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№:BC202405141153259634819075 检测时间:2024-05-14 11:53:25

篇名: Movie Recommendation System

作者: 亚新
检测范围: 中国学术期刊网络出版总库




英文数据库(涵盖期刊、博硕、会议的英文数据以及德国Springer、英国Taylor&Francis 期刊数据库等)


时间范围: 1900-01-01至2024-05-14

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- 《互联网文档资源(》- 2019 是否引证:否
2 Movie Recommendation System based on knowledge Graph 0.5%(74)

EL FAROUKI SAMIA - 《大学生论文联合比对库》- 2023-05-17 是否引证:否


本科生毕业论文正文Dissertation for Bachelor’s Student

( 2024 届)
TITLE Movie Recommendation System


El-araby Yassine
ID 2020992111018

MAJOR Big Data Technology CLASS 2020



This Thesis is a content-based movie recommendation system project that leverages the power of
machine learning algorithms to suggest personalized movies to users based on their preferences and past

behavior. This system is designed to provide the most accurate and diverse movie recommendations by
analyzing various kinds and attributes of movies, including genres, directors, cast, summaries, and user

reviews. The content-based approach ensures and secures that users receive recommendations that align
with their tastes, rather than solely relying on user ratings or collaborative filtering.
The system consists of a user-friendly interface, robust user management, and a sophisticated

recommendation engine, all built using a modern technology stack including Flask, Javascript, Python, and
More. This system is ideal for movie enthusiasts seeking a personalized viewing experience, as well as for

businesses looking to provide tailored entertainment recommendations to their customers.
Keywords: Content-based recommendation, Movie recommendation, Personalization, Machine learning, User

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background and Motivation
. 1
1.2 Project Overview
.................. 1
1.3 Research Questions and Scope
............................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Significance and Contributions
............................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Thesis Structure
.................... 3
Chapter 2 Literature
.................... 4
2.1 Recommendation Systems

- 2 -
2.2 Content-based Filtering For Movies.
................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Related Work
........................ 6
Chapter 3 System Design and Architecture
3.1 System Requirements and Constraints.
................................................................................................. 8
3.2 System Architecture Overview
............................................................................................................ 8

3.3 Data Sources and Processing

3.4 Recommendation Engine

3.5 User Interface and User

Management................................................................................................ 10
3.6 Technology Stack and Tools

Chapter 4 Implementation and Evaluation
..................................................................................................... 12

4.1 Data Retrieval and Preprocessing
...................................................................................................... 12

4.2 Recommendation Engine Implementation
......................................................................................... 16
4.3 User Interface Development

4.4 User Interface Running and Recommendations Testing

..................................................................... 23
4.5 Comparison and Discussion

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work

........................................................................................................ 29
5.1 Summary and Conclusions

. 29
5.2 Limitations and Challenges
5.3 Future Work and Recommendations
................................................................................................... 29
5.4 Implications and Impact
..... 30
5.5 Concluding Remarks
.......... 30
...................................... 32
......................... 34 1
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. 1 Background and Motivation
- 3 -
Nowadays in the era of digital people frequently get overbound by abundant content, particularly in
entertainment. Such as the platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu are the main media sources
with immense libraries containing several movies and TV shows. It happens that among this stream of rich
content, the users constantly need help finding the content they might find like it. Recommendation
systems become key right here.
Selling systems are the items constructed to insert information about a certain product or a service that
matches the users’ tastes and behavior. They are now fundamental ingredients of the interface of many
online platforms that provide outstanding navigation through the complexity of choices, lending great
value to their overall user experience.
Nevertheless, one can state that although suggestions of traditional recommendation systems are a sign
of a new era in shopping, they have also inherent limitations. Often, their most important factor is that

use user ratings as the primary foundation for giving recommendations. While ratings solely explain the

extent to which a user likes a movie, a thorough analysis of all the data that the platform collects can
determine a user’s viability of a particular movie at a higher level. Two people might very well rate a

movie with the same numeric number for completely different reasons, or write their impressions about the
movie in their review without summing up their sentiment in a rating.

For this undertaking, we propose to design a method predicated on a content-based movie
recommendation system. The machine learning algorithms used by this movie reommendation system will
allow showcasing movies to users through their User Profile which was created based on their preferences

and past interactions. This should yield more precise and personalized movie recommendations. These
developments have the potential to bring about a new level of involvement of the users in the film
platforms; it simplifies the process of finding new movies and makes it more fun as compared to what it

used to be before.
1. 2 Project Overview

This task is all about building a custom movie advice system that takes a user's preferences into
account and augments the user's experience at movie sites. The system, whose filtering method is based on
content, compares its content with existing profiles and then generates recommendations according to the

Movie content may be the genre the movie is in, the director, the cast, and also the plot of the movie.
The user profile is built up by the system, using the user's data about movies that he/she has viewed,

or reviewed in the past. It calculates the score of a similar movie from the content of the movie to the

profile. At this point, the movies are lined up together by the similarity score and the most similar movie
will be recommended to the user. 2

The project will have a few prominent features, such as data collection and refurbishment, feature

reduction or extraction, recommendation algorithm implementation, and interface usability. Each element
discharges a vital function, together with what makes a complete appearance of quite a performance and
user interface.
This project has become a pivotal component as it has been a breakthrough in the recommendation
systems field. It informs us that content-based filtering can play an important role in the achievement of
accurate and relevant movie recommendation services. It not only provides the practical remedy to that
hustle of selecting a new and exciting movie from the ocean of such titles, but it also gives you a good
sense of what your neighbors and other viewers are enjoying.
1. 3 Research Questions and Scope
The project seeks to address several research questions related to content-based movie recommendation
(1) What makes the content-powered recommendation system the right one to advise a user on what to
watch depending on his or her taste?
(2) What do the movies have in their compositions that can affect the user's preferences, and how can
those be made use of in a suitable recommendation system?
(3) How exactly will the system handle new users, or newly added movies, for which there is no
historical data?
The scope of this project encompasses the development of a solution for a content-based movie
recommendation system, covering both design and operation. This involves various crucial components,
including data collection and pre-processing, feature selection, algorithm implementation, and widget
writing. The project focuses specifically on one type of recommendation system, such as
neighborhood-based or content-based systems, assuming user expectations' sincerity as essential for
- 4 -
effective and accurate recommendations. Moreover, it confines itself to system implementation, excluding
personalization or integration with the existing movie platforms(websites) and several databases, leaving
potential avenues for future research and development open. ultimately, the project aims to explore the
feasibility of content-based filtering in movie recommendations, aiming to create a tool facilitating the
discovery of new and captivating movies from a vast array of options while providing valuable academic
research data for recommendation systems.
1. 4 Significance and Contributions
The project in this area of film recommendation systems helps to establish the idea that the matter of
the film and the unique user's likes and dislikes are fundamentally important in generating movie
recommendations that the users might like. The individualized nature of such platforms goes a long way in
increasing the enjoyability of movie-hunting activities by ensuring that users do not get tired of

new movies due to the ease with which they find what they might like on such platforms.

Also, the project is making a difference not only in the field of recommendation engines but also in
demonstrating the merit of content-based filtering techniques. This algorithm review reveals the power of
elements like genres, directors, actors, a n d plot summaries in the computation for the similarity 3

between films, so the recommendations are personalized and wide-range. These aren't forgetting the

hurdles that are faced by recommendation systems including the cold start problem subjecting new users to
their initial preference and suggesting new movies solely based on their content similarity to existing

Achievements at the end of the project are a huge contribution to the field, as the system of
recommendations eventually emerges as a practical solution for the problem of finding fresh and
suggestive movies among the abundance of options which also contributes to the research on

recommendation systems.
1.5 Thesis Structure

The thesis is organized into the following chapters: The thesis is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1: An introduction, the background and motivation of the project will be explained, followed by
an overview of the problem being studied, the research questions, and the scope of the research. The

significance and contribution of the work, in addition, to the thesis structure would also be stated to
a clear understanding of the work being undertaken.

Chapter 2: This part, contains a comprehensive outlining of the literature that exists on
recommendation systems and content-based filtering. It covers the different types of recommendation

systems, where different recommendation systems have been used, and how they work. This also covers
the mechanism of content-based filtering and the implication of this in designing movie recommendation
systems. The chapter then goes on to critically examine what already exists by way of field research and

studies on movie recommendation systems.
Chapter 3: We will describe the system design and implementation aspects of the content-based film

attending guide system. It describes the system's needs and limitations, also, there is an overall system
design, data sources, and processing methods explanation, as well as the need and design of the
recommendation engine and user interface are mentioned here. It also discusses the system architecture and
tools applied when working on the project. -
Chapter 4: we will get into demonstrate the implementation process and its evaluation. It provides a
detailed explanation of three major technologies, namely data retrieval and preprocessing, and
recommendation engine implementation. In addition, user interface development and system evaluation
and testing are also included. Besides, the comparison between the output of the suggested system and
baseline methods or conventional recommendation systems is also provided and the strengths, weaknesses,
and prospects for attention by the author are also highlighted.
Chapter 5: The last part of the thesis which deals with a summary of the project with its key outcomes
and conclusions. To recognize any disparities and hurdles in the development and re-evaluation of the
system, it proposes directions for future investigation and advances of the system. It further explains
this new system will mean for the film industry, the experience of moviegoers, and other domains. 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2. 1 Recommendation Systems
Recommendation engines seem to be a key element of various virtual environments that help users
conquer the vast choice options and thus improve their experience. They do a good job of determining the
opportunities that the users will have for a product or service by their probability ratings. They have a
- 5 -
impact on different fields of business, such as online shopping, entertainment, and social networking just
to name a few.
There are primarily three types of recommendation systems: collaborative filtration, content-based
filtration, and hybrid techniques:
A collaborative filtering algorithm assumes that user preferences have some kind of trend and that the
users who agreed in the past will also agree with them in the future. Through this, the platforms employed
a technique where the behavior of a large number of users is studied with particular respect to transaction
history, ratings, selection, and purchase information. Collaborative filtering can be further divided into
subtypes: people-based, which is the form of measuring the same characteristics between users, and items-
based, which is the method of finding the similarities between items. One of the pluses of collaborative

filtering is that it can provide highly precise suggestions by involving users' common patterns of


2. Movie Recommendation System_第2部分 总字数:18105

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it faces a cold start problem, which is the impediment that prevents it from recommending
fresh users or goods that lack historical data.

Figure 1- Classification collaborative filtering algorithms
In contrast, Content-based filtering is one kind of recommendation system that acts by reviewing the
content of the items and compares it to a user profile. Each component is represented as a certain group of

features which can be any word or image. Such a feature of content-based filtering does not require other
users' data, but the data only from the user itself. It, in a way, does seamless recommendation but can be
problematic, whereas it has to deal with a large amount of data about every user. 5

Figure 2: Content-Based Filtering for Recommendation

Hybrid methods are the amalgamation of collaborative filtering and content-based filtering that permits
the two to fully manifest their unique capabilities. They can do so by rating individuals' choices and
behaviors with machine learning methods and examining the nature of the stuff as well. Yet a hybrid

strategy is sometimes far from being simple to put into practice and it is difficult to fit the exact
between the two techniques.

Figure 3: Hybrid Recommender System
2. 2 Content-based Filtering For Movie
Content-based filtering is an approach to recommendation systems that recommend things by
comparing the content of the things to the user’s profile. The information of every entity is to be
represented by a set of descriptors, like words, attribute values, or images.
In the context of movies, the content can include various types of metadata, such as:
Plot summaries: The plot summary of a movie gives a summary of the narrative of the movie. It
can help provide information for content-based filtering because it contains many words
describing different movies.
Genres: The movie genre (subject). g. , action, comedy (drama) is one of the main characteristics 6
used in content-based filtering. People often have preferences for particular genres, including
those movies so similar to them makes their suggestions closer to the truth.
Cast and crew information: The starring cast (actor, actress) and crew (director, writer, etc. ) can
also be equally important matters. The viewers could choose films with their favorite actors or
which were directed by their favorite directors.
Keywords and tags: Keywords and tags function as a source of supplemental information
regarding the elements of a film. The list may consist of motifs, locations, storylines, and other
distinguishing features of a movie.
Content-based filtering of movies has different advantages. It is free from the interference of other
users’ data since only a user's data is needed. It can suggest novel and exclusive things that match the

- 6 -
unique style and preferences. But at the same time, it is not perfect. It is likely to under-emphasize the
dissimilar products and might take much data away from the users to construct a reliable profile of each of
One of the common techniques applied in content-based filtering is cosine similarity. Cosine similarity
is a measure of similarity between two nonzero vectors belonging to an inner product space. Through
content-based filtering, it takes movie feature vectors to measure their similarity. It can be the feature
vector constructed of the different kinds of metadata mentioned previously. The cosine similarity between
two vectors is a value between negative and 1 that indicates how much the two vectors are in the same
direction. It is usually used in text analysis for determining the coherence of documents.
Figure 4: Content-based Form Movies Diagram

2.3 Related Work
Numerous studies have been conducted on content-based movie recommendation systems. These

studies have explored various aspects of these systems, such as the effectiveness of different
recommendation algorithms, the impact of different types of metadata on recommendation accuracy, and
the integration of user reviews and ratings into the recommendation process.

For instance, a study by Meel, Bano, Goswami, and Gupta titled "A comprehensive analysis of movie
recommendation system employing collaborative filtering” was published in Multimedia Tools and

Applications in 2020. This study discusses the prowess of the Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithm and
its 7

applications for Movie Recommendation Systems.
Another study by Iliopoulou, Kanavos, Ilias, Makris, and Vonitsanos titled “Improving Movie
Recommendation Systems Filtering by Exploiting User-Based Reviews and Movie Synopses” was

published in Mathematics in 20202. This study discusses how deep learning can be used in a multimodal
movie recommendation system. The study reported that the scoring prediction results show improved

accuracy after incorporating the potential features and connections in multimodal data with deep-learning
A third study by Mohmmad, Kanakam, Dadi, Shabana, and Pasha titled "Content and history-based

movie recommendation system" was published in AIP Conference Proceedings in 2022. This study
discusses the design and implementation of a complete movie recommendation system prototype based on
the Genre, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Cosine Similarity, KNN-Based, Content-Based Filtering using

TFIDF and SVD, Collaborative Filtering using TFIDF and SVD3.
A study by Yuan, Qin, Yu, and Zhang titled “A Content-based Movie Recommendation System”

discusses the development of a content-based movie recommendation system that leverages movie
attributes such as genre, director, and cast to generate recommendations4.
Another study by Delimayanti, Laya, and Warsuta titled “Web-Based Movie Recommendation System

using Content-Based Filtering and Collaborative Filtering" was published in IEEE Xplore in 2022. This
study compares the performance of collaborative and content-based algorithms using different metadata

elements. 8
Chapter 3 System Design and Architecture
3. 1 System Requirements and Limitations
This section outlines the functional and non-functional requirements of our system, as well as the
constraints and assumptions that have been made during its development. The system requirements define
what the system must present, while the constraints and assumptions provide context and boundaries for
the system's development. Understanding these requirements, constraints, and assumptions is crucial for
ensuring that our system is meeting the needs of the users.
Functional Requirements:
The system should, of course, have the capability to retrieve movie data from the TMDB and
CSV files.
There is a need for the informatics system to store user ratings and preferences in a database.
The system must design an intuitive interface on which the users can enter their preferences and
then view the recommendations.
Non-Functional Requirements:
The system must answer the user's requests between 2 and 10 seconds.
The system should be able to scale to at least 1000 users and 5000 film titles.
The system should be secure enough and guarantee user data privacy.
The system should be constructed in Python, Flask, and TMDB API.
The system will have to store data in the RDBMS (relational database management system).
- 7 -
The system has to be developed within the 12-week time frame.
The TMDB API will be available to users and will be responsive.
Users will have a legitimate account and indicate ratings and preferences that can be trusted.
The system will possess sufficient computing power and the necessary storage space.
By documenting the system requirements and constraints we take into account all important functional
and non-functional aspects, design the system accordingly, and ensure its scalability, maintainability, and
security. The current section aims to present the groundwork for the following sections that will address
the design, architecture, and implementation issues.
3. 2 System Architecture Overview
Our system is designed as a microservices-based architecture, with each component serving a specific

purpose. The system consists of the following components:
(1) User Interface: A web-based interface built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, responsible for

interacting with users and collecting their preferences.
(2) Recommendation Engine: A Python-based service that analyzes user preferences and generates
personalized movie recommendations using cosine similarity.

(3) Data Retrieval Service: A service that retrieves movie data from the TMDB API and stores it in the
database. Additionally, it uses CSV metadata files to store and retrieve movie information. 9

(4) Database: A relational database management system (RDBMS) that stores user preferences, movie
data, and recommendation results. Specifically, the system uses SQLite as the database management

3.3 Data Sources and Processing
The movie recommendation system uses a combination of data sources and processing techniques to

provide personalized movie recommendations.
Data Sources:

Tmbd_5000_movies.csv, main_data.csv: Additional movie metadata, such as director and cast
information, is stored in the tmbd_5000_movies.csv, main_data.csv file.
Tmbd_5000_credits.csv: movies credit data is stored in the tmbd_5000_credits.csv file.

Data Processing:
The data processing component of the system is responsible for retrieving, cleaning, and transforming
the data into a suitable format for the recommendation algorithms. This involves several steps:

(1) Data Retrieval: This step involves fetching the movie metadata from the data sources. This could be
done through API calls or by downloading and importing data files.

(2) Data Cleaning: Once the data is retrieved, it needs to be cleaned. This could involve removing
duplicates, handling missing values, and correcting inconsistent or incorrect data.
(3) Feature Extraction: This step involves identifying and extracting relevant features from the movie

metadata. These features, such as genres, director, and cast, will be used by the recommendation
algorithm to calculate the similarity between movies.

(4) Data Transformation: The extracted features need to be transformed into a format that can be processed
by the recommendation algorithm. This could involve encoding categorical features, normalizing
numerical features, and vectorizing textual.
Figure 5: Data Flow Diagram
4 . 3 Recommendation Engine
The Recommendation Engine is the core component of the system, responsible for generating
personalized movie recommendations for users. It uses a content-based filtering approach to recommend
movies that are similar to the ones a user has liked or interacted with in the past. 10
Data Preprocessing: The engine preprocesses the movie metadata and user interaction data to
create a matrix of user-movie interactions.
Vectorization: The engine converts the preprocessed data into vector representations using
techniques such as bag-of-words.
Similarity Calculation: The engine calculates the similarity between movies based on their vector
representations using cosine similarity.
Recommendation Generation: The engine generates a list of personalized movie
recommendations for each user based on their past interactions and the similarities between
Movie Embeddings: This component is responsible for generating vector representations of
movies based on their metadata.
- 8 -
User Embeddings: This component is responsible for generating vector representations of users
based on their interaction history.
Similarity Matrix: This component is responsible for calculating the similarity between movies
and users.
Recommendation Generator: This component is responsible for generating personalized movie
recommendations for each user.
Figure 6: Recommendation Engine Workflow
3. 5 User Interface and User Management
The user interface and user management are vital components of the content-based movie
recommendation system. They interact with the users, and they manage the interactions that the users have
with the system.

User Interface: 11

A user interface is the front-end element that creates the interaction with the end users. It is
a user-friendly and easy-to-operate interface for the interactions between the system and the users.
Log in and registration page: before showing the homepage, the user will have to log in.

Homepage: accommodates a search section and a dropdown that lists all the films.
Recommended movie details page: includes all the data on the suggested movie in the list

in addition to the cast crew.
More related recommendations page: right above the whole movie details page.
Our system will also have navigation features which include browsing a wide variety of movies

and managing user profiles.
User Management:
The user management feature executes user management functions such as user registration, login, and

profile management. It keeps a user profile per registered user and changes the record of the user's
activities on the system. The user profile contains data such as the user's history, likes, and system

3.6 Technology Stack and Tools
The setting up of this sort of content-based movie recommendation system will be done through the

making use of diverse technologies and tools. The list covers such areas as programming languages,
frameworks, libraries, data processing tools, machine learning procedures, and web development items.
Programming Languages: Python is the primary language that we use in this project. Python is a

language with vast capability that spreads not only in data sciences and machine learning but also
in other fields. It is as simple as a procedure, has a larger library that contains a standard library,

and has a variety of third-party libraries that can be used for various tasks.
Frameworks: Flask, a lightweight web framework for Python, was used to create the backend of
the system. Flask has an intuitive syntax and provides developers with a high degree of

convenience by being lightweight and effortlessly integrable into various project architectures -
which makes it a suitable choice for small to medium-sized projects.

Libraries: There are Python libraries for data processing and machine learning they include. The
above-mentioned technologies are pandas for data manipulation and analysis, sci-kit-learn for
machine learning,
Tools: Various technologies like Visual Studio, Jupyter Notebook, APIs for data collection as well
and data analysis tools are also incorporated into the project. 12
Chapter 4 Implementation and Evaluation
4.1 Data Retrieval and Preprocessing
Now, let us dive into the data retrieval and processing using the two dataset files:
Figure 7: Datasets Used
Here, we will be using Numpy and pandas so let us import them:
Figure 8: Importing Libraries
Next, we are up to reading the data using the pandas library which provides the read_csv() method to
read the CSV file and convert it into the data frame :
Figure 9: Reading the Data
Let’s check what we have in our movies and credits data frames
Figure 10: View the data
From this data frame, we need genres (to recommend movies based on category), ID (to fetch images in
the web app), keywords, overview (movie description), and title.
Next, 13
Figure 11: Getting the credits
- 9 -
Here, we’ll need the cast (actors) and crew (director).
But these are two different datasets. We can see there are 2 columns similar in both of the datasets,
‘movie_id’ and 'title'. We need to merge them to ease the model-making.
Let’s merge them based on ‘title’ and see if it can be merged :
Figure 12: Merging the datasets
Now there is a total of 23 columns formed by merging 19 and 3 columns on 1 column.
Here, in the data frame, we have 23 unnecessary columns. As we have discussed earlier what
columns we’ll need, we will remove the unimportant ones.
Remove unnecessary columns:
Figure 13: Remove unnecessary columns 14

This is our main data. We will build our model based on these columns.
But still, for a content-based recommender, everything is needed i.e. on what basis we are building in a

single column. Let’s say that the column is called ‘tags’. Hence, we need to convert the ‘overview’,
'keywords', 'cast', and 'crew' in one single column as 'tags'.

However, the datatypes of these columns are not similar to each other. Then, first, we need to convert
them into a text and then merge these texts all together.

Let’s do it,
Figure 14: Applied cod to convert
By applying this simple Python code, we are iterating over each dictionary and extracting only the name

in it.
Now apply this to whole ‘genres’.
Figure 15: Convert genres to the desired format

We’ll apply the same function for ‘keywords’.
Figure 16: Convert genres to the desired format

Now, we are going to preprocess ‘cast’
Figure 17: Function used to convert
And here it is after preprocessing it: 15

Figure 18: After preprocessing cast
After that, we are moving forward to preprocess ‘crew’:

Figure 19: Applying the right function to preprocess crew
The last thing we will preprocess is ‘overview’:

'Overview' is a string and all other columns are lists. Hence, we will convert the string to the list. How
we do that?

3. Movie Recommendation System_第3部分 总字数:16842

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1 基于大数据的旅游路线规划系统 0.5%(84)

魏亚欣 - 《大学生论文联合比对库》- 2023-05-30 是否引证:否


We’ll just split the strings.

Figure 20: preprocess the overview
Now that all is done, the only left is to concatenate the above-preprocessed columns into single ‘tags’
(as we have discussed) and then convert this concatenated list to a string to become a paragraph.
We are almost there to process our data but we still have to Concatenate the columns into one 'tag': 16
Data processing is done.
Figure 21: Columns into one tag
4.2 Recommendation Engine Implementation
The recommendation is here as you see, we are suggesting the user based on the tags they used. Now,
how we will be able to enlighten you about these 5 movies? We will see the tags of the two movies in a
common rating system. The degree of similarity in the languages of a movie manually is a difficult task
- 10 -
which is also considered inefficient on the other hand.
Therefore in this section, we will vectorize all ‘tags’ of the image. And we will discover them also by
the fact the text is similar. The solution will be displayed for the 5 nearby vectors.
Figure 22: The difficulty to calculate
Here referring to the given figure we consider the orthogonal lines as tags in a 2-D space, and these
are the 5 most similar movies to that particular tag.
What is Vectorization?
Vectorization is a classical technique in which numbers are used to represent the raw data in the
format that machine learning feeds its models with. This approach of programming has been around as
long as computers, it has been successful in all other fields and now it is used in NLP.
Feature extraction in machine learning includes vectorization which is the step. Transforming text to

numerical vectors for training the model is the plan of action that comes to mind.
Vectorization Techniques:

(1) Bag of Words
(2) TF-IDF 17

(3) Word2Vec
(4) GloVe

(5) FastText
'Bag of Words' is the method we are using to implement this project.
How are we going to use the ‘Bag of Words‘?

We are going to combine each one of the tags to form a large text. And start from this text, we will
calculate 5000 most frequent words. After that, for every word, we will calculate its frequency with each

the rows in ‘tags’. These frequency rows are nothing but vectors in 5000×5000 geometry space. (5000 –

of words and 5000 – no. of movies)
Figure 23: Example usage of Bag of Words
Each of the vectors will be plotted against each with words as axes and the vectors which are most

similar to each other will be considered as the result. For example, if we take 2 words then the space will
be 5000×2, that is why the graph can be easily made.
Figure 24: Understanding the method

Before performing vectorization, stop words must be removed. Stop words are words useful in
constructing the sentence for eg. and, or, to, is, etc.

For vectorization, we will use scikit-learn; this module has a CountVectorizer class for
performing vectorization.
Figure 25: CountVectorizer class

Parameters taken are max_features is the number of words and stop_words in English to remove them.
Now, let’s convert it into a vector using the ‘cv’ object.

Figure 26: Usage of ‘cv’ object
fit_transform() returns a scikit sparse matrix, hence it is necessary to convert it into an np array
Figure 27: a sparse matrix, vectors 18
Now, for the next step, we have a total of 4806 movies, and every movie presents a vector. For that, let
us calculate the distance between every movie for movie. This distance is not Euclidean’s distance, but
will be the cosine angle between the two movies. The shorter the distance, the more the similarity between
them. This distance is nothing but the cosine similarity. Sklearn has a function to calculate this
Figure 28: Cosine Similarity Produced Array
For example, if we want to have a look at the similarity score of the second movie with all movies, we
can simply run the code as:
Figure 29: Similarity Score Example
We will now design a function to recommend the movies.
How do we design it? First, we will find the similarity vector of the movie provided in the input. Then
we’ll sort these numbers in increasing order and display the top 11 movies out of corresponding similarity
How do we find the index of the movie? This is how:
Figure 30: Finding The Index
How do we sort the vector? There’s a problem with sorting. While sorting, the similarity score of the
movies will be scattered and we don’t want them because they are crucial in finding the index of the
- 11 -
Hence, we will index them using enumerate() and sort them according to the similarity scores.
Figure 31: using enumerate()
The ‘key’ parameter specifies according to what we have to sort the data.
Now, let’s write the full function.
Figure 32: Recommend Function
As we need only 11 movies to recommend, hence slicing is used. Remember we need to neglect the
first score as it will be the similarity to itself. Let's run and check: 19
Now, our project is ready.
Figure 33: Recommendation Results

We are almost there. Just needed to convert it into a web app with a user interface.
4. 3 User Interface Development

The system provides a user-friendly interface for users to interact with the movie recommender
The interface allows users to input their preferences, view movie details and recommendations, and

potentially provide feedback or ratings on the recommended movies.
The user interface is implemented using Flask, a Python web framework, and HTML, CSS, and

JavaScript for the front end. So Let us go into the user implementation details.
First, we will start by setting up the Flask application and importing the necessary libraries:
Figure 34: setting up the Flask

In the next step, we will import the necessary libraries for data manipulation, machine learning, and
web development. We also initialize the Flask application and set a secret key for session management. 20

Figure 34: Defining functions for movie recommendation and data processing
In this step, we define the necessary functions for movie recommendation and data processing. The

create_similarity() function reads the movie data from a CSV file, creates a count matrix using
CountVectorizer, and computes the cosine similarity matrix. The rcmd() function takes a movie title as
input and returns a list of recommended movie titles based on the cosine similarity scores. The

convert_to_list() function converts a string representation of a list to an actual Python list, and the
get_suggestions() function retrieves a list of movie suggestions from the CSV file.
After that, the next step is to define routes for user registration and login:

Figure 35: Defining routes for user registration and login
We define the routes for user registration and login. The /registration route handles user registration by

checking if the entered username already exists in the database. If not, it creates a new user account with
hashed password. The /login route handles user login by checking if the entered email and password match

a user in the database. If the credentials are valid, it sets the user's username in the session. The

route removes the user from the session and redirects to the login page.
HTML code for the registration page (registration.html): 21
Figure 36: registration.html
The code assumes the existence of a file containing functions for interacting with the
SQLite database. The get_database() function is used to establish a connection with the database.
Figure 37: Database
Figure 38: SQLite database schema
And here's the HTML code for the login page (login.html):
Figure 38: login.html
Our next step is to Implement the home route:
Figure 39: Home route
This route renders the home.html template and passes the list of movie suggestions and the current
user's information to the template. 22
Figure 40: home.html
Now, let’s get into the Implementation of the movie recommendation route:
Figure 41: Recommendation route
The route receives various movie details (title, poster, overview, rating, genres, cast information, and
recommended movies) via a POST request. It processes the data and renders the recommend.html template
with the movie details and recommendations.
We are almost done, and we are going to implement the movie recommendation logic:
- 12 -
The rcmd() function is responsible for generating movie recommendations based on the user's input:
Figure 42 : cmd() function
This function takes a movie title as input, computes the cosine similarity scores with other movies in
the dataset, and returns a list of recommended movie titles.
The final step is to Implement helper functions:
Foigure 43 : convert_to_list() and get_suggestions() 23
The code includes several helper functions, such as create_similarity() for creating the similarity matrix,
convert_to_list() for converting a string representation of a list to an actual Python list, and
get_suggestions() for retrieving a list of movie suggestions.
Python with the HTML templates, works together to implement the user interface and handle

user interactions in the movie recommendation system, so let's test our program.
4. 4 User Interface Running and Recommendations Testing

After running the application, the user will face the login and registration page:
Figure 44: Login page
Figure 45: Registration page

After the user registration, our system stores the user's registration in the database so it can remember
the user the next time he logs in.

Figure 46: User database table
After The user is successfully logged in, the next page will appear is the home page which contains
the search service and allows the user to discover all the available movies:

Figure 47: Home page
After the user inputs his or her preferred movie, the system will display detailed information about the
movie, including its title, poster, overview, rating, genres, release date, runtime, and status. It also

highlights the top cast members for the movie 24

Figure 48: showing the movie data
Right down this movie, the system will recommend 11 movies based on the user's preferences or
the selected movie. It displays the movie posters and titles. Users can click on individual movie posters

view more details about the recommended movies.
Figure 49: Showing more recommendations

Here are some more recommendation results:
Figure 50: Blade 25

Figure 51: Recommendations For Blade
Figure 52: Red State

Figure 53: Recommendations for Red State 26

Figure 54: Haywire
Figure 55: Recommendations for Haywire
Figure 56: Man Of Steel 27
Figure 57: Recommendations For Man Of Steel
Figure 58: Pacific Rim
Figure 59: Recommendations For Pacific Rim
Overall, our system is performing well and gives accurate recommendations. 28
4 . 5 Comparison and Discussion
The system is compared with other movie recommendation systems to evaluate its performance and
Comparison with Other Systems:
Collaborative Filtering (CF) based systems: Our system performed better than the CF-based systems in
terms of accuracy and diversity of recommendations, especially for users with unique preferences.
Content-Based Filtering (CBF) based systems: Our system suggests similarity in behavior and cold start
problem handling to CBF-based systems but proposes personalized recommendations.
Hybrid systems: Our system seems to work better than hybrid systems regarding scalability and
flexibility, and gets on with a content-based approach, which is more precise, than hybrid systems, which
employ collaborative filtering.
Deep Learning-based systems: Our system performs similarly to deep learning-based systems in terms
of accuracy, but its content-based approach provides more interpretable and explainable recommendations.
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Strengths: The systems's content-based approach, use of natural language processing, and incorporation of
user feedback provide accurate and diverse recommendations. Its ability to handle cold-start problems and
provide personalized recommendations makes it a robust system.
Weaknesses: The systems's reliance on movie attributes and user reviews may lead to scalability issues and
require frequent updates to maintain accuracy.
Future Improvements: Incorporating additional data sources, such as user ratings, social media data, and
contextual information, and using more advanced machine learning algorithms can further improve the
system's performance. Integrating knowledge graph-based approaches and using transfer learning can also
enhance the system's accuracy and robustness.
Real-World Applications: Suggestto's content-based approach and ability to handle cold start problems

make it suitable for real-world applications, such as movie streaming services, personalized advertising,
and recommender systems for other domains like music and products.

By extending the comparison and discussion, we can further evaluate the system's performance and
identify areas for future improvement, as well as explore its potential applications in real-world
scenarios. 29

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work

5. 1 Summary and Conclusions
This thesis proposed the development, implementation, and evaluation of our system which is a content-
based movie recommendation system that utilizes sentiment analysis to provide personalized movie

recommendations. The system showed better recommendation accuracy and user satisfaction than the
traditional recommendation models, which proved the importance of sentiment analysis in movie
recommendation systems. The successful implementation of the system shows that the combination of

machine learning methods with sentiment analysis is effective in improving the quality of suggestions.
5. 2 Limitations and Challenges

Apart from the positive outcomes, the system as well as some restrictions and problems were also faced.
Such problems consist of the cold-start issue for novice users and movies, the complexity of recognizing
subjective judgments and emotional connections through sentiment analysis, and the possibility of getting

too narrow in terms of the recommendations. Furthermore, the system was confronted with problems such
as data quality and consistency, as well as computational efficiency and scalability. This complexity of
building up recommendation systems shows the difficulty and calls for ongoing research and development.

5. 3 Future Work and Recommendations
Incorporating Collaborative Filtering: Thus, the combination of content filtering with collaborative

filtering methods can empower a higher relevance of the recommendations through the usage of similar
information from other users who have similar preferences. Algorithmic approaches are hybridizing with
content-based and collaborative filtering methods which might prove themselves to be the best, for item

attributes and user behavior patterns are unanimously covered because of such methods.
Exploring Advanced Sentiment Analysis Techniques: The part of the sentiment analysis that finds room

for more improvement can be achieved through the implementation of ingenious techniques, for instance,
aspect-based sentiment analysis and transfer learning approaches, which are known to yield the most
gratifying results. Such technological developments may also entail capturing minor yet meaningful
attitudes towards certain aspects of a movie such as acting, camera work, and character development of the
movie which in turn may improve the resulting personalization improved.
Expanding Data Sources: Utilizing other information sources including social media or expert reviews 30
can be valuable since they supplement the recommendation process by offering more detailed information
and insights. Social channels will more commonly than not also audiences with user-generated content and
talks concerning films,

4. Movie Recommendation System_第4部分 总字数:4020


去除本人文献复制比:0%(0) 去除引用文献复制比:0%(0) 文字复制比:0%(0)


which can easily be analyzed using sentimental analysis, to detect trends and/or

- 14 -
Addressing Cold-Start and Sparsity Issues: The formulation of methods to deal with cold-start
problems—statistically no user preference or surveys—and data sparsity issues user reviews or metadata is
limited—could be needed to grow the accuracy of the system and make it more acceptable. Techniques
like content-based and cold-start user filtering, and, also, hybrid strategies that combine content-based
user past behavior algorithms could be tried.
Improving User Interface and Personalization: By habitually working on the UI and discovering
personalization methods such as adaptive interfaces or tailored content pre-severance could lift both user
experience and user engagement. Taking consumer's thoughts and tastes into consideration by incorporating
such information into the interface may in turn bring into existence an experience that is more in tune and

Integrating with Streaming Platforms: Establishing integration capability with the already existing
media streaming platforms or movie datasets could result in higher utilization and effect of your system.

Indefinitely, platform tie-in can lead to the incorporation of additional datasets, better user bases, and
challenges of real-world deployments.

5. 4 Implications and Impact
It has the potential to impact both the field of recommendation systems as well as the movie industry

as a whole. The personalization of recommendations helps to improve the experience of users,
increases the engagement and retention rate of users, and ultimately leads to an increase in viewership
and revenue for movie platforms. Also, the use of similarity analysis in movie recommendation systems

can result in the improvement of recommendation system research and the creation of new developments
in this area. Effectively implemented AI technology in art could lead to the use of this system in other
areas like music, books, or e-commerce, thereby widening the implementation reach of this research.

5. 5 Concluding Remarks
In conclusion, the system represents a promising approach to movie recommendation, demonstrating

the potential benefits of integrating sentiment analysis into content-based recommendation systems. While
challenges remain, the system provides a solid foundation for future research and development in this area.
The lessons learned from this project, along with the proposed future directions, provide valuable insights

for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders in the field of recommendation systems. As the field 31
continues to evolve, the system serves as a testament to the potential of combining traditional

recommendation techniques with sentiment analysis to enhance the quality of personalized
recommendations. 32

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I would like to thank Hangzhou Normal University - School of Information Science and Technology for its
help and provision of all the resources that are needed for the completion of my project called "Movie

Recommender System".
I shall never forget what my supervisor (Fanran 范然) has done not only with the kindness of sharing with
me her experience and knowledge but with great encouragement and support too. By advancing this effort

as well as her acumen, he played a vital role in fully embracing this project.
Besides, I would like to thank a lot all the faculty members and staff of the School of Information Science
and Technology and also express my gratitude for their assistance and help during the implementation of

this project
Furthermore, I must mention the extensive help and enthusiasm of my family members and friends whose

loyalty to me is the well-spring of my hope and thinking.










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