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22 0CTOBER 2021


218011745 T Matla
1.1 What could be made effective and why?
A student teacher should know the subject they are going to learners so a school
management should know such by making sure that a student teacher teaches the
lesson on learners in this way the teacher can assesses them if they are able to
make learners understand or not reason being that this will make future teachers to
be deliver quality education on learners and make them be cautious of the content
they teach to learners. Schools should be open to improving school policies due to
making sure that effective teaching and learning in the classroom and teachers
would get to exchange ideas of how to improve a learner’s behaviour in that way
student teachers will learn that there can still be a change in a school policy for the
benefit of learners. The government should implement a law that gives teachers a
probation of producing good results from teachers if the teacher fails to do so there
should be measures that are taken to replace that teacher in this way student
teachers will see how their mentor teachers are teaching and how they are
approaching their learners with their different levels of understanding. There should
be discussions that take place in the classroom because sometimes learners do
learn from each other because this will teach student teachers that even when you
are a learning mediator you do not always have to be the one speaking to learners
instead they can also learn from their peers rather than them seeing group
discussions as learners going to make noise. Student teachers on the teaching
practice should be taught that classroom management is the most important
because it is the foundation of teaching and learning because it cannot take place in
a chaotic environment because no interaction will take place between the teacher
and learners which will result into a teacher not being able to communicate with their
The learners should be rewarded of their good work in that way student teachers will
see how the rewards will improve a learner’s academic record because others will
also want to be known for doing well at school. Teachers should teach student
teachers the importance of having a relationship with the parents of your learners
because they will be able to also help you as a teacher to get to the bottom of why
some learners are struggling their academics since you will be communicating them
about their children and also be open to their suggestions. As a teacher your
learners should not be afraid of you because if they are they will agree to everything
you are teaching them even they do not understand which is what most student
teachers prefer from learners due to them thinking it is a respect but instead it
creates a barrier between your learners. Student teachers should learn to be
corrected by learners because it is not always the case where you will always have
the right information all the times since learners also have the minds of their own and
not be intimidated by being corrected by them. The student teachers should be
reminded that they are building the future of a nation instead of them taking
education as a job but they should do it with passion considering the good and the
bad that comes with it.
As a student teacher you should not expect yourself to be perfect because the
purpose of the teaching practice is to perfect everything and improve things that you
already excel at. Understand that it is going to take team work for you to be the
teacher that the society and the government expects you to be and be open to be
learning new experiences.
 Palmer E 2007 Germany – Children’s Rights: International and National Laws
and Practice 6 January 2015
 United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organisation 2000 World
Declaration on Education on education for all: Meeting Basic Learning needs accessed 30 October 2014

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