6 Sem Fees

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* Exam applicat ion form will be aut o filled as per exam not ificat ion dat es specified by respect

ive universit y

University Of Mysore
Reg No : U01AJ21C0201

Academic Year : 2023-24 Mont h of Exam : UG 6SEM JUN/JUL-2024

College Code : G26GAJ0010 College Name : Government First Grade College, Kuvempunagar

St udent Name : Balraj naik S Fat her/Guardian Name : SURYANAIK

Program Level : UG Program Name : Bachelor of Commerce

Dat e of Birt h : 5/26/2003 12:00:00 AM Age : 21 Sex : Male

Cat egory : Scheduled Cast e Mobile No : 9019431635 Email : balrajnaikgmhalli@gmail.com

Address : METIKUPPE POST G M HALLI Pin Code : 0

Courses/Papers appearing

Sl. No. QP Code Scheme Term/Semest er Course Code Course/Paper Tit le

1 51761 UOM-NEP2021 VI AFMDSC601 Advanced Financial Management
2 51762 UOM-NEP2021 VI ITLDSC602 Income Tax Law and Pract ice-II
3 51763 UOM-NEP2021 VI MACDSC603 Management Account ing
4 51764 UOM-NEP2021 VI IASDSE601 Indian Account ing St andards-2
5 51767 UOM-NEP2021 VI CDWDSE604 Cult ural Diversit y at Work Place
6 51770 UOM-NEP2021 VI ECMVOC602 E- Commerce

Fee Det ails : Amount

Current Term/Semest er Exam Fee : 0.00

Marks Card Fee : 0.00

Backlog Fee : 0.00

Exam Applicat ion Processing Fee : 0.00

Exam Applicat ion Lat e Fine (1st Penalt y) : 0

Exam Applicat ion Lat e Fine (2nd Penalt y) : 0

Special Cases Lat e Exam Applicat ion Fine : 0

Tot al Fee (Rs.) : 0.00

Exam Fee Payment Det ails :

Transact ion/Order ID : NA

Transact ion St at us : Success

Transact ion Dat e and T ime : 4/22/2024 11:10:26 AM

Transact ion Reference Number : NA

Transact ion Amount : 0.00

Remarks : Fee Payment Exempt ed as guidlines from universit y.

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