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E-learning module

SIRE 2.0, Preparing for inspection

0436 / Controlling Operation of ship and Care for Persons Onboard / Release 3

The profitability of an independent oil tanker owner’s operation is Who is this for?
dependent upon being accepted by SIRE subscribers, such as major
oil companies, oil and energy traders, as charterers. The decision to
hire a third-party tanker depends largely upon a ship’s good SIRE
reports. The information from distributed company’s SIRE inspection Engine - Management
reports can make or break the reputation of the tanker owner. It is Shore based personnel
essential to ship operators that the inspection meets the vetting Deck - Operational
inspector’s expectations and leads to a distributed inspection report Engine - Operational
that contains only minor or no observations; this can be achieved by Deck - Management
thorough planning and preparation.

The aim of this title is to provide the learner with the knowledge SHIP TYPES

required to be able to understand the SIRE vetting process used by Oil tanker
OCIMF members and recognise the level of preparation required for a
successful vetting inspection.

What will you learn?

After completing this module, the learner will be able to:

Understand the importance of a successful SIRE vetting inspection.

List the SIRE related documents referred to during a SIRE vetting
inspection and explain their relevance in planning for an inspection.
Recognise why a pre-inspection and planning is important to
facilitate a successful SIRE vetting inspection.
Recognise what a typical SIRE pre-inspection would look like that is
likely to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

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E-learning module

SIRE 2.0, Preparing for inspection

0436 / Controlling Operation of ship and Care for Persons Onboard / Release 3


19 Minutes

Ocean Technologies Group

Powered by Seagull & Videotel

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