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L&NO: 6 Classification Of Animals

1. Write the characteristics of following phylums.

a) Phylum –‘Porifera’
i. These animals are with simplest body and are called as sponges.
ii. They have numerous pores on their body called ostia nad oscula.
iii. These are aqutic animals. Most of them are marine and few are found in fresh
iv. They are always attached to substratum and do not locomotion. Hence they are
called as sedentary animals.
v. Their spongy body is supported by spicules or sponging fibers.
vi. Spicules are made up of calcium carbonate. They feed upon small organisms taken
in their body along with water. Water is taken in through the ostis and given out
through oscula.
vii. They reproduce by budding. They have good ability
Ex: sycon, euspongia ( bath sponge ), hyalonema, euplectella

b) Phylum coelenderata/cnideria
i) Body of these animals is cylindrical or umbrella like cylinderial body is called
poly & umbrella like body is called inedusa.
ii) Most of these animals are marine & few are fresh water dwellers.
iii) Body of these animals is radially symmetrical and diploblastic.
iv) They have cnidoblast bearing tentades around the mouth. Tentacles are useful
for capturing the prey & cnidoblasts inject the toxin in the body of prey. Those
are also useful for protection.
Ex.hydra, adamsia (sea anemone) physalia Aurelia (jelly fish) corals

c) Phylum platyhelninthes
i) Body of these animals is sender and flat like a leaf strip they are endoparasites
and few are free living and aqutic
ii) Body is acodomate and bilaterally symmetrical.
iii) These are tripoblastic (their body is made up of three gum layer endoderm,
mizoderm & ectoderm)
iv) These are hemaphrodile (male & reproductive system are present in the same
animal body)
Ex. Planeria, liverfluke, tapeworm etc.
d) Phylum aschelminthes
i) Body of these animals is long thred like or cylindrical hence they are called
round worms.
ii) They are either free living or endoparasites. Free living are aquatic or terrestrial
body of these animals is triploblastic and pseudocoelomatie.
iii) Their body is non-segmented and covered with though cutical.
iv) These animals are unisexual.
Ex. Ascaris, filarial warm, loa log , (eye worm)

e) Phylum-annelida
i) Body of these animals is long, cylinderial and metamerically segmented.
ii) Most of them are free living but few of them are ectoparasites.
iii) These animals are triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical and eucoelomate.
iv) They have setcae or parapodia or suckers for locomotion.
v) Their body is coveed with special cuticle.
vi) These are either hermaphrodite or unisexual.
Ex. Earthworm, leach, neris etc.

f) Phylum- arthropoda
i) These animals have jointed appendages . hence they are called arthodopods.
ii) Planet earth has highest number of animals from this phylum hence it is the
largest phylum with gighly successful animals in kingdom.
iii) These animals are found in all types of habitats from deepest oceans to highest
iv) Body of these animals is triploblastic, eucodemate, bilaterally symmetrical &
v) Chitinous exoskeleton is present around their body.
Ex. Erap, spider, triliped, centipede, cockroach, butterfly, honeybee,
grasshopper, mosquito, housefly, bugs etc.

g) Phylum-mollusca
i. Their body is soft & slimy hence they are called as mollusca.
ii. These animals are aquatic or terristial. Mast of aquatic mollusca are marine but
few live in fresh waters.
iii. body of these animals is triploblastic, eucoalomate, non-segmented & soft
exept animals like shail their body shows bilateral symmetry
iv. Their body is divided into three divisions like hed, foot and bisceral mass.
v. Visceral mass is covered with mantle.
vi. This mantle secreats a hard calcrious shell. This shell may be external or
internal or even absent in some cases.
vii. These animals are unisexual.
Ex.bivalve loysterl, snail, octopus etc.

h) phylum- echinodermata
i. their body is coreed with calcareous spines. Hence they are called echinoderms.
ii. They are found only in oceans.
iii. Their body is triploblastic, eucoelomate and radially symmetrical in adult stage.
But they show bilateral symmetry in larval stage.
iv. They perform locomotion with the help of tube-feet.are alsouseful for eaturing the
prey. Some are sedentary.
v. They have skeleton made up of calcareous spines or ossicles ( plants ).
vi. These animals hear good ability of regeneration. These are mostly unisexual.
Ex : star fish, sea urchin, brittle star, sea cucumber ect..
i) Phylum- hemichordata
1. Body of these animals is divided into three parts proboscis, collar and trunk.
2. Notochord is present in the proboscis region only hence. They are called as
3. These animals are also called as ‘ Acorncoworms’
4. These are marine animals live in burrows in sand.
5. They have one or many pharyngeal gill slits. they are unisexual or some
may be hermaphrodite.
Ex : balanonlossus, saccogwssus

j) Phylum(sub)- Urochordata
i. These are marine animals.
ii. Body is covered by skin like freely test or tunic.
iii. Larvae of these animals are freely swimming and notochord is present in only tail
region of larvae. Hence they are called as ‘Eurochordata’
iv. Larvae metamorphose into adults after setting down at bottom od the sea.
v. Generally these animals are ‘hermaphrodite’
Ex : Herdmania, Doliolum and oilapleura.
k) Sub-phylum- cephalochordate
i. These are small fish marine animals.
ii. Notochord is present throughout the body lane.
iii. Pharynx in very large and contains gills slits.
iv. These are unisexual animals-
Ex : Amphioxus.

l) Sub-phylum- Vertebrata/craniata
i) In this animals notochord is replaced by vertebrata column.
ii) In these animals head is well developed.
iii) Brain is protected by cranium.
iv) Endoskeleton is either cartilaginous or body.
v) Some chordates are jawless (Agnatha ). Some are with jwas ( gnathostomata ).
vi) Subphylum vertebeata is divided into six classes as follows.
1. Class- Cyclostomata
2. Class- Pisces
3. Class- Amphibia
4. Class- reptilian
5. Class- Aves
6. Class- mammalian

1. Class- Cyclostomata
i. These animals hear jaw-less mouth provided with sucker.
ii. Their skin is soft & without absent.
iii. Paired appandages are absent.
iv. Endoskeleton is cartilaginous.
v. Most of the animals are ectoparasites.
Ex : petromyzon, myxine, etc..

2. Class- pisces
i. These are cold blooded ( poikilotherms ) aquatic animals living in marine &
fresh water.
ii. Body is spindle shape to minimize water resistance.
iii. They have paired & un-paired fins for swimming tail fin is used for steering.
iv. Exoskeleton is in the form of scales.
v. Endoskeleton is cartilaginous or body.
vi. Respiration occurs with gills.
Ex : rohu, pomfret, sea horse, shark, electric ray, sting ray, etc..

3. Class- Amphibia
i. These animals are aquatic during larval life & perform only aquatic respiration.
ii. They can live in water as well as on land adult life and can perform aquatic aas
well as aerial respiration.
iii. They have pairs of appendages. Digits are without claws.
iv. Exoskeleton is absent. Skin is without any derivative and usually kept moist for
v. External ear is absent but tympanum is present .
vi. Neck is absent. Eyes are prominent with eye lids.
Ex : frog, toad, salamander, etc..

4. Class- Reptilia
i. These are the first true terrestrial animals with creeping movement. These are cold-
blooded animals.
ii. They creep on the land as their body cannot be lifted up.
iii. Their skin is dry & scaly.
iv. Neck is present between head & trunk.
v. External ear is absent.
vi. Digits are provided with claws.
Ex : tortoise, lizard, snake, etc..

5. Class- Aves
i. These vertebrates are adapted for aerial life.
ii. These are warm blooded ( homeotherms )
iii. Their body is spindle shaped to minimize air resistance during flight.
iv. Forelimbs are modified into wings digit are covered with scales and bear claws.
v. Exoskeleton is present in the form of feathers.
vi. Neck is present between head and trunk.
vii. Jaws are modified into beak.
Ex peacock, parrot, pigeon, duck, penguin, etc

6. Class- mammalian
i. Presence of mammary glands is typical character of mammalian.
ii. These animals are warm blooded.
iii. Body is divided into head, neck, trunk & tail.
iv. Digits are provided with nails, claws, or hooves.
v. Exoskeleton is in the from of hair or fur.
Ex : elephant, human, kangaroo, dolphin, bat, etc..
2. Distinguish between chordates & non- chordates.
No chordates No Non- chordates
1 Body is supportedby 1 Body is not supported.
2 Pharyangial gill slits or lungs 2 Phrangial gills are absent.
are present for respiration.
3 Nerve chord is present on 3 Nerve chord if present is on the ventral
dorsal side of the body & it is side it is solid & paired.
4 Heart is present on ventral 4 Heart if present is on dorsal side.
side of the body.

3. What are benefits of animals classification.

i. Study of animals becomes convenient.
ii. Study of few animals from a group help to understand about that either animals
iii. It gives idea about animal evolution.
iv. Animals can be easily indentified with great accurancy.
v. It helps to understand the relationship of animals with other inving organisms.
vi. It helps to understand the habitat of each animal and its exct role in the nature.
vii. It helps to understand various adaptations shown by

4. Write in brief about progressive changes in animal classification.

i. different scientist have tried to classify the animals greek philosopher avistolle
was the first to perform animal classification. He classified animals according
to the criteria like body size, habits & habitats.classification proposed by
aristolle is know artificial method.
ii. besides aristolle artificial method of classification was followed by
Theophrastus plany, john ray, Linnaeus etc.
iii. later on natural system of classification was followed it was based on various
criteria like body organization types of cells, chromosomes, biochemical
properties etc.
iv. by the time system of classification based on evolution was also brought into
practice. It was used by dobzhansky and meyer.
v. Recently car whose has also proposed the animal classification.

5. Give scientific classification of shark upto class.

i) Kingdom animalia- subkingdom chordates
ii) Phylum- chordate
iii) Sub phylum vertebrata
iv) Class pisces
v) Ex shark

6. Hydra
Kingdom animalia

Sub kingdom non – chordates

phylum cnideria

Ex. Hydra

7) jelly fish
Kingdom anamalia
Phylumsub kingdom non-chordata

Phylum echinodermata

Ex jelly fish

8) planeria

Kingdom anamalia

Sub kingdom non – chordate

Phylum platyhelmithes
Ex planeria

9) roundworm
Kingdom anamelia

Sub kingdom non – choradata

Phylum ashecalmenthis

Ex roundworm

10) distinguish between butterfly and bat with the help of four distinguishing

No Butterfly No Bat
1 Butterfly belongs to the 1 Bats belongs to the phylum
phylum arthopoda vertechrata & class
2 Butterfly has jointed 2 They have only one pair of leg
appendages they have 3 pairs & one pair of pantagium
of legs & 2 pairs of wings.
3 In butterfly chitinus 3 In bats exoskeleton is in the
exoskeleton is present around form of hairs.
their body.
4 Butterfly is oviparous 4 Bat is viviparus

11) to wich phylum does cockroach belong? Justify your answer with scientific
i) Cockroach belongs to the phylum arthopoda and the class insect.
 Scientific reasons:
i) The body is covered by citnious exoskeletion.
ii) It has jointed appandages ie three pairs of legs & two pairs of wings.
iii) Body of cockroach is triploblastic, eucoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical and
12) give reasons
1] Though tortoise lives on hand as well as in water it cannot be included in class
Ans: when tortoise lives land pt respires with the help of lungs. But when tortoise is in
water it also breaths in air. It cannot breath in water as it cannot take up oxygen
dissolved in water. Thus on land & in water it respires with the help of lungs.
Amphabions can breadth in water with the help of skin & on land with the help of
lungs. Amphabians do not have exoskeleton but tortoise has exoskeleton. Therefore.
2] Our body irritates if it comes in contact with jelly fish.
i) jelly fish has cnidoblast beaning tentacles around the mouth as it belongs to
ii) tentacles are useful for capturing the prey & cnidoblast injects the toxins in the
body of prey.
iii) When jelly fish comes in the contact with our body, this toxin is released in the
skin which causes reaction.
3] All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
i) All chordates posses notochord is some period of their development.
ii) All vertebrates also have notochord during embryonic stage which is later
replaced by vertebral column therefore all vertebrates are chordates but some
chordates like urochordata & sephallochordata do not posses vertebral column
hence they are not vertebrates.
4] Balanoglossous is connecting link between non chordates and chordates.
i) balanoglosous shows some characters of non chordate
ii) It also has notochord like chordates. As balance glosous shows some characters
of non – choradates & some of choradates it is called as connecting link
between them.
5] Body temperature of reptiles is not constant
i) Reptiles are cold blooded animals. There is no thermoregulatery system in their
ii) Their body tempreratue various according to the environmental temperature.
11) What is the exact difference between grades of
organization & summer explain with examples.
Ans: 1. Grads of organization
i) The grades of organization means the way an organism has different body
formation. In case of multicellular animals many cells are performing
different functions in their body while in unicellular animals like amoeba the
body is made up of single cell which perform all the function. Hence body
organization of unicellular animals is called protoplasmic grade

ii) In case of multicellular animals tissues are not formed their body
organization is called as cellular grade organization.

Ex. Phylum porifera.

iii) Some animals have tissues to perform the different functions they show cell-
tissue grade organization.
Ex. Phylum cnideria.
iv) Flatworms tissue – organ grade organization in these animals tissues are
organized to form some organs all other higher, animals have organ system
grade orgnazation.
Ex. Crab, human, frogs etc.

1. Body symmetry:
I] Symmetry shows the base of body formation. Symmetry can be understood by
taking an imagines cut through the specific plane of the animal bodies so as to get
two equal halves.
II] Depending upon this property there three types of animal bodies.
a) Asymmetrical body:
In case of such body there is no any such imaginary axis of the body through
which we can get two equal halves.
Ex. Amoeba, paramecium.
b) Radial symmetry.
In case of these animals the imaginary cut passes through central axis but plane of
the body it gives two equal halves.
Ex. Starfish.
c) Bilateral symmetry.
In this type of body there is only one imaginary axis of the body through which we
can get two equal halves.
Ex. Goat, human , insects, fishes etc.
12) Write the classification of :

1] Butterfly
Kingdom animalia
Division non – chordate
Phylum arthopoda
Class insect

2] Earthworm
Kingdom anaimali
Division non- chordate
Phylum annalida
Ex. Earthworm

3] Octopus
Kingdom anamedia
Division non – chordate
Phylum mollusca
Ex. octopus
4] Starfish
Kingdom animatia
Division non – chordate
Phylum echinodermita
Ex. Starfish
5] Frog
Kingdom animali
Division chordate
Phylum vertebrata
Class amphabia
Ex. Frog

6] Wall lizard
Kingdom animalia
Division chordate
Phylum vertebrata
Class Raptilia
Ex. Wall lizard
7] Pigeon
Kingdom animalia
Division chordate
Phylum vertebrata
Class aves
Ex. Pigeon.
8] Human
Kingdom animalia
Division chordate
Phylum vertebrata
Class mannalia
Ex. Human (but, kangaroo, dear dolphin etc.)

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