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Educators were deployed in a way that achieves maximum productivity with minimum

wasted effort. This means that there were enough educators at the school, no educator
had to work longer hours than they should. The work that had to be done in school was
equally shared because they had enough educators. This means teaching loads were
balanced across the timetable. In a day for example a physical sciences teacher that
teaches grade 11 and 12 would have nine (9) periods to attend. Each period took 45
minutes. In grade 11 he had three (3) classrooms nd in grade 12 he had two (2)

The way how a school operates is also determined by the capacity of the school. By
capacity we refer to the maximum amount that the school building can accommodate
people. In the school that I did my practical the school is was big enough to
accommodate everyone, teachers, leaners and staff members. Teachers have their own
offices but not all of them. Some of the teachers work in the staff rooms. The school
have three (3) staff rooms two (2) for female teachers and one (1) for male teachers.
While learners have their own classrooms and they do not move from classroom to
classroom, but educators move according to the timetable.

The timetable had non-teaching time, that would be time for short break and a long
break. A short break took fifteen (15) minutes and long break took thirty (30) minutes.
The timetable consist of ten (10) periods per day and teachers would have free periods.
For example a physical sciences teacher would have 1-3 free periods per day including
the break time. The free periods for teachers are used for important things like marking,
preparing for the next class, and/or rest.

The principal was very strict when it comes to educators teaching what they are trained,
because I remember one of the students teachers, teaching a subject that he was not
trained for. He was very furious and called us for a meeting, he told us that we have to
have experience of what we are trained for and we should exactly that and no teacher
at his school would do as they please. So teachers taught in the area of their streams
only. Like my mentor teacher who specialized in Natural Sciences like me and he taught
Physical Sciences in grade 11 and 12.
The subjects in the timetable were balanced. A teachers timetable would normally have
three double periods per day. In a class timetable after a double period it would
normally be a single period or a break. So double periods did not follow each other

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