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A Passive-Blind Forgery Detection Scheme Based on Content-Adaptive

Quantization Table Estimation

Article in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology · May 2011
DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2011.2125370 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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3 authors, including:

Guo-Shiang Lin Min-Kuan Chang

National Chin-Yi University of Technology National Chung Hsing University


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A Passive-Blind Forgery Detection Scheme Based on Content-Adaptive
Quantization Table Estimation
Guo-Shiang Lin1, Min-Kuan Chang2, You-lin Chen2
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-4-8511888 ext. 2405
Fax: 886-4-5811350
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-4-22851549-707
Fax: 886-4-22851410 ,


In this paper, we propose a passive-blind scheme for detecting forged images. The scheme leverages

quantization table estimation to measure the inconsistency among images. To improve the accuracy of the

estimation process, each AC DCT coefficient is first classified into a specific type, and then the corresponding

quantization step size is measured adaptively from its power spectrum density (PSD) and the PSD’s Fourier

transform. The proposed content-adaptive quantization table estimation scheme is comprised of three phases:

pre-screening, candidate region selection, and tampered region identification. In the pre-screening phase, we

determine whether an input image has been JPEG compressed, and count the number of quantization steps

whose size is equal to 1. To select candidate regions for estimating the quantization table, we devise an

algorithm for candidate region selection based on seed region generation and region growing. Seed region

generation is first used to find a suitable region by removing suspect regions, after which the selected seed

region is merged with other suitable regions to form a candidate region. To avoid merging suspect regions, a

candidate region refinement operation is performed in the region growing step. After estimating the quantization

table from the candidate region, an MLR classifier exploits the inconsistency of the quantization table to identify

tampered regions block by block. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can estimate

quantization tables and identify tampered regions effectively.

Index Terms— forgery detection, quantization table estimation, image forensics, Copy-paste tampering


In the last decade, the volume of digital image/video content has increased dramatically due to the availability

of low-cost multimedia devices. At the same time, it has become easier to copy, duplicate, and manipulate such

content without degrading the quality because of the development of increasingly sophisticated digital

processing tools. In addition, computer graphics can now generate images with a photo-realistic quality level, so

it is expected that confidence in the reliability and veracity of digital images/videos will decline. The potential

negative impact on some applications (e.g., criminal investigations) is obvious. Therefore, image/video forensics

is becoming increasingly important. Image/video forensics involves two important issues: source identification

and forgery detection. The former identifies the source digital devices (cameras, mobile phones, etc), while the

latter tries to determine whether a digital image/video has undergone any form of manipulation or processing

after capture. In this paper, we focus on the second issue and propose a scheme for detecting forged images.

One of the most important applications of digital watermarking [1],[2] is the authentication of the content of

digital images. Digital watermarking can be thought of an active (or intrusive [3]) approach because a specific

signal (i.e., a watermark) called an extrinsic fingerprint [17] must be hidden in an image/video. For example, the

uncompressed-domain scheme proposed in [1] hides a robust watermark and a fragile watermark simultaneously

in the same wavelet domain. The two watermarks are embedded by using positive and negative modulations,

respectively, and tampering can be detected by checking the relation between the watermarks. In contrast, the

compressed-domain scheme in [2] provides dual protection of JPEG images based on informed embedding and a

two-stage watermark extraction technique. The embedded watermark, which does not affect the visual quality of

the image, can be used to verify the image’s content. If digital watermarking equipment is not available, non-

watermarking (non-intrusive [3]) techniques that leverage the inherent properties or traces (i.e., the intrinsic

fingerprint [17]) of an image/video can be used to passively explore the content to identify the source and verify

the content’s integrity. However, the restricted portability and accessibility of original images generally make

blind forgery detection more attractive and feasible in many practical applications. These reasons motivate us to

develop a passive-blind scheme for verifying image content and localizing tampered regions without prior

information about the original image.

Tampering with, or forging, an image involves making subtle changes to the image’s gray levels. Generally,

such changes are imperceptible to the human eye, but some tiny variations can be detected by computer

processing techniques. Forgery detection schemes assume that tiny changes caused by tampering may modify

the underlying statistics of an image. To explore the changes and find useful clues for forgery detection, it is

necessary to analyze each process and possible type of noise (e.g., de-mosaicing, gamma correction, lighting,

and sensor noise) in the digital devices used to capture images. As mentioned in [6][12], there are several kinds

of passive schemes based on some characteristics of digital signal processing and capture devices, such as color

filter array [13][14], sensor pattern noise [4][15][16], camera response function [12], JPEG quantization and

blocking artifact [3][5][9][18][20], and quality modification [19]. For instance, Hsu et al. [12] proposed a sliced

image detection method that checks the consistency of a camera’s characteristics in different regions. In each

segment, an area’s intensity features and a cross fitting error that measures the consistency of the camera’s

responses are combined with a classifier to detect splicing. The phenomenon of a regular symmetrical shape in

the blocking artifacts of a JPEG image’s matrix is analyzed in [5], and a method for detecting cropped and

recompressed blocks is proposed. Avcibas et al. [19] suggested that any image will undergo quality degradation

after smoothing or low-pass filtering. The amount of degradation (reacting on image quality) depends on the

type of test image, especially in categories of with or without image manipulations. That is, by observing

differences a test image and its smoothed version, it is possible to identify images that have been manipulated.

The authors utilized a linear regression classifier with several statistical features of quality measuring operators

to detect manipulated images.

Since most digital images are stored and transmitted in JPEG format, it is possible that the content of tampered

regions is taken from other JPEG images. Most forgery detection methods only operate in the spatial domain, so

they may be vulnerable to JPEG compression. To reduce the impact of JPEG compression on forgery detection,

the properties resulting from JPEG compression should be suitable and useful. Images that have been tampered

with (called tampered images hereafter) can be classified into the following four types, based on whether JPEG

compression is applied on the input and output images: raw/raw, raw/JPEG, JPEG/raw, and JPEG/JPEG. It is

highly likely that faked images belonging to the third and fourth categories occur because most low-cost

multimedia devices use JPEG compression for storage. To detect these two types, the information in the

quantization table of an image can be utilized. In [18], a blocking artifact measure is computed and used to detect

forged images. However, it is not clear how suspect regions can be selected and how the quantization matrix can

be estimated based on the un-tampered regions. This motivates us to develop an image forgery detection scheme

based on the information in the quantization table. In this paper, we focus on the third type of forgery, JPEG/raw.

The study of the last type of forgery, JPEG/JPEG, is beyond the scope of this paper.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we describe the system; and in Section III,

we explain the proposed passive-blind forgery detection scheme. In Section IV, we detail the experiment results

of forgery detection. Then, in Section V, we present our conclusions.


Quantization is a key process that controls the image quality and bit rate in the JPEG compression standard.

After JPEG compression, some phenomena caused by quantization occur in the resulting image. The most

important phenomenon is that DCT coefficients at the same frequency become multiples of the corresponding

quantization step size after inverse quantization (IQ). This implies that there are several peaks in the multiples of

the corresponding quantization step size in the histogram of each DCT frequency. Therefore, the phenomenon

can be utilized to estimate the quantization step size; however, it may not be obvious if an image contains

suspect regions whose information is in different quantization tables. It is assumed that the information about

tampered areas and genuine areas will be in different tables. To determine whether an area has been tampered

with, the quantization table can be checked for inconsistency by the quantization table estimation algorithm, the

core component of the proposed forgery detection scheme.

Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the proposed forgery detection scheme, which is based on quantization

table estimation. To deal with the third type of forgery (i.e., JPEG/raw), the scheme is implemented in three

phases: pre-screening, candidate region selection, and tampered region identification. First, since many images

are not JPEG compressed, to improve the efficiency of our scheme, we apply a pre-screening test to determine

whether or not a test image has been JPEG compressed. Note that the test image for the third type of forgery,

JPEG/raw, is derived from raw data. In the blind forgery detection process, the information about the

quantization table used in an image is unavailable, so it must be estimated directly from the image. Second, to

reduce the impact of tampered regions on quantization estimation, we select suitable regions as candidates for

quantization table estimation. It is assumed that the larger the number of genuine regions selected, the better the

accuracy of quantization table estimation will be. Finally, since the information about tampered areas is

unknown, a blind classifier [23] must be used in real applications. Similar to the concept proposed in [12], we

develop a blind classifier based on the inconsistency of the quantization table to identify tampered regions.

Fig. 1. A block diagram of the proposed forgery detection scheme.

Next, we define some notations used in the remainder of the paper.

(a) A sub-image U n is an area comprised of a number of blocks (8×8 pixels), where n is the sub-image index.

The size of a sub-image is determined by the smallest number of blocks required for quantization table

estimation. (We discuss this aspect later in the paper.) Then, an image U contains several non-overlapping

sub-images, i.e.,

U = UU n , (1)

where ∪ denotes the union operator. Figure 2 illustrates the relations between blocks and sub-images in an


{ }
(b) X q = x(qi , j ) (k , l ) 0 ≤ k , l ≤ 7,0 ≤ i ≤ ⎣N H / 8⎦,0 ≤ j ≤ ⎣NW / 8⎦ is the quantized DCT representation after

quantization (based on 8 × 8 blocks), where (i,j) is the block index, ⎣⋅⎦ denotes the floor function, and

N H × NW are the image’s dimensions. Basically, the quantization process can be expressed as follows:

⎡ x(i , j ) (k , l ) ⎤
Q ( X ) = X q and x(qi , j ) (k , l ) = ⎢ ⎥, (2)
⎢⎣ q(k , l ) ⎥⎦

where x(i , j ) (k , l ) represents the DCT coefficient, q(k , l ) denotes the quantization step size at the (k,l)

position of a quantization table Q, [ ⋅ ] is the rounding operator, and Q (⋅) is a quantizer. In JPEG

{ }
compression, the quantization table Q = q( k , l ) 0 ≤ k , l ≤ 7 is the same for all 8×8 blocks.

{ }
(c) X r = x(ri , j ) (k , l ) 0 ≤ k , l ≤ 7,0 ≤ i ≤ ⎣N H / 8⎦,0 ≤ j ≤ ⎣NW / 8⎦ is the reconstructed DCT version after IQ.

The IQ process can be formulated as follows:

( )
Q -1 X q = X r and x(ri , j ) (k , l ) = x(qi , j ) (k , l ) ⋅ q(k , l ) , (3)

where Q -1 (⋅) denotes IQ.

(d) S (k ,l ) denotes an integer sample sequence containing all the (k,l)-th AC coefficients in each 8×8 DCT


(e) h(k ,l ) indicates the histogram of the (k,l)-th AC coefficient and can be expressed as

h(k ,l ) = ⎧⎨h(k ,l ) (t ) h(k ,l ) (t ) = ∑ δ (S (k ,l )-t ), min{S (k ,l ) } ≤ t ≤ max{S (k ,l ) }⎫⎬ , where δ (⋅) denotes the impulse
⎩ ⎭

function ( δ ( x ) = 1 for x = 0 and δ ( x ) = 0 for x ≠ 0 ). The Fourier transform H ( k ,l ) of the histogram

h(k ,l ) is expressed as

H (k ,l ) = F (h(k ,l ) ) , 0 ≤ k , l ≤ 7 , (4)

where F (⋅) denotes the Fourier transform.

(f) Ψ(k ,l ) is the power spectrum density (PSD) of the (k,l)-th AC coefficient and can be obtained by

Ψ(k ,l ) = Re 2 (H (k ,l ) ) + Im 2 (H (k ,l ) ) , 0 ≤ k , l ≤ 7 , (5)

where Re(⋅) and Im(⋅) denote the real and imaginary parts of a complex number respectively.

(g) Φ (k ,l ) is the version of Ψ(k ,l ) after Fourier transformation, i.e., Φ (k ,l ) = F Ψ(k ,l ) . ( )

Fig. 2. The relations between blocks and sub-images in an image.


We now introduce the proposed algorithm for quantization table estimation.

A. Content-adaptive quantization table estimation

In [18], the authors analyze the relationship between the power spectrum density (PSD) and the used

quantization step size for each AC frequency component. We observe that the number of peaks of PSD is equal

to the quantization step size subtracting 1 for each AC frequency component. To detect the number of PSD

peaks accurately, the smoothed version of the second derivative of the PSD is obtained and the number of its

local minimums is counted to estimate the quantization step size. However, since different quantization step

sizes generate different PSDs, it is difficult to estimate each quantization step size by a simple method. To

resolve the problem, we classify PSDs into different types based on the image content and then adjust the

estimation algorithm to improve the performance of quantization table estimation. Therefore, our algorithm is a

content-adaptive quantization table estimation approach.

A.1 Classification of PSD

The proposed algorithm deals with the quantization step size of each AC coefficient one by one. Two features

of the algorithm classify the PSDs of the AC coefficients into four categories. The first feature, f1 , is the number

of local maximums N max for each PSD., where the value of N max is related to the quantization step size. If f1 is

zero, the quantization step size used in the coefficient may be large or equal to1. The second feature, f2 , defines

the shape factor of PSD, and is used to evaluate whether or not the quantization step size is large, as shown in

Figure 3. The bigger the quantization step size, the larger the shape factor will be. To measure a PSD’s shape

factor, a bin index with a smaller value can be measured by finding the intersection of the PSD and a horizon.

The initial value of the horizon is set empirically at 0.1, and is increased progressively if no other intersection

exists. Therefore, based on the two features and two pre-defined thresholds, T1 and T2 , four types of PSD can be

determined, as shown in Table I. Figure 4 illustrates the four types of PSDs.


Fig. 3. The shape factor of a PSD.

Table I. Four types of PSD

Type I Type II Type III Type IV

f1 T1 > T1 > T1 T1

f2 < T2 < T2 > T2 >T2

Types I and IV indicate that small and large quantization step sizes are adopted respectively. Type IV also

occurs when an image contains a large smooth area. As shown in Figs. 4(a) and 4(d), the local maximums

usually disappear. For Type I, the estimated quantization step size is set at 1, which means there is no

quantization. Meanwhile, for Type IV, the information about the AC coefficient is insufficient, so the

quantization table estimation process stops and the symbol “un-estimated” is assigned to the PSD.

For Types II and III, we can estimate the quantization step size based on the PSD. However, as shown in Figs.

4(b) and 4(c), it may not be easy to find the correct positions of local maximums in the PSD due to noise. The

quantization step size can also be estimated by using the Fourier transform of the PSD, since there exists

periodicity in the locations of the PSD’s local maximums information extracted from the PSD and its Fourier

transform should improve quantization step size estimation. Thus, based on the PSD and its Fourier transform,

we use different algorithms to estimate each quantization step size for Types II and III. The basic unit in

quantization table estimation is a sub-image.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4. Examples of the PSDs of Lena: (a) Type I, AC(0,1), step size=1; (b) Type II, AC(0,2), step size=4; (c)
Type III, AC(4,5), step size=40; and (d) Type IV, AC(6,5), step size=75.

A.2 Quantization step size estimation for Type II

The steps of the estimation algorithm for Type II are as follows:

E-II-1. Find the bin index P(kΨ,l ) of the first local maximum of Ψ(k ,l ) . Then, the possible quantization step

size q Ψ (k , l ) for the (k,l)-th AC coefficient can be calculated by

⎡ max{⎡max(S (k ,l ) ) − min (S (k ,l ) )⎤,512}⎤

q Ψ (k , l ) = ⎢ ⎥ , (6)
⎢⎣ P(kΨ,l ) ⎥⎦

where ⎡⋅⎤ , max{}, and min{} denote the ceiling, maximum, and minimum operators respectively.
E-II-2. Obtain Φ (k ,l ) and find the index of its first local maximum as the quantization step size q Φ (k , l ) for

the (k,l)-th AC coefficient.

E-II-3. Stop the algorithm if q Ψ (k , l ) is equal to q Φ (k , l ) ; otherwise, continue to check the values

q Ψ (k , l ) and q Φ (k , l ) .

E-II-4. Find all local maximums within a search range [0 q t (k , l )] and identify candidates whose values

should be larger than an adaptive threshold TΦ , where

( )
q t (k , l ) = max q Ψ (k , l ), q Φ (k , l ) , (7)

( ( ) ( ))
TΦ = 0.9 ⋅ max Φ ( k ,l ) q Ψ (k , l ) , Φ ( k ,l ) q Φ (k , l ) . (8)

E-II-5. Select the candidate with the minimum index as the possible step size q (k , l ) .

E-II-6. Test whether there are peaks at the multiples of q (k , l ) . If multiples exist, q (k , l ) is the final

( ) ( )
estimated stepsize q * (k , l ) ; otherwise, compare the values of Φ ( k ,l ) q Ψ (k , l ) and Φ ( k ,l ) q Φ (k , l ) .

The index with the larger value is the final estimated step size q * (k , l ) .

A.3 Quantization step size estimation for Type III

Since the rounding errors caused by the image format converter make peaks less sharp, especially in the high

frequency bands, it may not be easy to determine the quantization step size used in Φ ( k ,l ) for Type III. It is

highly likely that the correct quantization step size is around the first local maximum of Φ ( k ,l ) . To find the

correct quantization step size from a range centered at the local maximum of Φ ( k ,l ) , each turning point (its

Φ (k ,l ) and the second derivative of Φ (k ,l ) are not zeros) is found as Ω Φ . Figure 5 illustrates the Fourier

transform of a PSD with rounding errors; the points marked with red circles are the turning points.

The steps of the estimation algorithm for Type III are as follows:

E-III-1. Find Ω Φ of q Φ (k , l ) in Φ (k ,l ) .

E-III-2. Set q Φ (k , l ) as q * (k , l ) if the size of Ω Φ is 1 and stop the estimation procedure; otherwise,

perform a local search.

E-III-3. Perform a local search:

(1) If q Ψ (k , l ) is within Ω Φ , q * (k , l ) of the (k,l)-th AC coefficient is set as

q * (k , l ) = arg min q Ψ (k , l ) − m , m ∈ Ω Φ .
} (9)

(2) If q Ψ (k , l ) is outside of Ω Φ , q Φ (k , l ) is set as q * (k , l ) .

Fig. 5. The Fourier transform of a PSD with rounding errors.

A.4 Analysis of the number of blocks required for quantization table estimation

In addition to estimating each quantization step size, we need to analyze how many blocks are necessary for

quantization table estimation. In fact, the problem can be considered as finding the minimal number of blocks for

quantization table estimation under an acceptable error. To solve the problem, we define the MAE (mean

absolute error) EQMAE as follows:

∑ q(k , l ) − q (k , l )

EQMAE Q, Q * = ) ( )
k ,l ∈Ω c

, (10)

where Ω c represents the AC coefficients that can be estimated, and Ω c denotes the number of AC frequencies

in Ω c . According to Eq. (10), the minimal number of blocks should be decided when the number of estimated

AC coefficients is large and the number of errors is small. We perform simulations on 12 images. Figure 6

illustrates the relation between the average MAE (Eq. (10)) and the number of blocks used for quantization table

estimation. As shown in the figure, the average of MAE approaches a constant when the size of a sub-image is

larger than 256. Therefore, under the proposed scheme, the size of a sub-image is set as at least 256 blocks for

quantization table estimation.

Fig. 6. Average MAEs using different numbers of blocks.

B. Pre-screening

As mentioned in Section II, the pre-screening phase, which filters images that have not been JPEG

compressed, is used to improve the efficiency of the proposed forgery detection scheme. Forgers usually try to

alter regions that contain important information, e.g., faces, marks, and numbers, while keeping the original

scene. In other words, the size of a tampered region is often relatively small compared to that of the whole image,

so that the JPEG compression feature can still be detected. Therefore, in the pre-screening phase, we look for the

JPEG compression feature to determine whether an input image has been JPEG compressed.

Recall that q (k , l ) = 1 in a quantization table indicates the (k,l)-th AC coefficients have not been quantized

(Section IIIA). It is assumed that the number of q (k , l ) = 1 will be large if an image without the JPEG

compression feature is tested. This motivates us to use the number of q (k , l ) = 1 to determine whether the JPEG

compression feature exists in an image. Specifically, after quantization table estimation, we develop a classifier

based on the number of q (k , l ) = 1 and apply the following decision rule: if the number of q (k , l ) = 1 is less than

a threshold TP , the image has been JPEG compressed; otherwise, it has not been JPEG compressed. To find a

suitable value for TP , we analyze the number of q (k , l ) = 1 . We select 1414 raw images and then JPEG

compress them with random QFs (quality factors) between 60 and 95. For these images, we count the number of

q(k , l ) = 1 after quantization table estimation. The probability of the number of q(k , l ) = 1 is shown in Fig. 7.

The distribution of the number of q (k , l ) = 1 for compressed images is similar to an exponential distribution.

Thus, we use an exponential distribution to model the distribution of the number of q (k , l ) = 1 for compressed

images and derive a better value for TP .

Fig. 7. The probability of the number of step size =1.

Let t be the number of q (k , l ) = 1 for an image. It is modeled as an exponential distribution [11] (an

exponential decay function with a rate λ , λ > 0 ), i.e.,

p (t ) = λe − λt , t ≥ 0 , (11)

because of its mathematical and computational tractability. To compute the exponential parameter λ i , we utilize

the following maximum likelihood estimation method [10],[11]. Let p ( t ) = p ( t1 , t 2 ,L , t K ) be the joint

probability density function of K samples. Assuming the samples are independent, we can express the likelihood

function LH (t ) as

K ⎛ K ⎞ ⎛ K ⎞
LH (t ) = p(t | λ i ) = ∏ λi e = (λ i ) ⋅ exp⎜⎜ − λ i ∑ t j ⎟⎟ = exp⎜⎜ K ln λ i − λ i ∑ t j ⎟⎟ .
− λ it j K
j =1 ⎝ j =1 ⎠ ⎝ j =1 ⎠
The next step in estimating the maximum-likelihood involves differentiating the likelihood function and setting
the result to zero, i.e., LH (t ) = 0 . Because the logarithmic function is strictly monotonically increasing, the
same maximization can be obtained by differentiating its log-likelihood function, i.e., ln(LH (t)) = 0 . It is
straightforward to find the estimated exponential parameter as
⎛1 K ⎞
λ̂ i = ⎜⎜ ∑ t j ⎟⎟ . (13)
⎝K j =1 ⎠
Since the goal of the pre-screening phase is to select as many images with the JPEG compression feature as

possible, the threshold should be determined under a reasonable missing rate. Here, many samples (K=1414) are

used for simulation. Based on Eq. (13) and the experiment results, the threshold TP can be set as 18 when the

missing rate is almost zero. Under this threshold ( TP =18), the false alarm rate for the test images is only 2.76%.

C. Candidate region selection

In [18], the authors did not explain clearly how to find suspect or tampered regions, even though such regions

may affect the accuracy of quantization table estimation. In addition, as mentioned in Section III.B, the size of

tampered regions is usually kept small. It should help reduce the impact of tampered regions on quantization

table estimation and improve the system’s ability to identify tampered regions if genuine regions can be suitably

selected from an image for quantization table estimation. Based on this assumption, we propose a candidate

region selection algorithm for seed region generation and region growing. The algorithm first implements the

seed region generation operation to find a suitable seed region by removing suspect areas. Then, it obtains the

candidate region by merging other genuine regions with the selected seed region. To prevent tampered regions

from being included into the candidate region, a candidate region refinement step is included in the region

growing phase.

In real situations, the content of tampered regions may be derived from raw or JPEG images. If the content is

copied from other JPEG images, there is a high probability of inconsistency in the quantization table, so this

characteristic can be used to find tampered regions. On the other hand, if the content is derived from other raw

images, the number of q (k , l ) = 1 in the tampered region should be very large. These two characteristics,

inconsistency in the quantization table and the number of q (k , l ) = 1 , can exploited by the candidate region

selection algorithm.

C.1 Seed region generation

The basic operating unit in seed region generation is a sub-image. Let a seed region contain N S sub-images.

The following problem involves selecting N S sub-images. It is assumed that the amount of inconsistency in the

quantization table and the number of q (k , l ) = 1 are small in the seed region. The steps of seed region generation

are as follows.

S1. Divide the test image into sub-images.

S2. Perform quantization table estimation for each sub-image.

S3. Use the estimated quantization table to re-quantize and inverse-quantize the sub-image to calculate the

mean square error (MSE) E xMSE of DCT coefficients before and after recompression as follows:

∑ (x( ) (k , l ) − x( ) (k , l ))
E xMSE (U n ) = r 2
i, j i, j , (14)
Un ( )
i , j ∈U n
( k ,l )∈Ωc

where U n is the number of 8×8 blocks in U n . Since the energy generated by distortion will be preserved

in both the image and the DCT domains, evaluating and minimizing the distortion in both domains will

have the same effect. This means that tiny changes resulting from tampering in the spatial domain can be

measured in the DCT domain.

S4. Count the number of q (k , l ) = 1 in the estimated quantization table for each sub-image.

S5. Eliminate any sub-image whose number of q (k , l ) = 1 is larger than a threshold TC (48) and obtain U ′ by

sorting sub-images in ascending order according to E xMSE . The parameter TC is determined based on the

experience gained in previous experiments experiences. The step is used to remove any tampered area

whose size is larger than a sub-image and whose content is derived from raw images.

S6. Find the sub-image with the smallest MSE in U ′ (Eq. (14)), and take it as an initial seed.

S7. Compare each sub-image with the seed by computing the similarity of the estimated quantization table. To

evaluate the similarity of the estimated quantization tables of two sub-images, the MAE (mean absolute

error) between two estimated tables is expressed as

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
EQMAE (Q(i1, j1) , Q(i 2, j 2 ) ) =
1 ⎜ ⎟,
⎜ ∑ q (i1, j1) (k , l ) − q(i 2 , j 2 ) (k , l ) ⎟
Ω c ( k ,l )∈Ωc
⎜ (i1, j1)∈U n1 ⎟
⎝ (i 2, j 2 )∈U n 2 ⎠

where Q(i1, j1) and Q(i1, j1) are the two estimated quantization tables in two sub-images U n1 and U n 2

respectively. Since the AC components in Type IV are labeled “un-estimated”, we only calculate the

difference between the AC components that can be estimated in both Q(i1, j1) and Q(i 2, j 2 ) .

S8. Choose each sub-image whose MAE (Eq. (15)) is less than 1 to form part of the seed region.

S9. Repeat steps S7−S8 until the seed region contains N S sub-images. If the number of sub-images in the seed

region is less than N S after testing each sub-image in U ′ , discard the sub-images from U ′ and repeat

steps S6−S9 until the seed region contains N S sub-images. The reason that the number of sub-image in the

seed region may be less than N S is that the tampered region may have the smallest MSE (Eq. (15)) in U ′ .

C.2 Region growing and refinement

As mentioned in Section III.A, the basic unit for quantization table estimation is a sub-image, and the

performance of the procedure improves when several genuine regions are used. To select candidate regions, we

enlarge the initial candidate region (i.e., the seed region) by merging other sub-images that have similar

quantization tables. Meanwhile, we refine the candidate region by eliminating blocks whose quantization tables

are different to that of the initial seed region.

In fact, a tampered region, whose shape is often arbitrary, may partially cover several sub-images. This

implies that if the tampered blocks of all the sub-images are grouped compactly, it should be possible to merge

more genuine blocks with the seed region to form the candidate region, i.e., increase the number of genuine sub-

images in the candidate region. Therefore, the region growing algorithm increases the number of genuine sub-

images by randomly permuting and combining blocks.

The basic operating unit of the region growing algorithm is one block, as shown in Figure 8. We also define a

set U ′′ , which contains the sub-images that were not tested in the seed region generation phase. The steps of the

region growing algorithm used in candidate region selection are as follows.

Fig. 8. The region growing process.

G1. Select one sub-image from U ′′ and combine it with the seed region as the first temporary version.

G2. Randomly permute the 8×8 blocks in the first temporary version to generate N k temporary blocks.

G3. Divide each of the ( N k + 1 ) temporary versions into ( N S + 1) sub-images and perform quantization

table estimation for each of the ( N S + 1) sub-images. This yields (N k + 1)(N S + 1) estimated

quantization tables for ( N k + 1 ) temporary versions.

G4. Compute the MAE (Eq. (15)) of the quantization table between the first temporary seed region and

each of ( N k + 1)( N S + 1) regions.

η (MAE − 1)
G5. Calculate the ratio R1 = for ( N k + 1)( N S + 1) estimated quantization tables, where
(N k + 1)(N S + 1)
η (⋅) denotes the unit step function ( η ( x ) = 1 for x > 0 and η (x ) = 0 for x ≤ 0 ). If the ratio R1 is

less than a threshold TR (0.1), the first temporary version is adopted as the new seed region; otherwise,

a refinement operation is performed, as shown in Figure 9. First, we find the random image that

contains the sub-image with the largest MAE (i.e., the N p -th sub-image in the figure) and remove it.

Then, the remaining sub-images form a new seed region. It is expected that after random permutation

in Step G2, the sub-image with the largest MAE will cover most of the tampered region. This is why

we remove the sub-image with the largest MAE and let the other sub-images form a seed region.

G6. Repeat Steps G1−G5 until every sub-image in U ′′ has been tested.

Nk random images


with the largest MAE

New seed region



Fig. 9. The refinement process in the region growing algorithm.

D. Identifying Tampered Regions

After candidate region selection and quantization table estimation, we perform an inconsistency check to

identify tampered regions. The rationale behind the inconsistency check is that the estimated quantization table

in a candidate region will be different from that in suspect blocks. In other words, the inconsistency check

measures variations in the image content before quantization and after IQ based on the estimated quantization

table. To measure variations resulting from forgery, the mean absolute error (MAE) of the AC coefficients in the

(i,j)-th DCT block is expressed as

⎡ x(i , j ) (k , l ) ⎤
E xMAE (x(i , j ) ) = ∑ x(i , j ) (k , l ) − q * (k , l ) ⋅ ⎢ * ⎥. (16)
0≤ k ,l ≤7 ⎣ q (k , l ) ⎦
( k ,l )≠(0.0 )

where ⋅ represents the absolute operator. To reduce the impact of an image’s content on forgery detection, we

define a normalized MAE of the (i,j)-th DCT block as

(x( ) ) = (
E xMAE (x(i , j ) ) − min E xMAE (x(i , j ) ) )
E x i, j
( ) (
max E xMAE (x(i , j ) ) − min E xMAE (x(i , j ) ) ). (17)

If a block is genuine, we assume that a correct quantization table can be estimated, and that its E xMAE x(i , j ) will ( )
be smaller than that of a tampered block, i.e., we can determine whether an 8×8 block has been tampered with

( )
based on its E xMAE x(i , j ) . In fact, deciding whether an 8×8 block is a tampered block can be regarded as a two-

class classification problem. Therefore, to identify tampered blocks, we employ a classifier based on the

maximum-likelihood-ratio (MLR) classification [10][11].

Figure 10 shows the distributions of the normalized MAEs of tampered and genuine images. Clearly, we can

( )
model each class as a Gaussian distribution. For simplicity, we replace E xMAE x(i , j ) with the symbol y ; then the

MLR classifier can be expressed as follows:

Genuine: “0”, if p ( y "0" ) ≥ p ( y "1" ) ; Tampered: “1”, if p ( y "1" ) > p ( y "0" ) .

The probability distribution of measurements without/with tampering can be modeled as Gaussian functions:

1 ⎧ 1 2⎫
p( y |"0" ) = exp⎨− ⋅ ( y − µ0 ) ⎬ , (18)
(2π ) σ 0 ⎩ 2σ 0
1/ 2 2

1 ⎧ 1 2⎫
p( y |"1" ) = exp⎨− ⋅ ( y − µ1 ) ⎬ , (19)
(2π ) σ 1 ⎩ 2σ 1
1/ 2 2

where µ0 , µ1 , σ 02 , and σ 12 represent the respective means and variances of the two distributions. To assess

classification risks, the Bayesian classifier [10],[11] can be formulated as

⎧ ⎛ P("0")(C10 − C00 ) ⎞
⎪ "1" if log L( y ) ≥ log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
~ ⎪
Λ( y ) = ⎨ ⎝ P("1")(C01 − C11 ) ⎠ , (20)
⎪"0" ⎛ P("0")(C10 − C00 ) ⎞
if log L( y ) < log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎪⎩ ⎝ P("1")(C01 − C11 ) ⎠

where Cij denotes the risk by determining “i” as “j”, P(“i”) is the i-class prior probability, and the logarithm of

the likelihood ratio is expressed as

p ( y |"1" ) 1 σ 1
log L( y ) = log = log 0 + ( y − µ0 )2 − 1 2 ( y − µ1 )2
p ( y |"0" ) 2 σ 1 2σ 0
2σ 1
⎛ 1 1 ⎞ y2 ⎛ µ µ ⎞ µ2 µ2 σ
= ⎜⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ 12 − 02 ⎟⎟ y + 0 2 − 1 2 + log 0 . (21)
⎝ σ 0 σ1 ⎠ 2 ⎝ σ1 σ 0 ⎠ 2σ 0 2σ 1 σ1

Given symmetric classification costs (i.e., C00 = C11 , C01 = C10 ) and equal prior probabilities (i.e.,

P(“0”)=P(“1”)), the optimum Bayesian classifier Λ ( y ) can be described in the following form:

~ ⎧ "1" if log L( y ) ≥ 0
Λ( y ) = ⎨ . (22)
⎩"0" if log L( y ) < 0

Fig. 10. The probability of normalized MAE.


To evaluate the performance of the proposed forgery detection scheme, we select 1414 raw images of different

size (256×256, 512×512, 384×512, and 512×384 pixels) as well as some popular images, such as Lena, F-16,

and Baboon, and Peppers. The experiment is comprised of four parts. Since quantization table estimation is the

most important function of the proposed scheme, we evaluate the estimation performance first. We also compare

our scheme with the method presented in [18]. The second, third and fourth parts of the experiment evaluate the

performance of the pre-screening, candidate region selection, and tampered region identification processes. To

generate tampered images for the performance evaluation, we consider three ways of forging images: copy-paste

tampering, inpainting, and composite tampering.

A. Quantization table estimation

To evaluate the performance of quantization table estimation, we use two measurements, accuracy and MAE.

( )
The accuracy A Q, Q * of the true and estimated quantization tables is defined as follows:

( )
A Q, Q * =
∑ δ (q (k , l ) − q(k , l )) .
( k ,l )∈Ωc

It is assumed that the higher the accuracy is, the better the performance of quantization table estimation will be.

( )
In addition, similar to Eq. (15), EQMAE Q, Q * is also used for the performance evaluation.

Twelve images, each comprised of 512×512 pixels, are selected for performance evaluation of quantization

table estimation. Each image is JPEG compressed and the QF is changed from 40 to 90. In total, there are 372

JPEG compressed images for evaluation. The parameters T1 and T2 are set to 0 and 100 respectively. The

results, listed in Table II, show that the average accuracy and MAE are 90.43% and 0.1346 respectively. Overall,

the results show that the proposed scheme can estimate the quantization step sizes well, regardless of the QF and

image content. In addition, the accuracy of the proposed scheme on Baboon and Earth is 99.64% and 81.21%

respectively. The results show that the scheme achieves a better performance on textured images. The reason is

that since more energy spread in the AC frequency band of a textured image, the difficulty of quantization table

estimation is lower.

Table II. Performance of quantization table estimation

( )
A Q, Q * ) EQMAE Q, Q *

Lena 85.62% 0.1984

Baboon 99.64% 0.0036
F16 87.06% 0.1852
Bridge 98.81% 0.0124
Sailboat 93.35% 0.0941
Pepper 90.23% 0.1344
Zebra 88.11% 0.1637
Finishing Boat 88.40% 0.1874
Elaine 84.85% 0.2299
Earth 81.21% 0.2478
Tank 95.39% 0.0586
Goldhill 92.48% 0.1002
Average 90.43% 0.1346

We compare our scheme with the approach in [18] under JPEG compression with different QFs, as shown in

( )
Fig. 11. The experiment results demonstrate that the MAEs ( EQMAE Q, Q * ) of the proposed scheme are lower

than those reported in [18] for the two images when QF is changed from 60 to 90. Hence, the performance of the

proposed scheme is superior.

B. Pre-screening Performance

Before evaluating the pre-screening performance, we introduce some performance indices, namely, true

positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), and false negative (FN):

TP = , TN = , FP = , FN = , (24)

where N P , N N , N M , and N F are the numbers of correctly detected JPEG compressed images, the numbers of

correctly detected non-JPEG compressed images, missed detections, and false alarms, respectively; ( N P + N M )

is the total number of true JPEG compressed images; and ( N N + N F ) is the total number of true non-JPEG

compressed images. It is expected that the pre-screening performance will be good when TP and TN are high


(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Comparison of quantization table estimation: (a) Lena, (b) F16.

A receiver operating characteristics (ROC) graph is a common technique for visualizing and evaluating the

performance of a classifier [10]. Basically, a classifier’s performance is considered good if its ROC curve

approaches to an upper left-hand direction, i.e., TP rate is higher and FP rate is lower simultaneously. Since the

pre-screening function in the proposed scheme is similar to a classifier, we use it to filter out uncompressed

images. Therefore, 1414 images are JPEG compressed with random QFs, which yields a test set containing 2828

images (1414 non-JPEG compressed; 1414 JPEG compressed) for the performance evaluation. The trend of the

ROC curve for the pre-screening phase, shown in Fig. 12, is in the upper left-hand direction. For total images,

TP and TN of the prescreening classifier with a pre-defined threshold (18) are 100% and 97.24%, respectively.

The results show that the pre-screening function can easily determine if an input image has been JPEG-

compressed; therefore, the function improves the efficiency of the proposed forgery detection scheme.

Fig. 12. ROC curve of the pre-screening process.

C. Candidate region selection

To evaluate the performance of candidate region selection, we create two fake images containing tampered

regions, each measuring 100×100 pixels, as shown in Fig. 13(b). The tampered regions are marked by red lines.

Figure 13(c) shows the results of seed region generation when N S is equal to 4. As we can see in Figs. 13(b),

the tampered region covers sub-images 11, 12, 15, and 16; hence, those sub-images are not included in the seed

region, and they are chosen during candidate region selection. The result, shown in Figure 13(d), demonstrates

that the proposed candidate region selection process can find genuine regions for quantization table estimation


We also analyze the impact of candidate region selection on quantization estimation when an image has been

tampered with. The Lena image is used as a base to generate several JPEG-decoded versions. Similar to the

approach in [21], we insert different-sized tampered regions captured from raw data or JPEG compressed images

with different QFs. The QF’s in the tampered regions are 50, 60, 70, and 80, and the size of the regions ranges

from 64×64 to 200×200. For each tampered image, quantization table estimation with/without candidate region

( )
selection (CRS) is performed 20 times and the MAE ( EQMAE Q, Q * ) is measured. Table III shows the

experiment results. The average MAE of quantization table estimation with CRS is lower than that without CRS.

We observe that the average MAE can be reduced from 14.75 to 0.77 when QF is 60. The results demonstrate

that using CRS improves the estimation performance of the proposed scheme. In addition, as shown in Table III,

the average MAEs for raw data are higher than those for JPEG data. This means that the phenomenon of

multiple peaks after JEPG compression is more pronounced when raw data is used. The reason is that the

estimated quantization step sizes are all 1 and the MSE in Eq. (14) is very small when the content of the

tampered sub-image is derived from a raw image. Since the tampered sub-images may be chosen during seed

region generation for quantization table estimation, the number of q (k , l ) = 1 is adopted as a feature in the

generation phase. The results show that the performance of quantization table estimation can be improved by

using CRS based on these two features, i.e., the inconsistency in the quantization table and the number of

q (k , l ) = 1 .

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 13. Candidate region selection: (a) original image, QF=75 (b) tampered version, (c) seed region (non-black),
and (d) candidate region (non-black).

Table III. The performance of quantization table estimation with/without CRS

Types of tampered region
60 70 80 90
MAE with CRS 0.77 0.23 0.33 0.24
Raw data
MAE without CRS 14.75 7.94 3.01 3.42
MAE with CRS 0.5 0.53 0.55 0.78
JPEG data
MAE without CRS 2.07 0.98 1.19 3.35

D. Identifying Tampered region

D.1. Copy-paste tampering

Since copy-paste tampering [6],[12] is a common forgery method, we use it to evaluate the proposed scheme’s

forgery detection capability. Block mis-matching while generating the tampered image might affect the

performance of forgery detection, so we also discuss its impact here. Figure 14 shows two Baboon images

altered by copy-paste tampering. Similar to [22], the tampered regions can be copied from the original raw image.

Figures 14(a) and 14(b) are generated under block mis-matching and block matching, respectively. The visual

quality of both images is good. Figures 14(c) and 14(d) show the results of forgery detection. The white lines in

the four images indicate the tampered regions that the proposed scheme identified.

In fact, tampered regions may be copied from other JPEG images [21],[22]. It is expected that the QF used in

the tampered region may affect the performance of forgery detection. Next, we evaluate the performance of our

forgery detection scheme on tampered regions with different QFs. The results are shown in Figure 15. The input

image is 75; and the QFs of the tampered regions in Figs. 15 (a1)−(a4) are 65, 70, 80, and 85, respectively. The

PSNR of the input image to that of each modified version is 49.70dB, 51.74dB, 51.01dB, and 49.53dB,

respectively. The results show that it is difficult for the human eye to identify tampered regions. Figures 15

(b1)−(b4) show the tampered regions (non-black blocks), which were correctly located by the proposed scheme.

The results demonstrate that the scheme can identify tampered regions whose content results from both raw and

JPEG images.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 14. Tampered images: (a) block mis-matching, (b) block matching; forgery detection: (c) block mis-
matching, (d) block matching.

D.2. Inpainting

The goal of inpainting is to extract structure and texture information of the known or existing regions for

reconstructing an unknown or lost area. Though inpainting can be utilized to reconstruct missing or degraded

parts of images and videos, it may be abused to alter image content for generating a faked image [22]. Here we

use some inpaiting methods ([7],[8] (inpainting software), and image processing tool “PhotoShop”) to generate

tested images containing tampered regions with different sizes for the performance evaluation. First, tampered

regions are generated manually by using an image processing tool. The images are shown in the first row of Fig.

16. In Fig. 16(b1), the size of the tampered region is about 95×70 pixels. Fig. 16(c1) illustrates the result of

forgery detection. The second and third rows of the figure show the detection results derived by the approaches

in [7] and [8] respectively. In Figs. 16(b2) and 16(b3), the sizes of the tampered regions are 88×88 pixels and

41×153 pixels respectively. These two figures show that it is difficult for the human eye to determine whether

the image is a fake. The detected regions are shown in Figs. 16(c2) and 16(c3). As we can see in Fig. 16, the

tampered regions can be identified by using the proposed scheme. The results in Fig. 16 demonstrate that the

proposed scheme performs well, even if the tampered regions are generated by inpainting and an image

processing tool (manual modification).

(a1) (a2) (a3) (a4)

(b1) (b2) (b3) (b4)

Fig. 15. (a1) −(a4) tampered images and (b1) −(b4) detection results; QFs: 65, 70, 80, and 85.

D.3. Composite tampering

In composite tampering, a composite image is created by using an inpainting method and a copy-paste process.

Figures 17(a) and 17(b) show the original images. We remove the squirrel from Fig. 17(a) by using the

inpainting tool described in [8] and then copy-and-paste the other one extracted from Fig. 17(b) to generate a

tampered image. The tampered region covers about 20% of the image in Fig. 17(a), and the fake image is shown

in Fig. 17(c). It is difficult to determine whether the image in Fig. 17(c) is a fake. As shown in Fig. 17(d), the

two tampered areas are localized well. The detection result demonstrates the proposed scheme also performs well

on forged composite images.

(a1) (b1) (c1)

(a2) (b2) (c2)

(a3) (b3) (c3)

Fig. 16. Forgery detection: (a) original image, (b) tampered version, and (c) forgery detection; tampering method:
Manual modification (top), Inpainting [7] (middle) and [8] (bottom).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 17. Composite tampering: (a),(b) original images, (c) tampered version, and (d) forgery detection.

D.4. Evaluation of the MLR classifier

To evaluate the overall performance of the proposed forgery detection scheme, we randomly generate 1240 fake

images in which the length of the tampered square regions at one side ranges from 32 to 200 pixels. Based on the

proposed MLR classifier, the TP and TN are 96.92% and 95.55%, respectively. The results show that the MLR

classifier in our scheme can detect tampered regions effectively, irrespective of their size.


In this paper, we have proposed a passive-blind scheme for detecting forged images. Since quantization is an

important process and checking the inconsistency of quantization tables can be used for tampering detection,

quantization table estimation is a key component of the proposed scheme. To improve the accuracy of

quantization table estimation, we developed a content-adaptive algorithm that first classifies the AC DCT

coefficients into different types. Then, the quantization step size to be used is measured adaptively from the PSD

and the PSD’s Fourier transform. The proposed scheme is comprised of three phases: pre-screening, candidate

region selection, and tampered region identification. To determine whether an input image has been JPEG

compressed, we count the number of times the quantization step size is equal to 1, and then filter out images

without the JPEG compression feature during the pre-screening phase. For quantization table estimation during

the candidate region selection phase, we devise an algorithm for seed region generation and region growing. The

seed region generation step finds a suitable seed region by removing suspect regions. Then, based on the seed

region, the candidate region is formed by merging other genuine regions with the seed. To avoid merging

suspect regions, a candidate region refinement operation is included in the region growing step. After estimating

the quantization table from the candidate region, an MLR classifier based on the inconsistency of the

quantization table is developed to identify tampered regions block by block.

To evaluate the proposed scheme, a large number of images with different QFs are generated. The average

MAE for quantization table estimation in the proposed scheme is small. The experiment results show that the

scheme can estimate quantization tables with a high degree of accuracy. In terms of candidate region selection,

the results demonstrate that genuine blocks can be grouped together for quantization table estimation. In addition,

we use three common types of forgery, namely, copy-paste tampering, inpainting, and composite tampering, to

generate fake images for the performance evaluation The experiment results manifest that the proposed forgery

detection scheme can identify tampered regions effectively, regardless of whether the content is derived from

raw images or JPEG images.


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