Dedicated personnel exist (as part of the park management entity) to plan and manage social
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
systems quality standards.

Essential primary social infrastructure has been adequately provided in the site master plan,
Social infrastructure Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
and is fully operational in the park.

SOCIAL: Performance indicators

At least 75% of all firms in the industrial park with more than 250 employees have a well-
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
functioning OH&S management system in place.

100% of grievances received by the park management entity are addressed within 90 days. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select

Social management
systems At least 60% of grievances received by the park management entity are brought to conclusion. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select

At least 75% of all firms in the industrial park with more than 250 employees have a code of
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
conduct system in place to deal with grievances.

At least 75% of all firms in the industrial park with more than 250 employees have a
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
harassment prevention and response system in place.

At least 80% of the surveyed employees report satisfaction with social infrastructure. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select

100% of reported security and safety issues are adequately addressed within 30 days. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Social infrastructure
75% of all firms in the industrial park with more than 250 employees have a program for
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
skills/vocational training and development.

Page 4 of 8

Does park meet EIP Notes and evidence on What is likely What are likely Select EIP
Social EIP prerequisites and performance indicators What is intended EIP opportunity for Interest from park
Topic infrastructure benchmark current performance of ACHIEVABILITY of BENEFITS of EIP opportunity for Comments
(including target values) performance? industrial park management?
AT PRESENT? industrial park EIP opportunity? opportunity? short-term action?
(e.g. in 2-3 YEARS)

At least 20% of female workforce benefit from available supporting infrastructure/programs

Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
for skills development.

At least 80% of surveyed community members are satisfied with the community dialogue. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Local community
At least two outreach activities that are implemented by the park management entity
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
annually are regarded as positive by over 80 percent of the surveyed community members.

ECONOMIC: EIP prerequisites ("must have for EIPs")

Employment Park management entity has plans to generate specific numbers and types of jobs (including
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
generation diversity and inclusiveness) in line with government targets.

Local business & Park management entity allows and promotes the establishment of SMEs that provide
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
SME promotion services and add value to park residents.

A market demand and feasibility study, supported by a business plan, for specific “green”
infrastructure and service offerings has been undertaken to justify planning and Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
implementation in the industrial park.
Economic value
Tracked by the park management entity, the industrial park fulfils relevant government
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
targets, including domestic, foreign direct investment, and tax revenues.

ECONOMIC: Performance indicators

At least 60% of total workers employed in industrial park live within daily commuting distance. Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select

generation At least 25% of total firm workers in industrial park are employed through direct employment
(that is, not employed on a fee-for-output basis or provided through a labour supply firm) and Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
permanent contracts.

At least 25% of resident firms use local suppliers or service providers for at least 80 percent of
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
their total procurement value.
Local business and
SME promotion
At least 90% of total procurement value of park management entity are supplied by local
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
firms or service providers.

Economic value On average, the occupancy rate of space available for resident firms was >50% over the last 5
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
creation years.

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e your
ow cells

Page 6 of 8
UNIDO EIP Assessment Tool (V2)
Name of industrial park: Insert name of industrial park
GRAPH SHOWING PERFORMANCE Date of assessment: Insert date

These values are calculated automatically based on worksheet "Steps 1 & 2 - Assess & select"

CURRENT PERFORMANCE: Number of benchmarks

Assessment categories
Yes Partly No To be confirmed Not applicable
Park management 0 0 0 0 0
Environmental performance 0 0 0 0 0
Social performance 0 0 0 0 0
Economic performance 0 0 0 0 0
Overall performance 0 0 0 0 0

% of applicable EIP benchmarks fulfilled

According to International EIP Framework (UNIDO, WBG, GIZ (2017)
Current performance Intended performance at end of GEIPP
Industrial park
Total benchmarks excl. % of applicable Counts "To be Total benchmarks excl. % of applicable Counts "To be Improvement potential
Counts "Yes" Counts "Yes"
"Not applicable" benchmarks fulfilled confirmed" "Not applicable" benchmarks fulfilled confirmed"

Insert name of industrial park 0 51 0% 0 0 51 0% 0 0%

Assessment of industrial park against International EIP Framework Assessment of industrial park against International EIP Framework
(UNIDO, WBG and GIZ, 2017) Current and intented performance
(UNIDO, WBG and GIZ, 2017)

45 100%

% of applicable EIP benchmarks fulfilled

40 90%
Number of benchmarks

35 80%
70% N = 51 benchmarks
20 Improvement potential
50% International EIP benchmarks intended
15 to be fully met in 2-3 years
10 40%

5 30%
Current performance
0 20% International EIP benchmarks
t ce ce ce ce
en an an an an
which are fully met at present
em rm rm rm rm
ag fr o fr o fr o fr o
an e e pe e
km lp lp lp
r ta cia
ic al 0%
Pa en So Does industrial park
n ver benchmarks?
omfullfil international EIP Insert name of industrial park
nm co O
N = 51 benchmarks viro Yes PartlyE No To be confirmed Not applicable

Page 7 of 8
UNIDO EIP Assessment Tool (V2)
Name of industrial park: Insert name of industrial park
PLAN, MANAGE AND MONITOR EIP INITIATIVES Last update of this worksheet: Insert date
GO TO GO TO STEP 1 & 2: Please provide your input
WORKSHEET FOR PARK MANAGEMENT Name of person updating this worksheet: Insert name


Time period Means to measure Target value and

# Topic Short title of EIP initiative CAPEX CAPEX funding OPEX Cost recovery # Planned activities Responsible Progress note Corrective actions Target description 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
(e.g. start, end date) performance level time

1 Undertake pre-feasibility study January to July 2018 Selected engineering Completed

350,000 Euros Selected engineering
2 Undertake feasibility study July to October 2018 Completed
(industries in park) firm
Water To be incorporated
N/A Example: Develop centralised WWTP for industrial 500,000 Euros Estimated at about 3 Select most feasible option November 2018 Park management Completed Percentage of industrial effluent generated in Park management monitoring min 75% by 2020 25% 25% 25%
in effluent
park 150,000 Euros 25,000 Euros/year industrial park treated by WWTP system
(example) treatment fees
(international Park management to follow-up
donor) 4 Build selected WWTP system January to November 2019 Selected contractor Delayed with contract to speed up
installation process of WWTP
5 Start operation of WWTP December 2019 Selected contractor Not started yet

Time period Means to measure Target value and

# Topic Short title of EIP initiative CAPEX CAPEX funding OPEX Cost recovery # Planned activities Responsible Progress note Corrective actions Target description 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
(e.g. start, end date) performance level time
Make public announcement for
1 Latest 3 weeks prior to event Park management Not started yet
community event
Local Organize speakers and presentations
Not applicable Part of overall 2 Latest 2 weeks prior to event Park management Not started yet
community Example: Organize regular outreach events to for event
(events are held at Budget of 1,000 administration Percentage of community members who are satisfied Short survey with particpants
N/A outreach engage local community on key developments and Not applicable min 80% by 2020 No survey No survey 72%
park management Euros per event budget of park with the outreach event in events
future plans of industrial park 3 Organize catering Latest 1 week prior to event Park management Not started yet
conference venue) management
4 Hold community outreach events in 1 April, 1 July, 1 September Park management Not started yet
2018 and 1 December 2018

Time period Means to measure Target value and Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert
# Topic Short title of EIP initiative CAPEX CAPEX funding OPEX Cost recovery # Planned activities Responsible Progress note Corrective actions Target description
(e.g. start, end date) performance level time period period period period period period period

1 3

Time period Means to measure Target value and Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert
# Topic Short title of EIP initiative CAPEX CAPEX funding OPEX Cost recovery # Planned activities Responsible Progress note Corrective actions Target description
(e.g. start, end date) performance level time period period period period period period period

2 3

# Topic Short title of EIP initiative CAPEX CAPEX funding OPEX Cost recovery # Planned activities Time period Responsible Progress note Corrective actions Target description Means to measure Target value and Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert
(e.g. start, end date) performance level time period period period period period period period

3 3

# Topic Short title of EIP initiative CAPEX CAPEX funding OPEX Cost recovery # Planned activities Time period Responsible Progress note Corrective actions Target description Means to measure Target value and Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert
(e.g. start, end date) performance level time period period period period period period period

4 3

Time period Means to measure Target value and Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert
# Topic Short title of EIP initiative CAPEX CAPEX funding OPEX Cost recovery # Planned activities Responsible Progress note Corrective actions Target description
(e.g. start, end date) performance level time period period period period period period period

5 3

Time period Means to measure Target value and Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert
# Topic Short title of EIP initiative CAPEX CAPEX funding OPEX Cost recovery # Planned activities Responsible Progress note Corrective actions Target description
(e.g. start, end date) performance level time period period period period period period period

6 3

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