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The aim of this experiment is to investigate how surface area, temperature and
concentration affect the rate of osmosis.

SECTION 1: Temperature
1. Prepare a 80ºC water bath.
2. Cut 2 cubes with the same volume.
3. Measure the sides to make sure they are the same size.
4. Weigh the cubes.
5. Prepare 2 wide test tubes, all with the same volume of distilled water, 50mL.
6. Measure the temperature of the water of one of the test tubes.
7. Put the other test tube in the water bath.
8. Put the one cube in each beaker and wait 20 min.
9. Using tweezers, take them out.
10. Put the cubes in paper to get rid of the excess water, do not squeeze them.
11. Weigh the cubes again.

SECTION 2: Surface area.

1. Cut 3 different sizes of cubes of potatoes.
2. Measure the sides to calculate the volume.
3. Weigh the cubes.
4. Introduce the cubes in a beaker with 50 mL of distilled water.
5. Leave the cubes in the beakers for 20 min.
6. Using tweezers, take them out.
7. Put the cubes in paper to get rid of the excess water, do not squeeze them.
8. Weigh the cubes again.

SECTION 3: Concentration
1. Prepare 100 mL of the following solutions:
a. 10% mass salt
b. 25% mass salt
c. 50% mass salt
2. Cut 3 cubes with the same volume.
3. Weigh the cubes.
4. Introduce the cubes in a beaker with 50 mL of solution.
5. Leave the cubes in the beakers for 20 min.
6. Using tweezers, take them out.
7. Put the cubes in paper to get rid of the excess water, do not squeeze them.
8. Weigh the cubes again.

The write-up must include the following sections:

1) COVER PAGE: with the title of the experiment and your name and mates’.

2) OBJECTIVES: 1-3 sentences stating the aim of the practical.

3) MATERIALS: create a table with all materials used.

4) PROCEDURE: Describe the steps followed, use numbers to order them. Write down
exactly what you have done, not just what is written in this handout. Ex: 1) Weight the mass
of the cube using a scale, 8 grams.

5)RESULTS: all parts below must be included


Create a table to show the measurements and results for all three sections. See the
example below:

S1. Temperature
Temperature Cube’s volume Time (min) Initial mass (g) Final mass (g) Rate of
osmosis (%)

10º 20

80º 20

All calculations must be included!!

Plot a graph % rate of osmosis VS the other variable (temperature, surface area and
concentration) for the three sections


Analyze the results obtained:

- How do the three variables affect the rate of osmosis? Did you get any anomalous
- Could you suggest some ways to improve the practical?

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