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Department Category Amount ($) Total Budget Column1 Univ

Finance Salaries 100,000 120,000 5/21/2025

Finance Supplies 20,000 120,000 5/21/2025 This exercise allows you to practice
IT Hardware 50,000 80,000 3/10/2026 funds.
IT Software 30,000 80,000 3/10/2026 Tasks:
Marketing Advertising 40,000 60,000 5/12/2025 1) Total Departmental Budge
Marketing Events 20,000 60,000 5/12/2025 Use sumif to create a new
HR Salaries 80,000 120,000 1/31/2025 The department name in th
HR Benefits 40,000 120,000 1/31/2025 The total budget should be
Research Equipment 30,000 49,000 2/21/2025 Pay attention to cell refere
Research Personnel 19,000 49,000 2/21/2025
Report Due Date 2) Find Report Due Date B
Finance IT Marketing HR Research Use HLOOKUP to find the
5/21/2025 3/10/2026 5/12/2025 1/31/2025 2/21/2025 The Department name will
The Date should be retrie
Total Budget of "IT":
<--- Drop Down Here 3) Total Budget for Specific
Total Budget of Specific Department: a) Use XLOOKUP to find
b) The department name
c) The total budget shoul

4) Use the XlookUp Value wi

Use Data Validation List to
The criteria will be Deparm
Change the Cell Format to

5) Budget Analysis by Depa

Create a new column that
Departments with a budge
Departments with a budge
All others are classified as

6) Salary Increase Decision

Create a new column that
If the department is classif
If the department Classifie
d) Otherwise, display "Co

7) Combined Salary Increase

a) Recreate the salary in
b) This demonstrates a m

Use chart functions to visualize the b

This exercise allows you to practice

University Budget Analysis Exercise
cise allows you to practice various Excel functions for analyzing university budget data. The data includes information on depar

Total Departmental Budget (Sumif)

Use sumif to create a new column that shows the total budget allocated to each department.
The department name in the "Department" column will be the criteria value.
The total budget should be retrieved from the "Amount" column.
Pay attention to cell reference

Find Report Due Date Budget (HLOOKUP):

Use HLOOKUP to find the budget allocated for Due Date across all departments.
The Department name will be the lookup value.
The Date should be retrieved from the Report Due date Table.

Total Budget for Specific Department (XLOOKUP - Excel 365 or later): (If you have Excel 365 or later)
a) Use XLOOKUP to find the total budget allocated to the "IT" department.
b) The department name "IT" will be the lookup value.
c) The total budget should be retrieved from the "Amount" column.

Use the XlookUp Value with the date Validation List to look up Total Budget of a specific Department:
Use Data Validation List to Create a list of Deparments
The criteria will be Deparmtent chosen in The Drop Down
Change the Cell Format to make it more user friendly to read

Budget Analysis by Department (IF)

Create a new column that uses an IF function to categorize departments based on their total budget (from task 1).
Departments with a budget over $100,000 are classified as "High Budget".
Departments with a budget between $50,000 and $100,000 are classified as "Medium Budget".
All others are classified as "Low Budget".

Salary Increase Decision (Switch):

Create a new column that uses a switch function to determine a salary increase based on department type (from task 5).
If the department is classified as "High Budget", display, "Check Performance Vs Market Value"
If the department Classified as "Medium Budget", Display "No Increase"
d) Otherwise, display "Consider Increase".

Combined Salary Increase Analysis (IFS - Excel 2019 or later): (If you have Excel 2019 or later)
a) Recreate the salary increase decision (from task 6) using an IFS function.
b) This demonstrates a multi-condition alternative to nested IF statements.

functions to visualize the budget distribution across departments or categories.

cise allows you to practice various lookup (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, XLOOKUP), summation (SUMIF), logical (SWITCH, IF, IFS
des information on departments, budget categories, and allocated

(from task 1).

t type (from task 5).

logical (SWITCH, IF, IFS) functions commonly used in financial analysis.

Please note that my excel version is 2016

Department Category Amount ($) Total Budget Column1 total budget Column2
Finance Salaries 100,000 120000 5/21/2025 120,000 High budget
Finance Supplies 20,000 120000 5/21/2025 120,000 High budget
IT Hardware 50,000 80000 3/10/2026 80,000 Medium budget
IT Software 30,000 80000 3/10/2026 80,000 Medium budget
Marketing Advertising 40,000 60000 5/12/2025 60,000 Medium budget
Marketing Events 20,000 60000 5/12/2025 60,000 Medium budget
HR Salaries 80,000 120000 1/31/2025 120,000 High budget
HR Benefits 40,000 120000 1/31/2025 120,000 High budget
Research Equipment 30,000 49000 2/21/2025 49,000 Low Budget
Research Personnel 19,000 49000 2/21/2025 49,000 Low Budget
Report Due Date
Finance IT Marketing HR Research
5/21/2025 3/10/2026 5/12/2025 1/31/2025 2/21/2025
5/21/2025 3/10/2026 5/12/2025 1/31/2025 2/21/2025

Total Budget of "IT":

IT <--- Drop Down Here
Total Budget of Specific Department:
Column3 Column4
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
switch([@Column2], i"fs([@Column2]= "High budget", "Check performance vs market value", [@Column2]= "Medium budget
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
umn2]= "Medium budget", "No increase", [@Column2]="Low budget", "Consider increase")
Row Labels Sum of Amount ($)
Finance 120,000
HR 120,000
IT 80,000 Budget By Department
Marketing 60,000
Research 49,000 140,000



Total Budget




Finance HR IT Marketing

y Department

IT Marketing Research

Row Labels Sum of Amount ($)
Finance 120,000
Salaries 100,000 Total budget by Department
Supplies 20,000
HR 120,000 500,000
Benefits 40,000
Salaries 80,000
IT 80,000 300,000
Hardware 50,000 250,000 Sum of Amo
Software 30,000 200,000
Marketing 60,000 150,000
Advertising 40,000 100,000
Events 20,000 50,000
Research 49,000 e s s e g el
nc lie fit IT ar in ch
Equipment 30,000 na pp ne tr is ar nn
i u e ftw e s e
Personnel 19,000
F S B So dv Re Pe
Grand Total 429,000

Sum of Amount ($)

ch el
ar onn
Row Labels Sum of Amount ($)
This shape represents a
Finance 120,000 slicer. Slicers are supported
Salaries 100,000 in Excel 2010 or later.
Supplies 20,000
HR 120,000 If the shape was modified in
Benefits 40,000 an earlier version of Excel,
Salaries 80,000 or if the workbook was
IT 80,000 saved in Excel 2003 or
Hardware 50,000 earlier, the slicer cannot be
Software 30,000 used.
Marketing 60,000
Advertising 40,000
Events 20,000
Research 49,000
Equipment 30,000
Personnel 19,000
Grand Total 429,000

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