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Exercise 1. Complete the words to form names of jobs/ departments/ places at work

1. engin_er → engineer

2. c_nteen → canteen

3. M_nuf_cturing divisi_n → Manufacturing division

4. Sh_pping dep_rtm_nt → Shopping department

5. Pr_duction d_partm_nt → Production department

6. S_les & M_rk_ting man_ger → Sales & Marketing manager

7. g_m /dʒɪm/ → gym

8. D_strib_tion divisi_n → Distribution division

9. W_rehouse m_nager → Warehouse manager

10. F_ctory → Factory

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box to make a meaningful

introduction at work.

excited results Hi However and is

from need experience

“(1) Hi everybody, my name (2) is Smith, your new event marketing manager. I have 10

years of (3) experience marketing a wide array of events, (4) and conferences to fundraisers. I
am good at getting the right people (5) from the right ideas in a particular venue. (6)

However, I cannot produce great marketing (7) results all by myself, which is why I (8) need

your utmost commitment and cooperation. Together, we can use our talents to get people

excited about the events we promote. I’m (9) excited to work with all of you.”

Exercise 3. Number the following sentences in order to make meaningful conversation.

……6…: Where do you work?

……2…: Hi, Peter. I'm Carla. I'm new here.

……9…: You work in marketing? That's very interesting.

……5…: Thanks, Peter. I'm happy to be here and it's nice to meet you.

……4…: It's nice to meet you too.

……1…: Hi, my name's Peter. What's your name?

……3…: Welcome to the company, Carla.

……8…: I'm in the marketing team. I started last week.

……7…: I work in the design team. We sit over there.

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