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Rahul Lakra


MBA, SEM – 2


Answers -

18-13 - To reduce payroll expenses by 20% per week while keeping all employees on board, the
Carters can consider implementing several work-scheduling-related changes:

1. Implement flexible scheduling: Allow employees to work fewer hours per week while still
maintaining coverage during peak times. This could involve rotating shifts or adjusting schedules
based on customer demand.

2. Cross-train employees: Train employees to perform multiple roles within the store, allowing for
more efficient staffing levels and flexibility in scheduling.

3. Adjust part-time hours: Convert some full-time positions to part-time roles or adjust part-time
employees' hours to better align with business needs.

18-14 - To automate HR processes and streamline personnel-related activities, the Carters can
consider implementing software systems for:

1. Recruitment and applicant tracking: Utilize applicant tracking systems (ATS) to streamline the
recruitment process, manage job postings, and track candidate applications.
2. Benefits administration: Implement HRIS (Human Resource Information System) software to
automate benefits enrollment, manage employee records, and track employee benefits usage.

3. Performance management: Use performance management software to automate the appraisal

process, set goals, track employee performance, and provide feedback.

18-15 - Here are five free internet-based sources that can help the Carters lower their total
employment costs:

1. Small Business Administration (SBA) website: The SBA offers resources and guides for small
businesses on topics such as cost management, employee retention strategies, and financial

2. SCORE: SCORE is a nonprofit organization that provides free business mentoring and educational
resources. They offer webinars, workshops, and online tools covering various aspects of business
management, including cost reduction strategies.

3. LinkedIn Groups: Joining LinkedIn groups related to human resources, small business
management, or cost reduction can provide access to discussions, articles, and insights from other
professionals facing similar challenges.

Ans -

18-9 -

Netflix's HR practices work due to several key factors:

1. Freedom and Responsibility: Netflix promotes a culture of freedom and responsibility, where
employees are trusted to manage their own work without micromanagement. This autonomy
fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among employees, leading to higher productivity
and innovation

2. Flexibility: The company offers flexibility in various aspects, such as work hours, vacation time, and
career development. This flexibility allows employees to balance their personal and professional
lives effectively, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention.

3. Merit-based Compensation: Netflix ties compensation to market rates rather than traditional pay
scales or performance appraisals. This approach ensures that employees are fairly compensated
based on their skills and market demand, incentivizing high performance and attracting top talent.

18-10 - While some of Netflix's HR practices may not directly translate to every type of business,
certain principles can be adapted and applied to other industries, including a new restaurant. Here's

1. Flexibility: Offering flexibility in scheduling and work arrangements can be beneficial for a
restaurant, allowing employees to balance work with other commitments and reducing turnover.

2. Merit-based Compensation: Tying compensation to market rates and performance rather than
rigid pay scales can help attract and retain top talent in the competitive restaurant industry.
3. High Performance Culture: Cultivating a culture of high performance and accountability can
improve service quality and efficiency in a restaurant, leading to better customer satisfaction and

18-11 - When considering whether another company is suitable for Netflix-type HR practices, several
criteria should be evaluated:

1. Culture Fit: The company's culture should align with the principles of freedom, responsibility, and
high performance promoted by Netflix. Employees should be comfortable with autonomy and

2. Industry and Business Model: The nature of the company's industry and business model should
support flexibility and innovation. Industries with rapidly changing markets or high competition may
benefit most from Netflix-type practices.

3. Employee Skill Level: The workforce should consist of highly skilled and motivated individuals
capable of managing their own work and embracing responsibility.

18-12 - While it's true that Netflix's unconventional HR practices may seem risky or unconventional
compared to traditional approaches, their success is not solely attributable to luck. Here are some
arguments in response to the statement:

1. Strategic Decision: Netflix's adoption of unconventional HR practices was a strategic decision

based on careful analysis and alignment with the company's business goals. It was not merely a
stroke of luck but a deliberate choice to foster innovation, agility, and high performance.

2. Competitive Advantage: Netflix's HR practices have contributed to its competitive advantage by

attracting top talent, fostering a culture of innovation, and enabling rapid adaptation to market
changes. Conventional HR practices may not have provided the same level of agility and talent

3. Employee Engagement: Netflix's emphasis on freedom, responsibility, and merit-based

compensation has resulted in higher levels of employee engagement and commitment. Employees
feel empowered to contribute their best work, leading to improved productivity and innovation.

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