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1. Nama : IRAWAN

2. Position Held : Experties/Specialist

3. No.Telp/ email : 085945000797 /
4. Born date : April 24, 1969

5. Nationalities : Indonesian

6. Education : Passed 1995 – Bachelor of Law (Civil Law) – Trisakti

University Jakarta
Passed 2000 – Master of Management (Human
Resources) – University of Islam Indonesia (UII)
7. Course/Skill :

• 2021 – Training on Market Analysis, TOR

Preparation, Technical Specifications &; Owner
Estimate on Construction Services Procurement
– by the National Development and Consulting
Institute (LPKN)
• 2017 – Short Courses: IT Architecture (TOGAF)
– Inixindo Yogyakarta
• 2017 - Certification of Procurement of Goods
& Services in Government Environment - by the
Government Procurement Policy Institute
• 2012 - Advocate Professional Training &
Examination - by the Indonesian Advocates
Congress (KAI)
• 2012 – Advocate License Card (professional
license of lawyer)

8. Language and : English : Enough

Ability Level Indonesian : Good

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9. Work Experience :

1. From : December 15, 2022 – October 30, 2023

Company : PT. Jaya CM
Position : Contractual/Legal Specialist
Project : Procurement of Consulting Services Monitoring and
Evaluation of Integration of Project Management
Activities at the Project Management Center

Job Description : • Provide legal advice or review for Project

Management Center (PUSMANPRO) PT. PLN
Pesero concerning in the contract, agreement, and
relevant laws and regulations or those which are
• Provide legal advice on and review of legal
documents in relation to power plant projects,
including review of legal documents, project
documentation and project implementation in
view of related laws and regulations
• Provide suggestions and solutions to problems to
the PMO from a legal aspect.
• Monitor field progress, monitor the
implementation of the Power Purchase
Agreement (PJBTL), identify problems, mitigate
risks in project implementation, and provide
early warnings and recommendations for the
implementation of PLN projects throughout
• Create reports and project priority scales as
coordination material in the Project Review

2. From : Juni 1, 2023 – December 30, 2023

Company : PT. Saman Corp Korea Jo with KECC Korea, PT.
Virama Karya, PT. Caturbina Consultant
Position : Procurement & Contractual (legal) Specialist
Project : Engineering Services for Muara Juloi Multipurpose
Dam Project, Palangkaraya, EDCF Loan Korea
Job Description : • Prepare tender documents with standard
documents from EDCF Korea Exim Bank.
• Provide legal advice on and review of legal
documents in relation to procurement system of
Dam Construction projects, including review of
bidding documents, project documentation and

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project implementation standart in view of related
laws and regulations
• Create draft dam construction contract documents
and provide responses to contract clauses to be
used as consideration of legal aspects by the
Directorate General Water Resources (DGWR)
PUPR and standard ideal contract standards.
• Accompany the PUPR Palangkaraya PMO Unit in
meetings or discussions with project-related
commitment officials regarding the
implementation of contract signing.

3. From : 1 Januari – 31 Desember 2022

Company : Hangkuk Engineering Consultant (Korea)
Position : Procurement and Legal Specialist
Project : Preparation of Water Resources Strategic
Implementation Plan For Priority Lake – West
Region (Toba lake & Maninjau lake), ADB Loan no.
3455-INO, Directorate General of Water Resources
– Directorate of Dams and Lakes, Ministry of Public
Works and Public Housing (PUPR)

Job Description : • Conducting internal selection/tendering for the

procurement of supporting sub-consultants for
the preparation of Detailed Engineering Design
in the category of Provisional Sum funds,
• Creating Standard Selection/Tender
• Creating a Selection/Tender Schedule;
• Prepare Selection/tender Evaluation Criteria
• Conducting tender evaluation;
• Drafting contracts for contracting work;
• Monitoring / controlling the implementation
of sub consultant employment contracts;
• Review the contract of sub consultants in
terms of drafting Contract Changes;
• Prepare progress reports on contract
• Review the proposed Change Contract Order
(CCO) from the contract law aspect.
• Review and provide legal advice regarding
amendment contract between the owner and
• Review and provide legal advice regarding
Claim by contractor.

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4. From : November 15, 2021 - January 14, 2022
Company : PT. Indokoei Interntional
Position : Legal Expert
Project : Consultant Reviewer Bidding Document
Implementing Contractor Work Package for
Increasing the Scope of Pondok Area Toll Road -
Job Description :
• Review all tender participant bid documents
with legal aspects;
• Compile and recommend the ranking of
bidders with legal aspects;
• Drafting implementing contractor contracts
referring to FIDIC 1999.

5. From :1 June 2021 - 31 December 2021

Company :Hankuk Engineering Consultant (Korea)
Position :Procurement and Legal Specialist
Project :Preparation of Digoel Multy Purpose Dam in Boven
Digoel, Papua, ADB Loan no. 3455-INO, Directorate
General of Water Resources – Directorate of Dams
and Lakes, Ministry of PUPR
Job Description : Conducting internal selection/tendering for the
procurement of supporting sub-consultants for
the preparation of Detailed Engineering Design in
the category of Provisional Sum funds, including:
• Creating Standard Selection/Tender
• Creating a Selection/Tender Schedule;
• Prepare Selection/tender Evaluation Criteria
• Conducting tender evaluation;
• Drafting contracts for contracting work;
• Monitoring/controlling the implementation of
sub-consultant employment contracts;
• Review the contract of sub consultants in
terms of drafting Contract Changes;
• Review the proposed Change Contract Order
(CCO) from the contract law aspect;
• Review and provide legal advice regarding
amendment contract between the owner and
• Review and provide legal advice regarding
Claim by contractor.

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6. From : June 17, 2020 - May 21, 2021
Company : PT. Jaya CM
Position : Permit (legal) Specialist
Project : PMU Project (project management unit) Directorate
General of Railways – Directorate of Infrastructure,
Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia
Job Description : As part of the Project Management Unit (PMU) consultant
who assists the owner (DJKA) to improve the
effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability of railway
transportation network development and development
projects nationally by doing: Monitor, analyze and review
technical problems and provide advice to Director of
DJKA Infrastructure, Head of Railway Technical Center
related to the field of :
• Technical regulations and procurement/tender
process conducted by Satker DJKA;
• Juridical and technical review of land acquisition
issues strategy ;
• Review the proposed Change Contract Order (CCO)
from the contract law aspect
• Review and provide legal advice regarding changes
to the contract between the owner and contractor.

7. From : January 1, 2013 - April 30, 2019

Company : State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah
Position : 1. Procurement Officer of Satker UIN Jakarta;
2. Government Tender Committee (Pokja Tender);
3. Head of Legal and Verification Committee.

Project : Porject from : APBN – SBSN - BLU

Uraian Tugas : Carry out the tender process and control the procurement
activities of goods/services within UIN Syrif Hidayatullah
Jakarta in accordance with applicable laws and
• Compile/review the Self-Estimated Price (HPS) for
procurement packages;
• Conducting the tender process includes:
 Announcing the work package to be tendered;
 Preparing tender documents: Selection Data Sheet,
Qualification Data Sheet, Instructions to Participants,
compiling specification data and materials, etc.
 Job Description/ aanwijzing;
 Administrative Evaluation, Technical Evaluation,
Price Evaluation and Proof of Qualification;
 Winner Determination, Winner Announcement;
 Preparation of Goods and Services Provider

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 Preparation of Contract Documents, General
Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of
Contract in accordance with Presidential Regulation
54/2010 and FIDIC (as needed).

• Monitoring the implementation of project activities:

 Review the proposed Change Contract Order
(CCO) from the contract law aspect;
 Review and provide legal advice regarding
amendment contract between the owner and
 Review and provide legal advice regarding Claim
by contractor
 Monitor job performance, conformity of materials
and specifications;
 Inspect and assess the results of work;
 Handover of work.

• Related duties as a Legal & Verificator, namely:

 Create standard regulations for procurement
 Create standard regulations for non-tender
procurement mechanisms.
 Preparation draft contracts according to Indonesian
government regulations.
 Providing legal responses and legal action solutions to
the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) and Budget
User Authority (KPA) in dealing with claims and
lawsuits from other parties in project implementation.
 Check the completeness of company qualification
documents, the validity of documents and the
suitability of business fields / business sub-fields with
work packages.
 Monitor the direct procurement process in accordance
with the provisions of government procurement
 Check the fairness of the price of job offers from
prospective companies providing goods/services;
 Review the HPS concept (related to price fairness) in
all procurements, both tender and direct procurement

8. From : January 1 - December 31, 2012

Company : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Position : 1. Monitoring & Evaluation Expert pada Development of
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Project Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University, JBIC Loan No. IP –

2. Staff of General Sub Section, TU Section dpk.

Secretariat of the Dean at the Faculty of Medicine and
Health Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Project : APBN & ADB Loan IP 530

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Job Description : Monitor project progress both in terms of physical progress
and financial progress as well as the work schedule of each
work contract package;
• Help observe the work program in the contract package
which is an implementation of the Scope of Work of
Project based on the JBIC LOAN;
• Prepare Monthly Progress Report, Quarterly Progress
Report, Action Plan, Annual Works Plan dan Annual
report, Action Program, Project Activity Report of
PHLN BAPENAS, dan Project Completion Report,
serta Financial Progress Report including Plan and
Progress of Annual Disbursement, Quarterly & Monthly
Disbursement Progress and Disbursement Schedule,
Summary of Contracted, Disbursement of Loan and
• Carry out secretarial activities of the dean, monitor the
flow of incoming and outgoing letters from and to the
Dean of FKIK;
• Assist in the preparation of draft cooperation contracts
between the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
and other agencies;
• Assist the process of implementing the procurement of
goods and services at the faculty level;
1. Assisting the Quality Assurance System Team of the
Medical Education Study Program in preparing data for
Accreditation of the Medical Education Study Program

9. From : 1 April 2007 s.d. 30 Agustus 2012

Company : YAMASHITA SEKKEI Inc. – JAPAN in Associate with

PT. Duta Hari Murthi Management Services

Position : Monitoring & Evaluation Expert

Project : Development of Faculty of Medicine and Health

Sciences Project UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, JBIC Loan
No. IP – 530

Job Description : As part of the Project Management Services (PMS)

consultant team on the Development project of the
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta with a program for the
construction of faculty buildings, Dormitory
Buildings, Health and Research Center Buildings,
Procurement of Laboratory Equipment, Office
Equipment and lectures, Lecturer and HR Quality
improvement programs through scholarships to Japan,
by conducting :

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• Assist in coordinating project data collection from the
preparation stage, the procurement process of
goods/services to the handover of work;
• Monitor project progress in terms of physical progress
and financial progress;
• Look at the work program in the contract package
which is an implementation of the Scope of Work of
Project based on JBIC LOAN;
• Monitor the work schedule of each contract package;
• Prepare Monthly Progress Report, Quarterly Progress
Report, Action Plan, Annual Works Plan, Action
Program, PHLN Project Activity Report;
• Prepare Annual Report dan Project Completion
Report; Prepare Financial Progress Report comprise
Annual Disbursement Progress and Annual
Disbursement Plan, Quarterly & Monthly
Disbursement Progress and Disbursement Schedule,
Summary of Contracted, Disbursement of Loan and
Balance, Project Cost Disbursement Progress.

10. From : September 1, 2006 - March 30, 2007

Company : PT. Duta Hari Murthi Management Services Consultant
Position : Legal Experts
Project : Sustainable Capacity Building for Decentralization ADB
Loan No.1946 – INO Project in Local Government of

Job Description : Consultant of the Implementation and Evaluation Team

in the field of Issuance of Job Description of the Work
Unit of Strutural and Functional Positions:

• Formulate the tasks of the Work Units of Structural

Positions and Functional Positions in accordance
with their authority and function, as well as the new
• Build new commitments and reinforce the
accountability of employees in the work units of
functional positions;
• Review the conformity of local regulations and other
implementing regulations;
• Reviewing the effectiveness of the legal apparatus at
the implementation stage;
• Work on the legal basis of Law No. 32 of 2003
concerning Regional Autonomy; Government
Regulation no.8 of 2003 concerning Guidelines for
Regional Equipment Organization; Decree of the
Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment No.63 of
2003 concerning General Guidelines for the

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Implementation of Public Services, Decree of the
Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment & Joint
Decree of the Minister concerned concerning
Functional Positions and Credit Scores for each type
of functional position, Presidential Instruction No.7
of 1999 concerning Accountability of Performance
of Government Agencies and Regional Regulations
and relevant Implementing Regulations;
• Drafting the Regent Regulation on the Job
Description of Structural Positions within the Local
Government of Bantul Regency.

11. From : January 1, 2004 – August 30, 2006

Company : PT.Duta Harimurthi Consultant

Position : Legal Assistant

Project : ---
Job Description :
• Monitoring projects managed by the company;
• Assist in monitoring contract progress & project
• Help prepare the Contract Amendment;
• Review of Contract Change Order;
• Help create physical and financial progress reports of
the project.

12. From : August 1, 1999 - March 30, 2003

Company : PT. Duta Hari Murthi Management Services Consultant

Position : Assistant Field Operation Management Consultant Area

Jawa Tengah & D.I. Yogyakarta

Project : Development Of Madrasah Aliyahs Project – ADB Loan

No. 1519-INO, Ministry of Religious Affairs

Job Description : Assist the Central DMAP Project Leader (Jakarta) to

monitor project activities in the Central Java and Yogyakarta
Provinces in terms of: :
• Help socialize the standard rules for project
implementation and explain the Vision, Mission, and
Program that will be carried out by the Project for the next
5 years.

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• Supervise & control all Project activities based on the
provisions of Presidential Decree No. 16 th. 1994, MOU,
Project Administration Memorandum, Project Table of
Contents (DIP), Project Operational Guidelines (PO),
Juklak and Juknis, so that targets can be achieved based
on quality, time, and cost;
• Preparing infrastructure facilities and technology in order
to develop educational information systems at the level of
madrasah Ibtida'iyah, Tsanawiyah and Aliyah with one
predetermined information system, namely the Education
of Management Information System.
• Assist in preparing the necessary documents from
organizing tenders, to determining winners and
monitoring the process of project activities from start to
finish by making quarterly reports;
• Assist in preparing the Project Activity Program Proposal
(List of Project Proposals / DUP) along with the required
cost budget to the preparation of Project Operational
Guidelines (PO) as a description of the process of
implementing the Project Table of Contents / DIP;
• Prepare a recapitulation of overall Project Activities in
terms of absorption of funds against the cost budget in the
• Help provide proposals and alternative solutions to the
obstacles faced in project implementation.

, Jakarta, January 1, 2024


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