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Systems of Non-linear Equations

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A system of nonlinear equations is a system of two or more equations in two or

more variables containing at least one equation that is not linear. Recall that a
linear equation can take the form Ax + By + C = 0. Any equation that cannot be
written in this form in nonlinear. The substitution method we used for linear systems
is the same method we will use for nonlinear systems. We solve one equation for
one variable and then substitute the result into the second equation to solve for
another variable, and so on. There is, however, a variation in the possible

A. Intersection of a Parabola and a Line

There are three possible types of solutions for a system of nonlinear equations
involving a parabola and a line.

1. No solution - The line will never intersect the parabola.

2. One solution - The line is tangent to the parabola and intersects the parabola
at exactly one point.

3. Two solutions - The line crosses on the inside of the parabola and intersects
the parabola at two points.

Solving a Nonlinear System by the Substitution Method
1. Solve the following nonlinear equations:

Step 1: Solve one of the equations for one variable in terms of the other. We
begin by isolating one of the variables raised to the first power in either of the
equations. By solving for y in the second equation, which has a coefficient of -1
we can avoid fractions.

Step 2: Substitute the expression from step 1 into the other equation. We
substitute 3x – 9 for in the first equation.

This gives us an equation in one variable, namely

T he variable y has been eliminated.

Step 3: Solve the resulting equation containing one variable.

Step 4: Back-substitute the obtained values into the equation from step 1. Now
that we have the of the solutions, we back-substitute 4 for x and 2 for x into the
equation y = 3x - 9.

Step 5 Check the proposed solutions in both of the system’s given equations. We
begin by checking (4, 3). Replace x with 4 and y with 3.

The ordered pair (4, 3) satisfies both equations. Thus, (4, 3) is a solution of the
system. Now let’s check (2, - 3). Replace x with 2 and y with - 3 in both given


2. Solve the system of equations.


Solve the first equation for x and then substitute the resulting expression into the
second equation.

Solve for x.

Substitute expression for x.

Expand the equation and set it equal to zero.

Solving for y gives y=2 and y=1. Next, substitute each value for y into the first
equation to solve for x. Always substitute the value into the linear equation to
check for extraneous solutions.

The solutions are (1 , 2) and (0 , 1), which can be verified by substituting

these (x , y) values into both of the original equations


3. Solve the system of nonlinear equations below.

This system has two equations of each kind: a linear and a non-linear. Start with
the first equation since it is linear. You can solve for x or y. For this one, let’s solve
for y in terms of x.

Substitute the value of y into the second equation, and then solve for x. In this
problem, move everything to one side of the equation while keeping the opposite
side equal to zero. After doing so, factor out the simple trinomial, and then set
each factor equal to zero to solve for x.

After solving the equation, we arrived at two values of x. Substitute these

numerical values to any of the two original equations. However, pick the “simpler”
equation to simplify the calculation. Obviously, the linear equation x + y = 1 is the
best choice!

 If x = −3, solve for y. If x=2x=2, solve for yy.

Answer: (– 3, 4) Answer: (2, –1)
Therefore, the solution set to the given system of nonlinear equations consists of
two points which are (– 3, 4) and (2, –1).
Graphically, we can think of the solution to the system as the points of
intersections between the linear function x + y = 1 and quadratic function y = x2
− 5.

Solve each System of Nonlinear Equations using Graphing.
Show your solution.

1) 2)


B. Intersection of a Circle and a Line
Just as with a parabola and a line, there are three possible outcomes when
solving a system of equations representing a circle and a line.
1. No solution - The line does not intersect the circle.

2. One solution - The line is tangent to the circle and intersects the circle at
exactly one point.
3. Two solutions - The line crosses the circle and intersects it


Solve by the substitution method:

Graphically, we are finding the intersection of a line and a circle with center
(2, -3) and radius 2.

Step 1: Solve one of the equations for one variable in terms of the other. We will
solve for x in the linear equation—that is, the first equation. (We could also solve
for y).

Step 2: Substitute the expression from step 1 into the other equation. We
substitute y + 3 for x in the second equation.

This gives an equation in one variable, namely

The variable x has been eliminated.

Step 3 Solve the resulting equation containing one variable.

Step 4 Back-substitute the obtained values into the equation from step 1. Now
that we have the y – coordinates of the solutions, we back – substitute -3 for y
and -1 for in the equation x = y + 3

Step 5 Check the proposed solutions in both of the system’s given equations.
Take a moment to show that each ordered pair satisfies both given equations,
x - y = 3 and (x - 2)2 + (y + 3)2 = 4. The solutions are (0, - 3) and (2, - 1), and the
solution set of the given system is (0, -3), (2, -1).

Solve each System of Nonlinear Equations using Graphing.
Show your solution.

1. 2.

3. 4.


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