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A Police Interview

List e n t o t he po lic e int e rvie wing a wo man abo ut a c rime.

The n f ill in t he c hart be lo w wit h t he inf o rmat io n yo u
he ar. Writ e c o mple t e se nt e nc e s.


1, What did she do during the

1) What did she do ?

2) Whe n did it happe n?

3) What was she do ing?

4) Ho w many pe o ple did she se e ?

5) What we re t he y we aring?

6) What happe ne d?

7) Ho w did t he y e sc ape ?

8) D id she kno w anyt hing e lse ?

A Police Interview
List e n t o t he po lic e int e rvie wing a wo man abo ut a c rime.
The n f ill in t he c hart be lo w wit h t he inf o rmat io n yo u
he ar. Writ e c o mple t e se nt e nc e s.


She is an o pt ic ian. (She wo rks at t he Glasse s

1) What did she do ?
Sho p ne xt t o t he bank).

2) Whe n did it happe n? It happe ne d at 2.00 ye st e rday af t e rno o n.

3) What was she do ing? She was (o ut side t he sho p) wait ing f o r a f riend.

4) Ho w many pe o ple did she se e ? She saw t o pe o ple , a man and a wo man.

The man was we aring a blac k swe at e r and blue

5) What we re t he y we aring? je ans. The wo man was we aring a jac ke t and blac k
t ro use rs.

6) What happe ne d? She saw t wo pe o ple running int o t he bank. A f t e r a

f e w minut e s, t he man c ame o ut o f t he bank
c arrying a big bag, and t he n t he wo man c ame o ut .

7) Ho w did t he y e sc ape ? Ye s, t he y did.

She saw t he ge t t ing int o a re d c ar and driving

8) D id she kno w anyt hing e lse ?
away. She also saw some numbe rs o n t he c ar, 3-5-8.
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Policeman: I’d like to ask you some questions, Miss. What’s your name?

Abigail: Abigail Humphreys.

Policeman: What’s your profession?

Abigail: I’m an optician. I work at the Glasses Shop. You know, the shop next to the bank.

Policeman: OK, Miss Humphreys, what were you doing at 2.00 yesterday afternoon?

Abigail: I was standing outside the shop waiting for a friend. Suddenly, I saw two people
running into the bank. There was a man and a woman.

Policeman: Can you describe them?

Abigail: The man was short and fat. He had long black hair.

Policeman: Short and fat, with long black hair. And what was he wearing?

Abigail: I think he was wearing a black sweater and jeans.

Policeman: Were the jeans black?

Abigail: No, ordinary blue jeans.

Policeman: And the woman – what was she wearing?

Abigail: She was wearing a jacket and black trousers.

Policeman: Are you sure?

Abigail: Yes, she had black trousers.

Policeman: What happened next?

Abigail: After a few minutes, the man came out of the bank carrying a big bag, and then the
woman came out. They got into a red car and drove away.

Policeman: A red car … Did you see the numbers on the car?

Abigail: Um … Let me think … I saw a three, a five and I think I saw an eight. But I
definitely saw a three and a five.

Policeman: Thank you very much.

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